The young man was born in a poor family and was buried in a poor family.

“Teacher Zefa, if I remember correctly, it shouldn’t be Katrin Diemie’s turn to appear so soon, right?”

When Rosen heard Katrin Diemie’s name, he couldn’t help but look at Zefa.

Although he only glanced at the list, he remembered that Katrin Diemie was ranked relatively low.

In fact.

After his strength increase in the Infinite Hell fell below double digits, he still chose to stay in Impel Prison, one reason being that the food here was really good.

It may be because prison personnel have to stay in the dark, suffocating, and chaotic environment of Impel Prison for a long time. Over time, it is easy to cause physical and mental distortion, so the treatment in all aspects is very good.

Especially the food and accommodation conditions, which are several times better than those in the canteen of the Naval Academy.

Needless to say, they are full of sea kings, and they are not the small sea kings provided by the military academy canteen, but medium-sized sea kings.

This also makes Rosen in Impel Prison, even if he does not check in the Infinite Hell, just eating this will make his three-color domineering and physical skills training speed far ahead of when he was in the Naval Academy.

Another reason is that there are familiar monsters such as Katrin Diemy and Douglas Barrett in the Infinite Hell.

The prisoners in front cannot bring more than double-digit increases to the three-color domineering, but the prisoners behind can!

With this idea in mind, Rosen has stayed in Impel Prison until now.

“It’s my fault that I misjudged you. I overestimated you again and again, but I still underestimated your extraordinary comprehension.”

“Although the strength of the prisoners on the list increases from the beginning to the end, no matter how much they increase, they still can’t keep up with your progress.”

“According to the original plan, you do have to fight 14 more prisoners before Katrin Diemey will appear. But if you do this, in the next 14 days, it will be difficult for you to get a significant improvement in the battle with the prisoners of Infinite Hell.”

Zeffa looked at Rosen with a complicated look.

He knew Rosen was improving fast, but he didn’t expect him to improve so fast.

He actually forced himself to modify the plan overnight, cut off the names of fourteen prisoners in one go, and directly moved Katrin Diemey, a prisoner in the first echelon, out in advance.


“I just want to improve too much.”

Rosen smiled.

Anyway, cutting off the names of fourteen prisoners is a good thing after all.

At least, he doesn’t have to cut the air anymore.


To him, killing the prisoners in the Infinite Hell was just like killing the air.

“Since you have shown me many wonderful scenes these days, I will remind you.”

“Catlin Diem is different from all the prisoners you have faced before.”

“She is an animal-type mythical beast, which is rarer than the natural type. Although the ability of the mythical beast she eats is more auxiliary than the combat type, her ability in all aspects is still far better than the ancient species.”

At this time.

Xiliu lit a cigar, as if because he thought there would be a good show to watch later, he, who was always taciturn, actually spoke up for the first time.

“I will wait and see.”

Rosen’s face was calm, and he was not moved at all by Xiliu’s words.

Seeing this, Xiliu stopped talking, but walked to the depths of the Infinite Hell and opened a cell at the back.


“Is it my turn so soon?”

Catlin Diemey was wearing a prison uniform. She not only had a devilish figure, but also a devilish smile.

At this time.

She had a grim smile on her face, and she was actually impatient for the upcoming battle with Rosen.


Shi Liu took in Catlin Diemey’s expression, and his heart moved.

Something was wrong.

Since Rosen’s first day of punching in the Infinite Hell, a prisoner was taken away every day.

After ten days, no one survived.

Normally, Catlin Diemey should not have such a reaction.

“Is it because of confidence in her own strength?”

Shi Liu was thoughtful.

As the chief warden, he had a certain understanding of the strength of every prisoner in the Infinite Hell.

Admittedly, compared with the ten prisoners who died in Rosen’s hands before, Catlin Diemey’s strength was much stronger, but Rosen’s growth these days was obvious to all.

He saw it, Katrin Diemeyer

Although he could see it clearly, the other party’s performance was a bit abnormal.

It was not like facing an unprecedented mortal enemy, but facing a dying person.

Ding Ding

Just as Xi Liu was mumbling to himself, Katrin Diem had already unlocked the seastone handcuffs and shackles.

She did not choose to escape as soon as the shackles were unlocked like the previous CP0 commander, but instead strode towards Rosen excitedly.

“You seem very excited.”

Rosen also noticed that Katrin Diem was a little excited.

“No, I am happy.”

“I have been imprisoned by your navy, but I didn’t expect that I could not only come out for a walk, but also kill the future of the navy headquarters with my own hands.”

“You say, how can I not be happy?”


Katrin Diem seemed to have seen Rosen die in front of her, and couldn’t help grinning, her voice full of excitement and murderous intent.


Rosen heard this, his face did not change.

If he had faced Catherine Diemme instead of World Destroyer on the first day of Infinite Hell, it would have been a fierce battle, but sorry.

It’s already the tenth day.

Whether it’s Conqueror Haki, Armament Haki, Observation Haki, or Fruit Abilities and Physical Skills, he has already updated all of them to ten versions.

Now, even Wakatsuki Hunter can only increase his three-color Haki from the single digit yesterday to the ten digits.

That’s all.

In other words, Wakatsuki Hunter in front of him is not as stressful as the World Destroyer on the first day.

It’s not because Catherine Diemme’s strength is not as good as Bondi Waldo’s, but because Rosen is too strong.

Compared to him ten days ago, he is now several times stronger.

“Of course.”

Catlin Diemey turned her head and looked at Zefa:

“Can we start?”


“I can’t help but want to see how wonderful your expression will be after I twist your student’s head off!”

Her smile became more and more ferocious.

“Any time.”

Zefar was not angry, nor did he refute. He just glanced at Catlin Diemey indifferently, and then said calmly.


As Zefa’s voice fell, Catlin Diemey could no longer suppress the murderous intent that had been accumulated in her chest for ten days.


She spread her arms, and under the waves of creepy laughter, her burly figure that was already so strong that countless men couldn’t lift their heads swelled again, and her muscles bulged high.


The prison uniform, which was so good that it had been worn for many years, could not withstand the ravages of the rapidly growing body. It immediately burst and the spring light was exposed, but everyone present could keep their eyes straight.

Including male prisoners who had been imprisoned for more than 20 years.

No other reason.

Catherine Diemey was too eye-catching. In human form, she had a long nose and sharp teeth, ferocious facial features, and a body that was stronger than a man. After transforming into a nine-tailed fox human-beast form, she became a half-human, half-fox monster with nine tails on her back.

Only the average perverts could not do it.

“Are you ready?”


“Hell is smiling at you!”

After transforming into a nine-tailed fox, Catherine Diemey’s expression was cold and cruel, and her eyes revealed ferocity and bloodthirstiness.

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