Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

72. Terrifying Dragon Country! More Super Combat Powers Will Be Exposed Again! That Thing Is Called

Not all forces are within the territory of Dragon Kingdom.

The people who entered just now accounted for a small part of the entire force.

And many people stayed behind.

Only some people who are extremely confident in themselves just came out in full force!

At this moment, they received distress signals from their companions in the Dragon Kingdom one after another!

This part of the backhand immediately headed towards Longguo.

Most forces chose to stand on the sidelines.

Even gloating.

You are ambushed, ambushed!

Shout out together!!

Want us to charge with you? There's no door!

They are all competitors!

It would be best if they were all dead, so that they could live together less often.

It can also consume the vital power of the Dragon Kingdom, why not do it?

"The guy who is too anxious will not end well, and he will end up taking advantage of us!"

"Wait until you read the military list before doing it. Don't say you fully understand Dragon Kingdom, but such an obvious attack method like this must be on the list! It's too impulsive!"

"But that thing is really hard to deal with!"

"The people who enter the Dragon Kingdom are not weak, it is best for both sides to die!"

"Dragon Kingdom is so big, those monsters can't be endless!"

This is also one of the reasons why Gao Yang does not take the initiative to attack all forces.

Immediately send strong men to crush them!

Then all these forces will subconsciously huddle together.

Fight against the dragon country with all your strength! Even if the dragon country is not afraid!

But so many powerful forces!

It will definitely bring a lot of casualties to the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom!

And it will be even more difficult to make the first battle of the Dragon Kingdom!

And just let them hang out for a while, let them have a little disagreement on a certain action!

There is no need for Yang to send people to operate the rest of the matter!

They'll fight themselves, split into multiple different factions!

Among the thousands of ships that charged, Kizaru was also included.

He saw a terrific fight between Cross Saint and Grimmjow!

Its power surges, if there is no thick earth wall to block the aftermath!

At this moment, you will be swept by shock waves at sea!

And the signal is together, as Marine Admiral must come to the rescue!

But at this moment, the blind man faced so many ships and strong men!

But fearless!

【Sengoku: Facing so many strong men! This blind swordsman is still blocking the front of the port! This kind of courage is really amazing!】

【Loan usury king: The Golden Emperor doesn't even avoid it! He really wants to live and die with the Dragon Kingdom! What the hell is so charming about the Dragon Kingdom!】

【Garp: This is too much! Did you watch the previous video for nothing?】

【Red Hair: What a pity!】

How nice it is for such a person to be your partner.

One is a very reliable guy!

It's a pity to face so many strong people.

I can't bear it!

Don't say he's just a strong man close to Admiral!

It's the real Marine Admiral!

How can one person stop these thousands of strong men!

Among them, Kizaru is not the only top powerhouse!

If there is no accident, it will soon fall!

That's why redheads say it's a pity!

Hum! A smile has drawn the knife, when the air force is transmitting the shock!

Boom boom boom~~Suddenly a violent sonic boom sounded.

People in the entire sea area of ​​Longguo heard the movement from high above.

At first it was just a star-sized flare.

I didn't pay much attention to it, but as the extinguishing light approached!

Countless people at sea showed expressions of horror!

【Capone Bege: Meteorite!!! It's a meteorite!! Damn it!! That blind man summoned a meteorite!】

【Morgans: It's so big!! It's dangerous!! Damn it! I'm right there! Oh! I almost forgot, I thought I was watching the sky at home!!】

【Aunt: Hey, isn't the attack method a little too exaggerated!】

【Ochoku: If this thing falls down, not many people will survive!!】

【Kaido: What an amazing method, how far this guy has developed the fruit of gravity!】

【Silver Ax: This is definitely another monster-level combat power!】

【Aokiji: Dragon Kingdom has another top-notch expert!!】

The answer is astounding!!

【 Kid: It's outrageous, such monsters appear one after another in a remote kingdom of East Blue!!】

【Bonney: Dragon Kingdom is amazing!! Hahaha!! I knew Dragon Kingdom must be extraordinary!

This is the most powerful country on the military list!! Even if it hasn’t been played yet!! But Elbaf has two top-level powerhouses. According to normal conditions, Long Gui probably has the main name of the top-level powerhouse!]

【Apu: Impossible, absolutely impossible!! You are a top powerhouse and a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road!】

【Stussy: It's incredible!! Could it be that the military list really lives up to its name! But, how can such a small kingdom give birth to so many monster-level powerhouses at the same time!】

【Venus: Dragon Kingdom......】

Five Elders with a heavy heart!

"Things are getting troublesome!" "!" Kizaru looked at the meteorite falling from the sky, covering a large area of ​​the sea!

Could it be that those earthen walls are not only used to trap people and beasts!

Or is it for tsunami protection?

At this moment, the people on the other ships were all scared out of their wits!

What are you kidding!!

Why is the Dragon Kingdom so terrifying!

This blind man is nothing close to Admiral!

But a veritable monster powerhouse!!

And it's the best among monsters!

This meteorite is so big!! If it hits the island!

Destroying an island directly is not a problem at all!

so scary!

"Amazon Cloud Sword, Concentrate Explosion!!"

Kizaru can't still be dropped by this meteorite!


A lightsaber emerges, and instantly expands!

Kizaru jumped up and slashed at the meteorite instantly!!

The entire meteorite was instantly chopped off!

The meteorite exploded, forming debris all over the sky!

Pour down like rain!

Each fragment has the power no less than that of a high-strength shell!

Kizaru made another hit.

Smash all the pieces above your own fleet!

Others weren't so lucky.

Numerous ship personnel were hit by debris all over the sky!

Instantly buried in the bottom of the sea, howling everywhere!  ……

"Damn it!! There is no turning back! Marine is definitely going to the island! Let's follow Marine and kill!"

They were right!

Kizaru must come to the island to help!

No matter how strong the opponent is!

This is his duty!

So he rose into the air and jumped towards the port.

In an instant, he came to the sky with a smile.

The sky is full of light clusters pouring down!

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

"Gravity Knife․Tiger!" With a smile, he slashed with his backhand, and the tiger roared!! Smash the ball of light!

Kizaru himself is right behind the light group!

Gather the lightsaber again, cover it with Haki, and slam it down!!


The moment the two strong men's swords touch!

Explode a terrifying shock wave!!

The tyrannical power surges and stirs up the situation!!

The black-armored soldiers were not thrown away!

Instead, retreat in an orderly manner!! Then float in the air!

Watching quietly, without any panic, it seems that I have long been used to maintaining my state in this kind of strong confrontation!

"This!!" The Golden Emperor was also surprised!!

I thought that Yixiao's strength should be about the same as my own!

I didn't expect to be so much stronger than myself!!

As the vice-captain, it seems that there is nothing wrong with him!!

"Hundred Times Gravity Slash!!"

With a smile, he was shocked suddenly, and his strength increased!

A superpower spewed out from the stick knife!!

Knock Kizaru out at once!

Kizaru turned into a laser beam and instantly blasted nearly ten pirate ships!

When it reaches eleven ships, it stops!

His face was extremely solemn, and a stream of blood overflowed from Kakuzu's mouth.

【Loan usury king: Fuck!! So fierce!!】

【 Kid: Marine Admiral can't get any benefits at all! Can't enter Dragon Kingdom!】

【Zhan Taowan: Grandpa, now is not the time to be lazy! Sengoku and Five Elders are watching!】

【Yellow Ape:......】

With a subordinate like you!

What an honor in my life Kizaru!

But it must be something wronged in my previous life!!

【Garp; Kizaru suffered a small loss when they met face to face!! The Dragon Kingdom is so powerful!!】

"Warning! Warning!! All ships approaching again! They will be regarded as intruders!!"

Warning sounds on Longguo Island!

But many ships scattered quickly, intending to land from other parts of the coast!

They have to enter the Dragon Kingdom to meet their partners!

There are also some people who hesitate and abandon their partners!

They were frightened by Yixiao's strength, and quickly let the fleet retreat!

There are also some fish in troubled waters, planning to take this opportunity to invade the Dragon Kingdom!

For these intruders who are determined not to turn back!

Dragon Kingdom is also welcome!

The warship sticks out the barrel, the warship transforms, and many seas are formed!

The black armored soldiers are sitting on the fort, ready to fight!


In an instant, high-explosive bullets, super armor-piercing bullets, and energy bullets with natural elements!

Dense light beams... all poured out crazily in an instant!!

whoosh whoosh!!

Da da da!!

boom boom boom!!

When the firepower of the real warships of the Dragon Kingdom lighted up for the first time!

Not even a Four Emperors-level powerhouse can keep calm!!

Those old sailing warships, in front of this kind of firepower!

It's exactly like paper!

It was torn apart in an instant!!

Many people haven't come close yet!! Even their own strength has not been displayed!

Be one with the sea!

The light beams criss-crossed, blasting warships one after another!

The warships are like sparks on the sea, and when the sun goes down, there is only Huizhu left.

It looks extremely beautiful, but it is accompanied by countless lives!!

Even if there are big pirates with bounties of hundreds of millions, or even nearly one billion, on some ships!

Can block many beams!

It can be used as brighter light cannon, plasma cannon, electromagnetic cannon and other weapons light up!!

They also turned into corpses amidst howls of unwillingness!!

"I'm not reconciled!! I haven't even entered the Dragon Kingdom yet!!" A big pirate wailed in despair!

Even non-Logia monsters are not very willing to face this kind of firepower!

Especially at sea, they don't have super high mobility!

An easy target!

"Morker! It's not that I violated my agreement and didn't want to save you. It's just that I might not be able to withstand this firepower! Besides... With your strength, self-protection should be no problem!" the underground tycoon, Gibson said helplessly!

【Silver Ax: The firepower of Dragon Kingdom's warships is so terrifying!! It is more than ten times stronger than fishing boats!!】

【 Buggy: Ah!! It's horrible! It's horrible! I'll never go back to East Blue in my life!】

【Redhead: You escaped from East Blue?!】

【 Kid: It's really scary, but that electromagnetic gun is so cool!】

[Hawkins: many seas in the sea

The thief was wiped out at sea without even entering the gate of the Dragon Kingdom!!]

【Zhan Taowan: Their weapons are far ahead of our time!!】

【Sengoku: Although I predicted when the dragon country fishing boat showed its combat power, I really didn't expect it to be so powerful! It's unimaginable! Kizaru and the others are in big trouble!】

It's okay if you don't rush to the front!

However, World Government God Knights and CPO are the first birds!

Kizaru is going to wipe their butts again, I'm afraid it won't be so easy this time......

There are so many other forces lurking around!

【Jin Xing: If we also have this firepower! Why worry about pirates being immortal!】

[Saturn: World government severely condemns Dragon Kingdom for using weapons of mass destruction! It’s so inhumane!! Please stop attacking our personnel immediately!

The signal of the government's full-scale war!]

However, no one likes him!!

【Urouge: I'm afraid there must be air...... Fuck!! Act like I didn't say it!】

Someone did think of that with Urouge!

Some ability users, or people with special racial talents!

Get off the ship and take to the skies!

Some keep going forward, some retreat!

But those weapons can adjust the angle!

Seems to have already factored in the air threat!

In an instant, bloody fireworks blossomed in the air!

The entire sea area close to the Dragon Kingdom is horrible!

The Golden Emperor, who has just used the golden fruit to awaken the ability, becomes a golden giant with a height of hundreds of meters!

A burst of golden magic fire shot out from the eyes of the giant, just blasting two or three warships!

When I turned around, the other ships were almost gone!!

Damn! Is the Dragon Kingdom I joined so fierce?!

The individual combat power is strong, and the overall technological firepower is also fierce!

It's like I'm doing nothing!

Is my vice-captain somewhat incompetent?

And at this time, someone sent out a barrage full of panic!

【Buggy: My god of the sea!! Then that... what is it!!】

[Red Hair: What is it? Where is it?]

【Buggy: Northeast corner of the coast!!!】

Everyone looked at the bullet screen and attracted the attention of the redhead!

They all looked at the location Buggy said!

As a result, they all looked horrified!

I saw a whole black monster with a white face, the size of a mountain!

There are many invaders attacking it all around!

But the attack can't break through the defense! It grabbed a human and sucked it suddenly!

People saw his soul sucked into his mouth alive and eaten

In this world, whether it is the fruit of the underworld of Brook!

It's still Big Mom's soul fruit, the soul is clearly visible!

That's why they are terrified and afraid at this moment!

How can this thing eat people's souls, because it's terrifying!

What kind of monster is this again!

Then it opens its mouth, and a fan of energy Cero blasts out!

Many invaders were killed!!

More souls (good Zhao's) poured into it!!

Everyone's scalp is numb!!

【 Kid: Some attack methods of this weird thing! Why are they similar to that blue guy!】

【Capone Bege: Mad! I think I have to leave! It’s just watching a show! There’s no need to be so close!】

[Hawkins: The horror of the Dragon Kingdom is like the devil in the comic book where the ultimate boss sits! It's too scary!! 】

【Buggy: More than one head!】

Dozens of these Menos Grande came out of the forest one after another!

【Rayleigh: Dragon Kingdom has so many means!!】

【Jabba: How can a country have so many means and powerful people at the same time!】

【Rocks: What an amazing treasure kingdom!!】

【Roger: Rocks, do you think there is a possibility that after you pass, you may die again!】

【Rocks: Who do you look down on? Without Garp and Whitebeard helping you, you are nothing...】

The more dead people, the faster the virtual evolution. This thing is cheap and has a very high growth rate, which is most suitable for the battlefield! Let's see how many higher-level Menos Grande can be cultivated in the future!

Gao Yang watched everything calmly!

Time passed, but many strong people felt very heavy.

The screams on the island have gradually decreased!

The moon is high, and the moonlight is unusually bright tonight.

Light up the whole kingdom!

It should be a good time to drink and watch the moon!

But the island is the purgatory of Luanwu!!

Grimmjow and Cross Saint are still fighting madly!

Jikel can occasionally help Cross Saint, but also has to deal with a constant stream of Polar Eaters, as well as Menos Grande!

[Brother Ming: Damn it!! There are not only two top powerhouses in the Dragon Kingdom, but also a third person!! Damn it!! What is going on in this country?!】

"What?!!" Everyone was stunned! They couldn't accept this shocking news for a while!

【Kaido: Clown!! What happened to you?! What is the situation!! What you said is true!】

Kaido felt his heart tremble slightly just now!

One country and three monsters! You are the headquarters of the most powerful force in the sea!

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