The Temple of the Abyss.

Kronos, in a phantom form, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and a strong anger instantly filled the entire temple.

"King, what makes you so angry?"

Rhea stood beside him and asked.

In response, Kronos couldn't help but look at him and said, "Oceanus is dead, and died in the sky above the Aegean Sea!"

"Could it be..."

"That's right, the only one who can kill Oceanus at this juncture is Poseidon, the Sea King! Oceanus wouldn't be so careless, so it can only mean that Poseidon must have noticed our existence a long time ago. It is precisely because of this that Oceanus' plan had just begun, and he was killed by Poseidon!"

Kronos said that at the moment when his seal had not been lifted, the other eleven Titans, especially the other five male gods, were the most important fighting forces in their line.

As for the goddess, although her fighting power was not bad, she was definitely not comparable to the male gods.

Rhea couldn't help but feel emotional about this. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, as well as Hestia, Demeter and Hera, these three gods and three goddesses, were her and Kronos' children.

She should have been proud of her children's strength.

But unfortunately, Rhea loved her husband, Kronos, more than her children.

She even regretted that if she hadn't protected Zeus in the mythological era, perhaps the Olympians would not exist, and the entire universe might still be under the control of the Titans.

However, it was precisely because of Rhea's regret that Zeus sealed her mother after defeating Kronos.

Otherwise, Rhea, who had protected Zeus, would not have ended up like the other Titans.


Kronos shouted, and the strongest Titan under his command, the second strongest male Titan, the Dark Sun Hyperion, immediately appeared from the void and knelt before Kronos.

"King, Hyperion is here to see you!"

"Hyperion, lead your men to attack the Sanctuary, it's time to take back my artifact and remove my seal!"

"But King, our plan..."

"The plan is invalid! Oceanus was killed by Poseidon, and he probably also noticed our existence. Now, I can only take back my artifact as soon as possible and prepare for the upcoming battle!"

Kronos said, it's not that he underestimated the other Titans, but there's no way, who made the entire Titan race after removing him, the others are all second-rate gods, third-rate gods, or even not worth mentioning!

The other eleven Titans are all second-rate gods. Although their combat power is good, it depends on who they are compared with.

At least, in front of Poseidon, even if the other eleven gods came together, it would be no different from delivering food.

In front of the main god's full-universe-scale power, the second-rate god's microcosm, no matter how powerful and vast, is meaningless!

"I know! But... King, for the Sanctuary, how far should we go?"

Hyperion asked. After all, the Pope of the Sanctuary has surrendered to Kronos. Whether the Sanctuary is still useful depends on Kronos's intention.

"In the Sanctuary, your task is to attract the attention of other Saints. Of course, you don't have to hold back and kill anyone who appears in front of you! I will sneak into the Pope's Palace in the Sanctuary and let Saga help me unlock the seal! At least, before unlocking the seal, I don't want other Saints to come and disturb me!"



The prison in the sea realm and Atlantis.

Aiolos, wearing the Sagittarius Gold Saint, stood in front of the man in the prison.

"I never thought that we would meet again in this way!"

"You are still alive, Aiolos! That's great! Where is Lady Athena?"

"Lady Athena is protected by Lord Poseidon. At least in this sea world, she doesn't have to worry about being remembered by anyone!"

"That's good! Aiolos, although I am no longer qualified to say such things at this point. But if possible, I hope you can tell the Lord for me, at least let me fight as the Gemini Gold Saint until I die!"

"I know, Saga!"

Aiolos was full of complexities, but he nodded in agreement.

He learned a lot of secrets from Poseidon, and he also knew that Saga's crimes were actually beyond his control.

At least, the man in prison now is Lanza, who is known as the "incarnation of God"...

The Holy Land, the Leo Palace of the Zodiac.

Ever since Aiolia returned from the United States, he has been lost in thought and has a deep understanding of the current situation in the Sanctuary.'s suspicion.

After seeing Aiolos with his own eyes, he also found it hard to believe that the gentle brother would be a traitor who assassinated Athena and the Pope.

Now he also eagerly hopes to get the truth and let him know everything that happened that year.

"What, this microcosm!"

Just when Aiolia was confused, a powerful microcosm suddenly appeared outside the Sanctuary, which also attracted Aiolia's attention.

Or in other words, throughout the Sanctuary, anyone who could feel the existence of the microcosm was attracted by this sudden power.

[Listen, all the gold saints in the Sanctuary, the enemy has appeared, I order in the name of the Pope to strictly guard the twelve palaces! ]

[Your Excellency the Pope! ]

Hearing the Pope's voice, for a moment, the gold saints who wanted to go to kill the enemy immediately suppressed their thoughts and stayed in their palaces obediently.

At this time, outside, a black carriage was also galloping in the void.

The soldiers on the periphery couldn't even get close, because the moment they got close, they would be burned to death by a jet of black flames, leaving nothing behind!

When the carriage stopped, Hyperion, wearing the greatsword Chu Zhen, slowly got off the carriage and looked coldly at the surrounding Sanctuary soldiers.

"Who are you?"

"Human? I'm not a human, I'm a god, the ruler who dominates you!"

Hyperion raised his eyes slightly, and the dark little universe burst out instantly, then turned into a whirlwind, directly blowing away all the soldiers on the periphery of the Sanctuary.

For a time, the periphery soldiers of the entire Sanctuary suffered countless casualties, and even those who were lucky enough to save their lives were basically useless.

"Damn it, it actually caused such a big damage!"

"Those who dared to break into the Sanctuary, no doubt, will be killed without mercy!"

"Silver Saints? Just ants!"

Looking at the two Silver Saints who appeared in front of him, Hyperion's eyes were still full of contempt.

He could feel that the high-end combat power of the Sanctuary was basically stationed in the Zodiac.

Since the Gold Saints could not go to battle, the ones who could do so were naturally the Bronze or Silver Saints!

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