When Poseidon returned to his original time point, everything seemed silent and did not cause any ripples at all.

And Poseidon did learn a lot when he traveled back to the past this time.

On the one hand, by observing Elias's growth trajectory and combat skills, he completely replicated and mastered his development of the Eight Senses - Alaya Consciousness.

Elias, who mastered the Eight Senses, could not only talk to the earth, predict what might happen in the past, present, and future, but also listen to the will of heaven.

Therefore, Elias can see through the changes of all things and understand the laws of operation of all things in the world.

Of course, this ability is useless to Poseidon. He has omniscience and even the power of time and space, and can understand everything he wants to know more clearly.

Then there is the resonance of all things. Elias can communicate with all things and use them for his own use, and control the power of nature at will through the resonance with all things.

Similarly, this ability is useless to Poseidon.

Powerful gods, not to mention the main gods, many second-rate gods also have the ability to control the universe.

However, it is undoubtedly very terrifying that Elias can do what only gods can do with the eighth sense-Alaya consciousness.

It is precisely because of this that Poseidon attaches so much importance to his talents.

In addition, Elias also has the ability to transform the soul into a higher dimension and the space of will.

And these abilities are also things that only gods can do.

However, the most terrifying thing is that Elias has mastered the Death Eyes.

Yes, the Death Eyes!

The eighth sense-Alaya consciousness can allow the comprehender to transcend the restrictions of all laws, but it is only transcendence, not control.

However, Elias relied on the superiority of the eight senses to take advantage of the rules.

By looking directly at the death of the universe, the essence of things can be hurt, and then the phenomenon can be killed. This can be called a sure kill under the gods.

Elias also took this opportunity to develop a unique skill called Lion's Scythe (also translated as Lightning Crown).

By the way, Regulus actually mastered the Death Eyes, which he mastered by chance when he was carrying out the task of the Demon Eye Baror.

It's a pity that he only had a short burst at that time and couldn't maintain the eighth sense at normal.

Otherwise, when dealing with the dragon Radamanthys, he wouldn't have faced the embarrassing situation of physical death.

Of course, all of this is child's play for Poseidon.

It's just that Elias can master these powers at the level of the eighth sense, which is also worth Poseidon's reflection.

With a stronger power than Elias, should he also strive for excellence like Elias and others, and hone his own realm and power, heart, skills, and body to the extreme!

It can be said that Poseidon is now more or less like a nouveau riche, who has treasures but does not know the value of his own treasures and cannot make the most of these things.

Just like the Otsutsuki clan in the "Naruto" plane, they have far more chakra than ninjas, but they are taken down by ninjas with only weak chakra. This is indeed worthy of reflection and vigilance!

While Poseidon traveled back to the past and learned the method of awakening Ω and developing the eighth sense skills, he also did not forget to understand the plan of the ancient gods.

Yes, although Poseidon knew that the ancient gods planned to reshape the mythological era, he was not particularly clear about how to implement it.

Although Poseidon had also watched anime and comics before traveling, there was no way. The style of the author of the "G" series, Okada Laozei, was too "fresh and refined", which made Poseidon really unsatisfactory.

Therefore, Poseidon only knew the general idea, and did not delve into many detailed plots.

And this observation almost made Poseidon's scalp numb.

The beginning of the ancient gods' plan can even be traced back to the end of the mythological era.

Just after Zeus left the heaven with the twelve divine robes, Nyx took action and directly wiped him out.

The twelve divine robes and the weapon of killing gods, the Thunder Scepter, were all smashed into pieces by Nyx.

The so-called shattering darkness with thunder is completely nonsense.

Nyx's dark night even affected the entire universe and swallowed Zeus in an instant.

The reason why Uranus has the power of Zeus is actually the result of Nyx's secret support.

Although she didn't give much, it was enough for Uranus to do many things.

It was also after Zeus' death that the holy war began on the earth.

The ancient gods also suddenly discovered that the power of the human microcosm is very suitable for forging a new earth and becoming the cornerstone of the new divine domain.

Therefore, at that timeThey are actually guiding the holy war intentionally or unintentionally, allowing humans to awaken and comprehend the microcosm, becoming a holy war, and constantly entering mythical wars.

Not to mention others, the golden humans in the Titan period, they have the seventh sense of the human microcosm at birth.

And the extinction of the golden humans is also the work of the ancient gods.

By the way, Prometheus gave fire to humans, which was also the plan of the ancient gods.

Yes, Prometheus is also a part of the plan of the ancient gods.

Because the ancient gods know that fire can make human civilization develop, but it can also make human civilization fall into endless wars.

Humans prosper because of fire, and they should also perish because of fire. This is cause and effect!

And when this war involves gods, it is a holy war.

At that time, countless humans who have awakened their microcosms will be involved in the meat grinder of war and sacrifice for it.

All the microcosms of the dead humans were also seized by Gaia in the sealed state and silently integrated into the earth.

This is one of the reasons why the seven-sense warriors who have the ability to crush stars cannot break this blue planet.

On the one hand, it is because the earth itself is the divine domain created by Gaia. It is not so easy for humans to break the divine domain of the ancient gods.

On the other hand, it is also because the earth constantly absorbs the microcosms of humans to strengthen itself.

Such a powerful earth, unless the upper main god is fully committed, it is not easy for even the middle main god to destroy the earth.

Hades will participate in the plan because he is angry after being hurt by Pegasus.

He actually planned to refuse the ancient gods' solicitation at the beginning, but after learning that Zeus was dead and Erebus really gave too much, Hades finally chose to accept it!

This is why, while other gods fight only once every thousand years, Hades is extremely active, coming every two hundred years, and never late!

It's ridiculous that the original owner Poseidon still foolishly wants to invade the upper world, but he doesn't know that he has launched a holy war and has no chance of winning from the beginning.

Hades doesn't always lose. Many times, he loses on purpose, just because the time is not right.

Moreover, he must also squeeze the human microcosm to the greatest extent.

Not to mention other things, the corpses of countless saints in the underworld ice hell that have been passed down from the mythological era to the present will also be the materials for the ancient gods to build new divine domains in the future!

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