Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

105. If You Don't Watch The Video, You Will Be Dumbfounded Now! The Total Attack Broke Out! (Pl

The lead that has already burnt to the end!

At this moment, the gunpowder is finally lit!

It exploded with a bang!

The World government has launched an attack in spite of everything!

And when it comes up, it is a horrifying lore attack!

A brilliant divine light burst down from the sky!

Thick and terrifying, diffuse destructive power zone!

This super-class terrifying beam of light carries many light beams as dense as the tide!

Covering the entire Dragon Kingdom with a devastating force!

This blow changed the expressions of countless people present!!

The mind is also stripped from the video in an instant!

"It's an Ancient Weapon!!"

"The World government is on the move!"

"Feel the Ancient Weapon up close! It's so scary!"

"Are they going to completely destroy the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Finally I can't bear it anymore! Hahaha!!"

Rocks let out a maniacal laugh!

"I don't want to be wiped out by the Dragon Kingdom! Guys who want to get rich overnight! Here's your chance!!"

People usually have two reactions to fear.

One is to kneel down and sing Conquer, and still be manipulated by him!

The other is to pick up the guy, face the fear, and completely destroy this thing beyond their common sense understanding!

And at this moment, almost all forces chose the latter!

When you personally feel the incomparable pressure of Ancient Weapon!

Their confidence seems to be back!

The main beam goes straight to where Gao Yang is!

Gao Yang is still sitting calmly, looking towards the direction of the sea!

It seems that he didn't see this terrifying attack!

Ulquiorra and Thor flew up instantly!

Attacking at the same time, that is enough to obliterate the super-intensive light beam of the top powerhouse!

An attack capable of destroying an entire country with one shot!

Was blasted in the air by two people at the same time!

Like a grand firework of war!

And other small beams! Falling on the shield!

Continuous explosions sounded the moment it touched the shield!

The entire Dragon Kingdom is shrouded in a sea of ​​"five zero sevens"!

But when the flames dissipated, not a single plant or tree in our country was destroyed!

All the intruders immediately showed a look of horror!!

"Block it!! The Dragon Kingdom blocked the Ancient Weapon attack!"

"How is it possible!? How could that kind of attack be blocked!"

"That is a three god-tier device that has been handed down since ancient times and is capable of changing the world pattern!"

"It's the Dragon Kingdom's double-super-class combat power that made the move!!"

"In front of the combat power of the double super class! Isn't even Ancient Weapon enough?!"

"Can we really defeat Dragon Kingdom?!"

"This is even better! If Ancient Weapon can hold back superclass combat power! The advantage is still on our side!!"

"That's right! We have millions of troops gathered here! There are countless first-class powerhouses! There are more top-level powerhouses than Dragon Kingdom!"

"Now is not the time to hesitate and be afraid! The Dragon Kingdom will not be destroyed! We will be destroyed!"


"Do you want to be destroyed by the Dragon Kingdom, or destroy the Dragon Kingdom! And have a good meal!"

"We have no choice! Take the Dragon Kingdom!!"

"Take the Dragon Kingdom!!"

In an instant, people's fear turned into action!

Under the call of some special ability!!

In an instant, countless troops flocked to the Dragon Kingdom like a tide!

They marched on the ice field!

All over the sky, artillery fire is also fired at Longguo!

The barrage formed by the shells is like a black plate!

The world has never seen such a terrifying scene!

Never seen so many guns fired at one place!

It is the firepower of Buster Call under the attack of these many forces!

It's just a little flame!

And this is a sea of ​​fire that can eat away everything!!

[Bakingom: This shield is not invincible, Kaido and aunt tested it before!! I was attacked by an Ancient Weapon just now, even if it is not broken, it won't last long! 】

【Kaido: Fuck!】

Those who failed, not only frequently became negative teaching materials!

At this moment, it has become a reference for others to attack the Dragon Kingdom!

Isn't this the cannon fodder of cannon fodder!

There are endless stretches all around, and there are millions of enemies!

"It's an unimaginable scene. Even in the blank history that has disappeared, I'm afraid there has never been a war of such an astonishing scale!! You stare at the other captains, and I stare at Gao Yang. It's a big news that can be passed on for generations. , I come! I witness!"

Morgans flapped his wings excitedly.

It doesn't matter what danger it is!

Breaking news! No! This is an important moment that will be engraved in history!

Any information is invaluable!

"It's not in vain that I come here in person! This is a frantic frenzy!! It's wonderful, it's really wonderful!

King Gao Yang! You are an amazing man! You can make the whole world go crazy!"

Festa, the organizer of the celebration, stands in the middle of the flames of war intoxicated at this moment!

Dancing like a madman, intoxicated!

What a blessing to die at such a feast!

Facing this scene of the sea of ​​people and the cannon fire raining like the end of the world!

The artillery fire of the Dragon Kingdom also rang! The entire island of the Dragon Kingdom is covered with countless artillery!

At this moment, countless people fell down in pieces!!

The entire Dragon Kingdom is now a steel fortress!

Take defense as offense and occupy the ground!

And all the forces have to do is to pry open this steel fortress!

Bring out the king inside!!

"Kill Gao Yang!!"

The World Government Army is at the forefront!

Gallop towards the direction guarded by Ace Kano!

Here the straight line leads to the palace, the shortest distance!!

Everyone wants it in the shortest possible time!

Get Gao Yang or kill Gao Yang!

No one wants to fight fiercely with so many strong men and such invincible legions in the Dragon Kingdom!

That makes them less confident!

But... they just need Gao Yang!

When Gao Yang falls, so will the wars of the Dragon Kingdom!

"Re-condensation attack!!"

Holy satan through some means of communication!

Get Ancient Weapon ready for the next blow!

But this kind of attack is not something that can be done just by saying it!

needs time!!

Satan took Arthur, Ares, Marshal Kong, Xilin Legion, and the world government elite!

And immature pacifists! Tyrant Bear leads!

Go ahead! It's not far!

It was because of this distance that I chose to let Aokiji freeze the entire sea!

The sea becomes land, and the firepower vehicles of Longku are so fierce that it is impossible to have them on every ten or twenty coastlines!

The frozen ships of the Dragon Kingdom are being bombarded with terrifying firepower at this moment!

But was brutally torn to pieces by the strong!

Because the world government has a lot of elites.

And the defense of Marine HQ!

Aokiji, Garp, Sengoku, and Kizaru open the front cover!

"Buddha Shock!"

Sengoku turned into a golden Buddha, and slapped it with one palm, releasing a terrifying golden light shock wave!

Blast the laser cannon from Longguo Island directly in front of your eyes!

"Fist Bone Meteor!" Garp shook his fist too!

Every punch is accompanied by a brutal punch.

Can hit a shock wave!

From time to time, Aokiji uses the ice wall to resist the super firepower of Dragon Kingdom!

Kizaru is to shoot some more threatening warships with precision!

After all, no matter what!

Marine's life, he is embarrassing!

I really want to be suppressed by the super firepower of the Dragon Kingdom all the time!

Casualties will be great!

At the same time Kizaru also found out!

His laser light shot into the warship of the Dragon Kingdom, and after the explosion occurred!

Countless soldiers in black armor jumped out of the flames!

"Long Kingdom is indeed the best in keeping the soldiers and soldiers!"

Kizaru couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Especially looking at the Marine around me, the elite of the World government fell in the firepower of the Dragon Kingdom!

This feeling of not being as good as the Dragon Kingdom became stronger and stronger!

On the bright side, the world government's eight top powerhouses!

The team composed of many first-class strongmen and powerful legions is the vanguard!

They rushed to the edge of the Dragon Kingdom with their firepower!

New Rocks Pirate when attacking the World government.

They also cut to Dragon Kingdom from the other direction!

The combat power is dominated by Rocks, Bullet, and Red Earl, three top powerhouses, as well as a number of super powerhouses who have fallen from the top powerhouses!

"We're not going to the Dragon King's Palace, we're going to the lab!!"

King Judge didn't lose his mind this time!

The main battlefield is not within their reach!

And he prefers the various technologies of Dragon Kingdom!

They have adequate instruments and equipment.

As long as you can get the relevant information!

They are fully capable of creating angel potions, artificial fruits!

"Yes!" Reiju and others covered their bodies with battle clothes.

Let countless clone soldiers stand at the forefront and quickly go to the Dragon Kingdom!

"We have to fight!" the loan shark king hesitated again and again!

Watch the World government and the Rocks Pirate go unchallenged!

Heartbroken, since Long Guo doesn't intend to let himself go!

Then the only thing to do is to kill the Dragon Kingdom!

He snuffed out the cigar in his hand and looked at the legion led by his own brother Lucas!

And two other underground kings, Sucre, the king of the mercenary world, and Eisenwell, the king of the bounty world!

They are all world famous top powerhouses!

Running a force that is almost as powerful as the Four Emperors.

They have known each other for many years, and now they form an alliance!

"Follow them forward!"

"Don't worry, our alliance is not weak!"

Su Kelei, who looks fierce and looks like Kaido, said lightly while drinking strong wine.

"You're not really afraid of a little girl coming to kill you, are you?"

"Even if they are really top powerhouses, in this case, they cannot protect Dragon Kingdom themselves! How could they have time to trouble you!" Eisenwell also laughed.

"If I had your strength, of course I wouldn't worry!"

"Isn't there still your brother?"

"If you are a strong person yourself, it is different from being a strong person with others!"

"Stop talking nonsense!! Don't hurry up, there will be no dregs left!"

"I know!" The loan shark king felt uneasy, but also excited!

He has been high-profile, not without reason.

His alliance is not weak!

It's just that as the top combat power of the previous Dragon Kingdom is increasing!

He is not a top powerhouse himself!

Still feeling terrified!

But now the World government is moving!

They are the prime targets for attracting firepower!

No one should come to make trouble for me!

"Qinghai is so scary?!" Enel rushed to the edge of the battlefield!

Just in time for the outbreak of war, this made him terrified!

"I don't know if the Dragon Kingdom can resist it, I'll follow behind and watch! If you can't, you'll have to find a way to get the Angel Potion yourself!" The ghost mother-in-law was holding a black umbrella with an old and frightening face!

Walk in the dense flames of war!

"Our Magnetic Drum Kingdom can't fall behind either!" Waldo laughed.

Many bounty hunters, pirate captains are

Thousands of people are rushing to the Dragon Kingdom!

It seems that the next moment will converge into an astonishing torrent to destroy the Dragon Kingdom!

Scenes like this attacking the Dragon Kingdom can be found everywhere at this moment...

Even the Red Hair Pirates don't stay put anymore!

"I'm going to have some fun!" Hawkeye walked forward carrying the black knife night!

No matter who it is! As long as you can be your opponent!

"Yasopp, good Rocks and usurers! If they get something good! We'll take it!"

The redhead said, World government is too strong to grab.

Those who are too weak, I'm afraid they won't gain anything!

Only the Rocks and the Sharks look good!

So the Red Hair Pirates hang at the end, slowly picture it!

The only top powerhouses who have not moved at this moment are Rayleigh Jabba and Whitebeard!

"Father, is it really okay if we don't help?" Marco worried.

Since they are all tied to the same chariot!

Naturally, he doesn't want to see the Dragon Kingdom divided up!

After the Dragon Kingdom is partitioned, it's time for the World Government to raise its arms!

These forces will tear their Whitebeard Pirates apart!

"He said before that there is no need to help, just wait and see..." Whitebeard mused.

"The most important thing is Gao Yang's safety! If Gao Yang dies, the Dragon Kingdom will collapse! If Gao Yang can persevere, with the strength of the Dragon Kingdom, he will be able to fight.

Attitudes change over time!" Rayleigh looked at the battlefield!

Subconsciously looking at the sky again, when only looking at the sky, Rayleigh suddenly showed surprise......

At this moment, the entire battlefield can be described as chaos, madness, and the ultimate doomsday disaster!!

Soon these forward forces ushered in the extremely terrifying counterattack of the Dragon Kingdom!

A group of fighter planes flew across the sky, and poured tons and tons of explosives at the dense crowd!

Countless people were drowned by the explosion!!

"Get out of the way!! It's the fighter jets from the Dragon Kingdom!!"

But it was too late, many pirates were blown to pieces!

"It's those polar devouring beasts!! Come on, form a defensive lineup and advance!"

"Where is the capable person, come here quickly!!!"

"Damn it, why is the firepower of the Dragon Kingdom so fierce! Isn't the coastline of the whole country being attacked? Shouldn't the firepower be dispersed! Ahh!!!"

"It's the King Beast! The King Beast has rushed out!!"

"This is not something we can deal with! Avoid it!"


The giant warship roars!

One shot directly cleared the intruders in an area!

As long as it is the one who can't dodge!

There is no top-level powerhouse to resist fire!

Basically gone!

This is an attack comparable to that of a general!!

"It's a giant soldier!! There are many black-armored soldiers supporting it!"

"Avoid them! Let's go to the island to grab some Angel Potion and run!!"

"That's right!! Angel potion will definitely fetch a high price!"

"Yes, and Devil Fruit!!"

"Isn't it good to grab the money directly!"

The invaders are fearful, excited, greedy, and know how to avoid danger, but they don't know that they are also walking on a more dangerous road!

The complexity of human nature is vividly reflected at this moment!

0.1 Gao Yang looked at the crazy battlefield with a deadpan face!

This is a battle to test the survival of the Dragon Kingdom!

Although Gao Yang has prepared a lot for this!

But once the war is fought, there is no 100% victory!

But with the firepower and soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom, as well as various equipment and extreme beasts!

It is not a problem to push any legion other than the top powerhouse!

The key lies in other top powerhouses and the Ancient Weapon of the World government!

Furthermore, even if you can win 100%, you must reduce your losses!

"Xiaowu, go find that Ancient Weapon, drop it!"


while the face is getting closer

The captains of the Dragon Kingdom also attack!

A figure wrapped in telekinetic power rose into the sky!

"Tornado?" Gao Yang was a little surprised that the tornado was so proactive!


Watch the tornado gnashing its teeth!

Gao Yang silently mourned for the loan shark king!

"Only the world is worthy to be my enemy!!"

Ace Kano, guarding the forefront, stood up, fearless!

The physique is strong again, and the muscle lines seem to be full of explosive power at this moment!

The magic power of the sun is completely boiling!!

An ax strikes Satan San! This is his unfinished prey!

Sengoku and the others are still ahead, Sengoku subconsciously blasts a golden light shock wave to resist!

But it can't be stopped! The shock wave is cut open by the terrorist force!

Unable to prevent it, the entire Golden Buddha was sent flying by an axe!

There's blood splatter!

【 Buggy: Damn! Watch the video! That Ace Kano can really compete with Ulquiorra!】

Sengoku who flew upside down can see this barrage when he looks up!

Nima!! Say it earlier!!

"Let you not watch the video, you will be dumbfounded!" Zhong Chong came to Dang Yang's side.

(Before, the video and reality were exchanged and written, but this time it was written together, so that you will not miss some details if you watch carefully! Please support!).

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