Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

52. Dragon Kingdom Becomes A New Holy Land! Numb! Who Can Have A Devil Fruit Forest In The Back Gard

When so many people put question marks, it's not that we have a problem, but your Dragon Kingdom has a problem!

And it's a big problem!

【Garp: Sengoku, did I hear you right? What he just said was the Devil Fruit Forest, but what about the Apple Forest?】

【 Sengoku; It should be this one. 】

Sengoku wasn't sure either, or rather couldn't believe it.

【Whitebeard: I must have said something wrong. As we all know, Devil Fruit has no evidence to prove that they come from trees. 】

【Red Hair: The discovery of Devil Fruit is all about luck. Some people find it in the sea, and some people find it on the island. There is no pattern to follow! Even when they are discovered, no two Devil Fruits have ever existed in the same place. 】

【Kaido: Listening to their words, it doesn’t look like man-made. The words are to be studied, not the research results. 】

[Vegapunk: Devil Fruit is an unnatural object born on the sea due to people's strong desire.

That’s why it was cast aside by the sea representing the natural order! It didn’t grow naturally! How could it be a forest?]

In this regard, Four Plus Punk is a pro.

He said so, and everyone is more willing to believe that the king of the Dragon Kingdom may have slipped the tongue!

Because everything he said violated the existing common sense.

【Rocks: Maybe it just happened to happen that two or three Devil Fruits appeared concentratedly, which is relatively rare, so the King of the Dragon Kingdom said so. 】

【Roger: It is possible. 】

The video continues to play.

Although Boss Bai promised Gao Yang to go to the north of Longguo

But it is protected there.

There is no rush.

There are also important things to be busy at the moment.

After she made the life source of the angel potion scarce.

Distributed to hospitals in Longguo!

For the first batch trial, Boss Bai was also present in person.

Prevent some unexpected situations, after all, people's physiques are different!

Even some races in this world are different!

No problem in theory.

But whether someone is allergic to certain ingredients in the medicine is still unknown!

So it is necessary to be cautious, and it is also a responsible performance.

Longguo First People's Hospital.

In the corridor, sat a middle-aged man with a haggard, numb face.

Oliver is forty-five years old.

Their family fled from other countries and came to this dragon country.

Found a job as a courier!

The working hours are not long, and the salary is much higher than expected.

Longguo's consumption is not high, and the family lives a good life.

But my wife suddenly suffered a serious illness!

Let the life that just turned better be shattered!

And this is not a disease that can be cured with money.

It's cancer, it's a terminal illness!

Even if you get up early and work late every day, you can work a few more jobs.

Adhering to treatment can only alleviate the pain of his wife.

Cannot get effective treatment.

But even so, he didn't intend to give up.

Unable to give up, he fled all the way, and his wife never left him!

The relationship between the two has already been extremely deep.

"Dad, I got a job."

An immature girl of about fifteen years old came over.

"Didn't I tell you to study hard, and you don't have to worry about family affairs." Oliver's face sank!

When the girl heard the words, she just pursed her lips and looked at her father without saying a word!

There is stubbornness in the eyes, but also perseverance.

She knew that such a serious illness would cost a lot of money.

But in her impression, as long as the more money is spent.

The more hopeful people will be saved.

At least that's how it was in their previous kingdom.

"Go and see your mother..."

Seeing her like this, Fu could only sigh helplessly!

This temperament is very much like his mother.

The girl did as she was told, but she was determined, and soon ran out crying!

This scene made the people in front of the video feel anxious.

Especially those at the bottom, feel the same way!

Disease is an enemy that is enough to make people hopeless.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Oliver asked worriedly.

"Mom, she wants to give up treatment..."

When Oliver heard this, he was stunned and his mind went blank!

He is not afraid of hard work or tiredness, but he is afraid that one day she will do this!

"No! There may be a miracle if you cure it, but if you don't cure it, everything will be gone..."

Oliver hurried in to persuade her.

"We have money, Longguo's treatment is very good, and we can afford it! I didn't give up, and I didn't allow you to give up... Don't worry about money."

"I don't want to part with you, I'm not afraid of pain, and I want to spend more time with you, but we are ordinary people, and getting this disease is equivalent to being sentenced to death! Don't waste money on me anymore!"

In Oliver's consolation, that doesn't have much effect!

The worried girl called the doctor.

When the doctor heard this, he stepped up and walked in.

"You don't have to worry about medical expenses. You may not know it when you first came to Longguo, but as long as you get Longuo nationality, all routine medical care is free, and only a few special medicines need to be paid.

But even if it is a special drug, more than 90% of it can be reimbursed. Generally, there is a serious job, and there is absolutely no case that the disease cannot be cured.

Didn’t you ask you to submit the application for the citizenship of the Dragon Kingdom before? As long as you are not sent by other enemy countries to sabotage, it will be approved under normal circumstances..."

"And just now, the Academy of Sciences above has made a new breakthrough in medicine and invented a new special medicine. There may be hope for your illness!"

Listening to the doctor's words, the family of three were stunned.

"Medical treatment is free for Longguo nationality?! Even special medicine can be reimbursed?!"

"Hope for a cure?!"

This sudden surprise rekindled the light of hope in the eyes of the family of three!

It also surprised the people in front of the video.

【Stussy: Is it true?! Longguo's medical benefits are so good?!】

[Morgans: The general treatment fee is free! More than 90% of the special medicine can be reimbursed! I have been to almost all the countries in this sea, and I have never seen any country with such good treatment!】

【Chopper: Great, great, this way the patient can be saved and the family can get back on track. 】

Chopper was deeply touched, and even shed tears of excitement at the moment.

as a doctor.

Since she was a child, she followed Dr. Shiruluke and Aunt Doriel to treat people in the kingdom.

I have seen too many poor people whose families are broken by disease!

So for the poor, their charges have always been free.

Do not force them to give much!

But the number of people who can be saved is still a minority!

Most people are reluctant to see a doctor, and finally carry it hard and resist to death.

Or missed the best treatment time!

The most fundamental reason for this is money!

And their Magnetic Drum Kingdom is also a country with a very famous medical technology in the world!

The situation in their country is still like this!

Other kingdoms are even worse medically!

Unlike Longguo, which has such a big hospital!

Even the medical treatment is good, as if only in the Kingdom of God!

【Luo: The Dragon Kingdom is an amazing country. I don’t know what it takes to become a member of the Dragon Kingdom?】

Luo is also a doctor, so he is serious!

Back then, if their town had such a hospital!

Maybe everyone will not be completely helpless!

If it is saved, maybe it will not be slandered as an infectious disease!

Since my hometown was destroyed!

He has never had such a strong sense of approval for any kingdom!

【Peacock: Just now the King of the Dragon Kingdom planned to do this, but seeing a real example in real life still makes people feel deeply!】

【Uta: Life is too difficult for ordinary people, fortunately they are from the Dragon Kingdom. 】

【Sengoku: Dragon Kingdom still has money!! You can only do this if you have money!】

【Vegapunk: If all kingdoms in the world were like Dragon Kingdom, it would be a blessing for all people!】

【Whitebeard: I hope the Dragon Kingdom will continue to exist!】

With just one medical policy, Dragon Kingdom has become a sacred place in the minds of countless people at this moment!!

Countless people yearn for it!!

And such a policy is indeed implemented in place in the video.

Boss Bai also came to this hospital with an angel potion!

Cancer cured!! The cost is extremely low!

They can afford it! Just a month or two of salary!

If it wasn't for the high cost of angel potions!

Belongs to special medicine!

Even without spending a penny.

The family of three hugged and cried together!

And after crying, the child can still go back to school.

Father is still able to work full of energy.

The wife is still in charge of housework......

Life is sweet and happy.

【Roger: I never noticed that there is such a country in East Blue before, otherwise I would definitely pay a visit! I really want to live in this kingdom for a while!】

Even the One Piece Roger couldn't help but sigh!

"Great!" As a captive at the moment, Tashigi, who is more emotional, couldn't help but say out loud when he saw this!

"What's the matter, you are captives. Before someone takes you back, you have to go mining to earn your own living expenses!" Huihui looked at the glasses girl angrily!

"Okay!" Tashigi subconsciously agreed quickly!

Wasn't the life of those miners in the past very good and easy?

Smoker, even Crocodile, Jhin and other captives looked at Tashigi strangely!

There is something wrong with this woman!

Why is being a prisoner so happy!

"That...not, I mean..."

Tashigi also reacted, but couldn't explain it at all!

"Don't be too happy, although the captives also provide food and shelter, and can rest three days a week, but the working hours every day can reach a terrifying nine hours!"

Megumi tried her best to show an evil expression, while waving her index finger triumphantly.

Want to see the fear that a captive should have in Tashigi's face!


Crocodile:  …

Would she like to hear what she was saying?

Does this red-eyed little girl who doesn't look very bright have a wrong understanding of horror?

Smoker Tashigi said that Marine works 24 hours online, and there are almost no holidays, which is still dangerous...

No, no more comparisons!

Otherwise, Smoker will feel that mining is a happy life!

I even looked forward to it...

Tashigi was also stunned!

This is really "horror" (happiness)!

Be sure to let me mine!!

"Hahaha! Be scared!" Hui Hui was very satisfied with her stunned expression!

"Hey, it seems that he slipped through the net of the school's compulsory education."

Gao Yang touched Huihui's head and said in a slightly speechless voice.

But this also means that Huihui has completely gotten used to the life in Longguo.

Concepts have changed too!

【Jin Xing: If there were no pirates, and everyone would pay more money from the sky, it would not be impossible for the future world to become like this!】

【Golden Lion: I really know how to put gold on my face! Shameless!】

【Whitebeard: Shameless!】

【Rocks: Shameless!】

【Aunt: Look quickly, that woman has gone to the Northland!】

In the video, Boss Bai went to several hospitals in a row.

Send out batches of angel potions that have diluted the source of life!

It went well, and the users did not experience any adverse reactions.

Afterwards, Boss Bai came to the Northland by that means of transportation called a car!

This area of ​​the North has been cordoned off!

Many black armor guards guard this place!

It looks quite grand.

Even saw batches of mechs!

[Rocks: Sure enough, those gadgets can be used by miners, and of course they can also be used for military use, but I don’t know how powerful they are! 】

[Quinn: That blond female swordsman even brought people to guard herself! The battle is not small! 】

【Peggy Wan: Maybe there is a special situation and I haven't got the Devil Fruit yet? But it's really shabby, our Beasts Pirates have hundreds of man-made Devil Fruits!】

【Black Maria: We are the only ones who can produce Devil Fruit in the whole world. Although it is only Zoan's, for ordinary people, any Devil Fruit is precious!

They really want to find a few Devil Fruits, so it's not surprising to have such a reaction. 】

Kaido, who had already set foot on the boat, frowned slightly!

With the lessons learned from the previous seastone, he is much more vigilant!

We have seastone, you have seastone too!

Now they might still have Devil Fruit?

What do you mean?! Do you have to do the same thing?!


The Devil Fruit that Brother Ming traded to himself should be the only one in the world!

Even if he really gets a few Devil Fruits, it can't compare with his Beasts Pirates at all!

After all, their Beasts Pirates have about 500 Zoan ability users alone!

Of course, because of Jack and Jhin, a small part was missing.

But the impact is not big, the overall is still very impressive!

Just when Boss Bai walks into this area!

A scene in front of everyone!

But it made everyone in the world lose their minds!

I saw it under the leadership of the swordsman Artoria.

Boss Bai walked through a dense forest path.

A colorful Madara fruit forest is presented in front of everyone!

The forest is really not big, only about fifty trees.

Two or three Devil Fruits hang from each tree!

But this is a scene of a big harvest with many fruits!

If this is (of Zhao) common fruit forest, then it's nothing!

But those weird patterns and bright colors...

All show their identities——Devil Fruit!!

【Rocks: Damn it!! It’s Devil Fruit!! So many! Laozi has never seen so many Devil Fruits in his life!】

【Sengoku: It's a lie!!!】

【Kaido: Are you kidding me!!】

【Jin Xing: What the hell is this place in Dragon Country? Why is it so weird!?】

【Quinn: I'm Nima!!】

【Morgans: Who will tell me whether these are real Devil Fruit or fake!】

【Stussy: What happened today is incredible, maybe I'm dreaming!】

Everyone looked like they had seen a ghost!

Including Five Elders!!

This is completely against all existing common sense!

How does Devil Fruit stick and grow!!

Just like ordinary fruit trees, the fruit hangs on the branches!

This scene gave everyone an unimaginable strong impact!

【Marco: I think that should be true!】

[Red Hair: Why do you say that. 】

【Marco: I saw the Devil Fruit that I once ate. My Devil Fruit does not exist in the illustrated book. Except for me, no one in this era should have seen it before it was eaten!

But just now, among me, there is the one I ate

【Beckman: But this is too hard to imagine!】

The wise Beckman doubts life!

Angel Potion is scientifically researched after all!

It's a miracle, but it's still within the range of normal psychological tolerance!

But the Devil Fruit forest in front of me is really abstract!

It's incredible!

【Sengoku: Judging from what they said before, it is not man-made!】

Kaido also said this before!

But if man-made is excluded!

If it's all natural, then...

Trying to break his head, Sengoku can't think of a reason!

And what the next two women said was even more jaw-dropping!

(Begging for the first order!!).

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