The king of the country is still alive.

Zeffa also expressed his understanding of Zhan Guo’s eagerness to become the king.

The Navy Headquarters really needs a new king with the domineering color to replace Zhan Guo.

Even though Zhan Guo is still at his peak.

“After reporting to you, I will go over and try to see if I can make Rosen awaken the domineering color.”

Zeffa said to Zhan Guo.

Although he does not have the domineering color domineering, as a former admiral and chief instructor of the Naval School, he still has a set of plans for testing the qualifications of the king.

Although it may not be 100% useful, it is better than nothing.

Bulu Bulu.

Just when Zephyr finished reporting Rosen’s affairs and was about to leave for the Naval Academy, a Den Den Mushi sounded from his pocket.

“Hello, this is Zephyr.”

Zeffer paused, took out his Den Den Mushi, and answered the call.

“Teacher Zephyr.”

“Come back soon.”

“There’s going to be a big mess at the Naval Academy.”

The sound of a mountain on fire came from the Den Den Mushi’s mouth.

“What’s the problem?”

“Has any student in the class mastered Armament Haki?”

“Is it Gion? Or Kake?”

Zeffer acted very calm.

He could tell at a glance that Gion and Saga were both monsters with the qualities of a general, just like Sakaski, Borsalino, and Kuzan.

It’s normal to learn Armament Haki in one day.


“It’s Domineering Haki.”

“Just now, Domineering Haki suddenly appeared in the Naval Academy, and the scope was very large. Almost all the students in the classroom were stunned.”

Huoshaoshan’s voice had just fallen.

Sengoku, Garp, Borsalino, and Kuzan stood up at the same time, and then rushed out of the Marshal’s office in a uniform manner, rushing to the Naval Academy together.

With Zefa’s report just now, they knew what the Domineering Haki that Huoshaoshan said on the phone was.

“The Navy finally ushered in a new king.”

Sengoku was extremely excited.

If it was simply Domineering Haki, he would be happy, but he would not lose his composure. But after learning from Zefa about Rosen’s talent in Haki, even as a marshal, he couldn’t hold back at this moment.

He was extremely eager to meet this new king.

“That’s what I said.”

“How can a monster born for domineering not have the qualifications of a king?”

Borsalino directly elementalized, turned into a ray of golden light, passed everyone, and arrived at the Naval Academy one step ahead.

In terms of hard power, he is not the strongest among the legendary navy, but he must be the fastest among all the navy.

“Let me see.”


“Sure enough, more than 90% of the people in the school fainted.”

Borsalino was suspended in the air of the Naval Academy, looking down, and found that whether it was the corridor or the classroom, there were people fainting on the ground:

“Tsk tsk! Even the air in the school is filled with the smell of domineering color.”

“You awakened the domineering color alone when you first came into contact with domineering color?”

“This student of mine who I have never met is really terrible!”

He shook his head, and just as he was about to use the observation color domineering color to lock the source of this domineering color domineering color, he found that the domineering color domineering color that almost permeated the entire naval school actually shrank by itself.

It’s not dissipating, but shrinking.

Artificially control this domineering color to shrink, and no longer cause large-scale accidental injuries.

“This, am I dazzled?”

Borsalino almost couldn’t maintain the elementalization and fell from the air.

After stabilizing his body, he couldn’t help but rub his eyes and found that the domineering color domineering in the school was still shrinking.

“No way?”

“He just awakened the domineering color domineering.”

“It has actually surpassed the primary stage and is rapidly moving towards the intermediate stage.”

Borsalino’s mouth opened wide, his face full of horror.

It’s not that he hasn’t seen pirates with king qualifications, and there are even many who have defeated him.

But it’s really unprecedented to see someone with such a terrifying qualification as Rosen.

“Borsalino, what are you daydreaming about?”

At this time.

There was a loud sound of breaking through the air, and Cap stepped on the moon step, stood beside Borsalino, and stood in the air.

“Mr. Cap.”

“Feel it yourself.”

“It should still be in time.”

Borsalino pointed in the direction of the teaching building.

That’s where the Dao Power Equipment is placed.


Garp was also curious when he saw this, so he spread out his Observation Haki, and then his eyes widened, with an expression of seeing a ghost.

“How long has it been?”

“He has actually been able to use his own will to freely control the Conqueror Haki.”

“He awakened the Conqueror Haki on his own, and then immediately skipped the primary level, and pushed the Conqueror Haki to the intermediate level without anyone teaching him.”

Garp exclaimed in disbelief.

Using his Observation Haki to sense, he clearly saw a breath in the distance, which was orderly controlling the Conqueror Haki, gathering and shrinking it.

“It’s Conqueror Haki, for sure.”

“The range is very large.”

“Huh? What are you two standing here in a daze for?”

At this time.

Sengoku also arrived.

His physical skills were slightly inferior to Garp, and he didn’t open the Great Buddha form, so he was a little slower.

At this time, Rosen had already controlled the Conqueror’s Haki to a certain range. Unless he used the Observation Haki to perceive it, he would not know that Rosen’s Conqueror’s Haki had crossed the threshold of the primary level and entered the intermediate level.

“Zhan Guo, you have to work harder and hurry up.”

“Otherwise, there is really not much time and teaching space left for you.”

Garp twisted his stiff neck and looked at the confused Zhan Guo beside him.

“What do you mean?”

Zhan Guo didn’t understand.

“It’s not too late now.”

“You will understand if you turn on your Observation Haki.”

Garp shook his head and motioned Zhan Guo to use his Observation Haki to see it himself.


Zhan Guo heard this, although he didn’t know Garp’s intention, he still did it.

His eyes flashed red, and his Observation Haki spread out, and then he fell directly from mid-air.


“Didn’t he just awaken his Conqueror’s Haki?”

“How did he achieve free control?”

Zengguo staggered and almost fell to the ground from midair.

He no longer cared about the image of the Navy Admiral.

At this moment, he was completely immersed in shock.

Before, Zhanguo still didn’t understand what Garp said, but now he completely understood.

Conqueror’s Haki is divided into three levels.

Primary awakening, intermediate control, and advanced qualitative change.

Primary, that is, just awakened, can not control Conqueror’s Haki well.

Intermediate, can freely control with will, from the size of the range, to the positioning of the attack, to the power of Conqueror’s Haki, can be freely manipulated.

Advanced, directly use pressure to eliminate the opponent, Conqueror’s Haki is always in the state of activation, and can cause substantial physical damage.

In the new world, most of the kings who have experienced wars are at the level of intermediate Conqueror’s Haki.

Even the Four Emperors are no exception.

Only Roger, Rocks, and Shanks have reached the realm of advanced Conqueror’s Haki.

And what about Rosen?

As soon as he awakened, he caught up with the kings who had been immersed in Conqueror’s Haki for several years, or even more than ten years.

Maybe he still lacks in the strength of Conqueror’s Haki, but his control ability is no less inferior.

This also means that apart from the skills of using Conqueror’s Haki, even Sengoku, as the admiral of the navy, does not have much ink to teach Rosen.

Once Rosen takes another step forward, then in turn, Sengoku, as the admiral, may even ask Rosen for advice.

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