Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

109. The Divine Weapon That Shocks The World! ! Captain Unohana Retsu Returns! (Please Subscribe!)

Everyone was taken aback.

That terrifying momentum is simply a terrifying army that is about to sweep the battlefield!

Almost everyone thought that just now.

That must be no ordinary person!

It's an army pretending to be ordinary people!

But when these ordinary people proudly yelled the slogan with identity-!

Judging from his expression and released emotions.

Only then can I be sure that they may be real ordinary people!

It's just that they are somewhat out of tune with the current situation!

Everyone is in a crazy, hot battlefield!

In the end, you say, kill!! Laozi is an electrician, Laozi is a maintenance worker......

A sense of disobedience with a little sense of humor arises spontaneously!

It was supposed to be funny too!

But when seeing this group of people really rushing towards the entire battlefield without hesitation!

That kind of death is like home, and the passion that can give everything to one's own country!

But everyone was deeply moved by them!

At this moment, the more ordinary the identity, the more incompatible with the battlefield!

Reminding them all the time, this group of people is ordinary but extraordinary!!

A group of people who organized themselves to fight against the invaders.

And not one person, but thousands, hundreds of thousands...

They are all young adults in Longguo Island!

At this moment, it is rolling over the entire battlefield like a torrent!

"Don't be intimidated by them! They're just a bunch of normal people!"

A pirate captain meets people in this area.

It happened to be the first target of this group of ordinary people charging

Although I was also intimidated by this momentum!

But just heard what they had to say!

Also heard the question from Gao Yang!

This further confirms their status as ordinary people!

They are just relying on their so-called enthusiasm!

How could it be possible to block their progress!

As soon as he finished speaking, the person who claimed to be a senior electrician rushed over!

But, why are ordinary people running so fast and so brave?

Laozi is a pirate with a bounty of 80 million Baileys!

court death!!

"Discharge. Electrician advanced circuit cut!!"

Allen's knife has lightning flowing! The whole person suddenly turned into a flash of lightning!

Shoot straight and straight into the crowd.

Zizizi... The thunder and lightning are released instantly!

A whole group of enemies all around are linked together by lightning!

When Allen's slash was completed, those people still had currents surging!

Until the electricity burns, there are still surging thunder and lightning!

It's like the lightning strike he brought up.

Just linked together to form a perpetual motion machine loop!

"You seem to look down on our electricians a bit! Do you know that when there is a power outage in a major experiment, it is our electrician class who continue to work hard to maintain the power operation of the entire laboratory!"

Allen lit a cigarette!

Looking at the lumps of coke on the ground, he spit out a circle of funeral smoke disapprovingly!

"Electromagnetic gun!" A maintenance worker, condensing countless weapons on the battlefield!

Then condense into the shape of a gun barrel!

An electromagnetic gun is fired from the barrel immediately!

There was a loud bang, and countless people were immediately blown away and torn into pieces!

"Death Rock!! Aww!!"

A non-mainstream person opens his mouth!

The whole body becomes a variety of musical instruments! The voice sounds!

Then a dozen or so invisible explosions! Exploded among the enemy group!!

"Uncle Ben is the number one rock and roll prince of migrant workers!!"




【Buggy: Damn it!! Is this Ma De an ordinary person?! This is definitely some kind of terrorist army!】

【Venus: The electrician is a Thunder Fruit capable person?!】

【Kaido: Can anyone tell me, is this a worker, or an army of elite ability users?】

【Aunt: There were many such ability users among the black-armored soldiers before! But it didn’t give people such a crazy feeling before!】

【Zephyr: No matter how powerful the soldiers are, we can understand them, but if these are ordinary people, then they are so powerful, and the feeling is completely different!】

【Whitebeard: Many workers did eat Logia before! But from the point of view of development, they are only used for construction! And although Logia fruits can also be man-made, it seems that there are not many of them, and it is estimated that the materials are not easy to get together! 】

Logia ability users are actually not particularly rare among top powerhouses.

Many strong people reached the peak, not simply by ability!

Otherwise, Marco is a phantom beast rarer than Logia!

Didn't he already become a top powerhouse?

In many cases, it is the capable person who makes Devil Fruit!

Like the Logia gas that Guy sprinkles, and the Snow-snow Fruit that Monet has, these are all nice abilities!

But so is the real power!

【Gao Yang: The engineering brigades still have this kind of fighting power?】

Gao Yang's barrage made the whole world quiet in an instant!

Fuck! As a king, don't you know that you have such a terrifying team?

Is it true or not!? You can’t pretend you don’t know!

It can be associated with Gao Yang's personality.

Thinking that he is not such an exaggerated person, Tuan was speechless for a while!

To be honest, Gao Yang was also a little surprised!

The main reason is that there are quite a few powerful legions under his command that can fight!

Whether it is black armor, white armor, extreme beast, Menos Grande, huge battleship, giant soldier, undead army...

These are world-class legions that can be combined to fight against top powerhouses!

Dragon Kingdom is not short of combat troops!

Therefore, in order to build Gao Yang,

I am willing to let many people other than soldiers become Logia-capable users!

This group of people has only one task, which is to engage in construction!

There are even a lot of basic knowledge cram courses!

Never deliberately exercise their fighting ability!

Because of professional matters, there is a professional army of capable people!

I never expected that their combat power displayed at this moment would be so impressive!

The main thing is that I have never practiced before!

I didn't expect them to be able to transform themselves into good fighters.

This is not to blame Gao Yang for ignoring it!

This is equivalent to a rich person who is unlikely to remember the denomination size of every banknote in his pocket!

I didn’t realize until I used it, oh, so I have money of this denomination!

It is also the same as the government decree mentioned casually before, which created more than 20 million militias.

Not everything, Gao Yang remembers.

But in a real sense!

These people are no better than black armored soldiers!

It's just that there are so many people at this moment, and the momentum is amazing!

Wearing the aura of ordinary people again!

That's why they overwhelmed the limelight of the regular army at this moment!

It seems to have seen Gao Yang's doubts.

Robin said with a smile: "They cherish their current life far more than you imagined. Many people were not bad in their own strength before they fled and came to the Dragon Kingdom, but they were tired of fighting!

But if they want to maintain this kind of life, they also know that they need strength, and many people will think about how to develop their abilities to be able to fight when they are not working! I mentioned it to you before, but you don’t seem to care much about it!”

Of course Gao Yang didn't take it to heart!

After all, the legion he trained is so powerful!

Can fight against the emperor!

I really don’t take ordinary NGOs very seriously!

I didn't expect to give myself a big surprise now!

"The power of the people should never be underestimated!" Gao Yangkang said.

Sometimes momentum even wins over strength.

At this moment, many people will be terrified!

"They fought for you!!" Robin smiled.

There's still half a word she didn't say!

Willing to die for you too!!

With you, the group has them!

They are working on it because of you! Hope to be able to help one day!

Their loyalty and love for this country is as strong as that of any soldier!

"I ordered the black-armored soldiers to take care of them more, they don't have angel potions on them...

"Well, I have the medical team prepare it, and it can be sent to the battlefield at any time!"

Allen led people, and everyone was murderous!

They gathered here, exuding a terrifying sense of oppression!

This is a group of lunatics who are more desperate than anyone else!

And they really aren't weak!

Very few of them even have the level of first-class powerhouses!

Like Allen!!

They screamed and rushed into the entire battlefield!

It scared many uninformed people to think that the Dragon Kingdom sent some trump card army!

They all scattered in fright!

For a moment, this team seemed to be an invincible existence!

Many people can't figure out the situation, but they are all frightened by their attitude!

"Damn it!! Laozi's daughter is going to be in senior class this year, you want to destroy the Dragon Kingdom, have you asked Laozi about his knife!"

A middle-aged man hit each other with a knife, fighting desperately!

"At the beginning, I went from the east of the city to the west of the city! It took me three days and three nights to kill all the nobles! It was hard to find a place where I could live without being bullied, but you wanted this destroyed?!

There are so many people, three days and three nights can't finish killing, Laozi will spend three months, three years!"

"Are they crazy!?!"

"Made! Where did these lunatics come from in the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Rewind quickly! Avoid them and enter Dragon Kingdom from another place!"

"No, there are a lot of people, there are these crazy guys everywhere!"

"Fuck! Are these really those civilians who are usually slaughtered?! Why does it feel like a ghost!"

The entire battlefield was in chaos in an instant!

The fear of the enemy is spreading rapidly!

Some are obviously not weak!

At this moment, I was frightened by a group of ordinary people!

Many people looked at this scene and were dumbfounded!

Ordinary people in the Dragon Kingdom are so fierce!

Enel on the edge of the battlefield looked down at the lightning that danced at his fingertips!

Is it not just me who has the ability to thunder?

Is he strong? He doesn't know yet!

But the use seems to be more refined and perfect than myself!

A circuit of lightning? Can it produce longer lasting damage?

Is he a thunderbolt user! Or is he himself!

"This Devil Fruit can still be used like this? What I developed is not as good as an ordinary worker in the Dragon Kingdom?"

Kid also looked down at his palm suspiciously.

"His power is several times that of mine! Mass explosion! How did you research it?"

Apu also looked skeptical about life!

"It's such a terrifying aura!! The people of Long Kingdom are really not easy to provoke! To be honest, I don't really want to fight with you!"

Kizaru slowly looked at the person in front of him who happened to rush in front of him!

0…ask for flowers……

It's Alan, a senior electrician from Longguo!

Think about this career!

Kizaru's heart was extremely complicated! A very common job in Dragon Country!

He has seen it in the era of great construction of electric power civilization, and remembered it!

"I've met everything I've encountered! It's impossible for us to retreat! Discharge!"

Allen cares

What Marine Admiral!

They were all intruders, and when they raised their hands, they shot out an astonishing bolt of lightning!

Easily dodged by Kizaru.

"Alan, let me help you!"

"No, this is a Marine Admiral after all! I'm here to entangle him! Laozi has never thought of surviving since he went to the battlefield! If he can drag a Marine Admiral on the road, it will be a big profit!"

"Let's go together, the chance is better!"

"You still have a wife and children to take care of! Laozi is alone!"

"I have already agreed with my mother-in-law. If the king dies and the Dragon Kingdom is destroyed, there is nothing in this world worth cherishing. Just go with the king when the time comes!"

Kizaru who has just pulled out the Amacongun sword and is about to strike!

Listening to the words of the two, the hands suddenly stopped!

After silently sighing, he chose passive defense!

【Zephyr: Dragon Kingdom, maybe it will never be conquered!】

Look at those ordinary people like dead men!

Have the courage to face death as home!

With a madness that is the enemy of the whole world...

The blood in Zephyr's heart seems to be ignited at this moment!

This is an ordinary person!

It is even stronger than the shock brought to them by the soldiers!

So even though the situation in Dragon Kingdom is still not very good!

Zephyr still gave such an evaluation!

The Five Elders Im of the Holy Land look very ugly!

If these people cannot be used by themselves after Gao Yang's death!

Then nothing but destruction! Fools!

Sengoku Garp and Marine have mixed feelings!

"Never thought that one day we would be enemies of the people!"

Garp and Sengoku lead the charge forward!

After Garp collides with Grimmjow for a punch!

The two fell back together and landed beside Sengoku.

Garp looks lonely, even if he wants to shake his fist, it seems that Ping becomes heavy

"Don't worry about those things, when you are fighting, you should enjoy it to the fullest!"

Grimmjow is dissatisfied!

"Long Kingdom seems to be completely crazy! But fortunately, it didn't affect our area!"

Naturally, Rocks and others also noticed the huge commotion on the battlefield!

Meanwhile the Rocks are fighting off Thor's onslaught more and more!

One who didn't pay attention was kicked by Thor and flew away!

A few bones broke immediately, and blood flew up!

Rocks looks heavy!

But he still looked in the direction of Longguo.

Did I guess wrong? Didn't the World government send someone to assassinate Gao Yang?

This is impossible!! How could the urine nature of the World government change?

If there is no chaos at Gao Yang, I used to be a pioneer! Not appropriate!

And this Dragon Maid is too fierce!

She keeps on storming like this!

I can't bear it for how long!

"We're coming in! Sure enough, there are no strong people in the Dragon Kingdom, so let's go straight to Gao Yang!"

Su Kelei and Eisenwell led people to kill near the capital!

There are some extreme beasts on the road!

With their joint strength, these can't stop them!

"You guys hold on to the two captains later. With your strength, it will definitely be no problem to hold off for a few minutes! And we only need one second! After you succeed, you immediately launch

Ability, take us out of here!"

Su Kelei arranged.

"Understood!" Many subordinates nodded, their faces filled with excitement!

It's just that they didn't notice where they were in the sky!

At this moment, a huge magic circle gradually emerged...

"At this distance, even if you are a super-class fighter, don't even think about going back in an instant. Do you think you are holding us back? No! We are holding you back!! Idiot!!"

Sa Tansheng felt that the time was almost up, and then he showed a sinister smile!

"Oh!" Ace Kano didn't take it seriously, he didn't even look anxious!

This made Sa Tansheng and Marshal Kong suddenly feel uneasy...

"It's really lively, little guy, don't be so exaggerated and indiscriminate, those are soldiers from our Dragon Kingdom!"

On the edge of the battlefield, a kind and gentle [big sister with squinted eyes suddenly appeared behind Enel and the others and said!

"Master Enel, you are the last captain of Dragon Kingdom who never appeared before!"

A priest has been keeping an eye on the sky!

"Speaking of which, what are you here for?"

"Nonsense, of course it is to raise more resources for the great expedition, such as Angel Potion, which is equivalent to an extra life!" said the fat priest.

"It's not good to steal other people's things."

【Luo: Master Gao Yang, be careful behind your back, there are killers!!】

Luo who has been worrying about Gao Yang's safety and watching Gao Yang all the time!

Suddenly a barrage!

Behind Gao Yang, silently several figures emerged from the air!

Kill Gao Yang like lightning!

Gao Yang didn't respond!

In the eyes of ordinary people, he seems to have failed to react!

"They're coming! It's time for the world to experience the horrors of the Dragon Kingdom!"

Gao Yang was talking to himself lightly.

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