The last thing he wanted was to fight Rosen to the death for his last bit of face and spirit? Or to stay alive, listen to Rosen’s words, bow his head humbly, and walk back to the cell? At this time, a fierce struggle was erupting in Katrin Diemey’s heart. However, this struggle soon had a result, but it was not that she figured it out, but someone helped her figure it out. “What’s wrong?” “I didn’t hear your answer.” “Katrin Diemey.” Seeing that Katrin Diemey had not taken any action or given any answer, Rosen still did not turn back, but his pupils slowly moved to the corners of his eyes, and he glanced back faintly, while his pupils slowly bloomed with a cold and scarlet light. Chi Chi

Accompanied by roars and roars of thunder and lightning, hideous black and red lightning extended from Rosen’s body, like a giant python entwined around him.


With himself as the center, a powerful domineering aura, wrapped in overwhelming pressure, descended on Katrin Diemey out of thin air.


Catrin Diemey’s face changed drastically, her body instantly tensed, and she couldn’t help trembling.

After the battle just now, she was defeated by Rosen, and there was an instinctive fear of Rosen in her heart.

She didn’t even know it herself.

Now Rosen released the domineering aura, wrapped in a huge pressure, like a domineering mountain woven by black lightning, pressing down on Katrin Diemey’s body and mind, instantly helping her awaken the instinctive fear in her heart.

“No, impossible!”

“How come your Conqueror Haki suddenly increased so much?”

“It was not this strong when you used it on me just now.”

Katlin Diemie’s eyes widened, and when she looked at Rosen’s back, both her eyes and her face were filled with undisguised shock.

She remembered it clearly.

Not long ago, Rosen had used Conqueror Haki on her once.

But just a while later, this man used Conqueror Haki again, but the strength was increased by more than 50% compared to just now.

When she just entered the Infinite Hell, she could understand that there was a Conqueror Haki conflict with a legendary monster like Douglas Barrett, and then Rosen’s Conqueror Haki strength continued to rise, but now she really couldn’t understand it at all.

How could the king’s spirit be so strong? In just a few minutes, and without any earth-shattering changes, the Conqueror Haki increased by 50% unbelievably.

Anyway, from the time she became a pirate to the time she was imprisoned in the Infinite Hell, she had never seen such a thing happen to any king.

“Hu! Hu! Hu!”

Catlin Diem panted, the more she thought about it, the more confused she became, and the more horrified she became.

When she felt the domineering aura surging like a raging sea, and gradually began to show murderous intent, her body and mind trembled, and then her body’s instincts actually overcame the control of her brain, and she turned around and took heavy and difficult steps, step by step towards the cell where she was imprisoned before.


“Is she crazy?”

“Wakazuki Hunter, actually returned to the cage by herself!”

“She was not killed!”

“Isn’t it said that Catlin Diem is the most dangerous female pirate in the world?”

This scene, in the eyes of other prisoners, was incredible.

After all, Rosen controlled the domineering aura in great detail.

Except for Catherine Diemy herself, no one else felt the slightest impact of the Conqueror’s Haki on themselves, so naturally they didn’t know that Rosen’s Conqueror’s Haki had increased by 50% compared to before.

“I see.”

“She has planted a seed of fear in her heart.”

Borsalino looked at Catherine Diemy who took the initiative to return to the cage, pinched his chin with two fingers, and his face was thoughtful.

He had seen this kind of thing many times, and even did it himself.

From graduating from the military academy to becoming a candidate for admiral, he had defeated countless pirates, and many of these pirates would show the same reaction as Catherine Diemy when they saw him.

“This woman is useless.”

“She is no longer the most dangerous female pirate.”

“Although she is alive, her spirit is dead.”

Zephyr saw the changes in Catherine Diemy.

He knew in his heart that the Wakazuki Hunter did survive, but a certain

To some extent, the previous Wakatsuki Hunter was already dead.

What survived was just a body that had lost the spirit and spirit of the world’s most dangerous female pirate.

“She actually beat a monster whose strength could be ranked in the top five in the infinite hell, and made him lose his spirit and spirit.”

“This man.”

“Every day that passes is really more terrifying than yesterday.”

Shiryu looked at Rosen deeply.

These days, he, like Borsalino and Zefa, went in and out of the infinite hell with Rosen.

That’s why he witnessed Rosen’s growth in the past half month.

It can only be described as terrifying.

Not to mention the earth-shaking improvement in strength, the most important thing is the change in spirit.

In just half a month, Rosen completely lost the childishness and innocence of a military school student.

In the infinite hell, in the battles with prisoners again and again, he cultivated a kingly majesty that was intimidating without anger.

Especially Shiryu saw it clearly.

The relationship between Rosen, Zefa, and Borsalino gradually became Rosen’s leader.

Rather than Borsalino, who was the strongest and had the highest military rank, or Zefa, who was the most senior and a legend of the old times.

“I see.”

“It seems you already understand.”

Rosen listened to the footsteps of Katrin Diem behind him, from loud to small, until they disappeared completely, and the scarlet light in his eyes slowly faded away.

Unlike the shock of the others present, he did not show the slightest surprise at Katrin Diem’s ​​choice, as if he had already determined that the other party would do so.

“Teacher Zefa, do you have any wine with you?”

Rosen turned his head to look at Zefa beside him.

After half a month of getting along, he already knew that Borsalino did not like wine, but only tea.

On the contrary, Zefa, when he was still an admiral of the navy, did not drink a drop of wine, but after retiring as an instructor, he still drank wine.


“But what are you doing here?”

“I remember that you, like Borsalino, are just average at drinking.”

Although Zefa said this, he still took out a green bottle from his coat.

“As a prisoner, you can drink the wine of the former admiral. I think even if you die here, you should have no regrets!”

“Is that right?”

“Basque Chot.”

Rosen turned his back to Basque Chot, who was frozen by himself, and threw the unopened bottle of wine over.

The bottle landed steadily in front of the ice sculpture.

Seeing this scene, Zefa and Borsalino remembered that Rosen had said before that as long as Basque Chot could survive today, he would treat him to a drink.

Although Basque Chot did not survive by his own strength in the end, but Rosen did not intend to kill him at all, the fact is that he could survive today.

So, even if it was a pirate he had let go of, Rosen still chose to fulfill his promise.

“Chief Warden Xiliu.”

“If he is still alive after coming out of the ice, then help me give him this bottle of wine; if he is dead, then pour it on his body.”

“That’s it.”

Rosen said to Xiliu, and then left the sixth floor of Impel Prison under the complicated gazes of the remaining prisoners in the Infinite Hell.

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