Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

68. The Emperors Gather, The Center Of The World Uzumaki! The Golden Emperor Is Only Fit To Be The V

Where was your arrogance just now?

That kind of air of being the only one in the world!

What about that villainous air that seems to only be found in born bad guys?

Where did everyone go?!

Now the world can be absolutely sure!

This blue-haired youth is a monster-level powerhouse!

In their eyes, no matter how arrogant he is, he is still normal!

But after Gao Yang came, he turned into a devil and a "lamb"!

This contrast is a bit big!

【Sengoku: How did the king of the Dragon Kingdom do it? The Imperial Technique is so amazing!】

Sengoku is envious! A strong man like Marine Admiral.

One by one is independent, don't look at him as the Marine marshal!

But in many cases, they may not be able to command them.

Thinking of them obediently, it is more difficult than going to heaven.

But the king of the Dragon Kingdom did what he couldn't do.

I really want to ask him in private how he did it.

I hope Huang Yuan can succeed, that is the best!

【Kaido: What a useless guy, with such a strong strength, but obeying a little king!】

【Aunt: Even if there is any kindness, a top powerhouse in the world will not be so humble and respectful!】

【Haiyun King: You know what a fart!! You are not even qualified to carry my king's shoes!】

【Kaido: After I enter the Dragon Kingdom, I hope you won't be so crazy!】

【Whitebeard: The King of the Dragon Kingdom is really not easy! But I would like to thank the Dragon Kingdom for solving this traitor for me!】

【Ochoku: I also heard that the red hair and Kaido broke out in East Blue, how? Are you done?】

【Silver Ax: I just passed by, and I planned to cooperate with Kaido to kill the red hair! But this guy has a teleportation ability on board! Good luck for him!】

【Aunt: Rocks, didn’t you say you could reach East Blue in one day? Why haven’t you arrived yet?】

【Rocks: I saw some interesting things on the road, and I was delayed for some time. Why, Linlin, are you eager to return to the arms of this captain?】

【Aunt: That’s not true!】

【Rocks: I'm not talking about you guys, you guys are really bad, after so many years of messing around, you still haven't achieved anything!】

【Whitebeard: You can do it, your brains were blown out!】


Time flies in the barrage!

It's almost evening the next day!

The waters and islands near the Dragon Kingdom.

All of a sudden it was lively.

There are many directions in the Dragon Kingdom, on different islands. 860 Many forces have arrived.

Beasts Pirates, Marine Admiral, Big Mom Pirates, some strong loners from Red Hair Pirates!

Because almost all of them arrive on the front foot, other forces will arrive on the back foot!

So now, no one dares to take the lead!

Afraid of rushing to the front!

Peaches were picked up by others!

"My God! The small East Blue Dragon Kingdom has become the center of the vortex of the world at this moment. Pirates and monsters that are rarely seen at ordinary times have arrived near the Dragon Kingdom one after another!"

"Just looking at it makes one's soul tremble!"

"If so many of their monsters fight, I don't know how many islands in East Blue will be destroyed!"

"Even if Long Kingdom has a top-level expert, it's not easy to be optimistic!"

"Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Once the battlefield unfolds within the territory of Dragon Kingdom! Such a beautiful and happy kingdom may be smashed into ruins!!"

"They don't care about that!"

"I don't know who will make the first move!"

"Before, whoever arrives first must be the first to attack, but they all arrive at almost the same time, or other forces are nearby, so we have to think carefully!"

"I hope the Dragon Kingdom can overcome this difficulty! I plan to immigrate to the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Me too!! There are no pirates in the Dragon Kingdom, and the standard of living is high! This is my dream country!"

The world is talking about it!

"Let's try to see if we can talk about it first. After all, Long Guo seems to be fighting for a just cause. I hope it can convince Gao Yang and save us from doing it. Once we do it, even if we catch Gao Yang in the future, it will be a problem to get along with him." Kizaru said.

"Yes." The CPO also nodded, and felt that this method had a high success rate.

As long as Long Guo is not stupid, he should be able to understand how dangerous their situation is!

In the whole world, who is more capable than their World government to keep the great secret of Gao Yang!

Soon Kizaru sent someone to the island to send a letter to the king of the Dragon Kingdom.

"I still have to do it as soon as possible, there are more and more people, Linlin, help me hold that blue-haired kid, how about I take down Gao Yang and this kingdom first!"

In a small town, the residents closed their doors and no one went to the streets.

Just because two terrifying monsters came to this area.

"I flew here, and Perospero's fleet will take about a day to arrive! If you take the Dragon Kingdom, you may not be able to hold it!"

"That's not necessarily the case. The Dragon Kingdom has a lot of good treasures. They are all used for construction. It's too wasteful. If they are used to arm my subordinates! With the power of you and me, the World Government may not be able to shake us!"

"I want the exclusive sales channel of Angel Pharmacy in the future, and half of the wealth of Dragon Kingdom! Gao Yang also has to come to my world in the future to improve my land resources..."

"You have such a big appetite." Kaido couldn't help frowning.

"As far as I know, Sengoku Garp, Whitebeard are on their way, and our old captain!"

"Good!" Time waits for no one.

With the power of big mom!

Even if Dragon Kingdom ranks first in the military list, it deserves its name!

He is also fearless!

At this moment, there are many strong men who are staring at the outside world!

Some restless pirates!

Albeit in awe after seeing Grimmjow!

But instead of giving up, they started to hold together.

And they have their own reasons.

"Snatch Gao Yang if you have a chance, drink soup if you don't have a chance, grab some gold treasures, get some Devil Fruit, angel medicine..."

"Stop talking, my saliva is almost drooling!"

"Long Kingdom is really rich!"

"Nonsense, the wealth list, the resource list is number one!"

Suddenly a message caught everyone's attention!

【Luo: The Golden Emperor is here!! Visiting the Dragon Kingdom!】

【Hawkins: I actually went to the Dragon Country!】

【Capone Bege: I just don't know if Dragon Council will accept him. 】

[Apu: I'm afraid that the Golden Emperor was acting before, and he has other plans! Especially at this time, Longguo will not trust anyone casually! 】

In the video, a huge and no longer luxurious ship enters the waters of the Dragon Kingdom!

There are many black-armored soldiers patrolling the coast of the Dragon Kingdom.

There are also warships docked at the coast, which still look like ordinary sailboats on the sea.

But no one thinks that way.

Even fishing boats were so scary before.

Where will these warships go.

"Stop coming." Yixiao stood on a warship, looking towards the Golden Entertainment Empire.

He said lightly.

Gao Yang is also on the boat, but fishing in the stern.

Artoria brings some snacks.

While Gao Yang is concentrating on walking the fish, he picks up some to eat from time to time!

She watched and ate, waiting until Gao Yang stretched out his hand.

Dim sum has been eaten.

Gao Yang looked at Artoria.

Arturia also looked at him.

"Master Gao Yang, the Golden Emperor is here."

Someone came to announce.

"Understood." Gao Yang returned to the deck without getting up.

He came to see the Golden Emperor, but not directly.

Although the performance of the Golden Emperor in the video does not look fake.

But there are many people who can act.

Who can guarantee whether he came here for the value of money.

And with the advancement of the video, now Longguo is not just rich.

Lots of crazy stuff!

With huge benefits, has the Golden Emperor ever been tempted?

So just smile.

Let him dry himself first! Investigate and investigate!

Everyone is also watching at the moment.

【Bonney: Master Gao Yang seems to be ignoring him!】

【Stussy: After all, the Golden Emperor is also a world-class powerhouse, and possesses a lot of wealth. Even if the Dragon Kingdom is rich, it should be extremely eager for this kind of talent, so just let it go


【Loan usury king: I came all the way here, but I was rejected from the beginning. If it were me, I would just turn around and leave!】

"(cdbd) why did you come here?" asked with a smile, looking in the direction of the Golden Emperor.

Although he couldn't see it, he could clearly perceive the position of the Golden Emperor.

"Come here for redemption, for the construction of the Dragon Kingdom."

Only the Dragon Kingdom is different from this filthy and dark world.

"Our Dragon Kingdom doesn't need it, please go back."

Listening to the words of a smile, the Golden Emperor just stood there!

I don't know where to go for a while.

After a long time, I came up with a solution: "How can I join Dragon Kingdom?"

If you can't be a cadre of the Dragon Kingdom, then start from the most basic.

【Brother Ming: The Golden Emperor is really crazy! A good king is wrong, he would rather be an ordinary citizen and stay in Dragon Kingdom!】

【Sengoku: In his heart, an ordinary citizen is more meaningful than the head of a country. 】

【Flying Squirrel: If you pursue justice, you should join our Marine, our Marine also needs such talents!】

[Whitebeard: Stop putting gold on your face. 】

"Please go back." The answer to the Golden Emperor was still a calm refusal.

If this were replaced by the former Golden Emperor, I'm afraid he would have become angry from embarrassment!

【Aokiji: Is it worth it for the Golden Emperor to do this?】

A world-renowned strong man was rejected even if he wanted to become a citizen of the Dragon Kingdom!

Who would have dared to think of this in the past!

If the former Golden Emperor was the first to refuse, he would become angry from embarrassment.

【Kizaru: It's so strange, I refused so simply!】

This is a humiliation to the Golden Emperor.

"Our Master Tezuolo came from afar because we sincerely feel that the Dragon Kingdom is good, and we want to do our best for the Dragon Kingdom.

Mr. Tanaka can't stand it any longer!

When has Lord Tezolo been so humiliated.

"Needless to say, if the Dragon Kingdom is not willing to accept me, then in this world, there is no meaning for existence.

The Golden Emperor looked at the sea, already determined to die.

"Kneel down." Gao Yang finally came over and said at this time.

If the Golden Emperor experienced the first wave of invisible humiliation.

Annoyed, or leave, then there is no need for Gao Yang to appear!

That means he's still him!

However, the last step is still needed to confirm.

【Morgans: The king of the Dragon Kingdom actually made him kneel down?! Damn it! This is worse than taking the life of the Golden Emperor! A person as proud as the Golden Emperor would rather die than suffer such humiliation!】

【Stussy: What did he think? He came here with good intentions, but was humiliated again and again!】

【Aunt: Could it be that the king of the Dragon Kingdom is actually an extremely arrogant person?】

【Ochoku: The Golden Emperor is so miserable!】

【Red hair: For the strong, there is no benefit that can make them compromise and suffer this kind of insult!】

At this time Gao Yang casually took a few steps forward!

Plop!! But after hearing Gao Yang's words, the Golden Emperor didn't hesitate at all.

Get down on your knees!

This shocked everyone!!

【Whitebeard: No way!!】

【Loan usury king: He is no longer the Golden Emperor I know!】

【Kaido: Disgraceful guy! It’s a shame I invited you back then!】

【Ochoku: Why bother!!】

【Garp: Only those who truly have salvation in their hearts can do this!】

"Congratulations, from today, you are a member of Dragon Kingdom." Gao Yang smiled.

It's amazing how quickly attitudes change!

【 Buggy: Hey? I didn't agree with it for a second, why did I agree as soon as I got down on my knees, the king of the Dragon Kingdom is a moody guy?】

[Red Hair: Stupid Buggy, people in the sea value dignity and face more than life, the Golden Emperor can't bear this kind of humiliation just to plot the wealth of the Dragon Kingdom!

Either turn around and leave, or directly annoy and kill the king of the Dragon Kingdom, but he knelt down without hesitation, and there was no struggle in his heart, which shows that he only has one thought in his heart!]

【Sengoku: Not only that, King Gao Yang just approached inadvertently just now, and entered the beheading range of a first-rate powerhouse. If the Golden Emperor had made an attempt just now, that blind man

Even the swordsmen may not be able to react!]

【Buggy: Fuck!! Are you all so smart?】

【Moqi: Captain, is it possible that your heart is too big. 】

He dare not say stupid.

【Buggy: Bastard, whose nose are you talking about is red and big. 】

【Luo: You don’t need your eyes, you can donate them to others. 】

【Moria: Can people really change for the better?】

【Garp: People can become bad, and they can naturally become better...It's just that many people don't have this opportunity. Of course, there are also hopeless people!】

【Kaido: There is an extra first-class expert for no reason!】


【Aunt: At this time, only idiots will join Dragon Kingdom!】

"With your ability and strength, ordinary citizens are not suitable for you. Smile, it seems that your second team has been lacking a vice-captain. Let him give it a try. If he doesn't do well." Withdraw

Gao Yang welcomes talents, and the territory of the Dragon Kingdom will expand a lot in the future!

It will also absorb more people.

The Golden Emperor's ability and strength are considered good.

And it has really changed, you can use it.

If it doesn't work well, just replace it.

【Stussy: Did you make a mistake? The Golden Emperor can only be the vice-captain, and he is still unstable, and may be dismissed at any time!】

[Morgons: I think with the strength of the Golden Emperor, it is enough to be the captain of the king's army! In the end, I became the vice-captain of the second team! The captains of the Dragon Kingdom are all very powerful

?He is so strong that he is not necessarily qualified to be a golden emperor?】

【Aunt: How is that possible?! It must be that he hasn't trusted him yet, let him start from the bottom. 】

At this time, on the sea surface, Marine's fleet also appeared in sight.

"Your Excellency Gao Yang, I haven't been able to wait for your reply for a long time. Please forgive me for coming uninvited... Can I ask why your Excellency Gao Yang didn't reply? Our Marine is very sincere

I would like to invite His Excellency Gao Yang. asked Kizaru standing on the bow of the warship.

At this time, many pirate ships appeared faintly on the sea surface.

"We can't let Marine succeed!" One of the forces started to act!

Of course other forces can't sit still!!!

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