Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

205. Humanity Played By The Three Gods! Who Is The Real Threat! Gao Yang Is Going To Attack! (Please

"Don't believe the words of the so-called gods, they will only bring you to your end! They have destroyed many planets so far..."

Fei appeared in the sky and informed the world about this!

At the same time, let all countries prepare!

Those so-called places where life can be exchanged are places where light exists!

They were all blocked immediately!!

Try to crush the conspiracy of the gods!

But since it is a conspiracy, it means that it is difficult to truly guard against it.

Because of the angel's help previously, Fei's words naturally gained the attention of various countries.

This is also the breakdown of order that all leaders fear most!

Soon the army took control of these places in a short time!

Plus the angel family is also helping!

It really stabilized the situation in the beginning!

But soon the news came out that there was a thief in custody!

Although the civilians are ready to take action, but the place is under control, they are still relatively obedient!

But an official is doing it for his own career!

In order to gain strong strength to overcome the difficulties he faced at the time of "June 73"!

On my own territory, I actually caught a lot of homeless people!

Force them to "sell" their lifespan to themselves!

Many people sell two-thirds of their lifespan!

These bums do get paid off pretty well at first!

The official also overcame the difficulties and rose to a higher position!

At the same time, he also became a superpower.

And his opponent was almost killed by him!

After his opponent escaped death!

Immediately send someone to investigate the cause of this anomaly!

It soon became clear that he had followed the same pattern, buying life spans from many people, and in the end it was not even enough!

Killed many people and squeezed out their lifespan!

Gained greater strength and power.

Once again, they start fighting against their mortal enemy, and the struggle between the two escalates!

In order to become stronger and kill each other, they even used armed force in the end!

Many people who were considered "criminals" were arrested!

In fact, they are all innocent!

Someone is looking for these innocent people!

I gave a part of my soul and made a wish to the God of Desire!

Learn the truth and tell the truth to the world!

This instantly caused a global sensation!

Good fellow, people are not allowed to light lamps, but these people in power are satisfying their own selfish desires!

People everywhere quickly followed suit or rebelled!

Even the guarding soldiers are not firm in their hearts!

Many legions even declared independence and occupied the lifespan exchange area alone!

And allow other people to redeem it with their lifespan!

Of course it is not free, but a high lifespan will be charged as a handling fee!

War breaks out everywhere, and this is just the impact of the God of Life!

The other two gods do not have specific conditions yet and do not need to go to the light pillar to redeem them!

Many people just use their own feelings, such as sadness, happiness, family affection, soul, etc., to pray to the God of Desire!

Their wishes will come true!

People who have their desires satisfied don't care about losing something at all!

There are poor people who have exchanged happiness and desire for wealth worth hundreds of millions!

Lived a life of luxury and extravagance!!

At first I didn’t think it was anything, but it felt like a good deal!

But once desires are indulged, they cannot be satisfied!

With such a convenient shortcut to success in life, countless people have followed suit!

The monetary systems of each kingdom collapsed in less than half a day!

Inflation has reached an extremely exaggerated level!

Because everyone is extremely rich!!

One's wish comes true!

It is definitely a good thing and a miracle!

But if everyone wants it to come true, it becomes a disaster!

And only the more you pay, the more you get!

There is nothing the kingdoms can do about it, because even the people who preside over order!

Looking at the people around me, everyone is wishing for success!

They can't sit still either!

One of the patriotic leaders made a wish to bring everything back to normal in his country!

After sacrificing life, soul and emotions

After giving everything he could, his wish came true!

But it only happened for a second!!

The wish came true! But it was completely different from what he thought!

He will never die with his eyes in peace!!!

And the God of Death was discovered by some people after research!

As long as you kill five people, you can use it to resurrect the dead people in your life!

It’s just that those people who were resurrected just looked like the people they knew!

The inside is completely different, and many people’s temperaments have changed drastically!!

Some actively attack humans!

Some gnawing animals!

Some behave like beasts that are completely different from human behavior...

This is a strange resurrection, as if these resurrected people have another soul inside them!

Whether their wishes or the exchange of life and death, everything is incomplete and abnormal!

But even so, many people still continue to do it!!

Because many people lost precious people in their lives during the previous Void Beast invasion!

As long as we can meet again and see that familiar face, there will always be someone who will do it desperately...

Fei tried her best to maintain order, but this was a conspiracy laid by the three gods personally!

If there are enough troops, Her Majesty Queen's calendar area may be used!

They can expel the strange divine power wandering in this world!

Just clear away the remaining power of them!

Whether people's prayers or transactions, none of them will be answered!

But the Queen did not answer their prayers!

Ephi and the others are not strong enough to eliminate this divine power!!

I can only helplessly watch all this happen!

And they know that this is just the beginning!!

Human nature is being played around by the three gods at this moment!

They understand human beings so well!!

Watch everything happening in Kaido's world right now!

People in the seafaring world are all tingling and terrified at this moment!

Because I am an outsider, and I am not in that world, so I am not disturbed by that atmosphere!

On the contrary, they can look at it rationally, but the more rational they are, the more terrifying they feel!!

[Pirate A: Damn it!! This is too scary. When I heard the words of the three gods just now, I actually had the idea of ​​making a wish to them!! Fortunately, I didn’t, otherwise I don’t know how I went crazy in the end! 】

【Sengoku: These three gods are too pervert, and there is no solution!】

He feels that any one of these three is more terrifying than Im!

Because many wishes can really come true!

Even if it’s deformed!

But this power is also extremely not simple!!

【Dragon: In such a short period of time, order collapsed in such a good world!!】

【Roger: Those gods understand human nature so well that they don’t even need extra conspiracy!!】

【Red Hair: Sure enough, it is an evil god. Fortunately, it didn't happen in our world!】

【Beckman: It's hard to say. With their means, it's only a matter of time before they find that channel!】

【Bonney: No, don't worry, with Mr. Gao Yang here, it may not be useful for any evil god to come!】

Bonney said with some lack of confidence!

After all, the methods of these evil gods look so terrifying!

[Luo: If it weren’t for those angels still barely maintaining the weak order at the top, countries would have broken out into a full-scale war in order to snatch life spans and increase killings! 1

[Kid: It’s not much better now!] 1.7

[Rayleigh: Previously, those angels said that these evil gods had caused the destruction of many worlds. I thought it was an exaggeration, but now it seems that it is not an exaggeration at all!!]

[Megumin: Genryusai Shigekuni has arrived in that world! 】

[Gao Yang: Let him go and see the lifespan exchange area!! Now we can determine who is the most threatening to us! 】

I used to think that the angel clan was a bit arrogant and not easy to get along with!

But compared to these evil gods who only bring chaos and disaster!

They simply don’t want to be too aboveboard!

Which force should we cooperate with? Gao Yang already knows!

"Zha Yang seems to be in a bad mood. Someone is going to suffer!"

Megumin noticed Gao Yang’s mood.0

"This threat must not be allowed to spread to our world!"

Boss Bai said in a deep voice, this is also what Gao Yang feels!

This means that their Dragon Kingdom must find a way to kill these evil gods!

(It was incorrectly used with the word "He", it has been corrected!).

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