Sailing: The Opening Inventory is Relationship King Luffy

Chapter 15 The Father Of The Revolutionary Army Leader Of King Guan

"Master Luffy...'s network is so powerful! I don't know if being a concubine counts?"

Somewhere in the sea, among the VIPs on the Mole's warship, Hancock looked at Luffy who was overly sleepy and chatted privately and whispered softly.

Through the diving screen, Hancock not only learned that Garp is Luffy's grandfather at this moment.

Even more exciting is Luffy's father, Monkey·D·Dragon!

The man called the most vicious criminal by the World government, the man with the highest bounty in the world today!

For those who hate Celestial Dragons like Hancock, Luffy beats Celestial Dragons like this. Luffy's father is the leader of the revolutionary army against Celestial Dragons World government.

That's just...! Lord Luffy was given to me by God!

My home is here with Lord Luffy, right?

Hancock's eyes gradually became sick, his face was flushed, and he was panting slightly, hugging Luffy who was exhausted and sleeping, and the atmosphere was beautiful.

Ninety percent of his energy was devoted to looking at Luffy tenderly, and Hanku set aside one percent of energy to connect to the Heavenly Dao to take a look at Lord Luffy's father.

[Announcement on Tiandao stocktaking: video stocktaking begins, relationship king Monkey D. Luffy, family articles. 】

[Video: On the screen, the shady scene at the beginning of the chapter is gradually opened, and the subtitles of "Monkey D. Luffy, the king of relationships, family chapter, father Monkey·D·Dragon" appear. Immediately, the portrait of the dragon appeared. 】

"Damn dragon!" Mariejois, Five Elders secretly hated.

During their term of office, there appeared such a powerful revolutionary army that clearly opposed the World government. This slap in the face is very hot!

"Although I haven't personally witnessed it, Sengoku, Kizaru, and Akainu all said that Kizaru has indeed obtained the Flying Thunder God Technique, so this future video that will be revealed later may be a reference."

Lord Im was still sitting gracefully on the throne, and the Five Elders were talking softly.

Check out this future video, can you reveal more dragon movements? They can also take better precautions, and it is best to expose the opponent's main cadres and bases.

[Video: The image of the dragon on the screen gradually dissipated, and the video played!

In the picture, seventeen years ago, Long returned to his hometown of Fengche Village with a baby who was several months old in his hands.

Seeing this, his father Garp, whom he had not seen for a long time, was so angry that he fought with him.

The dragon didn't dare to fight, but Garp was really angry and wanted to beat the unfilial son.

So after a few tricks, Long and his father stood at attention and were beaten honestly.

If he hadn't seen the child in his hand, Garp would have broken his leg.

Seeing his grandson for the first time, Garp excitedly hugged the baby with one hand and thumped the baby with the other.

Taking advantage of his father's happiness, Long Shen sold a wave of misery, and said that his daughter-in-law had also left, and asked his father to help take care of the child.

After having a grandson, Long, his own son, is trash in the eyes of Garp, and those who dislike him are immediately driven away without food.

In the following time, Long would quietly return to East Blue every one or two years to take a look at his son Luffy from a distance.

In this way, seventeen years later, through the intelligence personnel under his command, he learned that his child was going to sea to become a pirate.

Long sighed with emotion, thinking that now is not the time to bring his son to the Revolutionary Army, and just let Luffy go to the Grand Line to practice.

Afterwards, he took a trip to East Blue and waited for his son in the town of Rogge, ready to send him to sea. 】

[World Channel - Rocks: Oh~! Is this Garp's son? He is much better than his father, the D family should overthrow the Celestial Dragons, and only Garp, an idiot, is the dog of the Celestial Dragons. 】

[Garp: Gan! Believe it or not, the old man fished you out of hell and beat you again? 】

【John: Me! Me Garp! Please be sure to catch me with the resurrection crystal, and it will be cool for you when the time comes! 】

[Rocks: Go! Garp clearly said to scoop me up! 】

【Shiki: Garp! You just say which of us has a deep friendship with you! 】

[Garp: ...! 】

[Crane: A group of rotten undead, don't even think about it. 】

【Roger: Ahaha, what's the matter with you, Garp? Why is the father kind and the son filial? 】

Roger here, watching the disharmony between Garp and his son in the video, immediately fired.

Damn, I don't know how Garp taught Ace? Now he doesn't even recognize Roger as his father, and doesn't even reply to any messages.

He'll have to be good and put Garp out of the way.

[Edward Newgate: Gu la la la! Garp is stupid and not as knowledgeable as his children. 】

【 Kaido: Uhhhhhhhhh! dragon! Interested in joining me? Presumably we have a common language! 】

【Long: I think, if you give up the arms business and make amends to the countries you have hurt, I will keep you in prison for life. 】

[Ah Bell: Arrogant, I will pay close attention to your revolutionary army! It's time to treat you well! 】

【Jack: The arrogant revolutionary army! Master Kaido is invincible, what are you? 】


These cannon dragons don't care. Although they really want to use Four Emperors, they must have the attitude they should have, so as to make their partners' beliefs stronger.

At the same time, Long and the anxious Sabo negotiated to temporarily stop letting Mori sneak into Impel down from the bottom of the sea again by pushing the fruit.

Kizaru from Flying Thunder God Technique actually went to Impel down to escort Ace because of a private chat with his father Garp.

It is impossible for Sabo to save Ace in Impel down, and even the dragon will not allow Ivankov, who established Newkama Land in Impel down, to act.

That way, even if Ace is saved, they will be trapped in Impel down, and the loss outweighs the gain.

It's better to go to a secret meeting with the white group and the red group now to discuss countermeasures.

And the little thought in the dark is to hope that the white group and the red group will fight fiercely with Marine, and their revolutionary army will secretly turn against the cp organization of the world government.

This can greatly weaken the World government, and at the same time reduce the combat power of the pirates.

Even though the white group and the red group have behaved well these years, they can be regarded as sheltering Yuichi.

But a pirate is a pirate, and now with the Celestial Dragons as an enemy, the dragons want them to exist to keep the World government at bay.

If one day their revolutionary army succeeds in overthrowing the decadent World government, these pirates will be the first to strike!

[Video: In the picture, Long waited for a day in Rogge Town, Luffy and the others finally landed on the island.

During the period, seeing his son lost, Long deliberately used the ability of the hurricane fruit, and let a gust of wind fly Luffy a few blocks to the central square of Rogge Town, a mile away, to meet the execution platform that Luffy was thinking of.

Luffy happily climbed onto the execution platform and looked around, very excited.

Then! He was fooled by Buggy and almost beheaded on the execution platform.

But the dragon is in the distance, manipulating the weather through the hurricane fruit, guiding a thunderbolt to strike Buggy, and loosening the shackles on Luffy at will.

A sudden change occurred, and Smoker, who secretly set up a siege net, had to come in advance to collect the net.

Although Smoker quickly captured Buggy and Alvida and others, and held down Luffy.

But just then, the dragon appeared behind him and rescued Luffy.

Smoker is very angry about this, but there is nothing he can do. He can only watch the pirates escape and speculate on the dragon's purpose in Rogge Town.

Then, looking at Luffy and others setting sail from the high roof, Long said happily:

"Go! If that's what you choose to do."

Seeing this, Smoker asked below: "Why, why did you help that man? Dragon!"

Long Wenyan replied with a smile: "Is there any reason that can stop a man from setting sail?"]

[World Channel - Buggy: Damn dragon! So it was you who did it in the first place! I remember you! 】

【Roger: Ahahaha! Little Buggy, you are so big, why are you so frustrated? You won't be lazy and don't practice again, right? 】

[ Buggy: No, Captain! He was a sneak attack! Shameless sneak attack! 】

[Smoker: Dragon! I should have thought of why you helped the Straw Hat Boy in the first place! 】

[ Kid: Ahahaha! Monkey·D·Dragon? Although I don't know if we will be enemies in the future, but you are very interesting! 】

[Luo: Is there any reason that can stop a man from setting sail? I'm so envious. 】

[Shanks: Hey! Mr. Long, are you free for a drink? I think we have a lot in common! 】

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