Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

129. The World Is Numb! Haki Wakes Up! Ten Overlords! Develop A Truly Great Will! (Please Subscribe!

Haki!! Sure enough, it can be learned systematically!

And the instructor is currently the only king-level force in the world!

Dragon Kingdom King Gao Yang!!

How can this not be exciting?

Even the top players who are already Grandmaster Haki don't want to miss this moment!

What if they get something too?

And those new-generations who don't know Haki yet.

Such as Kid, Hawkins, Luo et al.

My heart is even hotter now!

They have already seen the power of Haki in the previous video!

But before the eyes are hot, but I don’t know where to learn from!

And now Gao Yang wants to teach!

And it still seems to be in the most basic awakening stage!

It may be that the Haki class has just been established in the video.

It could also be the arrival of a new batch of students!

Everyone's spirits were immediately concentrated to the highest level!

After all, Haki has been learned.

It is more useful than normal Devil Fruit.

The classroom is spacious, and there are many people, hundreds of them!

This is no ordinary classroom lecture!

It is the screening awakening scene of the Haki class!

【Kaido: Many people look very ordinary! There is no way these people can all master Haki!】

【Aunt: It seems that the natural monster class is indeed the strongest class!】

【Whitebeard: That class is too strong, and the talent is also very good. In a few years, I will start to learn Haki, Taishu, etc., and my future achievements will be immeasurable!】

"Haki is based on the control of spiritual will power, among which Conqueror's Haki and Observation Haki, the spiritual influence is particularly obvious, and the world thinks that Armament Haki is necessarily related to the strength of the body, and a good carrier can carry powerful power, but in fact there are A misunderstanding...."

"That is, if we can control our spiritual power well, our spiritual power can feed back our physical body! Next, I will teach you a set of Haki Awakening Method newly researched by the Academy of Sciences!"

"Meditate in a virtual dream, deeply perceive the existence of spiritual power..."

Gao Yang's unhurried voice sounded!

Since the population of the country is less than one million!

And in a state of semi-lockdown!

It is not to say that there are endless affairs every day.

The same goes for the other captains!

This is how to become a principal and a teacher!

high fall!

In front of each student, the ground cracked, and a humanoid pod emerged from the ground vertically!

At the same time, hundreds of sub-screens were projected on the walls of the classroom!

There is no picture on the screen for the time being!

【Buggy: What is this? Can you have these things in regular school?】

【Hawkins: How is it possible? I have never seen this thing! What is it for?】

【Kid: Is it necessary to use these tools to awaken Haki?】

[ Sengoku: Another product that has never been seen before. Although we have seen all the high-end combat power of Dragon Kingdom before, in fact, our understanding of Dragon Kingdom is still not thorough! 】

【Garp: Saying Dragon Kingdom is a kingdom, I feel more like a brand new civilization!】

【Aokiji: This should be something like a virtual battle mentioned by the previous students! I just don’t know how to use it?】

Even Marine Admiral, but face this first time seeing something!

It is also the same as the reaction of ordinary people.

[Vegapunk: The shape of this tool, combined with what Gao Yang said before, if I guessed correctly, it should be for people to lie down [Hypnosis has a deep meaning of entering people!

I didn’t expect Dragon Kingdom to have such a tool! This concept, I just imagined it before, and I didn’t have enough manpower to realize it! I never thought it could be used in the awakening of Haki!]

【York (desire clone): You are too greedy, you want to achieve everything, there are six of us, you are not satisfied!】

【Atlas (violent clone): It is not right for you to say this. Aren't many ideas born based on you?】

【Huihui: Is this me talking to myself? Zha Yang, look, there are mental patients!】


What happens in the video is not much different from what Vegapunk said.

Every student enters the virtual pod!

The sleep aid gas is released, and everyone falls into a dream soon!

After that, a corresponding picture appeared on each screen!

It's not a battle scene, but it's submitted by each student!

Make them feel at ease!

On stormy days, there is a solitary existence, that is, a brightly lit district house!

In front of the window of the house, the student was staring at the storm outside the window in a daze!

Feel the warmth and dryness in the room!

She enjoys this kind of scene, it makes her feel very safe!

Her heart also calmed down!

And some students are huddled in the cave on the same rainy day!

There are fires crackling and burning, but as long as there are no pirates!

For him, it was perfect!

Some like to read quietly under the shade of trees in sunny weather!

Some like to stay under the sea for a long time, shielding all disturbances from the outside world!

Some like to sit on the chairs in the street and watch the bustling crowd...

Everyone's comfortable environment is different!

Some students ride the wind and waves in a stormy day! …

【Rocks: What kind of tool is this? What kind of ability? Can it create so many scenes so perfectly?!】

【Vegapunk: It's amazing technology!! The scene is so realistic, I can't find any flaws!】

【Golden Lion: Although it looks powerful, can it really help people awaken Haki?!】

【Sengoku: The students in the dream began to sit cross-legged!】

Every student in the video has a peaceful expression on their faces.

Meditate into a state of meditation!

The scene was very quiet for a while.

Even they could hear the gentle breathing of the students in the dream!

The barrage has also stopped!

They may be more nervous than these people who first tried to awaken Haki!


Even the sound of the person next to you swallowing saliva can be clearly heard!

Suddenly in a video, the room under the storm.

The girl's breathing rate became slightly rapid!

Then circles of red energy ripples spread out from the center of her eyebrows!

Like a radar!

The girl stood up with her eyes closed, as if she could see all obstacles, and bypassed all the furnishings in the room!

Came out in the storm!

Let the rain fall on you!

She raised her hand and waved lightly, a piece of black energy flew out of nowhere!

Wrapping her arms around her, she frowned slightly, as if she had sensed this energy!

Trying to capture it with this red ripple too!

But in the end, he couldn't let this black energy fully integrate into his arms!

Can only be attached to the arms!!

【Sengoku: Is this the awakened color and armed color?!】

Even if it's the first time I've seen this scene!

Everything is clearly shown in the video!

【Garp: Haki can be visualized in such a way that it is truly visible. This will enable everyone who comes into contact with Haki to have the most intuitive understanding of it!

The best talent of this girl is the color of knowledge, and she also has the talent of armed color, I can perceive it, but it seems to be relatively ordinary!]

And this girl's awakening is just the beginning!

Soon one after another, students perceived all kinds of Haki in their dreams!

one two three.......

Ten, twenty, order...

The awakening rate is so high that the powerhouses all over the world are dumbfounded!

【Silver Ax: Nima! What a joke! When did Haki awakening become so easy!?】

【Zephyr: It's incredible [It's almost like a batch of Haki producers! 】

【Momousagi: At the beginning, I was Haki who was awakened in a war of narrow escapes!】

【Buggy: One hundred!! The awakening rate is almost half!】

【Garp: Damn it!!】

【Kizaru: Kuwahhhh....】

【Kaido: Fuck! Anyway, this awakening rate is too scary!】

【Ochoku: How is this possible? How is it possible to wake up Haki just by sleeping and entering a dream!?】

Ochoku suddenly wants to learn too!

Uh... No! I already know Haki!

He only mastered it when he was on the verge of death!

But they, a group of students, a group of children who haven't grown up yet.

They are actually awakening in batches!!

The Dragon Kingdom is really terrifying!!

【Rocks: This is not our era anymore!】

【Roger: Yes, times have changed!】

【Aokiji: Write down the meditation method just now! The frequency of breathing, the corresponding imagination, and the creation of this environment, although we don’t have these tools, we can build similar scenes on the spot. The cost is a bit high, but If most people can master Haki, it will definitely be worth the money!]

Aokiji's words instantly made countless forces in the world show fanaticism!

Even the World government suddenly realized!


This is a totally learnable method!

Although mastering Haki does not necessarily mean that you can become a first-class or top-level powerhouse!

But the mid-level combat power will definitely be born in large numbers!

And the birth of a large number of middle-level combat power will inevitably promote the possibility of the birth of more top-level powerhouses!

Even if the efficiency is not as high as Longguo!

It is also much better than their previous immature method!

Gao Yang glanced at it and didn't care at all!

Dragon Kingdom is always making progress!

They are now behind Dragon Nation!

The future lag will be even greater!

【Buggy: Damn it!! It seems that someone has awakened Conqueror's Haki!】

【Sengoku: What!? Conqueror's Haki can also lead to awakening?!】

Many top powerhouses were taken aback immediately!

Ordinary Haki, after years of fighting and teaching!

Although many people will die in battle, there are also some people who can control this power zone alive!

But Conqueror's Haki, that's the one in a million!

This Haki light can perceive spiritual power is not enough!

You also need your own courage and courage!

Have the uninhibited and wildness of a king!

This is how to wake up!

Of course there are very few exceptions...

But in the cognition of the top powerhouses!

Generally so!!

【Bonney: It's the student who rides the wind and waves!】

The student was roaring wildly!

·0 for flowers 00

Very happy, he even meditated standing up!

The moment you open your eyes, the overwhelming Conqueror's Haki forms a golden wave!

Pushing across the turbulent sea!

The storm stopped instantly!!

【Luo: More than one! There is another one...... Uh, what's the situation? I don't seem very confident! This can also awaken Conqueror's Haki?】

That's the student in the cave!

He felt very safe in the cave with the fire!

But when he looked up and looked outside the cave!

Eyes full of fear!!

Then in the intersection of two emotions of peace of mind and fear!

He roared like an explosion!!

Accompanied by Conqueror's Haki in black and red like the tide!

His emotions were a little out of control.

Gao Yang waved his hand and shut down the operation of the virtual warehouse, and the student woke up too quickly!

The student immediately lowered his head in shame...

【Morgas: The third Conqueror's Haki has awakened!】

【Ochoku: Fuck! Laozi is going crazy!! When did this Conqueror's Haki become so worthless!?】

Not only is he going crazy! Many top players in front of the video are also going crazy!

In one awakening course of the Haki class, one or two hundred Haki will be awakened!

Three Conqueror's Awakened! Terrible!

[Rocks: Logically speaking, in the Dragon Kingdom with a population of less than one million, it would be considered good to be able to awaken one overlord, and very few special kingdoms can also have two or three births!

But there must be more than one awakening ceremony like this! Generally speaking, screening talents once a year is a common practice in many noble schools!]

【 Buggy: Even if it is once a year, in the past few years! Dragon Kingdom has at least one Conqueror's Haki owner!】


【Red Hair: There should be this amount, the usefulness of this instrument is really amazing!】

As soon as the two of them said this, many strong people became demented!!

They forget that most schools admit new students every year!

This adds up!!

How strong is the foundation of the younger generation of Longguo?

This may not be a real Haki class!

Should be Haki Screening Prep!

The real Haki class should not really have more than ten overlords!!

【Jin Xing: Even if you have Conqueror's Haki, you may not be able to become a top powerhouse!】

What Jin Xing said is extremely unfounded!

Even so, the probability of Conqueror's Haki becoming a top powerhouse is several times higher than that of ordinary geniuses!

At this time, no one pays attention to him!

Everyone is still in deep shock!

But the words of another Five Elders!

But it got their attention!

【Mercury: Dragon Kingdom, don't be too happy! This may not be a good thing, but it may be a disaster!】

【Bonney: Nonsense, how could this be a disaster!? I've heard of Conqueror's Haki, all of them are one-in-a-million geniuses!】

[Mercury: It is because of being too talented that it will be a disaster. As we all know, people who have Conqueror's Haki are very easy to be self-centered, disobedient to discipline, and wild and uninhibited! Such people may not be loyal to Dragon Kingdom!! 】


As soon as Mercury said this, many powerhouses fell silent!

Because this is the common understanding in the circle of powerful people in the sea!

Conqueror's Haki owners are rarely left alone!

And at this time, there are students in the video who also have this worry!

More than half of the people here are awakened Haki!

Some awakened alone, some awakened two-color Haki!

There are also three colors! There will be targeted training in the follow-up!

"Your Majesty Gao Yang.....Teacher.....I don't want to enter the Haki class."

That Conqueror's somewhat out-of-control student.

Suddenly mustered up the courage to come to Gao Yang, and said timidly.

【 Buggy: What? No way, how did such a person awaken Conqueror's Haki? It seems submissive!】

【Red hair: The thoughts deep in the heart of a person may not always be reflected on the face, of course, it may also be that his talent is too amazing!】

As soon as the student said this, many people inside and outside the video were stunned!

"Why? Can you tell me the reason?"

Gao Yang didn't reprimand, but squatted down softly, and asked at the same height as him.

"I used to run a ship overseas with my father. I heard people say that people who own Conqueror's Haki are naturally rebellious. I, I don't want to be a rebellious person......



【Red hair:.…….……】


As soon as this word came out, they couldn't accept it!!

"I see...……"

Gao Yang looked up at the other two Conqueror's qualified students!

When I found Huahua, I was also a little worried deep down!

Life in Dragon Country is great!

They don't want to leave Dragon Country!

I don't even want to have any conflicts with the Dragon Kingdom in the future!

Gao Yang's face changed slightly, he stood up and looked around all the students and said.

"Actually, this is a kind of misunderstanding and fear that people in the world have about Conqueror's Haki owners! Dear students! I hope you can remember what I said today! Not only those who have Haki

Even students without Haki qualifications!"

(Seek subscription! Zero).

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