Seeing so many civilizations come together.

Buggy and others soon found out.

This is also the video of the future.

So they are also very interested.

I wonder what delicious food will be available in the future!

But the most important thing is not to have negative things like the first two countries.

Otherwise, it is likely to cause misunderstandings among people in the Marvel world, and the post will be bad.

Soon the food show started.

The competition in cooking skills from different civilizations was an eye-opener for everyone.

[Starrk: Damn it! Are you using a laser cannon to remove the armor on this monster? Is it that outrageous? 】

[Banner: A giant that is tens of meters tall is just a firewood cook. I can’t accept it! 】

[Doctor Strange: Such gorgeous and beautiful magic is used for cooking? I feel that his magic level is several levels higher than mine!]

[Steve: If any chef walks out, I feel like he could beat me to death? 】

[Spider-Man: This is so spectacular, but why do they use spiders to cook? That thing can cook? This spider is too huge, as big as a mountain. 】

[Danvers: After so many years of wandering in the universe, I have never seen such a high-level Master of Cooking competition! 】

Each chef looks very unusual and has a good background.

In fact, it does have a lot of background.

After a competition of cooking skills, we soon came to the finals of the top four!

In this competition, there are clear regulations.

First of all, the ingredients are not only harmless. On the premise of being harmless, it is also necessary to ensure that the food has great benefits for human health.

The color, fragrance, and taste are just some of the basic conditions.

"My dish is the source of life. It is made from eighteen planets and seventy-two kinds of tonic substances. Long-term use can prolong life. On the original basis, there is no problem in living for several more decades. "(ajbg)

A chef introduced it confidently while holding a stew pot in his hand.

"What about the cost?" The people responsible for evaluating the food are Hui Hui, Artoria and several other professional gourmets.

[Black Widow: What a beautiful judge. 】

Her eyes fell on Artoria and could not move away for a long time.

“The cost is a little bit more expensive.”

"Okay, I got it." Huihui scored seven out of ten, and the other four all scored eight.

For Huihui, food must not only be delicious, but also be good for the body.

It has to be cheap to be confident.

There is no way, who made her poor since she was a child.

She can't let the food that ordinary people eat have to be greatly discounted here.

[Star-Lord: Is it true or not, just eating can increase life insurance? 】

[Spider-Man: If this is true, then I would be so happy to be a member of the Dragon Kingdom. 】

[Starrk: It seems that the judges did not give very high scores. 】

Then the second appearance of the top four was a vegetarian dish.

"This is a delicious dish. It has the taste of a variety of vegetables and fruits. The complex taste can satisfy everyone's appetite. No one who is picky about food will refuse. Long-term use can effectively improve genes. Moreover, this dish can Most planets can be artificially cultured!"

Artoria: "This is delicious. You can really taste the taste of many kinds of vegetables in one bite. One dish can satisfy hundreds of dishes. It is really amazing."

"The only regret is that it doesn't taste like meat." Huihui gave another seven-point evaluation.

Everyone else gave it a 9 out of 10 rating.

"My ribs are star beast ribs. They can help strong people practice. They have the most tender and delicious texture. They can even be eaten raw. Although they are difficult to catch, if there are enough strong people, you can try to tame them and raise them." !”

"Not bad!"

“Really delicious!”

But the final winner was a dish called volcanic meat stew.

The appearance looks like braised pork.

It tastes amazing.

It is the best ingredient to go with meals.

The most important thing is that as long as you eat a few pieces, your energy will be restored to full state on the spot.

After working all day, I don't even feel tired.

Moreover, it also prolongs life and improves people’s physical and mental cultivation levels!

And this kind of meat grows in the craters of the entire star field.

The number is extremely large, as long as there are interested collaborators now.

Production can begin immediately!

Faced with such perfect food!

Everyone scored ten points together!

[Steve: Is that still food? Is that a sacred object?!]

[Starrk: People in the Dragon Kingdom are really particular about what they eat!]

[Mom: They all look delicious, Gao Yang, give me your seat quickly, and I will help you conquer that star field for free. Ah, I can’t stand it, I want to eat volcanic meat and stew it!!]

[ Kaido: I want to eat too. 】

[Buggy: Hahaha, as expected of Master Gao Yang, I know our food is definitely different from those famous fishermen!].

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