Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

260. Demon King: I Choose To Surrender! Does All Enjoyment Come With A Price?

In the Academy of Sciences of the Manmi Kingdom, there has been a breakthrough in the research on the Gumi beast.

"Your Majesty, there are toxins deep in the body of the mountain-swallowing beast. If eaten for a long time, it will affect human health. The physique of ordinary people will become weaker and the life span will be shortened. The evolution of powerful individuals may also be affected."

"Is there any way to solve it?"

"There is currently no solution. It's just trace elements that cannot be detected by ordinary instruments."

"What do you mean by this?! Can't we just ignore it if it can't be detected by ordinary instruments?"

"Lord Avant, our country's current bridge to the "Zero Sixty" of civilizations in the starry sky is this mountain-eating beast known as the delicacy of the sky. We can't stop and cut off our own way of making money.

Once it stops, many aspects will be affected!"

"Then what should we do? Should we just sit back and ignore it?"

"I have cleaned up the entire investigation team. As long as I don't say anything and you don't say anything, even if there are problems in the future, it can only be said that we have not discovered it before..."

"But if we don't take any measures, what will happen to the health of the people?"

"Lord Avant, you are confused. Even if it is just a slight measure, it will soon arouse everyone's suspicion. It is hard to say what will happen then...

So the truth has been concealed until now.

Even some cases of overeating and causing discomfort during the period were dealt with by them!!

The truth is exposed!

It immediately caused an uproar in many places!

Because the canopy has spread to the entire Angel Universe, naturally including the Manmi Kingdom!

"It's over! It's over!" The nobles and royal families of this kingdom knew this secret.

At this moment, everyone's faces were ashen, and this past was played out.

The so-called Angel of Order will definitely come to visit!

They are in big trouble!!

[Sengoku: For his own selfish desires, he has found so many high-sounding reasons, which is really similar to World Government!]

[Buggy: I didn’t expect something so delicious to be toxic. Some people know about the toxicity, but choose to avoid talking about it! Isn’t this a naked murder!!]

[Picture: Ah!! Could it be that I haven’t gotten stronger because I ate too many mountain-swallowing beasts? 】

[Hong: Is it possible that you are lazy? Ordinary toxins have no effect on us angels. 】

[Philippine: Huh! They are ignoring human life. Don’t they have any justice in their hearts? It seems that a thorough investigation is necessary! 】

[Golden Lion: People in power all over the world are the same. 】

[Luo: It seems that the food list only shows whether the food is delicious. As for whether it has side effects, it must not care. After all, there are many human factors in it. 】

[Garp: People who are willing to spend so much money and energy to solve these poisonings, but are unwilling to stop and solve the essence of the problem!]

"Is there anything strange about this? There are many such things in the starry sky." The Fallen Queen just glanced at it and didn't take it to heart at all.

"Everyone on the death list has been cleared, is there anything else that needs to be dealt with?" The Fallen Queen threw the death list to Garp!

Garp looked at the frontal battlefield, and the beheading operation was successfully completed!

All the remaining knights and magicians lost the meaning and fighting spirit to continue fighting, and chose to surrender one after another.

The rest is just to clean up the mess.

Lord Gao Yang has already given orders on how to clean up the mess.

Garp hopes to send away the King of Killers as soon as possible...

Don't say it's the enemy who feels oppressed.

It was Garp himself, facing a violent and powerful person like the Fallen Queen.

It’s also very stressful!

But just when he was about to let the Fallen Queen go back.

Suddenly it occurred to me that there was an army of demon kings nearby that was eyeing him with eagerness.

They had also sent scouts to investigate before.

He said they didn't expect it, but Garp didn't believe it!

Even if you don’t necessarily kill the devil, just taking a trip to intimidate him can save you a lot of trouble later!

"Maybe you can go to the Demon King's army next to you, but they haven't taken action against us. It's best..."

Garp hasn't finished speaking yet.

The Fallen Queen waved her hand and refused: "Don't worry, I won't kill them all. I'm not a big killer!"

"No!! You are!" Garp screamed in his mind.

Before you even finished speaking, you were thinking about killing someone.

I just want you to take a trip to intimidate me!

But you want to kill them all... Hey, only Master Gao Yang can intimidate such a god! 3.8

Saying that, the Fallen Queen did not intend to give Garp a chance to speak.

He had to get up and fly towards the location of the Demon King's army!

When the Demon King saw this scene, he immediately used transfer magic to appear in front of Garp and others!

He originally planned to use this magic to sneak attack Garp and others.

But after seeing what happened to King Reigns and others.

I also noticed that the female killer seems to have new moves!

And the direction is still looking towards you!

Immediately, the devil was so frightened that he came to report it in person!

"Well, we have absolutely no ill intentions towards you, and we are willing to surrender unconditionally!!"

Demon King Zhanzhan said proudly. .

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