Saint Seiya

Chapter 173: 171-Ω's Scaled Target Door to Great Power

In the Pope's Palace, Yusei and Saori were still watching the battle of Libra Palace.

"Shunt and Shiryu, is that because you trained them to awaken the power of 'Ω'?"

Although this question had no other meaning, Saori was curious about how he did it.

"To be precise, it is to teach them how to learn to control their own little universe, and then awaken it through practice."

Although Yusei's answer is simple, it must be very difficult to do, Saori also understands that.

"It's impossible for them to open that door alone, because they're different from me. That power itself needs to gather the things that come out of the mutual caring hearts of allies. At the end of the battle with Hades In the next few years, they did awaken the "Ω". In order for them to have a way to control that small universe, even when fighting alone, they can exert its power. However, they are different from me after all. They cannot be completely alone. Awakening, you can only master a small part of them in practice. In other words, even if they can't get all of them, they have far more than the 'scales of Ω'."

Even if he is not as good as him, he is still very close to the rank of Yusei in his youth.

"I can understand that too"

Saori sat upright and looked into the crystal ball.

"The awakening of 'Ω' was not that simple, because it was a realm that no one could touch in the past. A great little universe that can rival God, 'Ω' is the power that created the universe!"

Once again affirmed that human beings are definitely not stupid Saori, with a slight smile, because this is the power of "hope".

"They can do it if they gather together!"

"Are you saying that there is also the possibility of the bare teeth awakening?"

"If it didn't, I probably wouldn't have to train them so hard. It's alright, it's just a matter of time. I believe that in the near future, those young people can do it too."

This is a certainty, not a possibility.

Guangya and the others can do it, Yu Xing is convinced, and now they already have that kind of thing on their bodies.

"In the future...? But will this be able to defeat Zilong?"

How could it be possible to win? It is absolutely impossible to win. Just relying on the current small universe, it is too far from Zilong. This is Yusei's unquestionable sincerity.

"No one can be alone. Zilong is not an easy opponent. What I'm betting on them is the possibility of the future, not the present. What they have to do in this battle is to accumulate combat experience. It's very helpful for awakening 'Ω'. If they have that heart, it's not impossible to touch its scales!"

But even so, there is no real "Ω" to defeat Zilong.

"Zilong, he is indeed different from before, he has grown too much"

Saori could understand the incomparably huge microcosm he felt from him.

"Of course, in the past ten years, he has practiced in the sea according to my words, and he has often fought with me. His experience and strength are far beyond the scope of the Golden Saint Seiya. But every time I have dealt with it miserably."

Yuxing is like talking about things that have nothing to do with him.

"Even so, he relied on his innate perseverance to persevere, and he became who he is today. The punch that Zilong threw with all his strength now has great power, and it is enough to cause heavy damage to other golden saints. Compared with his ordeal, Guangya and the others are nothing more than a huge wave passing through the sea!”

"Can you predict that they will grow to this point?"

"No, it's just so that they can become stronger and strive to become an existence that surpasses the power of the golden saints. I just thought so at the beginning. It's up to them to grow to a certain point. It didn't disappoint me, it exceeded my expectations. Estimate a lot"

If you don't have talent and don't work hard, it's hard to say how much power You Xing can have now. At most, it is two or three times stronger than before.

After putting her left hand on Saori's shoulder, she looked back.

"I said a long time ago that I want to create the strongest Saint Seiya lineup in history. Gather excellent Saint Seiya, and for the holy war to be faced in the future, if it is them, they will not lose!"

"You Star!"

"The strongest golden generation, the saints gathered here, all of them will become your power and the power to protect the earth!"

Yusei believed that their words would be able to defeat any enemy. Coupled with the power of him and the goddess Athena, there is no possibility that the earth will be invaded by other gods.

"I hope so too..."

There was a slight blush on Saori's face and a slight smile.


From a distance, the screams could almost be heard, and the golden saints of the previous six palaces were all watching the battle in the Libra palace. The cold wind outside was hissing, and the sound was like being blown into any of the twelve houses by the wind.

In the Libra Palace, I only saw Zilong exploded six bronze saints, their sacred clothes were smashed a lot, and their bodies were also scarred. The purple dragon hit them with every punch like a dragon **** possessed, making the bronze saints miserable.

Now all the young Saint Seiya fell to the ground.

The power of Zilong's fists is extremely powerful, and ordinary bronze and silver have the power to kill with one punch. Even Guangya and Eden, who have been trained by Yuxing since childhood, have suffered considerable damage at this moment. Cangma and Rongdou, who had not awakened their "seventh sense", did relatively little damage, because they fell to the ground in one move and couldn't get up, and Zilong didn't continue to attack to save them.

Others were able to hold on longer due to their stronger physical and mental strength after awakening the "Seventh Sense", but in exchange for Zilong's many fist attacks, the damage was very large, and the result became the current situation.

There was a disappointed expression on Zilong's face, seeing that several bronze saints did not achieve the results he wanted, but were only abused on the one hand.

"Is this the end?"

Eden wanted to get up, but suddenly couldn't get up.

(...I didn't expect it to be so strong!)

(No, it can't be resisted at all!)

(The legendary Saint Seiya...too strong!)

(What a powerful strength, this is the first time I have been trained since I was a child... This is my father's battle? I clearly feel that my father still completely suppresses most of my strength, but the gap in strength is so obvious. .)

Seeing that others have given up.

"Everyone, don't give up"

Guangya suddenly stood up with his hands on the ground, and everyone looked up at him.

"Bright Tooth!"

"How could we fall here? We are the saints of Athena, no matter what kind of despair we are in, the light in our hearts will not disappear!"


Zilong's eyes suddenly widened, and his expression looked very surprised. He had heard this sentence a long time ago, but at this moment, a person's back appeared in his heart.

That is the star.

He once said this when he was fighting with Mars.

——No matter what kind of despair you are in, the light in your heart will never disappear.

And over the years of teaching Guangya, Yu Xing not only taught him fighting skills, but also taught him a lot of things. Guangya also remembered what he said before, and only then said it.

"That's right, Pegasus Light Fang. As you said, no matter how desperate you are, you are the real saints who don't give up easily. Athena's saints are absolutely not allowed to lose in any battle. If you lose, not only Athena, but also innocent people on earth will be implicated.”

"...Purple Dragon!"

"However, there is no need to be afraid. We humans are indeed only illusory existences in the eyes of God, and our strength is not even close to God's toes. Even so, the "infinite possibilities" possessed by human beings can defeat God. Power. Maybe there are very few people like this among human beings, but I have seen such a person. The man who caused countless miracles and defeated God..."

Speaking of the last sentence, Zilong looked full of power.

Guangya slowly got up, stood up shaking his feet, and took a long breath.

"Then... who is that person?"

You can probably guess who it is.

"He is the existence at the apex of the eighty-eight saints, the golden saint - the wandering star of the constellation Sagittarius!"

Exactly as I thought, because that is the legend of the Saint Seiya Yusei.

"is teacher?"

Eden also stood up, and he has naturally heard many people talk about it in the Sanctuary for many years.

From the age of mythology, all humans who subjugate the gods will receive the power and favor of the gods. Those who have fought against God will be feared or respected because of their actions. It will then be carved into legends and myths, and revered with the gods.

And Yuxing is revered and respected by Saint Seiya.

For the enemy, it is an existence that is "feared".

The other four also stood up slowly, but the injuries were obviously very serious. Several consecutive battles had exhausted them, and all of them seemed to be half-dead.

"Thank you for being able to stand up. Let me give you a compliment here first."

Even so, he was very happy.

"In that case, I'll be a little more serious this time, and show you the greatest mystery of my Libra!"

Zilong said that the small universe of the whole body burned up, and the small universe far above the "seventh sense" shocked Guangya and others.

Like water, a small universe that is clear and flawless.

"Look, the golden dragon that shakes the world!"

Lower your posture and lift your right hand up.

"That pose...isn't it?"

Long Feng shouted, and the others also showed expressions of astonishment.

"——Lushan Shenglongba"

The golden light from the right fist turned into a golden dragon, not a giant dragon that Longfeng's fist could compare to.


Everyone was beaten and flew out. The power was really terrifying, and the entire palace was shaking in an instant. Zilong's "Rising Dragon Master" is no longer comparable to the past, and its power is completely different from that of Longfeng.

The bronze saint fell to the ground, and the damage was much greater than before, and the holy clothes shattered a little more.

Even counterattacks are useless, the power of Zilong's ultimate move is too far from theirs, and they can't stop it, even if they gather all the people to attack, they can't stop it.

"...It's completely different from Longfeng's fist! Is this the real 'Shanglongba'?"

"It's like a dragon god, the body feels like it's about to be torn apart, and the power is completely incomparable to our ultimate move."

(...How powerful! This is the legendary Saint Seiya, the purple dragon of father...!?"

Long Feng was delighted at the same time, it was the first time for him to feel this way.

"But we can't give up yet"

"Ah, as long as the small universe continues to burn... how many times it will stand up!"

Rong Dou and Cang Mo endured their injuries and slowly stood up again.

Following Guangya, Eden, Longfeng, and Yuna also stood up, it was really not easy to be hit by Zilong's ultimate move, this is the belief that supports them.

(Even with the scars, are they still going to hold on? Are they all conscious of death? Or...)

Zilong suddenly thought about it.

The six-person microcosm began to burn, and Guangya, who had exhausted most of his strength in the Virgin Palace, did not know where this small universe came from. Perhaps as Yu Xing once said in the past, people's faith and courage will make the impossible possible.

They are in this state.

Zilong looked at them, and the faces of several of them showed the expression of not giving up.

(Yes, that's what it is. Never give up easily, Saint Seiya has the power to awaken miracles, and burn your little universe even more!)

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, suddenly very happy with their growth.

The brilliance of the six people is getting stronger and stronger, and at this moment, Rong Doo and Cang Mo suddenly flashed, and this small universe, like the other people, is the ultimate of the small universe - "Seventh Sense".

When they were on the verge of life and death, they persisted in not giving up, and their will to fight to the end awakened the power that was dormant in their bodies. At this time, all the Bronze Saints who had gone through the battle in the 12th house had awakened their ultimate "seventh sense".

Zilong also saw this, and a smile flashed on his face again.


Guangya shouted first and waved his hands.

"Pegasus Meteor Fist--"

Zilong raised his right hand, and a protective wall of water was formed around it, blocking all the fists without even a single ripple.

"I'm here, Dad!"

Long Feng shook off his confusion and decided to fight with the others.

"Lushan Bailongba—"

Groups of dragons flew from the sky and came down, Zilong smiled, and swung the knife in his right hand, releasing great power, only to see a few flashes of light, and the "Hundred Dragons" was immediately chopped into pieces. The two halves disappeared.

"how come?"

Long Feng's face was full of surprise, and he cried out.

"—Boom, my little universe!"

Eden raised his right hand, and a bolt of lightning struck.

"Orion's Extermination!"

The bottoms of his palms touched each other, and he made a gesture like the "Explosion Blast of Destruction", but instead of using a calyx shape, he straightened his fingers.

A flash of lightning came out of his hand, and Zilong still resisted it with the "Dermal Mirror Stops the Water". Thunder can overcome water, but because the strength is too obvious, the mutual restraint of relationship attributes has no effect at all.

"Is that also invalid?"

Eden looked surprised.

Rongdou's whole body gushed out of the small universe, shouted, and waved the weapons in his hands.

"White Wolf Fist: Douya Fast--"

A huge wolf-shaped wave was emitted, just like the cry of a wolf, followed by a white giant wolf rushing to devour the purple dragon.

If it was another golden saint, maybe he could still do damage.

In front of the legendary Saint Seiya, it is not a miracle.

The moment the wolf's head was swallowed, countless pieces were chopped off.


Rong Doo widened his eyes in surprise and backed away.

"—Burn it, my little universe"

Cang Mo gathered a huge flame ball in his hand and threw it after spinning a few times.

"Lionet · Explosion! (Cub Star Explosion

Just like the power of a planet, Soma and Eito awakened the "seventh sense" and also awakened new profound meanings.

Yuna jumped up at this time.

"Aquila Shining Blas! (Sky Eagle Flash Burst

After turning around a few times, he kicked out with his feet, and a strong wind hit, which matched Cang Mo's moves. The wind makes fire stronger, and they applied it.

Zilong sneered and closed his eyes, raised his right hand high, the whole arm emitted golden light, and the sword pressure released forcefully cut Canma Yuna's ultimate move in half.

"is that a lie!"

Cang Mo should say that this is also possible?

"Our ultimate move didn't work at all, it was destroyed in one hit!"

"It's the same as before. It looks like it was cut by some sharp blade."

Eden can only know this, after all, he can't see his actions with his own eyes.

" that so?"

Long Feng remembered what his father had told him before.

"My right hand is 'Excalibure', inheriting the legacy of the golden saints who fought in the past. There is nothing in this world that can never be cut."


"Dad's right hand houses a weapon that can sever everything. In other words, it's the 'Holy Sword'. Its power is the strongest among all the Golden Saints."

"Yes, just like I inherited the 'Sword Blade' in the past, and the teachings of my teacher Tong Hu. This is exactly 'Let the Heart of the Leaf'... Athena's Saint Seiya must be stronger than a generation, and for this, even if he sacrifices himself life is also at stake.”

(What a realization this is!)

Seeing Zilong think so, Eden was a little moved and admired.

Zilong quickly raised his right hand and opened his eyes.

"Then, let's take it, the sharp taste of this holy sword!"


The six were startled, and Zilong waved his right hand down.

"Holy Sword Blade—"

Draw a circle.


The six people shouted loudly, and their bodies were suddenly cut open, as if they were split by a sharp sword.

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