Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

167. The Strong One Is Myself! Angel King's First Move! Domestic Violence Scene! (Please Subscr

【Garp: Such a terrifying power, these spaceships alone should not be able to resist it!】

【Sengoku: It is undeniable that those spaceships are very powerful. It is not at all to say that these are Ancient Weapons. Many spaceships have more terrifying firepower than Ancient Weapons, but Gao Yang is even more powerful!】

【Crocodile: Ancient Weapon free?】

Watching Sengoku's barrage, Crocodile was dumbfounded!

He has searched hard and prepared for it for many years!

Until the time of being arrested in Dragon Country!

An artifact that I have never seen with my own eyes or touched with my own hands.

In Ten Thousand Years in the future, it turned out to be just a mass-produced, standardized weapon!

Among them, stronger weapons abound!

This gap is too big!

【Kaido: I saw Boss Bai! I don’t know if she can withstand Gao Yang’s attack!】

【Bonney: I can handle it for sure. Master Gao Yang doesn't really want to erase this planet, but just to give them a sense of oppression, so that they can unite to deal with him. He should be able to release water!】

[Roger: It’s hard to say, Gao Yang also said in the video, don’t let other people feel that there are fake parts, you have to act out the truth, if there is a situation where you can kill but don’t kill, it will be easy for the island to fall into the trap! So I am more I tend to think what resurrection segment they kept!]

【Hancock: Master Gao Yang, their sacrifice is too great!】

Just in the discussion room.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened in the video.

"Hurry up, let Im out first. He was able to fight against this tyrant before, maybe it was because of his ability!"

Inside a spaceship, a general looked at the terrifying giant hand that had broken through the atmosphere and gave an order.




Im revived all over the world?!

What's the situation?!

"Yes!" With the vision of a soldier advancing!

In a special, transparent barrier, Im is imprisoned with a face full of despair!

It's Queen Lily's appearance, he didn't even react when he saw someone coming!

But there are 24 hours around, and there are many super king-level planet-level powerhouses staring at him!

"Launch!!" The soldier brought the general's order!

Soon the ceiling of the spaceship will open!

The transparent barrier wrapped around Im is fired upwards like a cannonball!

Im still didn't respond, he had lost his struggle in his destiny!

It's too bullying, resurrecting yourself one by one!?

People of your time are poisonous!!

And everyone is extremely cautious!

Think of yourself as some kind of terrifying big devil.

Use a hundred times stronger than yourself, a thousand times stronger to deal with yourself!

As for?! Ahh!!!

It even blocked his mental power dissipation and speaking ability!

It's a good name, afraid of being polluted and controlled by him!

The person who controls the fart and guards himself is more terrifying than the previous king-level combat power!!

It's still a whole team! Crazy!

A power that is usually not noticed.

Once it's time for them to face danger.

I will try my best to use this power!

This is human potential!!

And Im's life form is indeed very strange!

Sometimes you don't need any items to resurrect, just let all the spirits blend together!

Just think about him, miss him, and pour some negative emotions into it!


With Im's barrier, rushing towards that giant hand!

The moment of contact, the barrier shattered by itself!!

Immediately felt familiar, but powerful like never before!

In the hopeful eyes of many generals!!

That big hand is still pressing down!!

Im has nowhere to run, and can't even move!

Like fly ash, it disperses at the first touch!!

"Is it just annihilated? It's useless!? Can't stop it for a while?!"

"Have you checked, is he trying to die?"

"Without any mental power, the wave of consciousness escaping outward! It's really dead!"

A blazing sun man is worried about his perception!

With the help of a special instrument, there is no fluctuation on the instrument!

【Brother Ming: After Ten Thousand Years, the Dragon Kingdom soldiers of any civilization are still so cautious and friendly!】

"Sure enough, the one we resurrected is fake.!"

"It should be fake. When I was resurrected before, the highest energy peak was checked, and it was only around the king level!"

"It was my mistake. I thought the resurrection was okay before, and I thought he might be hiding out of cunning. I didn't expect, alas..." "It should be a matter of the ceremony. Next time, I may have to try to get something similar to it." Items related to Im, with that breath, can revive the real Im!"

"Strange, it seems that something hit me just now? Is it an illusion?"

Gao Yang on the Dragon King's throne frowned slightly!

Somewhat uncertain!!

Seeing this, everyone couldn't hold back anymore!

【Buggy: Hahaha!! I laughed so hard!! Master Gao Yang is so powerful that he didn’t even notice that Im was resurrected!】

【Bonney: Although Im looks miserable! But I still can't help laughing!】

【Luo: Right, right, there is a problem with the resurrection ceremony, definitely not because Im is too weak!】

【Kid: They actually plan to do it again like the God Pupils!?】

【Hawkins: After death, Im's real life in hell will come?】

【Im: @#艹......!@%】

Em has completely lost her wits and is full of vulgar words!

Seeing this barrage, everyone laughed even harder!

It was when Long Guo killed him before!

He didn't even have the mentality to explode to such an extent!!

After all, the king of the world, who is full of foul language, how can he recover!?

But now, what is the quality of a strong man, go to Tamade!!

If I don’t spray at this time, Im feels like I’m going to be pissed off to death in hell!

【Whitebeard: By the way, has anyone counted how many times Im was resurrected and killed?】

[Roger: At that time, the Shentong family said it was the fourth time, and they also said that Xu Xing was researched. Since they have all succeeded, Xu Xing has no reason not to succeed! That is five times, and this time it is six times!

And every resurrection failed to survive, so the number of deaths should be six times! As for the list of tragic characters, I think he can be ranked first! So far, he is really miserable!]

【Garp: agree!】

【Golden Lion: No problem!】

【Red Hair: Do you want to give the answer now?】

【Roger: No, the video is not over yet, watch it again, I think it's not over yet...

"We have to keep a low profile in the future, don't forget, we have also confronted Dragon Kingdom before! If we are like Im, it will be really miserable!"

Rocks to Kaido and Big Mom and others!

When Kaido and others heard this, the smiles on their faces that had appeared because of the content of the video suddenly froze!!

Damn it! I actually have this kind of risk?!

This is no joke!

If you eat melons, you may eat your own head!

【Kaido: That Dragon Kingdom, don’t play with life and death so casually! Respect the dead!!】

Death is not scary! Kaido and others are mentally prepared!

The scary thing is, it's boring to be like Im!

【Kizaru: I think you overestimate yourself a bit! I think even if someone wants to be resurrected, it’s impossible to resurrect someone who hasn’t fought Gao Yang himself!

Anyway, it must be the revived Rocks! At any rate, he was still alive after being punched twice before and after! Im only got one knife and then he died!]

【Rocks: Damn! The strong one is actually me!?】

People of this era, of course, know what happened!

But after Ten Thousand Years, everyone may remember it!

Im confronting head-on, change a sword!

If you fight head-on, you can take two punches without dying!

From the point of view of rumors! Let the judgment be judged!

My Nima's!!

[Rocks: Your historians who record the history of the Dragon Kingdom must memorize the truth and remember it firmly! Use the best paper, and I will exchange it with you for the treasures I have privately hidden before!!]

Many strong people were speechless! Unexpectedly, Rocks was so frightened!

【Buggy: My God, what is this!?】

And at this time, the giant hand attack in the sky screen video is getting closer to the ground!

Tens of thousands of spaceships soar into the sky!

Every ship has a shield floating around!

At the same time, beams of light shot towards the big hand!

The continuous sound of explosions and bangs!

But there is no hindrance!

Obviously, even if it is a giant palm that strikes from the air!

It is also very powerful!

buzz buzz․ ..………

At this time, the shields emitted by many spaceships are all adjusted to the same frequency at this moment!

All shields began to deform and spread outward!

Tens of thousands of individual spaceship shields!

Instantly united to form a whole!

A shield big enough to cover the entire surface of the planet!

Boom!! The giant palm fell on it, but it failed to break through the joint defense shield in the first place!

Surrounding the giant palm, hundreds of meteorites also hit it!

The meteorite explodes first, then annihilates!

【Rocks: They actually blocked Gao Yang's world-destructive attack!】

【Kaido: The power of science can be so powerful!】

[Aunt: Just now I thought this planetary 7!]

【 Buggy: Hmph, it's not because Mr. Gao Yang is too far away, and his strength can't be fully displayed. Otherwise, how could anyone in the world be able to block Mr. Gao Yang's attack!】

【Garp: Perhaps Gao Yang chose this planet because he considered that this planet can withstand his attack at the moment!】

【Sengoku: It should be, this can avoid casualties, but also bring pressure to them!】

From the perspective of God, after realizing that Gao Yang is not really bad!

A lot of things are easy to guess!

After all, it is generally more reliable to deduce the process from the results!

But the process of not knowing the result is enough to make people derive more ideas and guesses!

But it was only blocked for ten seconds!

But these ten seconds, for a civilization with advanced science and technology!

There is so much to do!

The military base has already set up a magic teleportation array that can teleport to the defenseless and have authority to pass through other planets!!

Many people have been teleported away from this planet that may be destroyed at any time!

【Whitebeard: The transportation is too convenient?!】

Boss Bai has raised all his strength to the limit!!

The whole person looks like a luminous body!

The wings on the back spread out, and the emperor spewed out in an instant!!

She slashed out with a sword, turned into a ray of holy light, and rushed to the giant palm from the ground!

Countless energies frantically gather on the tip of the sword!

When flying, it's as fast as Ultimate.

After she fled ten thousand meters away, where she flew over, there were cracks in the space that shattered!

Crack!! Boom!!

The shield couldn't bear it, and it shattered!

Countless spaceships were instantly thrown out by the terrifying force!

Many exploded like fireworks in mid-air!!

''''' Gao Yang!!! You want to

Erase an entire planet like this?!"

"Why? Why did you become like this!"

"Is that bad location really that good!!"

"Better than us!!"

Boss Bai is furious!

Anger and resentment are soaring into the sky!!

Then a sword cut out!!

The vast and boundless power is condensed into a sharp edge!


The sharp edge cut on the giant palm! The giant palm was cut out with a deep bone wound!

The wound was on the giant palm, as huge as the abyss of heaven!

"Between Kalachakra! Splitting Void!!"

Boss Bai slammed his wings!

The domain unfolded, and the time within a million meters seemed to freeze!

Even the giant palm remained in this state!

In an instant, Boss Bai launched a new million-dollar attack with the power of time!

The swishing sword light covered the entire sky, and even dissipated into outer space!

The people in front of the sky were stunned and there was no sound!!

The ability to cut time with a sword!

What kind of terrifying sword technique is this Nima?!

In this realm, the laws and elements of all things are dying!

The giant hand that destroys the world is also withering and disintegrating!!


But in the next second, one was countless times smaller!

But there is still a mountain-sized new palm filled with chaotic power blasting from the collapsing giant palm!

One blow hit Boss Bai directly, but Boss Bai blocked him!

At the moment of the collision, the terrifying force blasted through the space barrier!!

Hundreds of black holes appear in the entire sky!

Time rules are broken!

"Spread out! Don't be swallowed by the black hole!!"

The captains of many spaceships hurriedly commanded!

Soldiers of the Legion of Angels have chopped up many stray energies!

And the countless meteorites that are still falling!

They are amazing!!

Almost all of them start with super-class combat power!

But Boss Bai blocked this horrific (Qian Qian Zhao) blow!

But the group of meteorites that came with it before was not completely cleaned up by the power of time!

Thousands of meteorites fell on the earth with a devastating force!

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the stars cracked!

Derivative disasters such as magma, tsunami, storm and thunderstorm!

Instantly fill the entire planet!

Although this planet did not completely explode!

But everything on the surface is being destroyed!

The ecology was completely destroyed and became a dangerous star!

This is no longer suitable for human habitation!

"Chaos power?! Gao Yang...... Do you really want to kill me?"

"If you want to kill me, you should leave your earth-bound throne! Come here!"

Boss Bai has always been quiet, but now he is facing this man who has changed for many years!

She was heartbroken, and felt that the throne bound him!

He has sat in that position and hasn't moved a step for decades!

Maybe he just needs to get off the throne!

It will be back to how it was before!

But look down at the devastated planet!

This pain quickly turned to anger!

"When the dust settles, the years leave no trace!"

Boss Bai stroked the sword body, and the power suddenly gathered!

Gao Yang's palm strength seems to be insufficient!

In the rapid annihilation, turned into fly ash and disappeared!!

The power of time! Ruthless and traceless!

Gao Yang's attack was completely disintegrated!

At high altitudes, the wormhole that the giant palm straddles is also closing!

"You are not allowed to hurt mother!!"

"Wheel of Time and Space! King Slayer Arrow!!"

A loud voice suddenly sounded

"It's the early king who's back!!"


The instant tiger that closes in the wormhole space!

When the space barrier is not yet stable!

An arrow light composed of time, space, and chaotic force zones!

Brutally smashed the wormhole space barrier!

Beyond endless space!

With a puff, Yang Zhi was placed on the throne in the air...

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