Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

45. Wanokuni Has Some, Longguo Has Better Ones, Pacifism Brand Excavators?

Kingdom resource ranking NO.1!

The title is just an ordinary day in Longguo.

But it attracted everyone's attention.

Just because this is the number one resource list.

Whether curious or questioning...

Or have other thoughts.

I want to see it with my own eyes right now.

Longguo mining area, looking at this bare mountain with no vegetation, but thousands of people are busy.

The world according to the color of the ore in the mountain.

I recognized what kind of resource it was at a glance - seastone!

[Kizaru: This is the seastone resource that Wanokuni also has, but the quality of this seastone looks much better than those of Wanokuni! 】

[Aokiji: All the seastone mines in Longguo are grown in the mountains above the ground, and the difficulty of mining and transportation is lower than that of Wanokuni. Only part of the seastone mines in Wanokuni are raised above the ground, and the rest are underground! 】

[Flying squirrel: Look around, there are twenty or thirty such seastone mines, and they are not far away, all concentrated in this area. This number is too amazing! 】

[Red Hair: I knew before that there is a high probability that Dragon Kingdom has more seastone stock than Wanokuni, but right now it is not so much!

If this is the case for every mountain, the seastone stock of Dragon Kingdom is probably more than 20 times that of Wanokuni! 】

[ Kaido:! ! ! ! 】

【 Sengoku: More than twenty times! ! 】

Sengoku was also surprised!

That's definitely a lot more than they sold!

Sengoku suddenly thought of a possibility!

The seastone sold by Longguo only occupies a small portion!

Because there are too many, if they are sold loose, the price is cheap!

But it’s not a big power, it really can’t eat too much seastone!

If they are willing to sell this seastone to some big powers!

In the past, the wealth of the Dragon Kingdom must have been much greater!

But Sengoku knows it too!

Once sold in large quantities to big forces.

I'm afraid it has already been targeted by the World government, Four Emperors!

If Long Kingdom wants to develop steadily, it may be difficult!

Wanokuni's seastone resources can attract Kaido!

The stock of this dragon country is dozens of times, I am afraid that many big forces in the world will be attracted!

It can be seen from this that maybe the king of the Dragon Kingdom is not only talented in business!

Maybe still a rather cautious person!


Five Elders is short of breath!

They really didn't expect that the seastone stock in Longguo was so amazing!

Wanokuni seastone mine controlled by Kaido!

Compared with this, it looks extremely shabby.

And at this time Garp's words are even more astonishing!

[Garp: Speaking of which, do you think that the height and size of these mines are all similar, as if they were carved out of a mold. Generally speaking, only artificial ones can be so regular! 】

【Whitebeard: Really, but the seastone mine has always been formed naturally, your idea is too out of the ordinary! 】

[ Aokiji: It should be just a coincidence, maybe they just happen to look the same! 】

【Zhan Taowan: What kind of tools did the miners on the mountain use? 】

As the video field of view gets closer and closer.

People who could only see small black dots just now.

I can see clearly now.

They saw how these miners mined and how Wanokuni mined.

with large differences!

Miners at Wanokuni usually have only one pickaxe.

Let them chisel the seastone down bit by bit!

The method is very primitive, and as a result, exhausted prisoners often appear.

But this seastone mine, except for the busy workers.

There is also a strange machine with a mechanical arm and a base control panel!

The work of the miners is very easy, and the large seastone directly controls the excavator to shovel it down!

The absentee next to him is holding a tube that can emit laser light.

The seastone shoveled down by the bucket is cut and finely selected.

Cut off the excess impurities with a real laser cutting pen, effortlessly!

When everyone is working, there is still time to talk about family affairs.

In stark contrast to Elbaf, Wanokuni's miners!

[Kizaru: Dragon Kingdom's laser light technology is so mature and popular? Forget about the previous fishing boats having similar laser weapons!

After all, it is a ship sailing at sea, so it needs some force to protect itself! Mining a seastone now, and such a neat laser tool? ! 】

[Sengoku: I am afraid their achievements in this way are very high! 】

It's their Marine Science Department that uses laser technology on pacifists!

It's just in beta now!

It's hard to say whether it's stable or not.

Longguo's laser technology seems to have entered every household.

[Moria: There is a clear division of labor, one person is responsible for a part, and the efficiency is surprisingly high. This work model is still a bit novel! 】

Suddenly the mining work encountered some problems.

A novice excavator worker, due to an operation error, smashed a good seastone block into the mountain.

It is compacted, and there is no room for the robot arm to move around.

"It's really careless. Did you see the blue button next to it? It has a personal form control function. If you press it, I will also press mine. If the two are combined, it will become a personal driving mode!"

An old miner reprimanded him quite severely.

"Is it this one?"


Both pressed the blue button on the excavator!

Then the metal parts of the two excavators were exposed and reassembled!

And there is a magnetic attraction between the two!

It came together in no time!

In a few seconds, a mecha with a more elaborate mechanical structure, a human form, and a cockpit appeared in front of everyone!

【Franky: Aww, isn't this a mech? ! This is too cool! ! 】

The old miner climbed into the cockpit skillfully!

The mecha is suspended directly! Come to the mountain above!

Manipulating the mech to stretch out a pair of mechanical arms, the metal fingers of the machine become sharp!

There is a strong thrust behind the arms roaring!

With a snort, inserting both hands into the mountain is as easy as inserting a block of tofu!

Gently flicking your hands, tearing apart the mountain is as easy as tearing apart paper!

The big rock with seastone was easily lifted out!

Afterwards, two laser beams were shot out from both eyes, and an irregular circular outline was accurately drawn on the stone!

With a bang, the seastone and the stone were perfectly separated!

"Old Joel's peeling technique is still so powerful, no seastone is damaged at all, amazing!!"

The miners next to him gave their thumbs up.

[ Sengoku:! ! ! ! 】

[Kizaru:! ! ! ! 】

People in Longguo use this kind of high-tech "robot" to mine? !

What a joke! ?

So convenient! The strength is so powerful!

The metal arms are so fine and sharp! !

It can also emit laser light!

Maybe this thing is stronger than the current pacifists!

And it can be controlled artificially, which is more intelligent!

This can be directly regarded as an important core weapon! !

It would be too reckless to use it for mining!

[Zhan Taowan: That clumsy machine just now can turn into a robot! ! 】

【Franky: Idiot, that's called a mecha! ! 】

【 Luffy: Hiss, it's so cool! ! 】

[ Chopper: So cool and spicy! ! ! 】

【Brook: A robot, a man's dream! ! 】

[Marco: If this thing can be produced on a large scale, once it is put into the battlefield, it should be a very powerful killer! 】

[Quinn: Although it is not as good as my modified body, the problem is that it seems that ordinary people can easily control it! 】

[Flying squirrel: It will definitely be a very practical weapon! 】

[Vegapunk: You guys, don’t think of using it for fighting, for people’s livelihood, and for people’s convenience as soon as you see something good. This is the true meaning and usage of these machines! 】

[Garp: With this thing, the work efficiency is high and easy! Compared with this, the miners of Wanokuni are too backward, too tired, too miserable!

Even in the previous video, Kaido's own subordinates mined seastone, in order to produce as much as possible, many people were exhausted, even exhausted! 】

Kaido: ...Made! This bastard Garp, praise the Dragon Kingdom, praise the Dragon Kingdom!

What are you doing for yourself?

The same resources are incomparable, and now people are incomparable!

Doesn't he, Kaido, don't want to lose face?

If it is not the same resource!

He won't be so embarrassed!

[Beckman: Something is wrong. If the amount sold is only the amount in the previous wealth list, there should be no need for so many people to mine it. After all, the mined seastone needs to be stored, and it needs to be cleaned and maintained regularly. It is better not to mine it yet ! Where did the rest of the seastone go? 】

[Red Hair: Maybe there are other uses? Just is there something or someone that needs so much seastone? 】

And with the appearance of Boss Bai in the video.

They all figured it out in no time!

(This writing is a bit long, please ask for a flower monthly ticket evaluation ticket!)

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