Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

127. The Strong People All Over The World Show Their Aunt Smiles, Study Hard, And Make Progress Ever

And the truth answers Buggy's words!

"In the first half of the class, everyone should adapt to their own abilities first, and I will watch over you."

After Boss Bai came, he didn't give a lecture immediately, but gave half a class of free activities!

Let them use their abilities as they please.

She acts as a security guard.

Although they are very talented.

But most of them are really young.

Once the power is not well controlled, it will cause disaster!

After all, many people have mastered Logia, Phantom Beast and other natural disaster abilities!

After obtaining the permission of Boss Bai

The atmosphere in the class suddenly became active!

Then everyone was surprised to see the mouths and hands of each classmate!

Some even have flames, lightning, ice, flashes and many other elements emerging from the belly!

Some turned into little blue dragons, swimming around in the spacious classrooms!

A classmate condenses a light mirror, and the whole person turns into a beam of light, refracting back and forth in the classroom!

Then it landed on Qinglong: "Ah Hao, hurry up, drive!"

Everyone was stunned!

【Kizaru: My principle of light refraction, will a child know it too?!】

【Kaido: Is this the school that humans should have? Are you sure it's not the school for the children of gods in heaven?】

【Enel: There is no such terrible school in the kingdom of heaven. I have seen three people with the ability of light, sound and thunder!】

【Huihui: In the era when electricity first started, many people hoped to become an excellent electrician!】

【Whitebeard: This is a group of monsters!】


There was a bird cry, and the phoenix bathed in blue flames suddenly lost control.

He bumped into other students and was stopped by Boss Bai!

"Don't be afraid, keep your peace of mind, so you don't get out of control!"

Boss Bai stroked her head and smiled softly.

In the presence of the children, her indifference dissipated.

"Yeah, I'll try again..." The child replied in a childish voice!

【Sanji: Ah!! My goddess!! Patient, kind and gentle...】

【Momousagi: It’s so dazzling, like a real angel! Boss Bai, sometimes there’s no need to hang yourself on a tree, gender is too rigid!】

【茶陶: Momousagi Vice Admiral!! Is this why you have been unwilling to accept my confession?!】

【Momousagi: No, I rejected you, just because you are too ugly!】

【Tea Pig: Impossible, it must be the first reason just now!】

This second reason is even more troubling!

A cute, chubby little girl!

That is, Kanna's deskmate, first turned his back to Kanna, and then turned around suddenly.

The head instantly turned into a cute little green dragon head!

Hands waving and grimacing (dragon face!)

Looking at leaning back, it seems that Kanna has been frightened!

The little girl giggled with joy!

"Hahaha, Kanna sauce, thank you for being the captain of the dragon country, you are so timid, you were scared by me, I am also a dragon now, look at my evil dragon roaring!"

"Well, I was scared." Kanna responded cutely.

Still looking at the biology introduction in the textbook.

"What is the taste of this giant Sea Kings called sting, crunchy or hard?"

Kanna is so far away that other people are in class, they are learning things seriously!

She is studying too, but not all of them!

"Kanna-chan, Kanna-chan, you're about to become a dragon too! Let's scream at each other!"


Kanna refused at first.

But I can't stand the soft and hard foam at the same table.

Finally, the dragon's head was exposed, and it screamed, and it also condensed energy light cannons!

"Ah! Kanna-chan, you are so amazing! Look at my hot breath! What? Are you amazing?"

The same table spewed out a thumb-sized flame, which was well controlled and did not burn anything!

Immediately showed a proud look, waiting for Kanna's praise!


"It's amazing, hehe... the tablemate is satisfied and repeats the reading!

Watching this scene, Sengoku, Garp, Whitebeard, Kizaru and others couldn't help but smile!

The warmth in front of you, the innocence and innocence of children can always heal the vicissitudes of life!

【Hancock: It’s so cute! Damn it!! This is cheating my concubine to have a baby. In fact, if you really want to have a baby, it’s not impossible, as long as it’s with...

【Tashigi: Smoker-san, you look so wretched when you smile!】

【Smoker: Nonsense, look at Kizaru, then look at me, who do you think is more wretched!】

Kizaru's smile froze.

【Kizaru: First of all, I didn't mess with any of you...Secondly, look at Vice Admiral Garp, isn't he smiling more like a fool!】


【Aokiji: It does look a bit like that, but unfortunately Sengoku-san is not here. I have the impression that there is no temper tantrum in the war: I don’t know if I am smiling now...

Sengoku of the Holy Land saw this barrage!

His expression froze, and then he looked up at the reflection in the glass window!

"Is this me?" Sengoku had forgotten how long it had been since he smiled from the bottom of his heart!

[Jin Xing: Hmph! Boring! Even if they are all Logia and phantom beasts, it doesn’t mean they can become top powerhouses in the future. I think it would be good if many people can become top powerhouses! And there doesn’t seem to be anything useful to teach !】

【Whitebeard: At this time, why are you saying these things? It’s hard to understand that your World government doesn’t have a human heart? You really deserve to die!】

【Bonney: Damn it!】

【Luo: Damn it!】

【Garp: Damn it!】

【Kizaru: Damn it!】

【Aunt: Damn it!!】......

Apparently the aunt has entered into a maternal love overflowing posture!

In an instant, the sky screen was swiped!

Jin Xing seemed to see countless fists coming towards him!

Holy Land Jin Xing was taken aback for a moment, and even Kizaru, who has been fishing in troubled waters all year round, was taken aback.

Everyone publicly hates themselves!

Didn't I just say something relatively objective?

Didn't discredit anyone either!

How could it cause public outrage! It's really inexplicable!

"Master Im, what's going on?"

Gold Star really doesn't understand!

"Humans have extraordinary feelings for children, it should be like this...

Im not so sure either.

After half the class is over.

Boss Bai clapped his palms to attract the children's attention and said.

"Everyone is almost done playing, now we are officially in class..."

Boss Bai's courses are not complicated!

Most of them are common sense, basic arithmetic and other questions!

Only the last class in the morning is particularly eye-catching.

The ability to use Logia and Eudemons.

It is full of records of basic scientific common sense and basic physical phenomena of this world!

"A single natural element can derive a variety of material forms under certain conditions..."

"Teacher, I know this, just like ice can turn into water, water can evaporate into fog, fog can condense into frost, and as long as the environmental conditions are met, it can also make snowflakes...

【Aokiji: This...】

It's not that Aokiji doesn't know this!

But he spent a lot of time in the beginning!

After reading many books, I studied these derivative forms!

He vaguely felt that he should start researching from this aspect.

Frozen Fruit can develop more things.

But I went through all the materials in the library of the Marine headquarters.

But I can't find more and more in-depth knowledge......

Even if I searched for some information about Frozen Fruit capable users in the past, I couldn't get more useful things!

The development of Frozen Fruit in this direction has no choice but to stop!

At first Sengoku, Vegapunk listened, only thought that Longguo had a good understanding of the basic physics of this world!

But as Boss Bai put forward several elemental laws that are fundamental but do not exist in this world!

And can prove it right on the spot!!

Sea-savvy folks like Vegapunk and Sengoku get excited right away!

[Sengoku: The so-called basic scientific common sense in the Dragon Kingdom actually covers such a comprehensive!? How is this possible!? Even Ohara, once known as the holy land of omniscience! Has not studied such a comprehensive natural phenomenon law and Variety!】

[Vegapunk: Although it is not very profound knowledge, it has not been proven before. This is brand new knowledge in this field!

The so-called basic knowledge of Longguo is definitely a masterpiece!!

Putting it in the entire scientific world, it will definitely cause a huge sensation! No wonder your dragon country can develop so quickly. It turns out that you have already figured out many physical laws and chemical changes in the sea. It’s really incredible?!]

Many pirates and marines are uneducated!

Even if there is, it is very limited!

But look how excited Sengoku and Vegapunk are!

They vaguely know it's important!

Just don't know why it matters!

At this moment, they remembered how helpless they were when they were bullied by a school bully!

Don't dare to answer! Don't dare to ask!

Just watch silently!

But there are always warriors who ask questions!

【 Buggy: Is this amazing? Isn’t it all told to children? I just heard my head itch, and I feel like I’m about to learn it. It’s not that difficult!】

Looking at Buggy's ignorant look.

Vegapunk almost exploded all of a sudden!

[Vegapunk: You are a pirate, you know what a fart! The more common sense something is, as long as it can be proven true or false, under this basic common sense, all other intermediate and advanced theories can hold water! It is useless to tell you too much ! Simply put, the more common sense, the simpler things are, the more remarkable! So do you understand?]

【Buggy: That's it!】

【Red Hair: Do you understand?】

【 Buggy: bastard redhead, what do you mean, Dr. Vegapunk said it so simple, how could I not understand, it's like water being boiled "It's all the same! This is simple! This is amazing....

【Red hair:……………】

【Vegapunk; Your Excellency Gao Yang, this thing must not be destroyed, it must be preserved! This is the gospel of the entire sea and mankind, and it can help us understand this world better!】

【Hui Hui: Of course, it was researched by Sister Bai and many scientists together!】

【Whitebeard: I don’t understand, but it feels amazing!】

【Buggy: It is indeed the sacred place that I Buggy longs for! East Blue, I am back again!!】

[Red Hair: The Dragon Kingdom is the cornerstone of the future evolution of scientific civilization!]

【Silver Ax: Shit! Can you say something that an illiterate can understand?!】

It's not that he doesn't read much, he has never read a book!

"Damn it, did they really get the civilization left by the D royal family [even the big secret treasure!"

Im looking ugly!

A once-thriving scientific civilization has created weapons that threaten their very existence!

So after they take charge of the house!

It took decades to erase the traces left by high civilization and science on the sea!

Since more than 800 years, scientific civilization is going backwards!

wait until they are thinking

When using science.

Only then did I realize that it was almost destroyed by myself, and I couldn't even make many basic things!

Fortunately, a Vegapunk appeared in this era!

But now Vegapunk has been kidnapped by Dragon Kingdom too!

Damn Dragon Kingdom, damn Gao Yang!

The highest prison in the Dragon Kingdom!

"Smoker...can you get me a pen and paper?"

Aokiji looked at Smoker and said.

"What do you want?" Smoker asked puzzled.

"Learn." Aokiji felt that these so-called basic knowledge were very useful to him!

Maybe after mastering this knowledge yourself!

Can develop Frozen Fruit to a higher level!

In the future, there may be hope to break through to super-class combat power!

Tashigi next to him widened his eyes!

You, a Marine Admiral, want to learn the lessons of other elementary school students?!

This is too outrageous, because the Arabian Nights!

"Get me a pen and paper too!" Kizaru begged too.

"What's the point of memorizing these, fists are enough!" Garp puzzled.

"Garp-san, not everyone is as talented as you!"

"They're all locked in, what's the use of learning this?" Kibson said dejectedly!

“Learning is impossible to learn!” Garp asserts

"That's why we can't communicate well." Long said angrily.

"You can also communicate with your fists. This is enough for a real man. This is a method passed down from our ancestors!"

"Ancestral fart!"

"Bastard Nie Zi! What are you talking about! Smoker, open the building, I will beat this Nie Zi to death!"

Smoker: "...

"I'll help you to ask." Smoker said to Aokiji and Kizaru!

【Aokiji: Boss Bai, is it possible to complete the transformation of ice and frost and snow in an instant? What kind of climate does the cold current affect and can create a blizzard?!】

【Kaido: Damn it!】

【Silver Ax: Damn it!】

【Aunt: Damn!】

【Roger: Marine Admiral is actually studying!】

【Buggy: Isn’t this a lesson for elementary school students? It seems that your culture is not very good! I thought I was the only one who couldn’t learn well!】

【Ochoku: I can't even learn it if I'm killed!】

But when it came to the afternoon class, Ochoku wanted to slap himself!

Afternoon is outdoor class!

Boss Bai took the students to the forest with beautiful environment.

There are small wooden houses, various recreational facilities, and small pavilions that Vivi has seen before! (Zhao Dehao)

There are also various pots and pans!

The students had a great time on various amusement facilities in the forest!

With what a perfect childhood should look like!

The sound of laughing and laughing in the forest is extraordinarily healing!

But sometimes there are scenes!

The strong man can't help but twitch his mouth!

"Ha baa baa!" Kanna launched a wave of light with both hands!

Swept away by the little girl of Qinglong with a raptor wagging her tail!

"Wow!! Kanna sauce, your move is so imposing! What's it called!"

"Kame Pai Qigong! Named by Master Gao Yang!"

"It's so cool! Can I also put the heat between my hands and launch like this?"

"You can try."

【Kong: They actually treated this as a game. At the beginning, this little girl almost sent me away! Of course it is not the power in the video!】

【Luo: The play of gods! The natural disaster of mortals!!】

【Beibo: The captain is really good!】

After playing for a while, everyone had fun!

The teachers and students cooperated with each other to cook, and the students spontaneously sang the songs of Longguo!

There are songs about teacher-student friendship, songs praising the motherland and soldiers...  

Their immature, but clear, ethereal voices echoed in the forest.

That hopeful, cheerful, sunny little face...

The sound of laughter is like the sound of nature!!

The best of everything in the world!

Maybe it's just that!!

For a while, countless strong people were drunk!

This scene is picturesque, like spring rain washing away every dark heart full of hatred!

At this moment, there is only one thought in their minds: Longguo has hope! There is a future!!

【Kizaru: Why didn't I have such a happy childhood......】

【Akainu: Perhaps, it's just because we were not born in Dragon Country!】

【Kizaru: Is it too late to join now?】

【Buggy: I just want to be a Dragon Country person in this life!】

【Garp: Maybe this is the life the world should have! Xin】

【Aokiji: It seems that there are other classes nearby. Isn’t this kind of life a unique treatment for genius classes?】

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