Saint Emperor Devourer of Heaven
#168 - Bullying
The atmosphere between the Qingshan Sword Sect and the Zongwang Academy was extremely tense, like drawn swords and taut bows.
People watched in shock, no one expecting things to escalate to this point.
The Qingshan Sword Sect had humiliated Ji Yinlan and the Great Zhou Dynasty.
Jun Wuxie retaliated strongly, killing two outstanding disciples of the Qingshan Sword Sect in succession.
What was originally a conflict between disciples had now evolved into a conflict between the higher-ups of the two sects.
"Qingshan Sword Sect, are you trying to use your power to suppress others today?" Lord Jiu said, his face full of anger, "This was originally a battle between the younger generation, but now you, a core elder, jump out and want to attack a disciple of my Zongwang Academy! Ask the people of the world, does such behavior still leave you any face?"
"How laughable!" The core elder of the Qingshan Sword Sect said, not caring at all, "The Qingshan Sword Sect does not need to care what the people of the world think when we do things! Today, this孽障 (niè zhàng, roughly translated to 'evil creature' or 'abomination') killed a disciple of my Qingshan Sword Sect, so he must not live!"
"While I, Chu Jingtian, am here, no one can even think of touching him!"
Lord Jiu took a step forward, standing on the edge of the high platform, endless sword energy surging from his body, shuttling around him, soaring sword intent stirring up a violent wind, sweeping across the entire plaza!
"What arrogance!" In the center of the plaza, among the four old men in the isolation zone, one stepped forward, a huge mountain condensing behind him as he walked, slowly rising into the air.
In an instant, a suffocating power swept in all directions, frightening everyone!
Heavy, condensed, sharp sword intent was stirring, the space here constantly shaking, as if about to collapse from the pressure.
"Hidden Elder!"
When the core elder of the Qingshan Sword Sect saw this old man come forward, he immediately retreated respectfully to the high platform.
"Today, I want to see how you protect his life!" The Hidden Elder of the Qingshan Sword Sect's eyes were as sharp as swords, his right hand slowly raised, the mountain behind him constantly rising.
The mountain floated and sank, as if the world had turned upside down.
The heavens and earth of the entire plaza trembled violently.
That mountain, in the dazzling light, gradually turned into a giant sword standing in the air, hundreds of meters high, giving people a suffocating sense of oppression.
"You say my Qingshan Sword Sect uses power to suppress others, you can understand it that way!"
The Hidden Elder of the Qingshan Sword Sect's right hand was raised above his head, the sword incantation runes lingering between his palms and fingers.
The giant sword clanged and trembled, the wind and clouds changing color above the sky!
"This world is inherently a world where the weak are prey to the strong. My Qingshan Sword Sect is strong, your Zongwang Academy is weak. If my Qingshan Sword Sect wants to kill someone from your Zongwang Academy, why should we talk about rules and reason? To your Zongwang Academy, my Qingshan Sword Sect is the rule!"
As his voice fell, he clenched the right hand he had raised high.
With a buzz.
The giant sword, hundreds of meters long, carrying the force of thunder, slashed towards Jun Wuxie, who was holding the hilt of the Dragon Cry Spear and weakly recovering his energy!
"Then I, Chu Jingtian, will meet this strong foundation of your Qingshan Sword Sect!"
Lord Jiu's aura soared wildly, sword dao true energy erupting from his body, condensing into four true energy swords.
These four true energy swords, two horizontal and one vertical, formed the character 王 (wáng, meaning 'king') in front of him!
A wisp of kingly pressure spread out, the light of the 王 character sword dazzling, rotating,迎向 (yíng xiàng, facing up to) the giant sword slashed down by the Hidden Elder of the Qingshan Sword Sect.
With a boom.
The two collided, the sword waves surging like a tsunami, sweeping across a large area of space, causing the crowd to scream and retreat violently.
In the metal trembling sound that pierced the sky.
The 王 character sword formation resisted the giant sword.
At the same time, Lord Jiu, on the edge of the high platform, drew a line with his fingers, the sword dao runes between his fingers dazzling.
The 王 character sword formation铮铮 (zhēng zhēng, clang clang) rang, the true energy sword that formed the last stroke of the 王 character suddenly脱离 (tuō lí, separated) from the sword formation, like a bolt of lightning, directly targeting the throat of the Hidden Elder of the Qingshan Sword Sect.
"Hmph! Petty tricks!"
The Hidden Elder of the Qingshan Sword Sect sneered, quickly waving his fingers to construct a sword shield in front of him, blocking the flying sword energy.
"Is that so?"
Lord Jiu's eyes were cold and stern, his finger pointing forward.
That true energy sword瞬间 (shùn jiān, instantly) divided into dozens of sword energies, each rotating at high speed to form a螺旋 (luó xuán, spiral), and suddenly the sword shield burst out with 叮 叮 叮 (dīng dīng dīng, ding ding ding) metal trembling sounds, being drilled so that fragments of true energy flew everywhere.
The Hidden Elder of the Qingshan Sword Sect's expression suddenly became solemn.
The sword shield trembled, and was being pierced by the spiral-like sword energy.
He even saw that the spiral sword tip had pierced through his defensive sword shield, only half a meter away from his throat.
The terrifying sword intent透 过 (tòu guò, through) the sword blade, causing goosebumps to rise on his neck, and a刺 痛感 (cì tòng gǎn, stinging sensation) in his throat, the skin there being pierced by the sword dao edge.
"Chu Jingtian, you dare to commit insubordination, seeking death!"
In the central isolation zone, the second old man出手了 (chū shǒu le, made a move).
A huge mountain condensed above him, turning into a giant sword, the sword light dazzling and刺目 (cì mù, blinding), covering the light of the sun, and斩 (zhǎn, slashing) towards Lord Jiu!
"You Qingshan Sword Sect are too欺人太甚 (qī rén tài shèn, bullying people too much)!"
Uncle Bird came to Lord Jiu's side in one step, and waved his fingers quickly, a sword array diagram constructed in front of him, endless sword energy浩浩荡荡 (hào hào dàng dàng, mighty)冲 (chōng, rushing) out,迎向 (yíng xiàng, facing up to) the sword斩 (zhǎn, slashing) by the second Hidden Elder of the Qingshan Sword Sect!
With a boom.
That Qingshan giant sword,威能无匹 (wēi néng wú pǐ, unparalleled power),势同破竹 (shì tóng pò zhú, unstoppable).
Instantly cutting through the sword energy released by Uncle Bird, directly斩 (zhǎn, slashing) his sword array into四分五裂 (sì fēn wǔ liè, smithereens).
The炽烈 (chì liè, fiery)锋芒 (fēng máng, edge), directly劈 (pī, splitting) Uncle Bird's body!
A声 (shēng, sound) 嘹亮 (liáo liàng, loud) 高亢 (gāo kàng, soaring)长鸣 (cháng míng, cry) rang throughout here.
When the giant sword was about to斩落 (zhǎn luò, slash down) on Uncle Bird's body.
On his shoulder, the bird that was quietly呆 (dāi, staying) suddenly展翅 (zhǎn chì, spread its wings) and flew up, the淡金色 (dàn jīn sè, light golden) feathers瞬间 (shùn jiān, instantly) 金光大盛 (jīn guāng dà shèng, golden light flourished)!
The小小 (xiǎo xiǎo, small) body in the绚烂 (xuàn làn, dazzling)金光 (jīn guāng, golden light)变成了 (biàn chéng le, transformed into) a giant bird!
It振动 (zhèn dòng, vibrating) its wings, golden feathers宛若 (wǎn ruò, just like) 金焰 (jīn yàn, golden flames) burning, each feather有 (yǒu, having) golden energy冲 (chōng, rushing) out,化为 (huà wéi, transformed into)羽剑 (yǔ jiàn, feather swords),聚成 (jù chéng, gathered into)羽剑长河 (yǔ jiàn cháng hé, feather sword river),冲向 (chōng xiàng, rushing towards) the giant sword.
嘣 (Bēng, Bang)的 (de, possessive particle)一声 (yī shēng, a sound).
The Qingshan giant sword斩落 (zhǎn luò, slashing down)势 (shì, momentum) 立时 (lì shí, immediately) 一滞 (yī zhì, stagnated)!
It竟然 (jìng rán, unexpectedly) 就 (jiù, just) 这样 (zhè yàng, like this) 被 (bèi, by) 羽剑 (yǔ jiàn, feather swords) 给 (gěi, give) 挡住 (dǎng zhù, blocked) 了 (le, particle), 再难 (zài nán, difficult again) 落下 (luò xià, falling) 分毫 (fēn háo, slightly).
众人 (zhòng rén, everyone) 震惊 (zhèn jīng, shocked) 的 (de, possessive particle) 看着 (kàn zhe, looking at) 这 (zhè, this) 一幕 (yī mù, scene).
无数 (wú shù, countless) 的 (de, possessive particle) 目光 (mù guāng, gaze) 聚焦 (jù jiāo, focused) 在 (zài, at) 那 (nà, that) 金色 (jīn sè, golden) 的 (de, possessive particle) 大鸟 (dà niǎo, big bird) 身上 (shēn shàng, body), 满脸 (mǎn liǎn, face full) 的 (de, possessive particle) 震撼 (zhèn hàn, shock).
那 (nà, that) 可 (kě, can) 是 (shì, is) 擎山剑宗 (qíng shān jiàn zōng, Qingshan Sword Sect) 隐长老 (yǐn zhǎng lǎo, Hidden Elder) 的 (de, possessive particle) 一剑 (yī jiàn, a sword), 暮千山 (mù qiān shān, Mu Qianshan) 都 (dōu, even) 接不住 (jiē bù zhù, can't receive), 却 (què, but) 被 (bèi, by) 他 (tā, he) 肩膀 (jiān bǎng, shoulder) 上 (shàng, on) 那 (nà, that) 只 (zhī, measure word) 平日 (píng rì, usually) 看 (kàn, see) 起来 (qǐ lái, up) 平平无奇 (píng píng wú qí, ordinary) 的 (de, possessive particle) 鸟儿 (niǎo ér, bird) 给 (gěi, give) 挡住 (dǎng zhù, blocked) 了 (le, particle).
那 (nà, that) 只 (zhī, measure word) 鸟 (niǎo, bird), 竟 (jìng, actually) 变成 (biàn chéng, transformed) 了 (le, particle) 一 (yī, one) 只 (zhī, measure word) 金色 (jīn sè, golden) 的 (de, possessive particle) 大鹏 (dà péng, roc), 羽化 (yǔ huà, feathered) 万剑 (wàn jiàn, ten thousand swords), 可 (kě, can) 挡 (dǎng, block) 老牌 (lǎo pái, established) 宗师 (zōng shī, grandmaster)!
"那 (nà, that) 只 (zhī, measure word) 鸟 (niǎo, bird)……"
君无邪 (jūn wú xié, Jun Wuxie) 在 (zài, at) 高台 (gāo tái, high platform) 下 (xià, below) 虚弱 (xū ruò, weak) 的 (de, possessive particle) 看着 (kàn zhe, looking at) 空中 (kōng zhōng, sky), 心里 (xīn lǐ, heart) 震惊 (zhèn jīng, shocked) 不已 (bù yǐ, endlessly).
他 (tā, he) 怎么 (zěn me, how) 也 (yě, also) 没有 (méi yǒu, not have) 想到 (xiǎng dào, thought), 平日 (píng rì, usually) 懒洋洋 (lǎn yáng yáng, lazy) 趴 (pā, lying) 在 (zài, on) 鸟叔 (niǎo shū, Uncle Bird) 肩膀 (jiān bǎng, shoulder) 的 (de, possessive particle) 淡金色 (dàn jīn sè, light golden) 小鸟 (xiǎo niǎo, little bird), 竟 (jìng, actually) 是 (shì, is) 如此 (rú cǐ, so) 的 (de, possessive particle) 恐怖 (kǒng bù, terrifying), 可 (kě, can) 敌 (dí, enemy) 老牌 (lǎo pái, established) 宗师 (zōng shī, grandmaster)!
"一只 (yī zhī, a) 扁毛畜生 (biǎn máo chù shēng, feathered animal) 也 (yě, also) 敢 (gǎn, dare) 逞凶 (chěng xiōng, act fierce)?" 擎山剑宗 (qíng shān jiàn zōng, Qingshan Sword Sect) 第三位 (dì sān wèi, third) 隐长老 (yǐn zhǎng lǎo, Hidden Elder) 一步 (yī bù, one step) 踏出 (tà chū, stepped out) 了 (le, particle) 隔离 (gé lí, isolation) 区域 (qū yù, area), 掌 (zhǎng, palm) 指间 (zhǐ jiān, between fingers) 剑气 (jiàn qì, sword energy) 喷薄 (pēn bó, gushing), 遮拢 (zhē lǒng, covering) 高天 (gāo tiān, high sky), 对着 (duì zhe, towards) 那 (nà, that) 只 (zhī, measure word) 鹏鸟 (péng niǎo, roc) 镇压 (zhèn yā, suppressing) 而 (ér, and) 下 (xià, down): "擒 (qín, capture) 你 (nǐ, you) 回去 (huí qù, go back), 做 (zuò, do) 我 (wǒ, my) 擎山剑宗 (qíng shān jiàn zōng, Qingshan Sword Sect) 护山 (hù shān, mountain protecting) 灵禽 (líng qín, spirit bird)!"
众人 (zhòng rén, everyone) 闻言 (wén yán, heard) , 不禁 (bù jīn, can't help but) 错愕 (cuò è, stunned).
擎山剑宗 (qíng shān jiàn zōng, Qingshan Sword Sect) 的 (de, possessive particle) 隐长老 (yǐn zhǎng lǎo, Hidden Elder) 这 (zhè, this) 是 (shì, is) 何意 (hé yì, what meaning)?
这 (zhè, this) 不是 (bù shì, isn't) 摆明 (bǎi míng, obviously) 了 (le, particle) 要 (yào, want) 强抢 (qiáng qiǎng, forcibly snatching) 别人 (bié rén, other people) 的 (de, possessive particle) 灵禽 (líng qín, spirit bird) 吗 (ma, question particle)?
"你们 (nǐ men, you) 擎山剑宗 (qíng shān jiàn zōng, Qingshan Sword Sect) 真是 (zhēn shì, really) 太 (tài, too) 仗势欺人 (zhàng shì qī rén, bullying people by relying on power) 了 (le, particle)!"
酒爷 (jiǔ yé, Lord Jiu) 和 (hé, and) 鸟叔 (niǎo shū, Uncle Bird) 皆 (jiē, all) 愤怒 (fèn nù, angry) 不已 (bù yǐ, endlessly), 当众 (dāng zhòng, in public) 明抢 (míng qiǎng, openly snatching), 毫不掩饰 (háo bù yǎn shì, without concealing), 这 (zhè, this) 等 (děng, such) 行径 (xíng jìng, behavior) 跟 (gēn, with) 强盗 (qiáng dào, robber) 土匪 (tǔ fěi, bandit) 有 (yǒu, have) 什么 (shén me, what) 区别 (qū bié, difference)?
"不错 (bù cuò, correct), 我们 (wǒ men, we) 今日 (jīn rì, today) 便 (biàn, then) 是 (shì, is) 要 (yào, want) 仗势欺人 (zhàng shì qī rén, bullying people by relying on power)! 作为 (zuò wéi, as) 弱者 (ruò zhě, weak), 你们 (nǐ men, you) 没有 (méi yǒu, don't have) 任何 (rèn hé, any) 资格 (zī gé, qualification) 跟 (gēn, with) 我们 (wǒ men, we) 讲道理 (jiǎng dào lǐ, reason)!"
"很好 (hěn hǎo, very good), 那 (nà, then) 本尊 (běn zūn, I (humble)) 便 (biàn, then) 也 (yě, also) 学学 (xué xué, learn) 你们 (nǐ men, you) 的 (de, possessive particle) 仗势欺人 (zhàng shì qī rén, bullying people by relying on power)."
天地 (tiān dì, heaven and earth) 之间 (zhī jiān, between) 突然 (tū rán, suddenly) 一 (yī, one) 暗 (àn, dark), 下 (xià, next) 一 (yī, one) 刻 (kè, moment) 就 (jiù, then) 变成 (biàn chéng, turned into) 了 (le, particle) 一片 (yī piàn, a piece of) 紫色 (zǐ sè, purple) 的 (de, possessive particle) 世界 (shì jiè, world).
所有 (suǒ yǒu, all) 人 (rén, people) 都 (dōu, all) 吃 (chī, eat) 了 (le, particle) 一 (yī, one) 惊 (jīng, surprise), 骤然 (zhòu rán, suddenly) 抬头 (tái tóu, looked up) 看向 (kàn xiàng, looked towards) 天穹 (tiān qióng, sky), 皆 (jiē, all) 瞳孔 (tóng kǒng, pupils) 收缩 (shōu suō, contracted).
那 (nà, that) 是 (shì, is) 一 (yī, one) 只 (zhī, measure word) 巨大 (jù dà, huge) 的 (de, possessive particle) 却 (què, but) 非常 (fēi cháng, very) 纤细 (xiān xì, slender) 好看 (hǎo kàn, good looking) 的 (de, possessive particle) 手掌 (shǒu zhǎng, palm).
它 (tā, it) 出现 (chū xiàn, appeared) 在 (zài, at) 高天 (gāo tiān, high sky) 上 (shàng, on), 将 (jiāng, will) 整个 (zhěng gè, entire) 广场 (guǎng chǎng, plaza) 都 (dōu, all) 覆盖 (fù gài, covered) 了 (le, particle), 宛若 (wǎn ruò, just like) 一片 (yī piàn, a piece of) 天宇 (tiān yǔ, sky), 突然 (tū rán, suddenly) 镇压 (zhèn yā, suppressing) 了 (le, particle) 下来 (xià lái, down).
在 (zài, in) 下落 (xià luò, falling) 的 (de, possessive particle) 过程 (guò chéng, process) 中 (zhōng, middle), 众人 (zhòng rén, everyone) 皆 (jiē, all) 没有 (méi yǒu, didn't have) 感受 (gǎn shòu, feel) 到 (dào, to) 任何 (rèn hé, any) 不适 (bù shì, discomfort), 唯有 (wéi yǒu, only) 擎山剑宗 (qíng shān jiàn zōng, Qingshan Sword Sect) 的 (de, possessive particle) 四位 (sì wèi, four) 隐长老 (yǐn zhǎng lǎo, Hidden Elder), 身躯 (shēn qū, body) 巨颤 (jù chàn, trembled greatly), 似 (sì, seem) 遭 (zāo, encountered) 大岳 (dà yuè, great mountain) 压顶 (yā dǐng, pressing on top), 双腿 (shuāng tuǐ, legs) 战栗 (zhàn lì, trembling) 着 (zhe, particle), 轰 (hōng, crash) 的 (de, possessive particle) 跪 (guì, kneeling) 在 (zài, at) 了 (le, particle) 地 (dì, ground) 上 (shàng, on), 将 (jiāng, will) 地面 (dì miàn, ground) 撞 (zhuàng, crashed) 出 (chū, out) 半尺 (bàn chǐ, half a foot) 深坑 (shēn kēng, pit).
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