"There's nothing to be surprised about. I just happened to find Pontos, and happened to kill him, and finally happened to get his Sea of ​​Chaos, which I used to reshape my body!"

"Pontos, is it the ancient god - Black Sea Pontos?"

"Poseidon, have you already..."


The gods were all shocked by Poseidon's explanation.

Poseidon killed Pontos, and the information contained in it was enough to cause a major earthquake in the Olympian gods who had lost Zeus.

Although Hades was in a state of spirit at the moment, the fluctuation of his soul also proved his throbbing heart at this time.

Forget Zeus. As the most special existence among the gods, Hades never thought of comparing him.

But Poseidon was different. As a great god with the same status as him in the Olympian gods, he was now surpassed by the other party, which made Hades naturally feel a little unwilling.

Not to mention, as the three brothers of the Olympian gods, Poseidon and Zeus, the second and third brothers, both have the ultimate power, but he does not. It is impossible to say that Hades has no thoughts in his mind.

"Hey, Hades, if you want to recover, you can come to me and try!"

"Humph, what to recover? I'm fine, why should I look for you!"

Hades snorted coldly, and the other gods saw this and did not say much about it.

Although everyone knew what Poseidon meant, if that kind of thing was said, it would completely offend Hades.

A great god like Poseidon is naturally not afraid, but other gods, even Hera and others, do not want to offend Hades easily.

Although they are in heaven, they do not need to worry about Hades running to heaven for revenge.

But it is also extremely unwise for the lower-level gods to provoke the middle-level gods. There is no need to make yourself uncomfortable!

As for Hades himself, he actually has a lot of suffering.

When he agreed to join the ancient gods' plan, he also asked Erebus to help get some Chaos Sea from Pontos.

Unfortunately, the power of Pegasus to kill gods seems to be the same as the first light, which is permanent damage to the gods. Even the Chaos Sea cannot heal that kind of injury, which makes Hades extremely distressed.

Of course, if the real body is used as a sacrifice and the Chaos Sea is used to reshape it, that is another matter.

But Hades is reluctant to give up his precious real body for a small injury of one or two inches, and he can't do it!

Of course, there is a compromise, that is to remove the injured part together with the lychee.

At that time, soak the empty space in the Chaos Sea, and it will most likely grow out.

But at the same time, this is also a tangled problem.

If it were you, would you cut it?

Anyway, Hades would not cut it, even if he couldn't touch women, he would not cut it!

At this time, Athena came in holding the scepter of the goddess of victory.

Her arrival made the atmosphere at the scene quiet down immediately.

All kinds of strange eyes were instantly focused on Athena.

The four realms of heaven, earth, underworld, and sea are the four largest divine realms in the universe.

It goes without saying that Athena was able to be entrusted by Zeus to manage the earthly realm alone. What a privilege this is.

As for the dream realm and the demon realm, they can only be regarded as a small space created by God. Calling them "realms" is actually a bit overestimating these small spaces.

However, even if it is a small space, as a place created by God, it can also be called a "divine realm", but it cannot be compared with the four realms.

Zeus has too many children, but he only let Athena manage the earthly realm.

In addition, Athena also has two weapons of killing gods-the scepter of the goddess of victory and the shield of Athena, which makes too many Olympian gods indignant.

You know, even Hades and Poseidon only have one weapon to kill gods.

The other gods only use ordinary weapons.

Only the weapon that is forged with the light of the first birth, which makes it have the power to kill gods, is qualified to be called "the weapon to kill gods"!

In the battle with gods, gods with weapons to kill gods and gods without weapons to kill gods are completely different things!

In this regard, Athena ignored the eyes of the gods.

Since Zeus entrusted the earth to her, she has seen too many such eyes.

But when she saw Poseidon, Athena still smiled and nodded slightly to him.

"Poseidon, are you in cahoots with Athena?"

"Just take it as it is!"

Poseidon's answer made Hera and others stunned.

Originally, she thought that Poseidon would try his best to defend his andAthena's relationship, never thought that Poseidon would admit it so generously.

"Poseidon, you have really changed!"

Hera's expression became more and more complicated. Although Poseidon was powerful in the past, his rough and arrogant character made her look down on him.

But the current Poseidon is different. Even Hera has to admit that the current Poseidon has an indescribable temperament, which is not possessed by other male gods.

"Poseidon, after the meeting, do you want to come to my place to sit?"

"Okay, Aphrodite, after so many years, I don't know if your skills have regressed?"

Aphrodite (I really can't find a good picture, so I'll just use it)

Faced with Aphrodite's invitation, Poseidon agreed without thinking.

Although it is true that Aphrodite is a bus, Poseidon has to admit that this bus is very luxuriously decorated, with a gold floor, diamond headlights, and various gems inlaid on the body.

It can be said that even if she is a bus, it is not something that ordinary people can ride on.

As a time traveler, Poseidon likes all the teachers in the island country very much, not to mention that now he has the opportunity to communicate with the real goddess.

The only thing that worries him is perhaps his mobile phone and computer at home before he traveled through time.

I hope that the police comrades can give him some face because he is a dead person and don't make those things public.

In response, Aphrodite also smiled.

Poseidon's unique temperament is naturally not hidden from her.

And since Ares's true body was destroyed in the holy war, Aphrodite broke off her relationship with him.

Other male gods also broke off contact for various reasons.

For example, her real husband-Hephaestus, Aphrodite never slept with her at all.

Although they are husband and wife in name, it is only in name!

As for Hermes, because he had a yin-yang god, Hermaphroditus, their relationship became worse and worse.

Although Hermaphroditus was a normal male god at the beginning, he became neither male nor female after being raped by the nymph Salmacis, which made Hermes lose face, and the two even had a quarrel over it.

It can be said that Aphrodite has not found a decent target for a long time.

It is rare that Poseidon has become so interesting now. If she doesn't have fun with him, wouldn't it be a waste of her, the great god of love!

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