Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

210. Roger Applies To Fight! Seven Major Gods! Assume That You Are The Enemy First! (Please Subscrib

"Damn it!! Who did it!!"

"Eros, what happened to Miracle Star before?! Our will was forcibly erased by some force!!"

"Didn't you ask me not to say anything?!"

"Not any of the gods we are familiar with!"

"Oops!! The seal is loose again!"

"Are these guys humiliating us?!" Within the planet, countless members of the Angel Clan are sealed inside!

The Queen on the throne is now facing a black mist coming from high in the sky!

As long as she relaxes a little, these three destructive knives are enough to destroy the entire planet and the entire angel civilization!

When resisting at the same time, a space cage appears all around!

It seemed like their Queen was right in front of them.

But the sacred wings tried to attack multiple times!

But it only hit the barrier and failed to successfully break through the space barrier!

"They have been preparing for a long time, but there are loopholes twice. Which god 280" took action?"

Huang thought for a long time and couldn't think of anyone who could help them!

The order of justice is the last sharp sword hanging over the head of any being who claims to be God!

No god in the starry sky likes to be supervised and controlled by others!

Because without them, the gods could unscrupulously divide the entire starry sky!

Arbitrarily decide the life and death of a planet!

Now seeing myself in danger, it is too late for those so-called gods to be happy

How could you possibly help yourself!

But for whatever reason!

She won't miss such an opportunity!!

"Feng! I have asked the Angel Treasure House to designate you as the next generation successor. Live well and go to the guardian planet. That planet has infinite possibilities. If I disappear, I hope you can shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing the angel clan. Heavy responsibility..."

Huang, who looked indifferent, seized this opportunity when the three gods appeared!

Use the front of one of the sacred wings outside that has been trying to attack the space barrier!

Use the weak angel treasure house power you just mobilized to teleport it away from here!

She herself is inseparable. If she carries it, maybe the people of this planet can live for hundreds of years!

Once she leaves, everyone will die!

Besides, it would be extremely difficult for her to leave!

The three gods kept staring at her!

"Damn...something's out!"

"It doesn't matter! As long as the king of the angel clan is still there, everything else doesn't matter!"

"She wouldn't be so stupid as to ask other gods for help!"

"It's not impossible. When a person is in a desperate situation, even if he knows it's unlikely, he still wants to try!"

"No god in this world likes them!"

"It's really sad... I have been maintaining the stability of the galaxy for several Ten Thousand Years, but in the end no one was willing to help!"

"But what happened to Miracle Star?"

"It's not necessarily aimed at us. It was the birthplace of many ancient gods. Although it has fallen and the gods have been divided by the gods, this planet has only existed in legends before, but now it has been discovered for real!

The information currently obtained is that there are many god-level genes on it, and they have never been developed! If we can convert them into our believers, we may be able to go one step further, and we have all got the news, and it is normal for others to get the news!"

"But that power just now was so unfamiliar..."

"I'm afraid they are covering up something and don't want us to know, but as long as someone goes over and takes a look, and see what methods they use, they will know which bastard did it..."

What the gods spread can be traced!

For example, the God of Death, if what he encourages is war and killing in the world!

Then other gods can suddenly learn that the deaths behind this series are caused by the God of Death.

"Will new troubles come?" Gao Yang looked at Fei and asked.

"I guess so, they take this planet very seriously!"

"Things are getting difficult..."


No, just based on what you did just now, you might be stronger than most gods!

what are you worried about?

Besides, this planet is a bit special.

But it’s not necessarily possible for the evil god to come in person!

Not to mention you have such a powerful old guard!

"No matter what, since you have intervened, you can no longer think about staying out of it! Speaking of which, why are those evil gods interested in this planet? Could it be that there are very few planets with such a large population in the galaxy?"

Gao Yang asked puzzledly, from the information that was only mentioned in fragments before, it can be known that there are many life planets in this starry sky!

So how come just anyone can make the gods condense into incarnations now?

Although he was killed by Genryusai Shigekuni!

But after all, they appeared. Could it be that those evil gods are just idle?

Gao Yang didn't believe this. It was probably because there was something on this planet that they were particularly concerned about!

After hearing Gao Yang's inquiry, I chose silence!

Because this matter is not something she can disclose to others at will!

She has indeed been screening those with super genes on this planet!

They may even be trained to become gods in the future!

As the situation in the starry sky becomes more and more complicated, many ethnic groups are being bewitched by more and more evil gods!

Their angel clan also needs new and powerful followers!

It would be best to be able to create your own god!

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it. We will figure it out sooner or later anyway! But I wonder if you can judge the answer to the previous question now. Who is stronger between him and your so-called god?" Gao Yang pointed. Genryusai Shigekuni asked!

This question can be answered naturally!

"In terms of direct combat power, I think he may be comparable to gods who are not particularly good at combat. But if he is a god who is good at combat, he may still be lacking a little, but it shouldn't be very big!" Fei thought for a while. Finally, he answered truthfully!

As soon as this answer came out, the people watching the sky couldn't help but feel their hearts sinking!

[Sengoku: The god of another world is actually stronger than the army commander of the Dragon Kingdom!!]

Everything considered, of course the worst case scenario!

[Rayleigh: Stronger than Im, and his abilities are much more magical than Im! Our world may not be safe]

[Roger: Maybe our world will be destroyed when! We must unite and be united to the outside world. I am willing to take the initiative to apply for a Guardian Star to fight against all possible enemies! 】

In this world, his son and his partner are still there!

Roger couldn't watch the danger coming and remain indifferent!

He was never one to sit still and wait for death!

【Jabba: Captain, take us with you!】

【Roger:Of course!】

【Gao Yang: I will consider it!】

Gao Yang can naturally see the sky anytime and anywhere!

Now that a conflict has broken out, there is no point in hiding anymore!

Why not make the Guardian Star an outpost of the Dragon Kingdom!

Keep all dangers out of this world!

And if what this angel said is false! 5.

Most of the so-called evil gods may not be as powerful as themselves!

At most, he may have his own strength!

But it's only temporary, and I can increase my power to another level!

At the same time, it also improves the strength of Genryusai Shigekuni and others!

Make sure nothing goes wrong!

"How many of you so-called gods are there in this starry sky?" But it also depends on the overall number!

"I don't know, some evil gods are very hidden, but for the past Ten Thousand Years, there are seven god-tiers who have been more active!"

"Is your Queen included?"

"Of course not, our Queen is above the Seven Gods!" Fei said proudly...

"There are eight in total. This is guaranteed. It's a little troublesome..."

"Trouble? Eight?" No, what does this person mean?

Are you prepared for a possible direct war with the eight gods!? This includes the Queen!

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