Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

256. Greedy Brave Kings! The Dragon Kingdom Spreads The Sky Here!

In the world of braves, the human front army gathered in front of the Dragon Kingdom to guard the entrance to the rift in the universe.

Legions and brave men from multiple kingdoms are already gearing up!

Everyone dreams of becoming famous, but the brave men are not worthy of their virtue.

There is a shield hero who advocates conversation and has been marginalized.

He was even almost considered a traitor to their human camp by these people.

The war cannot be stopped!

Even now, it is no longer the reason for who is right and who is wrong.

But doing so will be of great benefit to the kingdom with brave men.

They didn't even really talk to Garp et al.

At the joint meeting of many countries, kingdoms and tribes gathered together.

"Everyone, this battle will definitely allow us to share the 15 fruits of victory. No matter what type of demon king they are, they will not be able to escape the punishment of the brave men. This is an iron law!!"

One of the kings, Rons, raised his glass and said happily.

It seemed like victory was close at hand.

Yes! To this day, they still think Garp and others are the Demon King’s army!

It's just a demon king army that they may have never seen before.

Of course, some people raise doubts, but all doubts are heard.

At the insistence of many leaders, they all disappeared.

"I wish the coalition forces a great victory!" The nobles also raised their glasses to celebrate.

Everyone smiles from the bottom of their hearts.

Because the war hasn't even started yet, they have already made a lot of money!

Once the fight starts, hold on and they can take advantage of it for justice.

Taking advantage of people's fear of war to make money crazily!!

They are like wolves who stay out of the situation, waiting for the best opportunity.

Eat everything up, and what will happen to the people's lives?

But that's not what they care about.

The human beings at the bottom are just pawns for them to seek welfare.

It's a pity that this time they made the wrong calculation.

Not every time you turn a deer into a horse, you won't pay the price.

This time it was destined to get hot.

"It seems that no matter which world, there will be these ultimate selfish bastards. Isn't the life of others life? Do you like war so much?"

Garp couldn't help but said angrily as he looked at the information sent back by the spy in his hand.

At this time when the war is about to begin.

But they have already started the banquet.

Because for these superiors.

Even if the frontline war fails, we can still take this opportunity to continue to plunder the people's wealth and support.

Anyway, as long as you can't hit them here.

There won't be any problem.

And can they get here?

No! Of course it’s impossible, but there are legions from multiple kingdoms and brave men from multiple kingdoms.

Just kidding, they have no chance of losing.

"As long as we are human beings, some things and lessons are always repeated, and it is extremely difficult to change no matter what." Bogart said.

Following Garp over the years, I have seen too many such things.

And now in the mountains not far away.

The contemporary demon kings have also gathered millions of demon king armies of various races.

"The army that appeared out of nowhere next to us has become a thorn in the side of mankind instead of us. This is our best chance. Once the two sides start a war and both sides are injured, we will intervene and take over the world."

The Demon King said enthusiastically.

I thought it would be an all-out war between their demon king army and humans.

Even then he was confident.

But it might not be that easy.

He was even prepared for a long war.

But I never thought humans could be so stupid.

He actually regards the legions who are also humans as enemies.

and launched such a large-scale war.

As soon as the war begins, there will be countless casualties, and the Demon King's army can take this opportunity to grow rapidly.

Because corpses and blood are the power areas of their demon royal family.

Suddenly! The place where the Demon King was watching was filled with smoke!

The army of billowing smoke has started and the fight has begun!!

The Knights advanced from three directions: the front and the left and right wings.

There are heroes of the holy weapons in every direction, namely the hero of the sword, the hero of the sword, and the hero of the spear.

Followed closely by infantry phalanxes and a large number of magic legions.

Finally, there is the border city where 350 humans fight against the Demon King's army.

At this moment the city is armed to the Ultimate.

Three steps to a post, five steps to a sentry.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is an iron wall!

The Allied General Marshal Hilby stood on a high place and looked at the Demon Realm!

There are also several crystal balls in front of you, which can keep you informed of the trends on major battlefields.

"Sirby, that guy from the Shield Hero came to Border City and started talking nonsense in the city, saying that our war is meaningless."

"It doesn't matter, no one will believe him. They will just think of him as a crazy brave man and ignore him!"


"The attack has begun. I don't know how long that small army can resist, but I am somewhat looking forward to it.

"Even if you have some strength and the terrain is complicated, with the cooperation of many brave men, you can only resist for three to five days at most.

"Haha, it's only three or five days, I wish it would be longer!"

"Sir Sirby, heaven and earth!" Suddenly a soldier saw something and pointed at the sky with a look of horror on his face and said!

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