Sailing: The Kingdom Of God I Created Has Been Exposed!

82. Is Such A Country Worthy Of Being Called A Powerful Country? Pervert! ! Redhead Rage!

The genius is getting brighter.

After one night, there was almost no sound in the territory of Longguo.

Only scattered people with special abilities are still fleeing and resisting.

The captains of the guards were not in a hurry, and let the soldiers take turns to go into battle.

In order to achieve the effect of training troops, we have also practiced before.

But most of the enemies are under the high-quality weapons and crushing strength!

Usually can't hold on for too long.

But this time, there are many first-class powerhouses and top powerhouses to accompany them!

For example, Kibson and Perospero can be used as soldiers.

There are Boss Bai and Artoria looking after the battlefields.

No surprises!

Just suffer from these intruders.

"Bastard, give us a good time!! Let me be hacked by a small soldier, Laozi is a big pirate with a gold value of 700 million Baileys!! You humiliate me like this!"

"I promised to love peace!! You devils!!"

"I was wrong!! I was wrong!! I surrender!"

"Go back, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Gao Yang looked at Misaka Mikoto and other middle and high school students and said.

"Understood, call us if you need something." Misaka Mikoto waved his hand.

Since Gao Yang said no, and the situation is temporarily stable now.

They didn't insist.

"Master Gao Yang, are you hungry?" Thor looked at Gao Yang lovingly and asked eagerly.

"Not hungry yet....…"

"But I haven't cooked for Master Gao Yang for a month. I am not a qualified maid like this!"

"Uh...then do something casually."

"Leave it to me!" Thor rolled up his sleeves and said energetically.

"Hmph, I'm going to sleep, don't call me casually if it's nothing serious, of course, if you are willing to ask me, I can think about it..."

Long Juan snorted, took off on the spot and flew towards the backyard of the palace.

"I want to do it! Let me do it!"

"There are no enemies left, why come? Don't you want your Explosion Magic to make its debut and have a big enough character?"

"Zha Yang, what you said makes sense! The first time is very important! Hey, I shouldn't have agreed to that protection mission just now! The magic team didn't come in handy." Hui Hui both recognized and regretted it.

Ulquiorra remained expressionless, and returned behind Gao Yang!

If it weren't for the super-class combat power shown just now!

Perhaps everyone in front of the sky didn't pay much attention to this guard.

But now this guard is the number one combat force in the world!!

Even if the battle is over, the eyes of the strong will frequently fall on him!

"I can't imagine that such a powerful monster would rather live in a small kingdom than work for our World government!" The Five Elders were all envious!

Such a loyal and strong man!

How can you not be jealous!

After defeating a strong enemy, there is not even the slightest pride!

As if just doing a trivial thing.

Grimmjow went to the port, there is a conflict, there will be the first flashpoint!

The Golden Emperor looked at it with a smile, then at Grimmjow, and finally at the sky!

The whole person was dizzy and didn't react until now!

I thought I was here to die this time, but I didn't expect to hug my thigh!

"Master Tezolo is really amazing! Wisdom eyes and pearls!!"

Mr. Tanaka and others all feel admiration!

They can be regarded as joining in the most difficult time of Dragon Country!

Now the Dragon Kingdom is extremely powerful!

Their future treatment will never be bad.

Tezolo was slightly embarrassed: "I didn't expect that either."

Nagli, Umit led people to patrol the coastlines of Dragon Kingdom!

Although the shield has been activated!

But there will always be people with special abilities!

Shields are not everything!

Inspections are still required!

Soon the military list will start broadcasting.

Watching notes:

[Kingdom military rankings, compare the world's top three military kingdoms, and the country with the highest recognition in the world will receive generous rewards!】

[The rewards are mainly to improve the natural resources, land area, and comprehensive physical fitness of the people in the kingdom!]

【The audience of this video is not limited to living people!】

【Rewards are mainly anything that exists in this world!】

[This broadcast involves all living people, and also involves one of many future lines!】

When Watching Notes Emerge!

People immediately discovered that there was one more precaution in front.

【Kizaru: This sky curtain really has the power to broadcast the future!】

【Jin Xing: In a short moment in the future, people with special abilities may be able to do it! Even people with abilities may go to the future, but they themselves cannot predict the future! This sky

So reminded!】

【Oden: The future...】

[Red Hair: Is Figalando the first military power to be played!]

Figalando, also his red-haired surname!

【Akainu: I have diverted to Impel down!!】

【Sengoku: Akainu, everything is about your own safety!】

Sengoku can only say so, now they really have no way to support!

The World government didn't transfer them back either!

It shows that from the perspective of the World Government, the destruction of Suijin City has become a fact.

I can't change it, otherwise I will focus on the Dragon Kingdom!

Or... World government intends to use this force!

【Sengoku: The military of a kingdom generally includes basic combat power, weapons and equipment, and high-end combat power, among which high-end combat power is particularly important!】

[Garp: That's for sure. Just now Figalando died with a high-end combat power [The ranking has changed directly. Is Song Ya Kingdom so powerful? This is directly the first place.]


【Whitebeard: From this point of view, Dragon Kingdom has five powerful people, and it can indeed be called the most powerful country in the world!】

[Bonney: Other weapons and equipment, the basic combat power of the Dragon Kingdom is also very strong! Elbaf is indeed much weaker than the Dragon Kingdom! 】

【Beckman: Judging from the change in the ranking just now, the gap between the other two kingdoms should not be too big, so a top powerhouse hopes to affect the new ranking!】

【Venus: Even if Saint Cross dies, logically speaking, the Kingdom of Goa should not be stronger than the Kingdom of Figalando. 】

The Five Elders were puzzled, thinking about it, they only thought of Garp and Dragon, two top powerhouses!

This power is probably worse than Elbaf!

Why can it surpass the Kingdom of Figalando?

But the military list has already started!

Maybe there is an answer.

In the sky screen video, Grand Line New World, Kingdom of Figalando!

The ancestral land of the Figalando family!

The former Valley of the Gods belonged to this kingdom!

But the Valley of the Gods was destroyed in the war 36 years ago!

Sage Figalando Grimm only lives in the Holy Land in name!

In fact, guarding the kingdom all year round!

Select talents for World government!!

If you look closer, this is a big country with a vast territory!

Almost comparable in size to Alabasta!

But the population is not that much!

In the center of the Kingdom, there is a very large and extremely prosperous palace!

Behind the palace is a training ground.

Countless immature faces stood on the ground, looking up at an old man on the high platform!

Old Sage Grimm, the king who was active in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, and the commander-in-chief of the World Government God's Knights!

A gorgeous long sword is pinned to his waist.

"Starting today, Figalando will be for you to eat, dress and have fun! For you to exercise and fight~||!"

"Everything about you, your life, belongs to the Figalando family and belongs to the World government!"

"Only 1 in 5 of you will stay! Guys who don't want to be eliminated! Double your training from now on!"

The Grimm Old One is declaring!

"Oh!!!" The immature boys and girls below erupted into crazy cheers. !!

Even though many of them don't know what that means!

But just do what they say!

"We are the lucky ones to be chosen!"

"We are geniuses!"

“World government is everything to us!!”

They train as hard as they seem to never tire!

Every day someone dies from exhaustion, or is sent away due to injury!

But new ones are added every day!

With the support of the World government, what the Kingdom of Figalando lacks most is people.

[Rocks: It’s really the style of the world government. No matter what, first forcefully instill the so-called justice into them, regardless of whether they understand it or not! After a long time, their minds will only be left with ignorance of the so-called justice and loyalty, and a superb killing ability! 】

【Rayleigh: Only one-fifth of them survived? The other four-fifths probably wouldn’t be able to survive! It’s really cruel!】

Rayleigh also has a certain understanding of World government!

[Loan usury king: What is cruel? Only in this way can we forge a strong fighter! 】

【Stussy: After all, most people are relatively average. If you want to have strong strength, how can you do it without going through hard training!】

【Whitebeard: The one trained is pervert!】

[Green Old Sage: The sea is cruel, isn't it natural for the weak to be eliminated!]

The video falls on a teenager named Matthew.

When he first entered the kingdom of Figalando.

Everyone in the family is happy for him, and they all believe that he will become a high-ranking official or a big man in the future!

He has a cheerful personality, and he is very grateful to the World government for his attention and cultivation.

He tries to fit in with everyone and goes extra hard every practice!

Blood and sweat don't matter at all!

For him, this is a chance to change his destiny!

Many people can't ask for it!

But when I saw that during the training, the friends who had communicated with were injured and sent away one by one, and more and more friends even died of exhaustion!

He who used to be cheerful has gradually become taciturn!

Even if someone new came to the same dormitory, he didn't bother to say hello.

His talent is very good, and there are also opportunities to learn knowledge here.

Knowledge learning is his favorite course!

In class, he met a friend from another training branch.

The two communicated very happily, and soon became best brothers, and agreed to stick together until the training is completed!

Graduated together, dedicated to the Figalando family together.

But the enlightenment of knowledge must bring about a change in thinking!

Learn more and more with Matthew!

He began to understand the true meaning of the word justice!

Justice should be more than just loyalty, right?

Full of doubts, he asked the teacher who taught the anus the next day.

But not only him, but other people after enlightenment of intellectual thought.

It seems that there is also this problem, and one of his old friends raised this problem in class.

As a result, the teacher's face changed, and he quickly called the guards, pointing at the old friend and saying.

"He didn't know what books he secretly read, but he dared to question the justice of the Figalando family!"

"No, no... I just want to ask, justice should not only be loyal, but also have other qualities, such as kindness, love..."

Crack!! The boy didn't finish speaking, when the sharp pointer whipped it, and it was bloody in an instant! Howling endlessly!!

Beat until dying.

This numb, expressionless guard just let go!

"Everything you have is given by the Figalando family! The Figalando family is justice!! All existences that question justice are inferior products, do you want to be inferior products too?

"~ No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!" Everyone was terrified.

Soon someone accused the teenager who asked the question!

"You are inferior!!"

"We are the best people!"

"Questioning Figalando's justice! Deserves to be shot!"

"Yes, yes!!"

"Remember it all! Obedience is justice! Obedience is justice!"


Matthew dared not ask!

【John: It’s really rough and simple, but it’s really effective. Fear itself is a good thing! No wonder the soldiers of Figalando can scare countless people, and it’s no wonder they can become the military station of the World government!】

Years pass by!

Matthew also grew up gradually, under the financial resources of Figalando!

He Grandmaster all kinds of weapons, all kinds of assassination!

Know the weaknesses of various armors and abilities!

I have learned the six postures that many people will not be able to learn even if they are permanently disabled.

He is excellent!

It's just that he has always had doubts in his heart, is what he is doing just?

Until one night when he couldn't sleep, he avoided eyeliner and went out to relax

They are already "loyal"!

The surveillance is not so strict anymore!

Suddenly he heard some movement from deep in the forest.

He shouldn't be curious, but because he has been haunted by doubts about justice.

Make him appear slightly different from "normal".

This time he went to see it curiously, but saw a scene he would never forget.

The students who were seriously injured due to fighting during the day were not sent for treatment at all!

The kingdom was not given away either!

Instead, they turned into corpses, piled up together, and burned!

He always thought that those who were eliminated or injured too seriously would be difficult to recover!

Will be sent back to their original home!

Didn't realize they were all dead!

"I don't want to die, I just have a broken leg, it can be cured..." There were survivors among the corpses.

"Why are there still uncleaned ones! Really, it makes us spend so much effort every time!"

The guard said coldly, stepped forward, and squeezed the boy's thigh.

He screamed in pain!

"The comminuted fracture must have fallen from a high place during training!"

"Yes, it is.....…"

"It takes a lot of time and resources to heal this kind of injury, and the recovery is not as good as before. In other words, you are a defective product!! If your talent is good enough, it may be worth spending some time and resources, but you are not that good!"

Pfft! A knife pierced the heart, and the boy lost his breath completely!!

"How could this be, how could this be..." Matthew couldn't believe it!

For the first time, I realized that this is not heaven at all, but hell!

He ran back to the dormitory and told the others about it!

The others just stared at him coldly!

The eyes are calm and numb!

Some people even asked him in doubt: "Is there anything wrong with the defective products being cleaned up?"

"That's right, we are the elite of the Garlando family! We don't need imperfect battles!"

When Matthew looked at them, his hair stood on end for an instant, and he subconsciously stepped back a few steps!

For the first time, I felt boundless fear!

Here... it seems that only myself is not normal!

He is dumbfounded!! Scared!!

The next day, an officer came to calm him down, and he nodded in understanding.

Soon his graduation exam will be ushered in.

And his opponent is his brother!!

"Only one of you will graduate!"

"We know you have been communicating, feelings are the biggest enemy! I hope you can overcome!"

"Only by killing each other can you prove your loyalty to the Figalando family!"

Neither had a choice! In a cage!

At the beginning, they were reluctant to kill each other!!

But there was a time limit, and in the end the brothers chose to die at the hands of Matthew.

"Your graduation task is to kill me, mine is to kill my parents, I can't do it... I won't come here in my next life, you have to live well.


Matthew hugged his friend's corpse, his expression was numb, but there was an unknown fire burning in his eyes!

But he was quickly restrained!

【Red Hair: How did the soldiers of Figalando be trained? This Tamade deserves to be called a strong country?!】

Rare anger for redheads!!

【Whitebeard: They don't want people, they just want killing machines!】

【Bonney: The boy at that age seems to be still in school in Longguo!】

Bonney's words are deafening!

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