Saint Seiya

Chapter 170: 168 - Let Ye Zhi first

Facing the attack from Light Fang, Shun still opened his protective shield and blocked all the Meteor Fist. The defensive power of the iron wall of "Fudo Myo-O" can perfectly block even the attack of all the golden saints.

He has grown to another dimension when he was young, and this is the current moment.

All of them attacked like an egg hitting a rock, the obvious result. The small universe on Shun's body glowed, and his Meteor Fist bounced back through the protective shield.

Under the shock of Guangya, the meteor fist hit him.


All of a sudden, he was knocked out and hit a stone pillar in the distance.

Longfeng, Yuna, Cangma, and Rongdou shouted at the same time:

"Bright Tooth!"

"Now is not the time to worry about him"

Shun's words immediately brought them back to their senses, yes, if they didn't concentrate, they would be the next one to be knocked down. Cang Mo and Rong Dou ignited the small universe and rushed up.

"Rongdou, come on!"


Cang Mo burst into flames and charged away with his entire body.

"Lioneet · Bomber! (Cub Bomber

"Fuji Flow Secret, Earth and People Together"

Rong Dou put his hands on the ground, and many black stones with soil properties appeared from the ground, surrounding Cang Mo who was rushing away, like a wolf's head.

"Have you crossed the microcosm with each other?"

This level is a complete proof of immaturity for Shun.


He rushed forward, and opened the golden protective wall in front of Shun, and the "Fudo Ming Wang" easily blocked his approach. Then the protective wall radiated light, and the Cangmo bullet flew out, with a very strong force.


They collided with Rong Dou behind, and both of them fell to the ground.

Yuna jumped up and kicked again from above.

"Aquila Shining Blas! (Sky Eagle Flash Burst

Yuna spins her body and kicks with one foot, the strong wind is enough to make people feel terrible. This is the profound meaning used when the "Seventh Sense" is awakened in the Cancer Palace, kicking towards the protective wall of Shun, with 100% of her full strength, without any effort. Reserve. Yuna gritted her teeth and tried her best, but Shun's protective wall still didn't move.

"It's a nice wind, but..."

The protective wall glowed again, and Yuna shouted and was thrown away.

At this time, Longfeng had already burned the small universe and was ready to attack.

"Lushan Bailongba—"

With one hand, Bailong flew into the air, the kind of power that even Andy Mio was knocked back in the twin palaces.

He opened his eyes wide and vaguely saw Zilong's figure. He had seen this move long ago when he was a boy, and at that time, it was difficult for him to resist. It's completely different now, and they who have been "legends" for a long time are different from those back then. The technique of concealing the power of the "Fudo Myoou" within his body is a defensive technique possessed by all Virgos in all dynasties. Shun has already surpassed the blue, and used this trick to surpass Shaka and even the Virgo in the past.

The Hundred Dragon Teeth can easily break even the "crystal wall" that can deflect all attacks, but Shun is not comparable to ordinary Saint Seiya. All dragons are defeated when they hit the protective wall. Shun used the "Fudo Mingou" issued by the small universe far above them, like the protective power of an iron wall, to nullify all attacks.

At the last moment, several dragons bounced back and hit Long Feng, causing him to be knocked out.

After a while, the five bronze saints all fell to the ground. After putting on the holy clothes in an instant, they didn't even move their hands, and the outcome was already decided. So overwhelming, and completely different level from the golden saint in front.

(Too strong to fight!)

(This is the man closest to God, how powerful!)

(This incomparably huge microcosm...)

(Mr. Shun who fought with my father, our strengths are too different.)

(Is this... the power of the "Legendary Saint"?)

For the first time in their lives, they felt their own powerlessness, no, it was an experience for Guangya. What he couldn't believe was that someone could be as strong as Yuxing, making people feel that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't win, such a desperate gap.

Shun came over, and suddenly a purple thunderbolt came from the right. After Shun sensed it, he blocked it with his hand, and all of them were defended.

(What is this little universe?)

It was something he was familiar with, although he had never seen it face-to-face.

Everyone looked up, only to see a person standing not far behind, with light blue hair and a noble temperament all over his body.


The five shouted in unison.

This person is Eden. It has only been seven days since the last separation, and he was also specially selected to participate in this Zodiac battle. Although he was qualified to meet Athena even if he didn't fight, he chose to fight with Guangya and the others. Needless to say, the reason was to make himself stronger.

And the holy garment he is wearing now is not the same as when he was in Palaestra. He gained a new form by awakening the "seventh sense". Like Light Fang Longfeng, it is a holy garment that appeared in the later period.

There are already three people in advance.

There are blue gems on the shoulders, hands and knees, as well as the center of the chest and the abdomen, and the hood is not much different from the previous one. The gray-white holy clothes look more noble.

He stepped forward.

"Eden, have you also awakened a new holy garment?"

Guangya actually asked something useless.

Eden didn't turn his head, and walked up in a straight line, his eyes didn't intersect with them, he just stared at Shun.

"Just like you"

His holy garment was repaired by noble ghosts in Aries, so he awakened to a new posture.

"...Are you Eden of Orion? I didn't expect it to be so big in the blink of an eye!"

"you know me?"

Shun's words made him frown, and he had the impression that Eden had never seen him.

"The last time I saw you was more than ten years ago, when you were only two years old. Having said that, this was the first time I met you. Yes, it was with your father, God of War. After the battle of Mars is over, I will bring you to the Sanctuary!"


Everyone was shocked by what they said just now.

"God of war... Mars?"

"Speaking of which, you still don't know!"

You can tell from their expressions instantly.

"Eden, he is different from you. He is a 'son of God', his father is a god, his mother is a human being, that is, the so-called 'demi-god'..."

The shocking words attacked their consciousness.

"Eden is the son of God? Liar!"

"Is it true? Eden!"

Eden didn't answer, and didn't turn around.

"More than ten years ago, Mars attempted to destroy Athena and destroy the world, and then rebuild it. His ideal is to create a world without war and pain, where the strong can dominate the weak. However, his ambition was Yusei stopped us, and Mars Army was also defeated by us.”

They all listened carefully.

"In that battle, Mars, the **** of war, was defeated by the strongest golden saint, Yusei Sagittarius. I adopted you Eden and your sister Sonya, who were still young. Although they are children of the enemy , Yu Xing sees that you are still young and have not done bad things, so he decided to adopt your siblings and nurture your growth, which is the only compensation for you!"

"My father's affairs are all right. Ever since I was sensible, I have never hated my teacher. There is no hatred between him and my father, but from the standpoint of protecting this world and destroying this world, I have to go It's just a fight. No matter how lofty a father's ideals are, they can't destroy this beautiful world. So, as a son, I will make up for it all!"

Eden's intention was completely beyond Shun's imagination. He thought he would hate him to some extent, but it seemed that he was over-hearted.

(...As expected of Yu Xing's cultivation, I didn't expect him to have such an idea at such a young age. His father died because of his teacher's hand, so he didn't hold any grudges. Instead, he thought he was right. At that time, what he said was right. Eden has a completely different character from Mars, no, what he inherited is not the ruthlessness of God, but the kindness of people)

Shun quickly understood that he nodded with satisfaction and looked at them.

"Well, if you are also one of the saints who will pass the Zodiac this time, then, let me see your power!"

"I can't ask for it!"

The small universe of Eden's whole body burned up, sending out purple thunder and lightning all over the body.

"What a great little universe..."

"It's better than before..."

"It's a very good little universe, I didn't expect you to be able to use the "seventh sense" to such a degree, it's really amazing!"

It seems that he has really undergone quite severe training, and he can't help thinking so.

Eden punched, and the purple lightning struck Shun, but Shun was still standing, and the protective wall of the "Fudo Mingo" opened up to stop the attack. Eden continued to improve, and the garden of this Virgin Palace was shaking all the time.

"Such an attack doesn't hurt me, just the small universe of the 'seventh sense' can't make me move!"

"It's more than that"

Hands up.

"Thunderbolt Tornado——"

At the moment of swinging, a tornado came over, with lightning entangled in it, but the moment was still the same, opening the protective wall of the enchantment, and it was easily blocked.

"As expected of someone who has been trained by Yusei since childhood, if it were another Golden Saint Seiya, it would be enough to make them move!"

The fighting experience of the legendary Saint Seiya is not comparable to others. To a certain extent, Shun is also Yuxing's disciple. After all, he is the one who guides Shun's cultivation.

He has crossed more bridges than they have walked.

(...This is the first time that I have fought against a legendary Saint Seiya other than Sensei. I can't even move when I attack him, let alone hurt him. Just by resisting, we can clearly see that he is overwhelming with us. gender gap.)

With the blood of God flowing on his body, he can clearly feel Shun's strength, and his rich combat experience is simply not comparable to him and Guangya.

"You guys are really good, and you will definitely continue to become stronger in the future!"

Instantly see through their potential abilities and talents.

"Eden, if we fight one-on-one, we won't be able to win against Shun-san. However, with you and everyone, maybe we can!"

Guangya walked to his side and spoke in a low voice.

"You are right, facing the 'Legendary Saint Seiya' as an opponent, we can't win no matter what we are now. The level difference is too much, we have no means of confrontation!"

Eden, who has always been strong, also honestly admits that he is not as good as the other party.

But he didn't admit defeat.

"As you said!"

Guangya is not a stupid person, it is impossible to understand the difference in strength after fighting to this extent.

"...Pegasus, did the teacher tell you before?"


"In our human body, there is an extremely small universe beyond the "seventh sense"..."

"A microcosm beyond the 'seventh sense'?"

Guangya didn't know, Yuxing didn't tell him.

"It's the so-called 'Ultimate Beyond the Ultimate'..."


When this sentence was said, everyone was shocked, and Guangya and Longfeng felt that they had heard it somewhere, and suddenly remembered.

"Dragon Peak!"

"Well, in Gemini Palace, the one that Andy Mio once said!"

"Does it mean that in order to fight the legendary Saint Seiya, you must awaken the 'Ultimate Beyond the Ultimate'?"

Here, they finally understand.

"That's right, the real Saints are those who can gain that power. Let me see, young Saints!"

Shun looked at them calmly and with some anticipation.

"I don't know what happened, but I can only do it!"

"Yeah, I will never give up no matter what."

"If we gather everyone's strength..."

The three of Cang Mo also walked to their side, Guangya and Eden looked at each other and nodded.

(The new generation of young Saint Seiya, their heart... and the strength of unity. One day they will be able to achieve it!)

Shun was very sure that they could do it, and he let go of his hands and feet.

"Then, this time I won't be defensive anymore, but I will use Virgo's stunt to knock you down, and attack with a sense of enlightenment!"

Lightfang and Eden's microcosms keep burning.

"Come on, Pegasus!"


The two rushed forward, and with the speed of light, Eden shouted, and flashed lightning in his hand. He lifted his right hand in an instant, and took his fist from the front, and he didn't move at all.

Light Fang kicked from the sky, and when Shun took it, the attack was ineffective again.


Both of them were shocked, and suddenly felt very strong pressure.

The four behind Longfeng also came to support, and they swung the two out in an instant, and their bodies disappeared at the same time, moving at a speed above the speed of light, and instantly came behind them.

Before the two could react, Shun swung out his right hand and knocked them out, only Long Feng was avoided.

After landing, Eden rushed forward and punched Shun with a punch, but at the moment of approaching, his body disappeared, and in an instant he ran behind Shun, kicked him, and was about to touch him, Shun just moved slightly to the right before dodging.


"Pegasus Meteor Fist--"

Light Fang unleashed his unique move from the front.

Shun didn't block it with "Fudo Mingou", but raised his right hand and sucked all the light speed punches that came into his palm.


Shun quickly punched him in the abdomen, and Guangya shouted "Wow, ah, ah," and was knocked back. Eden jumped up, turned a few times in the air, and when he looked at Shun's eyes, Eden's body suddenly appeared in front of him, and his movements were so subtle that he didn't know how he approached him.

Eden quickly waved with one hand, and Shun's left hand had already blocked it.

(This is Yuxing's physical art!? I didn't expect him to be able to perform to this extent! Interesting...)

It's already quite a high level, considering his age.

Eden jumped back a few steps, followed by jumping up, a few lights flashing around.

"Tunitrus Heracles! (Raiden Heracles

With his hands out, a huge purple lightning struck down, and instantly raised his left hand to block all the attacks. What's incredible is that Eden's trick is like being absorbed, it doesn't explode, and it disappears in an instant.

This is exactly the same as the "Meteor Fist" that dealt with Light Fang just now.

Startled, he jumped up instantly, kicking Eden in the head before he knew it.


He was knocked down from above, his body hit the ground, and he suffered considerable damage.

Guangya, Longfeng, Yuna, Cangmo, and Rongdou rushed over at this time, some with punches and some with kicks. Instantly, the whole body glowed with golden light.


In an instant, he released "Fudo Mingo", blocking all their attacks, followed by everyone who was knocked out by his power and fell to the ground.

"What is this amazing little universe?"

"The five of us and Eden are completely unable to fight against each other."

"How powerful is this, the golden saint of Virgo!"

"The closest to God... that's right!"

If he was surprised at this level, it would prove that they were still early, and Shun himself had not used his true strength at all.

"Look, young saints!"


"This is the mystery of Virgo!"

With his hands open in front of his chest, a small universe is in his hands, concentrating on creating a small galaxy.


"Mr. Shun has a huge microcosm in his hands?"

"The small universe is constantly burning!?"

In an instant, his hands turned, and the small universe rose to an unimaginable level.

"The Demon Subdues—"

Open your hands, the small universe in your hands explodes, and the high-density energy and mass form a big galactic explosion, and the destructive power is comparable to the power of the galaxy when it opened up.

The aurora surrounding his body shot out to all the bronze saints around him, and his cloak was shaken up.


Guangya and the others were knocked to the ground in an instant, and the holy clothes were constantly being damaged, not only him, but everyone.

"Stand up, if it's over at this level, you won't be able to pass the next battle!"

Eden stood up the fastest alone, and he rushed towards Shun. A punch came, and Shun caught it with his right hand. Zi Lei was always released in his hand, but Shun couldn't feel it at all.


Eden swung out attacks in a row, and even used his kicks. With the help of "Seventh Sense", he continuously swung light-speed movements. Shun didn't use any defense, but he was already helpless, and finally he caught Eden. Dian's right fist.

(Can't even hit a punch!)

Completely beyond imagination, Eden would feel so powerless except since training with Yusei.

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