Sailing: The Opening Inventory is Relationship King Luffy

Chapter 6 Catching Pirates? No! Is To Send Grandson To Sea!

Here at the Marine headquarters, Sengoku and other Marine executives have tested the Flying Thunder God Technique that Kizaru just obtained, and it is indeed a miracle.

In addition to being shocked, I became more dignified and took this inventory of Heaven's Dao more seriously!

At the same time, he looked at Garp scrutinizingly.

Relationship King's grandfather?

However, just Garp, the Marine hero grandpa, is not enough for Luffy to become a relationship king!

Even with Luffy's father, Garp's son Monkey·D·Dragon! Not enough!

After all, the strong and powerful in this world are not so simple.

If Luffy is really the relationship king, what kind of connections are there in the dark?

Besides the Four Emperors Shanks who Garp murmured a few times and abducted Luffy as a pirate, who else?

"Garp! Your family, aren't you planning something?" Sengoku asked.

Garp is a highly prestigious Marine hero; his son is the leader of the revolutionary army; plus Luffy becomes the guide of the pirates Four Emperors Shanks...!

This family! You won't plan any more big things, will you?

Hearing this, all Marine executives also looked at Garp, full of shock and suspicion.

"Of course not, it's just family misfortune." Garp immediately picked his nostrils, looked at the ceiling, and replied in a low voice.

"Kizaru! How did you guess right again?" Sengoku aimed at Kizaru, Garp couldn't force him to ask, so he looked for the answer from Kizaru who answered correctly.

"Hmm~! Guess, after all, your relationship with Garp..."


Kizaru's answer made Sengoku speechless for a moment.


Among the flowers in the ancient city of Mariejois, the Five Elders knelt under the high seat of Im.

At this time, they were full of worries, and their expressions were also tangled and uncomfortable!

I haven't figured out what kind of Tiandao's inventory, yet another embarrassing thing for the Garp family!

Back then, Garp, a member of the D clan, became the mainstay of Marine, and they were still very happy. The D clan couldn't kill them all, so it was very good to get one or two under their command.

But unexpectedly, Garp looked down on Celestial Dragons very much later, and was unwilling to be promoted to Marine Admiral in order not to serve Celestial Dragons.

Seeing that thirty-six years ago, he saved many Celestial Dragons in the Valley of the Gods, and as a Marine hero, he had a very high reputation, so they didn't care about Garp.

Unexpectedly, twenty years ago, his son Monkey·D·Dragon actually set up a revolutionary army to fight against the World government!

Considering Garp's performance over the years, and his cachet as a Marine hero, the Five Elders once again endured.

Then! Some time ago, Garp's grandson went to Enies Lobby to declare war on the World government, and Sabaody beat Celestial Dragons again!

This disgusts the Five Elders!

But for the sake of the overall situation, and Garp is also old, they are too lazy to care about Garp, and they don't want to make trouble outweigh the gains.

But! Now this Tiandao inventory mentions that Luffy is the relationship king?

Besides Garp and the dragon, who else does Luffy have connections with?

Are the Four Emperors Shanks? Or the connections left by One Piece Roger?

Or... Nika Fruit was exposed?

If Nika, the sun god, is exposed, then Luffy will indeed have connections beyond imagination!

Because Nika, the sun god, is a god believed by people in many places, even though the world government has lived for 800 years, it hasn't wiped out the belief of those pedestrians, such as the slaves of the bridge kingdom in East Blue!

even! It is very likely to be linked to the three ancient weapons?

Lenovo is so, Five Elders is in a cold sweat!

Because only Luffy, the relationship king based on this conjecture, is likely to surpass their Five Elders and Lord Im in terms of connections!

Otherwise, Garp, Dragon, Shanks, etc. even if they add the Roger Pirates, they will not be able to compare with them!

Im frowned as she heard Five Elders tremblingly expressing their conjectures.

After living for eight hundred years, she acted cautiously, and was very annoyed by such unknown things!

However, CP organizations all over the world have sent information that this kind of heavenly inventory has really spread all over the world!

Could it be that there are mysterious gods above her? Is there really such a miracle in the world?

At the same time, the top leaders of various forces in the four seas are also beginning to ponder.

When the initial shock gradually recedes, and when rationality gradually returns, although the authenticity of Tiandao's inventory is doubtful, it does not prevent smart people from speculating more through the information given by Tiandao's inventory!

Relationship King Luffy? His Marine hero grandfather, plus the leader of the Revolutionary Army who is suspected to be his father, doesn't seem to be enough, right?

Who else?

Countless people, whose consciousness is connected to the inventory of heaven, are staring at the inventory screen on the interface.

[Video: The image of Garp gradually dissipates, and the video plays!

In the picture, seventeen years ago, Garp received Luffy, who was only a few months old, and brought him to his hometown of Windmill Village. He asked the village head, Fa Xiaoup Slap, and the boy Makino to take care of him. Also often go back to the village.

In the process of growing up with Luffy, Garp's education was basically a simple and rough Spartan-style education, which allowed Luffy to gain strong resilience and resistance to blows through being trained since childhood.

After learning that Luffy was lured by Shanks to become the Pirate King, he threw Luffy into the mountain to be raised by the bandits for more brutal training.

But ten years later, seventeen-year-old Luffy went to sea anyway, and defeated Marine scum Monca the next day.

Knowing that his grandson went to sea as a pirate, Garp took over the job of escorting Monka to East Blue.

During the period, Kebi, who has good qualifications and admires Luffy very much, was taken in as a student.

The screen changed again, and after more than a month, Luffy and his gang broke into the Enies Lobby and declared war on the World government.

Garp took over the job again, and went to the water capital to arrest his grandson Luffy and his gang on behalf of Marine.

Although Garp rushed to Luffy and the others aggressively, he only taught Luffy a lesson and did not arrest them. He also told Luffy that his father was Monkey·D·Dragon.

Although he was scolded by Sengoku on the phone in a panic, Garp pretended to go back and launched a wave of stroke attacks on Luffy and others who went out to sea, letting Luffy and the others go. 】

[World Channel - Shiki: Damn! Or Garp you can play! 】

[Rocks: Heh, what about the agreed upon justice? Marine saw the pirate and let it go? hold head high? 】

【Ochoku: Catch pirates? No! Send grandson to sea! 】

【 Buggy: I just regret not having a Marine hero grandpa! 】

【Roger: Ahahaha! After all, he is his grandson! 】

【Shanks: Unexpectedly, senior Garp still respects the dreams of teenagers! 】

[Garp: Damn Shanks! This is all a good thing you bastard did, sooner or later you will be beaten to death! 】

"Damn it! It's actually for the benefit of the public! Cover up the pirates!"

Here at Marine HQ, Akainu couldn't take it anymore and snarled at Garp.

You know, this was the pirate who broke into the Enies Lobby that had not been breached for 800 years and declared war on the World Government!

For such a bad nature, Marshal Sengoku was scolded by the Five Elders.

Dude, you Garp took the job and played like this?

With Garp's prestige in Marine, he let go of his grandson himself in such an open and aboveboard manner, after that, most Marines will not embarrass Luffy when they meet Luffy in order not to offend Garp, or to save Garp face!

This is serious!

Garp is super thick-skinned, he doesn't even look at the angry Akainu, picks his nostrils, opens the senbei and eats it.

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