Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

317. Humanity Loses Again! Gao Yang's Coldness, Applied To Fight!

Then Poseidon looked intently at the Fallen Queen.

Because this sentence just hit the pain point in his heart.

Although he won easily, there was strength in it that was not his own.

But Zhi Gui Zhi knew that being exposed so ruthlessly by a human being still made him uncomfortable.

"What are you looking at? Do you want to take action? That's just what I want!" the fallen queen said still fiercely.

"You are looking for death!!" Poseidon said angrily, as the torrential flood surged behind him.

The trident in his hand also gave off a terrifying aura again.

Killing intent surged.

"Come on!" The fallen queen raised her finger provocatively!

Poseidon couldn't bear the provocation of such a human being like a fish, so he immediately used weapons to kill the doctor!

But he was stopped by Odin and Zeus at the same time: "This is the sacred arena, not a place for you to act recklessly. If you have any problems, please solve them outside the arena!"

Poseidon tried to argue, but both ancient gods looked at him at the same time.

Although he was unwilling, he could only choose to remain silent.

He looks down on humans, but respects gods who are more powerful than himself!

"Tch!" The Fallen Queen couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she saw that he didn't attack.

This is heaven, and doing things yourself can easily lead to public anger, but she is not afraid!

I'm afraid it will bring trouble to Gao Yang or ruin his plan!

But if Poseidon had just taken action.

You can use the name of self-defense to obliterate it.

In the current three battles, humans have only won one.

Brünnhilde and the human players were both under great pressure.

There are indeed many powerful people on the side of the gods. If you take them out casually, they are close to the level of ancient gods.

If each of the next ones is so powerful, then whether humans can win three or four games is a question.

"But I should be able to win this one!" Brünnhilde said in her heart.

Because the gods were dispatched in this battle by Heracles, a god who had a good impression of humans.

It's just that he has to fight because of his own status. He is also an upright god who will not play any conspiracy.

Humanity will send the brutal and cunning Jack the Ripper to fight!

The probability of winning is very high.

"Please enter the arena for both players of the fourth round!!" the referee shouted loudly, and then the scene turned into a complex and classical city.

In a duel environment, humans have the right to choose. This is the arrogance and "mercy" of gods!

The battle started immediately, but the result was unexpected by Pingyang and Brünnhilde.

At the beginning of the game, Jack the Ripper really took advantage of the favorable terrain and the ever-changing Valkyrie artifact.

It occupies a lot of space, and Hercules' fighting style is indeed straightforward.

Although it has high defense and high attack power, Jack can still cope with it.

But Brünhilde soon discovered something was wrong, because she could not see the kindness to humans from Hercules' face!

His eyes were red with his swift attack, as if Jack the Ripper had any hatred for him!

This is wrong!! This is not in line with Heracles’ attitude towards human beings for thousands of years!

"That god seems to be bewitched by some power...fuck! Can't your gods afford it?!"

The Fallen Queen is familiar with taint-like powers!

Because at this moment, the angel treasure house in her body has actually judged Hercules to be a polluted body.

"What did you say?!" Brünnhilde was suddenly startled, then raised her hand and looked towards the direction of the god.

Just in time to meet Odin's mysterious smile.

This made Brünnhilde's heart suddenly freeze in half!

Didn't the gods intend to give humans a chance from the beginning?

Are you just playing tricks on humans now?

Didn't they even count what they said in the first place?

"..."Pfft!!" On the battlefield, Jack the Ripper successfully attacked his opponent with a hidden weapon from the darkness, but failed to knock him down.

Hercules became more and more furious.

However, his fighting posture has always been so brave, which does not arouse the doubts of most humans and gods!

He suddenly stepped on it violently, and the tattoos on his body were all over his body, and the twelve karma were forcibly merged together!

Jack had no time to dodge, but his eyes were very calm. He adjusted the hat on his head and smiled elegantly: "It seems that I lost!"

Pfft!! As soon as the words fell, his body was trampled into pulp!!

In Gao Yang's memory, Jack, who was supposed to win, actually lost!

"Oh!!" The audience at the Shen Shen side suddenly burst into wild cheers.

"Lord Hercules is too strong!"

"Human beings are nothing more than that! What qualifications do such weak and despicable human beings have to continue to survive!"

"That's right, I don't see any difference in this world with them or without them!!"

At this moment, the trend of destroying mankind has been suddenly pushed to Ultimate!

"We can win without these little tricks!" Zeus looked at the ancient god Odin and frowned slightly. Although he didn't speak, his eyes revealed this meaning at the moment!

"Since you are so ungrateful in martial arts, there is no need to give them face! Aizen, you will be in the next game!" Gao Yang's eyes were slightly cold.

He is not someone who would choose to ignore even the butcher's knife is in front of him!

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