Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

150. Teleport The Holy Land, Steal The House And Root It Out! Em Is Mad! Im Essence Is...! (Seeking

The mood of the world is similar to that of Kaido!

Either think Im and Gao Yang are crazy!

Or think I'm crazy!

Everything that's happening right now is too magical!

A king of the world, who has not been defeated, has not experienced a bloody battle, is about to surrender!

Still unconditional!

Does that make sense? Does it fit your status as king of the world?

Are you not afraid that after you surrender, someone will kill you backhanded?

After all, you mentioned it yourself unconditionally!

But Gao Yang refused without any wiggle room!

【Im: Your Excellency Gao Yang, I hope you will think carefully, even if your Dragon Kingdom is indeed powerful, but as I said before, you cannot keep everyone!】

【Gao Yang: Don't bother you, without you, it is the most important thing for us!】

【Im: I admit that some of our previous actions did offend Dragon Kingdom, and we are all willing to give up the whole world as compensation. Isn’t that enough? After all, you have no actual loss!】

Still trying to convince Gao Yang after watching Yim get rejected!

The world is getting more and more demented!

And having said that, everyone really felt the weight of this surrender!

This is not just as simple as ceding land and paying compensation!

Instead, he handed over the whole world directly!

You can tell the World government is scared!

I am so scared that I can give up anything as long as I can save my life!

From another way.

It can also be said to be very courageous!

After all, there are many people in high positions.

After being corrupted by power, many times he would rather die than give up the power in his hand!

"It should be because I saw the previous list of tragedies in the kingdom! I feel that as long as I survive, I will be the ultimate winner in the end. It's really a good idea!"

Some strong pirates can also guess some possibilities under the operation of the "zero twenty" spectrum of World government at this moment!

【Gao Yang: Take out the whole world as compensation? Confused! Kill you, the world is ours too!】


What he said was speechless!

【Gao Yang: Besides, the world doesn’t belong to you in the first place, you just have some authority. The world should belong to everyone in the world!】

Im's heart froze slightly.

Logically speaking, this operation of mine will not only allow the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom to take down the entire world without bloodshed!

There are real benefits!

It can better satisfy the feelings of human beings in the spiritual aspect.

Like a great sense of accomplishment!

So joy or swell inside!

Only in this mood!

Only after I wait for others to surrender can I be "pardoned"!

Could it be because I haven't shown enough threat and strength yet!

So let Long Guo think that it doesn't cost much to win him?

I have sent so many top experts!

Does the Dragon Kingdom have no sense of threat at all?

It seems that something needs to be done to change the views and attitudes of the King of the Dragon Kingdom!!

Just looking at the old man in front of him who seems to be wearing a scorching sun!

He still has nothing in his heart!

【Im: I hope Longguo can seriously consider it, there is no need to shed blood like a river!】

Im left a word as a retreat.

The face on the top of the tentacles behind him suddenly opened his eyes!

Countless spiritual storms gathered into invisible waves!!

Chao Yuan Liu Zhai Chongguo swept past!

But this time Genryuzai Shigekuni narrowed his eyes slightly, and the terrifying murderous aura combined with the fiery Reiatsu slashed out like a sharp knife!

Brutally tore the power of Im!

"The same method will not work any more!"

On the same move, it is understandable to be caught off guard and suffer a little loss!

If he eats it again, he won't be able to forgive himself!

Even if this power is enhanced through some ability this time, it is no exception!

Im surprised!

All the tentacles on the back are activated at the same time!!

In an instant, energy beams of many different elements shot out!

Some can corrupt everything!

Some of them produced terrifying big explosions after contact!

Some can generate a dark vortex, which can easily shatter an island...

Really every tentacle has an ability!

boom boom boom!!

Cover bombing, the whole sea is boiling up!

Im's attack firepower is also extremely fast!

The world is dumbfounded!!

If there is no Dragon Kingdom!

He should be the strongest in the world!

"You guys go deal with the others!"

Im looked at the remaining two brainless pirates and said!

Because I have no brains, I will act recklessly when I receive an order!

In general, heavy!

You can face the unprecedented monster of the leader of the Dragon Kingdom Army!

If you act recklessly, you will basically be sent to death!!

Because the defense of the top powerhouses is in front of Yuan Liuzhai Zhongguo!

Like nothing, if you dare to go up, it is basically the same as being sentenced to death!

We can only let them deal with the rest of the Dragon Kingdom!

Then match with Ancient Weapon!

And Akainu, Mercury, three top powerhouses from the kingdom!

With a total of 6 people, they were able to compete with Yuan Liuzhai Chongguo for a short time!!

But still can't get the slightest advantage!

Except for Im, the other powerhouses advance and retreat together in groups of two or three!

Only then will it not be instantly destroyed by Yuan Liuzhai Chongguo!

Not even a counterbalance!

It's better to say that they only temporarily resisted Yuan Liuzhai Chongguo's lore against them!!

This scene left the world dumbfounded!

As soon as Im made a move just now, countless abilities were used, and the power was incomparably amazing!

Bigger threat than Ancient Weapon!

But in a blink of an eye, the top six besieged a Dragon Kingdom army leader, and cooperated with Ancient Weapon!!

It's as if Yuan Liuzhai Chongguo is the villain at this moment!

And they are struggling, heroic and fearless protagonist group!

【Red Hair: What is this familiar sense of déjà vu?!】

【Buggy: The head of the team is amazing!! One person contends against the various backgrounds of the World government!!】

【Roger: This guy Im is waiting for an opportunity! The main attack force is still someone else, he is waiting for the outbreak period of the leader of the Dragon Kingdom to pass before making a lore!】

【 Kid: Fuck! Akainu was a little slow to react just now, and his entire arm, even half of it, was burned off!】

【Kizaru: Surrender if you can't, Sarkas!!】

If it is for true justice!

Kizaru wouldn't persuade his friends like that!

But is the world government really just?

How many videos have I watched and seen so many dark sides!

Everyone already has the answer in their hearts!

【Whitebeard: The top powerhouse from the Great Kingdom was burned to ashes!】

【Rayleigh: Already...the third dead top powerhouse!】

The hearts of top powerhouses like Rayleigh are trembling!

This is too scary!! This is the record of ten people in a short period of time!

"Damn it!! How is his strength showing no sign of weakening!"

Em's heart is heavy!

What the hell is this old man!

How come there is still a feeling of getting more and more fierce!

Whoosh!! Yuan Liuzhai Zhongguo once again broke through the firepower of several strong men!

Come to Im in an instant!

The knife was wrapped in 15 million degrees of flames and slashed down!

Like a brilliant light!

Layers of air barriers and shields of various abilities appeared in front of Im!

The dark long sword in his hand is also set up to block!!


All defensive barriers were smashed by absolute power!

Then he chopped a knife on Im's weapon!!

He chopped his whole body into the sea!

There was a loud bang!! Shock waves erupted from both sides!

Instantly emptied the tens of thousands of meters of sea water around!!

An abyss emerged from the entire sea!

Countless ships all around plunged into this abyss!

There is a black armor in the Dragon Kingdom, and everyone can basically rise into the sky!

If it's too late, a smile will make a move.

Gravity controls the warship and pulls it up.

Of course, there are similar ability users in the world government!

But they can't take care of themselves, and they don't care about the life and death of ordinary soldiers!

【Capone Bege: This is too scary!! It seems like the world is really going to die!】

【Bonney: Sabaody Archipelago is only affected, the whole island is about to be destroyed!】

【Ochoku: What's the situation?! The captain and legion of Longguo School disappeared in a flash of light!】

【Rocks: What?!】

【Marco: Where did everyone go?!】

Most people get most of their attention from the home screen wars!

So not everyone can discover the real-time situation of Dragon Kingdom in the first place!

【Whitebeard: Could it be some transfer ability?!】

【Red Hair: Transfer... Fuck!!】

The redhead has thought of something!

If it is really a transfer ability!

Wouldn't the Dragon Kingdom allow all captains and legions to directly arrive at the battlefield! danger!!

【Buggy: Look at the battlefield, there is a beam of light on!!】

On the main video battlefield!

Two beams of light lit up one after the other on the battlefield!

After the light dissipated, Boss Bai, Arturia, Thor, Hui Hui and other captains appeared on the sea!

There are also Oak, Locke Lee and other talents who have just broken through!!

【Silver Ax: It's the captains of the Dragon Kingdom!! Wori!! They arrived on the battlefield in an instant, and they still retain this ability: Im was tricked!】

【Roger: Fish out Im first, then surround and annihilate him!】

【Buggy: There is such a good way, why didn't it be used before?】

【Bonney: Are you really stupid or fake? Since the military list doesn't mention it, then this is still a trump card! Whoever fights a war will take the initiative to inform the enemy of his trump card!】

Buggy was stunned by the scolding!

But what she said made sense!

Oh! Damn it! If it's red-haired!

Surely there will be some rebuttals to be found!

【Marco: Not only that, but with this transfer ability, the number of people that should be transferred at one time is limited!】

"What?!" On the battlefield, there were so many Dragon Kingdom captains all of a sudden!

Among them are super class combat power!

It directly frightened the powerhouses in the World government!

Im also changed his face!

It's not like he didn't think about this possibility!

But when such an accident really happened!

He is still a little hard to accept!!

Damn it!! Long Guo was really worried that he would run away!

It may even be considered that there is a possibility of surrender!

Otherwise, how could I send one just enough to force myself to make a move......

It's very powerful, and it just left a trace of the advance team that might fight against hope!

This is clearly to lure himself to make a move!

Let yourself present a threat, let yourself present the possibility of negotiation...  

That way you won't run away!!

"Damn the king of the Dragon Kingdom!!"

Im scolding, feeling scared at the same time!

This means that the king of the Dragon Kingdom knows what kind of life form he is!

At this moment, Im thought of the holy mountain related to the great secret treasure in the Dragon Kingdom!

Could it be that they have already obtained the great secret treasure!

It just didn't work all the time?

So it wasn't counted in the military list?

And I have already been researched thoroughly?!

Im derived from an era of advanced science!

At that time, everything in the sea was dominated by Kingdom D of Egherd!

His spirit was born in the highest laboratory!

It is interwoven with the ideas of countless scientists constantly colliding!

His birth and existence were unknown at first!

By chance, his spirit entered a Devil Fruit!

Start to have your own ability and clear thinking!

Originally, the idea was good, but with the expansion of some scientists' desires!

He absorbed desire too, and soon desire became the dominant thought!

He longs for evolution, longs for more nutrients!

So lurking in the minds of some scientists!

It magnifies the dark side of human nature and creates tragedies again and again!

Absorb enough nutrients from chaos and madness!

Get stronger little by little!

This incident has attracted the attention of Kingdom D!

The crusade against monsters begins! There have been many twists and turns!

He also suffered a lot, but strictly speaking.

As long as human beings still have desires, he is unlikely to be completely wiped out.

So he had the last laugh!

He even instigated and secretly manipulated the twenty most greedy kingdoms at that time!

The World government was established, and it has been nourished by the ideas of their descendants all year round!

Let the Celestial Dragons run amok, because the greedier they are, the wilder they are!

He gets more nourishment, and the same goes for facing the world!

Otherwise, he has dominated the world for nearly a thousand years, and he would have brought the so-called peace to the sea long ago!

0.1 He just doesn't want to!!

And it's not so easy to let people fall!

But there are exceptions, the former Queen Lily resisted his influence!

Also secretly left some scientific products - Ancient Weapon! Try to destroy yourself!

Out of appreciation for her will, Im finally swallowed her alive!

Completely disintegrate her thinking and occupy her body.

After all, walking in the human world!

With a human body, many things are much more convenient...

The United World Government Army on the battlefield is full of fear and despair!

There were not many troops and strong men sent by the Dragon Kingdom before!

After Yuan Liuzhai Zhongguo's attack was temporarily blocked, and Im's personal conquest!

They still have some confidence!

But if you are facing the Dragon Kingdom that is coming out in full force!

They already have more than 20 high-end combat powers!

Among them are super class and king-level combat power!

How to fight this!?

【Jabba: Wait, there are more than these two beams of light!! Morgans, fly a little higher and face the direction of the Holy Land. I seem to have seen the beam of light lit up in the direction of the Holy Land just now!】


Im just looked up and saw this barrage!

The color of insanity suddenly appeared on the face!!

Suddenly thought of something!!

【Im: King of the Dragon Kingdom, you really want to kill all the singers!! Ah!!! Stop it!! You dare to attack the Holy Land! I will pay a heavy price for Longgui, even if it destroys the world!!】

【Rocks: What is there in the Holy Land?! Why is Im crazy?!】

【Gao Yang: You can't do it. 】

(Please subscribe! 148 pieces, I wrote Mercury twice as Venus, which has been corrected! Venus has left too many countries, so I wrote it smoothly, sorry........ The typo correction software didn't find it, but fortunately, I looked back at the article habit!).

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