Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 6083 begins to collapse

Once the headquarters is destroyed, Yonghengtian's major armies will soon lose coordination and fall into chaos.

And four million fighter planes and warships also entered the battlefield of the Eternal Sky Army.


On the chaotic land, tens of millions of people were fighting together.

Warriors and warrior artifacts collided, and the shouts of killing were loud.

Lu Zhen, a platoon leader in the prehistoric coalition army who was in the realm of returning to heaven and earth.

He was fighting with his opponent at the moment. The opponent's cultivation level was higher than his. Lu Zhen's fight was very dangerous.

The opponent's knife broke through Lu Zhen's defense and struck Lu Zhen's body. Lu Zhen was immediately sent flying.

"Go to hell!"

The opponent grinned ferociously, jumped up, and slashed at Lu Zhen's head with a long knife.



A ray of light from the sky-burning thunder cannon came through the sky and hit the eternal sky enemy hard.


The opponent's body instantly exploded, blown apart by this emperor-level attack.

Lu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the sky, only to see Kunpeng battleships and Tianpeng fighter planes coming through the sky.

"Great, it's our flying force support!"

Lu Zhen was overjoyed and shouted, "Surrender without killing!"

The support of millions of warships and fighter planes will cause horrific subversion to the entire battlefield.

Wang Song was sitting in the fighter plane, and his over-the-horizon helmet allowed him to see clearly the enemy fighter plane and the enemies below at a speed that was comparable to the flight of an immortal warrior.

He coldly pressed the fire button, and suddenly the compressed Burning Sky Thunder Cannon shot out from the machine-cannon-like launch port.

About two battalions below were fighting over a valley.

Suddenly, a laser tilted down and accurately struck the body of Eternal Heaven's warrior.

The bodies of these Eternal Sky Warriors exploded directly after being hit, including people and their souls.

All were crushed.

His attack directly wiped out hundreds of warriors on the other side.

The Sirius Army soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then they were overjoyed: "The flying troops are coming to support, brothers, kill!"

The Tianpeng fighter piloted by Wang Song directly changed the fighting situation between the two battalions.

And this situation is just the tip of the iceberg on battlefield No. 1.

Millions of warships and fighter planes joined the battle, and the fierce battle soon turned into an overwhelming advantage.

The Sirius Army soldiers began to fight back with the support of the space flight force, and everyone was shouting to surrender and not kill.

The Eternal Heaven's army of more than 10 million is declining at an alarming rate.

The same situation also happened in the No. 2 War Zone and the No. 3 War Zone. They received support from millions of warships and fighter planes and began to completely turn the tide of the war.

In the No. 1 theater, after the headquarters was taken away, the generals who commanded the legion began to have chaos in their tactical deployment without a coach.

After the Kunpeng battleship and Tianpeng fighter plane entered the battlefield, these generals were completely panicked.

A general led his army group to flee for their lives, losing their fighting spirit, and the entire No. 1 theater was completely defeated.

Xiang Chen took all this in his eyes and said calmly, "There is no need to hunt down these Eternal Sky troops who are fleeing for their lives. Let them escape. Someone in the forbidden land will naturally take care of them."

"The group army that has won the battle will rest immediately and will go to support the No. 4 theater in half an hour."

"Peng Zhan, mobilize all the fighter planes and warships on the battlefield where we have won an overwhelming victory to the fourth theater!"


After winning the battle zone No. 1, Xiang Chen's troops began to rest and recuperate.

Take the elixir when it's time to recover, and the healing when it's time to heal.

No less than three million Eternal Heaven's army began to flee, fleeing towards the starry sky in the forbidden land.

More than one million people were captured, some of whom surrendered voluntarily.

The number of Eternal Sky warriors killed in the battle reached tens of millions, of which half were killed by fighter planes and warships.

War zone two.

On the battlefield commanded by Mu Feng, the troops of Dongsu Dragon Palace were also defeated, and the Shura army was besieging and chasing them.

Seeing that the situation in the No. 2 Theater was a foregone conclusion, Mu Feng also began to mobilize some of the victorious armies to reorganize and support the No. 5 Theater. He would also support the warships and fighter planes here and mobilize to the No. 5 Theater.

The situation in the third theater was similar. After Luo Yu killed Lei Ze and returned to the sea, a large number of Tianpeng battleships and fighter planes came to support and cooperated with the coalition forces to completely overturn the battlefield situation. .??.

And Luo Yu began to mobilize troops to support the No. 6 theater.

The situation of the entire war began to change dramatically.

If the troops from the 1, 23 and 3 war zones go to 4 and 56 to support them, the situation in the 4 and 56 war zones will inevitably be subverted and changed. Such results will gradually expand to the entire battlefield, and the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Lands coalition forces will be at a disadvantage.

Xiang Chen, Mu Feng, and Luo Yu also personally went to support other battlefields.

Di Jiang, Hou Tu, Emperor Wushu Ancestor, Prehistoric Demon Ancestor, and the Second Generation Demon Emperor. Although these characters have not yet reached the immortality of heaven and earth, their own realms are also in the ultimate state of the Emperor of Heaven, and they can exert combat power comparable to the immortal body of King Kong. However, it is difficult to defeat the opponent's coach.

War Zone No. 4, Youtian Army Headquarters.

"What, the Eternal Sky Army was defeated, how is this possible?" The commander of the Youtian Army heard the report from the Investigation Department and was in disbelief.

"Coach, it's absolutely true, this is our layout on the battlefield over there.

The situation discovered by the reconnaissance ship and reconnaissance aircraft. "The head of investigation said firmly.

Commander Youtian's face was gloomy: "Han Xuanwu, this loser, how does he command it? Isn't their Yonghengtian army known as the strongest in Jiutian?"


At this time, a member of the reconnaissance department rushed to report the situation in panic, "Commander, general, it's not good, our reconnaissance warships have discovered a large number of enemy warships, and fighter planes are coming to our battlefield to support us!"

"What! How many troops are there?" Commander Youtian asked quickly.

The man said bitterly, "According to the news sent by the damaged reconnaissance ship before its destruction, it is no less than one million."

"One million troops? That's not bad." Coach Youtian breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are no less than a million battleships and fighter planes!"

His expression immediately solidified again.

Soon, his command headquarters heard the roar of the space. A large number of warships and fighter planes came through the sky and began to unleash their firepower on Youtian's army on the battlefield!

"Youtian Youlan, get out and die!"

Immediately, Xiang Chen's arrogant and domineering voice came.

Soon, the situation in the fourth theater also began to collapse, and Youtian's army began to collapse.

The situation in theaters No. 5 and No. 6 will probably be the same soon.

Mu Qing'er, Luo Tianjiao, and Zhuguang began to lead their troops in the opposite direction to support the 789th War Zone.

The war zone No. 6 of Zhuguang had the worst fight before, because Zhuguang was beheaded once by the opponent's immortal strongman attacking the headquarters. After Luo Yu's support arrived, Luo Yu rescued him from being suppressed, otherwise the war zone No. 6 might Will collapse in reverse.

After winning all the battle zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, there is basically no suspense about the overall battle situation. The next dozen battlefields will definitely overturn the situation because of the victory here.

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