Saint Ancestor of All Demons

Chapter 6734 The mission must be achieved

Because of the advance warning, all the battleships' defense systems and defense formations were connected together, forming a defensive shield with a defense capability comparable to the peak level of the realm of Fa Tian Xiang Di.

boom! boom! boom!

The ninth generation divine weapon bombarded the defensive cover, and the range of the explosion of a ninth generation divine weapon could reach about one million kilometers!

The defensive cover was blasted with cracks, but it was not completely shattered after all.

However, that terrifying black energy radiation wave rippled through the energy defense shield!

The radiation wave of the forbidden power hits in!

On the battleship, many generals breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the Nine Generations Shenwu intercepted by the defensive formation. At the same time, they were also shocked when they saw the broken and cracked defensive shield.

Because such a defensive shield can be bombarded and cracked, it means that the power of the opponent's Saint-killing Divine Martial Arts has reached the destructive power of the Fa Tian Xiang Earth level attack.

"It's so powerful. It seems that the power of the Saint-killing Divine Martial Arts of the Prehistoric Alliance has also been improved through research and development in recent years."

"Yes, I have to say that the prehistoric alliance's progress in technological development is really amazing. Fortunately, we have also made progress. The ship-link system integrates all defensive formations into one, and the defense effect is much improved than before."

Many commanders on the battleships are still sighing.


Suddenly, after the impact of the radiation wave, the soldiers and crew around them all held their heads and started screaming. They all felt that their souls were being corroded, their heads were about to explode, and blood was flowing from their seven orifices!

The forbidden radiation wave entered their bodies and directly attacked their soul nervous system, obliterating their consciousness!


The warriors with low cultivation levels began to fall to the ground one after another, bleeding from their orifices and dying miserably!

Even the immortal warriors with high cultivation levels began to hold their heads and howl in pain at this moment. The consciousness of the soul was also being attacked, and the nervous system in the soul was being destroyed.

Even those who are above the level of Heavenly Soul and Earthly Soul feel as if their heads are hurting and about to split open at this moment.

"What, what's going on?"

"what happened?"

The generals who were in the realm of Fa Tian Xiang Earth were shocked and looked at the people around them falling in pieces.

Then he himself felt severe pain in his head, and his head was about to split. However, the immortal divine power had a certain degree of defense immunity against the radiation wave of the forbidden power, but it was extremely painful.

Only the strong men in the eternal realm of heaven and earth, under the attack of this forbidden radiation wave, only felt their heads tingling for a while, and then the symptoms disappeared.

"What, what's going on?"

The Lord of Yaoguang Peak, the Lord of Tianquan Peak and others were horrified, looking at the soldiers who were constantly falling to the ground and losing consciousness.

The Kunlun monarch said angrily: "Didn't you already defend yourself against the attack of Zhusheng Shenwu? What's going on?"

The Lord of Tianquan Peak quickly stepped forward and put his hand on a captain who fell to the ground. His spiritual thoughts entered his body and even entered his divine soul and sea.

Then his expression suddenly changed.

I saw that the nervous system in the opponent's soul was completely destroyed, and his consciousness had collapsed.

That is to say, the soul is still there, but it cannot be awakened, the consciousness is gone, and it has become a vegetative state, a living dead!

He then checks on the others and sees that others are doing the same.

Only the strong ones who have cultivated the Heavenly Soul and Earthly Soul still have consciousness, but their nervous systems are seriously damaged and they may not be able to wake up until they recover, or they may become dementia!

"Your Majesty, they, their consciousness has disappeared!"

"What?" Lord Kunlun's face changed with surprise, and he came over to check it in person. Then he immediately retracted his hand because he detected a weak energy residue.

"Taboo, the power of taboo!!"

The power of the taboo is also extremely poisonous to the strong men in the eternal realm of heaven and earth. As long as the strength and concentration of the forbidden power are sufficient, even the eternal divine power of the eternal strong men in the world cannot withstand it!

It just means that the intensity of the radiation wave of the forbidden power of the Nine Generations Shenwu is not enough to kill the eternal strong men of heaven and earth. It is difficult to completely obliterate the strong men of the heaven and earth level unless they are bombarded in the face.

"Your Majesty, we, tens of millions of our soldiers are unconscious and dead!"

A commander hurriedly came over to report the casualties just calculated by various ministries.

These words immediately frightened the Kunlun monarch and others to take several steps back.

Thousands of soldiers were wiped out in this bizarre way!

One-sixth of the people of the Prehistoric Alliance were wiped out before they even saw their faces!


At this time, a burst of electromagnetic garbled sound came from their communication channel, and then a wave of spiritual thoughts was sent out.

"Hello to all distinguished guests from Juntian and Kunlun, I am Luo Yu from the Great Desolate Alliance's Creation Heaven. You must have received our express gifts."

"Zhushen Express must fulfill its mission. Once shipped, no returns will be accepted!"

"This first wave of attacks is just a warning. It will take several days for you to reach our prehistoric alliance. If you continue to advance, we will continue to use force to attack. I am afraid that by the time you arrive at our border, there will be 60 million people. Very few will die!"

Xiang Chen's spiritual thoughts were transmitted, making everyone present's expressions extremely grim.

"Luo Yu, what kind of devilish methods are you doing? The power of the taboo, how dare you use the power of the taboo to attack!"

The Kunlun monarch was furious: "Taozu clearly stipulated that you are not allowed to use the forbidden power to enter the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!"

Luo Yu sneered: "Are you mentally ill? Are you within the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths at this moment? You are in a forbidden place!"

"You!" Luo Yu's words suddenly made the Kunlun monarch so angry that he didn't know how to refute.

They are indeed still within the confines of the Forbidden Land.

"I, the Honghuang Man, have a kind heart and repay evil with kindness. I don't want to kill you all!"

"So get back to your territory immediately. We just fired thirty of our new weapons. In the next round, we will fire sixty. The casualties will not be limited to just this few people!"

"If you insist on not leaving and want to rely on the power of the eternal powerful of heaven and earth to intercept, I don't mind playing Xiaoxiao Le, anyway, we have plenty of Saint-killing divine weapons!"

After Luo Yu finished speaking, his spiritual thoughts disappeared!

But the Kunlun Monarch and others looked as ugly as if they had eaten shit, and their whole bodies were shaking with anger.

The Lord of Tianquan Peak gritted his teeth and said: "I didn't expect that the Prehistoric Alliance would actually develop this kind of weapon method that uses the forbidden power energy as an attack weapon."

"Forbidden power means death if you contaminate it. How did they inject this energy into the weapon?"

"Your Majesty, what should we do?"

The Kunlun monarch was breathing rapidly, and was obviously furious. It took him a long time to calm down, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I'm afraid what he just said was false and intimidating. The number of their new weapons must not be large, otherwise they would not threaten us like this. Why?" Just to scare us away!"

"Let the army disperse a little more and move on!"

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