Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

133. The Thought Storm Of The Dragon Kingdom Sweeping The World! This Wave Of Operations Overflowed

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, it turned out that the murlocs would jump into the sea and hide in a place where no one was around when they quarreled with their parents!"

"The mermaid is so beautiful!"

"It turns out that it is very inconvenient for pure-blood mermaids to live on land, and many of them have to wear bubble covers! Fortunately, our Long Kingdom has very mature technology in this area!"

"The last time I accidentally fell into the water, it was a murloc kid who saved me! I didn't dare to say thank you to him last time, I'm so damned, they are so different from us!

"It's too inconvenient for the long-handed people to cook. They look like they're holding a spatula, so they can't move it!"

"Long-legged people like to kick their legs when they sleep! It must be very painful to kick someone, and you will have to cry for a long time!"

"There is actually a fur family in our Dragon Kingdom. I heard it's from the second half of the Grand Line. It's so cute!"

"They are the same as us! They also came to the weakest East Blue to avoid war!"

"I thought that in the weakest sea, there should not be so many pirates, but I didn't expect them to encounter pirates and lose their family members! Fortunately, they met our Dragon Kingdom people!"

"I heard that giants eat children. I don't know if it's true. There are no giants in Dragon Kingdom yet!"

Stay away from races from the start!

Up to now, many people are looking forward to the arrival of the new group!



"Must be a rumour, I've asked some families from the Grand Line!"

When documentaries are played on TVs in every household!

It quickly aroused great repercussions.

On the one hand, it is because there are not many programs in Longguo!

Either one has very high ratings!

Because novelty and unprecedented!

And many times people's rejection of the outside world stems from the unknown and fear!

Especially in this age of underdeveloped information.

Once a certain rumor is flying all over the sky!

That is really want to explain do not know how to explain.

But after understanding some things, the distance between the two parties will be shortened!

Then cooperate with the official promotion of Dragon Kingdom!

Vigilance and exclusion among ethnic groups has improved considerably.

And the disaster movie tells such a story!

On the calm sea, a devil king was born suddenly, and the devil king commanded the devil king army.

Wherever the Demon King's army passed, not a single blade of grass grew.

The various ethnic groups failed to unite at the beginning because of pride, prejudice, etc.!

Destroyed one by one by the Demon King Army!

The living space is continuously compressed, and finally all ethnic groups are forced to a small sea area!

There are dozens of islands in the sea, and each island is occupied by a group!

They fight in their own teams, but as multiple protagonists get to know each other in the war against the Demon King's army!

Fighting side by side together, established a deep friendship.

Finally, lead your respective troops and eliminate prejudice and arrogance!

Form a joint army and defeat the Demon King's army!

In this battle, heroes from many ethnic groups have been sought after!

Moreover, this kind of film of strong men fighting for each other and individual heroism can mobilize people's emotions more than documentaries!

Especially the people of the Dragon Kingdom who are bombarded by a movie with perfect plot and exquisite video production for the first time!

The heat is always high!!

People's hot discussion has never stopped since the film was released!

Especially for students who are still studying!

Just like Gao Yang's childhood!

At that time, martial arts movies alone gave countless people a dream of martial arts!

Pick up a stick on the road so far, don't wave it twice!

There is no place for the great pride in my heart to rest!


"The long-handed tribe is also very tragic, and the fight is almost genocide!"

Tragedy always makes people remember more deeply!

"It's all about survival!"

"That's right, only when everyone is united can we win!"

"Ah! I really like the Valkyrie played by Boss Bai! The ceiling of combat power! It's so handsome!"

"I like the explosive chain kicks of the long-legged family, it is the perfect embodiment of elegance and violence!!"

"Fortunately we won!!"


"Our Dragon Kingdom is not very powerful yet! Maybe there will be an attack from the Demon King Army at any time!"

"We have to study hard and learn skills seriously!"

"Let's unite too!"

"That's right, that's right!"

"Whaleman, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you before!"

"I'm a Whale Sharkman...but it's okay! Hee Hee!!

"Aibo, Ramen Ichiku thief!"


And at this moment, it's not just the people of Longguo in the video who are discussing hotly!

Following the fast-forward video just now, everyone in front of the sky also watched the documentary and movie roughly!

They were struck by lightning!!

Countless crap flew up in my heart!

What kind of documentary is actually nothing to the strong!

Because they know the real side of the world!

Also understand these ethnic groups that ordinary people don't have much contact with!

There are even people of various ethnic groups under the command of many forces!

This documentary is mainly to change the general public's stereotypes and rumors about other ethnic groups!

[Civilian A: So this is (baah) the real life of the long-handed people! 】

[Civilian B: Murlocs are not all bad people!]

【Civilian C: It turned out that what I heard before was all rumors and lies, and this has nothing to do with the truth [it has nothing to do with the truth! It’s superficial!]

[Civilian D: If there is no documentary about the Dragon Kingdom, our understanding of the various ethnic groups in the sea would not be as good as the earliest Dragon Kingdom people!]

But the movie caused an uproar in the hearts of the strong!

[Morgans: Fuck! This movie is too good to watch! Why do you fast-forward the sky screen video! We have time to watch several hours of video! Who do you look down on?

The abilities of many heroes are also possessed by Dahai! It’s so exciting! I estimated that at least a dozen people with Logia abilities will participate!]

【Whitebeard: Why do I feel that this demon army seems to be implying a certain force!!】


【Aokiji: Kizaru, why don't your flash kicks be like that hero of the long-legged family, and come with a series of violent kicks, it looks pretty good!】

【Kizaru: That's just a flashy move. It looks good but it's good. It's not as powerful as a single one. After all, it's a show. 】

【Kaido: Tsk tsk, the Demon King's army is really handsome, if you don't get arrogant in the end, it's hard to say who will win!】

【Rocks: Great, why do you want to conquer the world for no reason! People who shout to conquer the world every day are really like fools!】





Old captain, you were not like this before!

You were the same as the boss of the Demon King Army before!

Crying all day long to conquer the world!

you've changed!!

I even scolded myself!!

【Whitebeard: Although it was acted, but I have to say, it is really exciting!! The video effect is great, it is unforgettable!】

【Sanji: This is much more exciting than any storybook manga! There is no comparison at all!】

【Garp: Show us a non-fast-forward look! I can dig more mines!!】

【Aokiji: I agree!】

【Sengoku: How to sell Dragon Country TV?】

【Hawkeye: That sword master had no desires or pursuits all his life, only pursuing the way of the sword, but in the end he couldn't escape the torrent of the times! In this world, no one can be alone!】

Even many powerhouses in the world reacted so violently just by watching multiple movies at this moment!

At this moment, they personally felt the bombardment of film and television from the information age!!

It is conceivable how intense the bombing was by others!

【Jin Xing: How useful are the things from the show? I don’t believe it!!】

Jin Xing thinks that the strong are amazed!

But the most important thing at this moment is to marvel at the attractiveness of the plot and "special effects" of this movie!

After all, this is so novel!

However, the sky screen video quickly gave him a resounding slap in the face!

Since the release of these two films.

The national conditions of the Dragon Kingdom have undergone earth-shaking changes in just a few months!

In Longguo schools, students from different ethnic groups have become good friends!

Prejudice is melting fast!

Even the incomprehension and fear among adults completely dissipated.

A murloc woman and a normal human woman!

Parents feel ashamed for a long time when they can buy vegetables!

People of minority groups no longer fear the possible persecution of them by mainstream humans!

No longer live in anxiety and anxiety!

Will take the initiative to help those in need!

No longer distinguish what ethnic group you are, and what ethnic group I am!

They just know that everyone is the same!!

Everyone should be united, the group will not be bullied by outsiders!

In order to save the present life!

Of course there are still some contradictions.

It's just that those are already right things and wrong people!

Dragon Kingdom presents a thriving, prosperous and warm scene...

【Im: How is this possible!!?】

im can't understand!!

He lived so long!

Never seen an inter-ethnic problem resolved so miraculously!

This is even more difficult than the complete resurrection of the D royal family!

Why is it so easy?!

What happened here that I can't understand?!

Shouldn't human beings have been thoroughly studied by themselves?

Neptune stared at the sky dreamily!

[Nepton: Otohime, have you seen it? There is a kingdom that has done it!! Not only can murlocs live in the sun openly, but they can also live in harmony with everyone, and there are people from other ethnic groups, the Dragon Kingdom really It is the unparalleled kingdom of God!!]

Neptune is extremely excited and looking forward to it!

Because he knows, even if the dream of Princess Otohime comes true!

Once one day I can really live on land!

They will also face greater challenges!

That's how to get along well with mainstream groups!

Even getting along with other minority groups!

You can't live a bright and aboveboard life on the sea!

You have to fight with others all the time!

Dragon Kingdom has solved several centuries of problems in a row!

【Shirahoshi: Master Gao Yang is amazing!!】

【Princess Otohime: I saw it......】


【Jinbei: Although this has only been done in China, but I believe that through the broadcast of the sky screen video, ethnic groups all over the world have a deeper understanding of each other! I believe that in the near future, Yinjia will be able to Live in peace and equality in this world!!]

[Nepton: If the Dragon Kingdom welcomes us, we Murlocs can relocate even if they are all members of the family!]

Before the Dragon Kingdom repelled the attacks of all forces in the world.

Neptune never thought of that!

because that with him

We have little to do with The fish men island!

But now this could determine the future of their The fish men island!

He saw hope like never before!

That light is not weak! It is bright and dazzling!

As soon as Neptune's words came out, countless people in the world were shocked!

The murloc king has such courage!

【Aunt: Dragon Kingdom actually solved this problem!? And it took such a short time!?】

The aunt is stupid! She has been unable to solve the problem for decades!

Others have done it in such a short time!

Is there such a big gap between kings and kings?

【Roger: There is such a solution!!】

【Whitebeard: The world will definitely become a better place because of Dragon Kingdom!】

【Bonney: That's right, there is no future in following the "Devil King Army"!】

【Zephyr: Hero.....What a nostalgic word!】

【Ochoku: No, how did this happen? Are the two films really so influential?!】

Even some top powerhouses can't figure it out for a while!

【Morgans: Thanks to you being a world-famous big pirate, don't you understand this at all? Don't look at it as simple as it looks, but it's very difficult!】

【Buggy: Please elaborate!】

[Morgans: First, the biggest contribution is the popularity of television sets, which is an unprecedented way of disseminating phenomenal images! This ensures that the things that Dragon Kingdom wants to promote

West, can be accurately received by everyone frequently!

When it is hot, there are such videos playing in the streets and alleys. Even if some people don't want to know about it, they will understand it after hearing about it!

The second is the content of two films, one is a documentary film, which records the real life conditions of various ethnic groups, arouses resonance among people of other ethnic groups, shortens the distance, and eliminates previous misunderstandings.

Another one that promotes the idea of ​​solidarity!

The third is that the credibility and authority of the Dragon Kingdom are very high. With the official propaganda, even if a small number of people still have doubts about it, they believe in the official of the Dragon Kingdom, so they

Willing to let go of your prejudices to understand and get in touch with different ethnic groups! Learn to tolerate and share!

The fourth is that the living conditions in Longguo are excellent, and they all want to continue this kind of life, and the film tells them how to achieve this, unity! No matter what race you are

Qun, as long as you are from the Dragon Kingdom, you should unite!!

The fifth dragon kingdom is so publicized, and it is how to do it, words and deeds are consistent! This is also the most important thing, and...]

【Ochoku: Okay, I understand!】

【Silver Ax: I didn't expect a small TV to influence people's thoughts so deeply!!】

【Sengoku: It's not just a movie, it also carries very positive thoughts!! And this kind of propaganda that matches the story and the plot is more likely to be rejected than empty words and justice.

Accepted by the general public!]

【Garp: Now this affects not only the Dragon Kingdom! Their ideological education, from now on, will affect everyone in the world!】

Everyone was silent, no one thought Garp was exaggerating when he said this!

"Bastard Dragon Kingdom! Damn Dragon Kingdom!! Why do you have any problems here, and they don't exist anymore!!"

Venus is furious!

Sengoku sighed slightly when he heard the voice!

This is a good thing that can reduce the fighting between the various ethnic groups!

Why can't your world government tolerate any good things?

Does the world have to be chaos and endless killing?

Im also reached out and rubbed his irritable head!

Can't beat this again!!

The influence of the Dragon Kingdom has expanded again!

Must get stronger power than now as soon as possible!!!

But... it seems that there are no other geniuses in the Dragon Kingdom!

Hope this is the end of the education list!!

"Master Im, Akainu, Kong and the others have already led a team to deploy a defensive formation in the sea area in front of the Holy Land, supported by powerful men and troops from multiple kingdoms! If the Dragon Kingdom's army only had that

A few captains will definitely not be able to approach the Holy Land easily!"

"Don't take it lightly anymore, the legions led by the top powerhouses must play a corresponding role!"


The world is boiling because of the film and the thoughts spread by the Dragon Kingdom!

Can't be calm for a long time!

But the video screen of the sky screen changed!

Playing again!

This made Em's heart skip a beat!

The influence of this education list is so great, why is it not over yet?

Are there any monster-level students?

Or do you do something that can affect the world?

(Please subscribe!).

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