Atlantis, Poseidon Temple.

Almost in an instant, Poseidon brought Rang Ye to his bedroom.

This Atlantis is very large, and except for the seven pillar areas and Poseidon Temple, other places are open to the public.

Therefore, even if he abducted a woman from outside, Poseidon would not worry about being known by others.

"You are really diligent, my Lord Poseidon!"

"Uh... Seraphina!"

Looking at Seraphina who suddenly appeared in the bedroom, Poseidon was inevitably a little embarrassed.

It was like being caught cheating by his own wife in bed, Poseidon felt a little guilty.


Although Rang Ye didn't know the situation very well, looking at Seraphina's dignified and luxurious appearance, he knew that the woman in front of him had a high status.

"Okay, don't worry! Lord Poseidon, if you want to do it, just do it! I know my identity very well, and I'm not blaming you for anything. I am very satisfied to make the people of Brugler happy. Besides, you didn't treat me badly, did you? Besides, you keep saying that you want me to give birth to a bunch of children for you, but I'm not a sow after all. I can't give birth to seven children at one time and give birth to all your sea generals!"

Seraphina said, which made Poseidon happy.

Of course, what Seraphina said was not wrong.

Although she was the spokesperson of the Sea King, Seraphina was just a human being after all. How could she really give birth to a bunch of children like a sow!

Even if there were seven gourd babies, they were given one by one when the melons were ripe.

"Seraphina, I really didn't misjudge you! Don't worry, you are you, and Rang Ye is Rang Ye. Unless one day you don't want to do it anymore, no one can shake your identity as the spokesperson of the Sea King, I said!"

When Poseidon said this, Seraphina couldn't help but smile.

These days, getting along with Poseidon, she feels more and more that this Sea King is a little childish.

He is obviously a great god who is feared by everyone, but he always gives people an immature feeling!

"That, that..."

"Don't be nervous, sister, just call me sister from now on!"

Looking at Rang Ye's nervous look, Seraphina also spoke to comfort her.

She sat on the throne of the Sea King instead of Poseidon, so she didn't have to compete with a girl.

Moreover, Seraphina also has self-knowledge.

Her strength, status, and even power were all given by Poseidon, so there is no need to displease Poseidon.

If the harem is harmonious, this is what Poseidon wants to see.

"Sister, I won't say anything else. From now on, you will serve our Lord Poseidon with me! This guy is a beast. To be honest, I really can't handle it alone!"


Hearing Seraphina's words, Ye was completely confused, and his mind was a little confused.

Poseidon stood aside, grinning.

In fact, it's not his fault.

After all, he used his real body when he did that.

How powerful the real body of the Lord God is must be beyond imagination, and it is definitely not comparable to the human body.

To use the simplest example, in Greek mythology, Hercules, who was still in the semi-god period, once obtained the king's permission in a certain country to "talk" about life with the king's 50 daughters.

Although one was shy and refused, the other 49 completed the ritual of making babies.

And these 49 princesses did give birth to sons, and two of them even gave birth to twins.

If the demigods are so awesome, let alone the main gods.

Before coming to Atlantis, although Seraphina was nurtured by Poseidon's microcosm, she had not been there long and had not been strengthened much, so she would definitely not be able to withstand his fierce battle!

Now, with the addition of Rang Ye, although it is definitely not enough, at least some of the firepower is shared, so Seraphina will not be too tired...

A few days later, in the Holy Land, the Pope's Palace.

"How is the situation, Asmita?"

Sage looked at Asmita who had come out of the meditative state and asked.

Since he had obtained such important information from Poseidon, the Sea King, Sage, as the Pope, naturally had to distinguish the truth from the false.

If you just want to go to the underworld, Asmita, who has awakened the eighth sense, can enter and exit safely and freely.

Therefore, this matter can only be left to Asmita to execute.

"Your Holiness, it is just as the Sea King said. I have indeed found the big tree called 'Mu Luan Zi' between the Third Valley of the Sixth Hell and the First Trench of the Seventh Hell in the Underworld!"

AshiMita spoke, and Saiqi nodded, but his face became extremely solemn.


"Don't worry, Your Holiness! I have realized the eighth sense, and I have already seen through life and death. When the time is right, I will offer my microcosm and create the Muluanzi rosary!"

Ashimita was very calm and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Humans who have awakened the eighth sense will naturally look down on things like life and death.

Death itself is not the end of everything.

What's more, this is just the demise of the body.

And after ending his physical identity, Asmita's soul is equivalent to being free, which is a kind of relief for him.

"I'm sorry, Asmita, this kind of thing should actually be done by us old guys! You are still young, after all..."

"Your Excellency, now in the entire Holy Land, I am the only one who has realized the eighth sense, right? Moreover, everyone has their own obligations and tasks, don't you too?"

When Asmita said this, Sage was speechless.

The Muluanzi rosary can only restrain the Hades warriors corresponding to the 108 magic stars, but Hades's confidant and right-hand man - the Gemini God, still needs them to deal with it!

Yes, everyone has his own task.

Dealing with the Gemini God is the task of Sage and his brother Bai Li!

"Your Holiness, I have a request!"

"Go ahead, Asmita!"

"I have heard a lot of rumors about Poseidon, the Sea King, recently. Just like Lady Athena was willing to give up her life as a god and come to this earth to suffer, I am also curious about the changes of the Sea King! So, please allow me to visit him in my personal name. I want to know what attitude that god has towards this world?"

Asmita said, he remembered his encounter with Sasha. At that time, Sasha had not even awakened to become Athena, but just a sentence "Do you look so painful?" completely broke Asmita's heart.

He was born blind, but his high understanding allowed him to quickly awaken the seventh sense and even the eighth sense.

Although he was born blind and could not see, he could see through the lives around him with his heart.

However, while seeing through the essence of external objects, Asmita forgot to look at himself.

Sasha's words even made him feel like he had suddenly realized something!

Now, Poseidon seems to have changed a lot, and Asmita wants to go and see what the reason is.

Maybe he can get inspiration from Poseidon!

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