"I have sworn that I will raise my throne on the star of the gods, I will sit on the mountain of gathering at the north pole, I will rise above the clouds and be equal to the Supreme! Now the world has changed drastically, the time has come, I will become the king who rules the land and the sea!"

"Could it be that you are..."

Hilda's face changed drastically, and the next second, a brilliant light fell, and a huge figure suddenly appeared behind Hilda.

"According to the will of the gods, humans with pure hearts and who fear the gods can survive in the new mythological era. Hilda of the North Star, you are undoubtedly an outstanding representative of this decision! Submit to me, obey my will, awaken the gods of the Nordic Asgard, and launch a holy war against the Holy Land of the Earth and Atlantis of the Sea! When these two greatest fortresses of mankind collapse, a new mythological era will come, and you can also become a hero of the gods, and even have the opportunity to be deified in one fell swoop and become a god of the new era!"

"New mythological era, what are you talking about? Moreover, how could I start a war for my own selfish desires! I will never agree to such a thing, Son of Dawn - Lucifer!"


Hilda's eyes were full of determination. She had already guessed the other party's identity. It was the son of God in the past Christian mythology, the fallen Lucifer.

"That won't do, Queen Hilda! Can't you hear the wailing of this land? Living in this land without any vitality, one day, the people of Asgard will also face destruction!"

"Andreas... why are you here?"

Seeing the Asgardian physician, Andreas, appearing in a place where he shouldn't be, Hilda also questioned.

"As for me, of course, I am prepared to replace you, considering that you, Queen Hilda, might refuse! As long as you fall, then I will become the new master of Asgard and fight for the people of this land! Hehehe..."

Andreas laughed, and the next second, his hair color and pupils also changed, and a huge and evil microcosm burst out of him. Although it is far inferior to Lucifer, it is definitely not something that humans can achieve.

"You, could it be..."

"Foolish woman, the Sea Realm once sent an envoy to allow the people of Asgard to migrate to Atlantis to survive. If the Asgard spokesperson had agreed, they would have lived a happy life long ago!"

Andreas, or rather the evil god Loki who resided in his body, was looking at Hilda with a mocking look on his face.

In response, Hilda was determined and said, "The price of joining Atlantis is to abandon the god we believe in - Odin. How can we betray the god who has always protected us just for the sake of living!"

"Odin? Humph, if living in such a land can be called a shelter, then it's really sad! But I have to admit that you have escaped. Now Atlantis and the Sanctuary are about to become the battlefield of the holy war, and the end of the human beings on the ground and the sea is imminent. If you can't echo our call, then sleep! Leave the affairs of the Asgard to me!"

Loki waved his hand, and the vines of the world tree suddenly drilled out from the ground and directly entangled Hilda.

For a time, Hilda's microcosm was directly sucked dry, and even her spirit was lost a lot.


However, Loki did not kill her, but just made Hilda weak so that she could become a tool for him to rule the Asgard.

After all, in this Asgard, no one is better at curing diseases than Andreas, who is his host.

By controlling Hilda, it is indirectly equivalent to controlling the Asgard's God Warriors.

"Then, Asgard is left to you, Loki! After we defeat Atlantis and the Sanctuary, I will let you rule Europe on earth!"

"Leave it to me, Lord Lucifer!"

Loki said, and Lucifer turned into light and left.

Yes, Loki surrendered to Lucifer.

With the start of the Heavenly Conference, the arrival of the Great Tribulation of Reincarnation and the New Mythology Era has been completely announced to the gods.

For other gods and even the mythology system, this may be a great opportunity.

However, for the Nordic gods who experienced the Twilight of the Gods in the Mythology Era, they can only stare blankly.

There is no way, their gods have almost suffered casualties in the Twilight of the Gods.

Even if Odin was still alive, he would not be able to revive the Norse gods as he was seriously injured.

On the contrary, Loki, who had lost his true body, was eager to try.

It was a pity that among the entire Norse gods, there were only a few true gods such as Odin.people.

But they have fallen into eternal sleep, and only Odin is left to survive.

It is absolutely impossible for Loki, a second-rate god, to succeed. In this case, he can only submit to a more powerful god.

Lucifer, as a great god in Christian mythology, was cast into the demon world in the mythological era, but he still has strength. He is only weaker than Apollo of the Olympian gods and belongs to the lower level among the upper gods.

Loki felt that his choice would not be wrong. With the support of Lucifer, he could show his strength in the new mythological era!

"Come here, Queen Hilda is sick!"

As Andreas regained control of his body, a loud shout completely broke the tranquility of the Asgard...

A few days later.

Night, Star Hill.

"Not only is the ominous comet Repalus, but there are also evil stars in the north!"

Aiolos observed the sky at night, and the whole person was extremely solemn.

It is said that the sky is full of murderous intent and the stars are moving. Tonight, he also witnessed it.

The stars in the past few days are a mess!

"Aiolos, these days, news has come from all over the country that there are evil little universes causing chaos everywhere! Saints, you are getting busy now!"

Saga said. After getting the information from Saori, he, the Pope's assistant, and Aiolos, the Pope, have been extremely busy these days.

Fortunately, the current Sanctuary has sufficient combat power. Whether it is gold, silver, or bronze, there is almost no loss, so it is not too busy to deal with it.

However, the evil little universe has not weakened at all, but has become stronger. This abnormal situation makes the two know that there may be an evil god involved.


A golden stream of light suddenly cut through the sky. Although it is very small, it cannot be hidden from the eyes of the two.

"What was that just now?"

"I don't know, but that kind of powerful microcosm is obviously not something that the Silver and Bronze Saints can handle. Let the Gold Saints go!"

As soon as Saga said this, Aiolos nodded immediately.


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