When people from another field of his family were operating secretly, what he needed to do in charge of the economic direction was to defend the city and face the storm-like attack of several forces.

Even if Zhahua is on the side to assist, he needs to preside over the 178th production fund mobilization meeting every day, and at the same time arrange time to appease creditors from all over the country.

this hole.

"Mr. Mu, what are we going to do this time?" Xiao Zhu was beside him helping to organize the information together, worried.

"What can I do? How many companies in our pastoral department can be regarded as high-quality assets." Muxing flipped through the documents that he had prepared in his hand. Several traditional industries before the world showed their talents.

He touched the share pledge documents of these three companies with almost sympathy.

Feeding back great profits for us is the foundation of our Mu family!"

Hold on for a while."

When he said these words, he didn't have a clue in his heart - his uncle has not heard from his family for three days, and there is no news of those who are friends with their family. Seems to be completely blind.

He looked at the back of the little guy in front of him and continued to sigh: "I didn't want to get to this point so quickly, but I still shot myself in the foot with a rock, knowing that the scale of the mouse warehouse is so huge. , I won't deal with it so quickly?"

The scale of the rat warehouse is too large. After being cleaned up by force? poison.

Xiao Zhu, who also lost a lot of money because of the rat warehouse, bowed his head in shame: "If we didn't..."

Mu Xing waved his hand: "This is the end of the matter, there is no need to say more." However, when he arrived at the door of the bank, he happened to see the handsome young man and the bank president talking and laughing.

Qing Qin came here to apply for a loan by the way, and he saw Mu Xing as soon as he walked out.

Compared to the day he recognized his relatives, his straight back seemed to be bent by something, his face was always full of anxiety and pain, and his jet-black hair began to turn white from his temples.

"Long time no see, Mr. Mu." Qing Qin politely extended his hand.

Mu Xing gritted his teeth and jumped out word by word: "Mr. Qing really has extraordinary skills."

"It's all about the enemy," Qing Qin withdrew his hand, put on his sunglasses, walked towards his new energy electric vehicle, turned back as if he had remembered something before going up, and the corners of his bright red lips evoked cruelty radian, "Next, good luck."

Xiao Zhu looked at them with a sympathetic and complicated look because this sentence completely broke the president's defense: "President Mu, it's time for us to talk about loans."

A bite of meat.

"How much can I borrow?" After the episode just now, Mu Xing didn't even bother to set the stage and asked directly.

"Theoretically, it can be worth 100 million yuan, but," the manager smiled, he had already received the news, and seeing that the beast was surrounded by all sides, he also had a plan in his heart, "Mr. Department's current credit is really too low, at most 20 million."

Xiao Zhu: Fuck, my fist is hard.

However, to this point, Mu Xing does have the spirit of being able to bend and stretch, and he is hard-hearted, soft and hard, and at least 30 million loan back.

"Go back and ask the employees if they are willing to buy some of these stocks." He leaned on the seat and deceived himself and said, "As long as you get over this hurdle, the pastoral department will After a hundred battles, it will soon be over.”

"If you can't make it through," Mu Xing sighed, "Everyone should leave."

This sentence is like an ominous prophecy. The situation of the shepherd family seems to have turned sharply overnight. In the financial field that was already a melee, some hands came out from nowhere. The original allies also said that a betrayal was a betrayal, and the city walls that had been built high collapsed within three days.

The defeat is like a mountain, and the game of the financial market is always so ruthless.

The last three stocks that Shepherd worked so hard to maintain fell across the board, and the wealth of the huge empire that took nearly 20 years to build was turned into fly ashes in an instant.

The wealth that has been accumulated with blood, deceit, and sin will not last forever.

Creditors from all over the country are crazy because of this change. They once thought that the pastoral line was a beacon that led them to wealth, but now they realize that they are just a group of people who play and eat meat Blood Demon.

The media was completely overwhelmed by the news of the collapse of the pastoral department, and the relevant law enforcement departments in dozens of places were no longer silent, freezing and seizing the assets of the local pastoral department, and even began to dispatch personnel to prepare to arrest people.

Compared to the official government from the top down, the many creditors of the pastoral department reacted much more intensely. After finally being completely without medicine, I clearly realized that I had been deceived.

The creditors who were able to be appeased in various ways gathered together and rushed towards the headquarters of the pastoral finance in a riotous manner.

Mu Xing stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, this is the building of Mu's Finance, overlooking all living beings.

Since the first day he stood here, Mu Xing liked this position very much, giving him a sense of power.

Only today, he finally felt the fear of falling in this position: as long as he lowered his head, he could see banners with blood-red characters written one after another.

"The shepherds are all liars!"

"It's only natural to pay your debts!"

"Mu Xing Zhahua, everyone gets it and kills it!"

These people held banners, madly pounding the security team, and cursed the helm of this company with the most vicious words they could think of.

At this time, his door was suddenly opened, and a loud noise came.

An old man in his fifties in a suit somehow broke through the blockade and got in? He desperately resisted the bodyguards who tried to drag him down.

The company has handed over tens of millions of funds to you, and now I regret it!"

Only one death thanks to the 1230 employees in Haihuan!"

These words were too sharp, and his eyes were too decisive, so that the security guards who were blocking them subconsciously let go of their hands? Let this man rush out and slammed into the office viciously There was blood on the table.

"Take everyone down and send them to the hospital." Shepherd's voice trembled slightly.

At this moment, the sound of rushing running came, and his good partner Zhahua came over with a pale face, an unprecedented gaffe: "Uncle... Sentenced!"

Mu Xing only felt that he was hammered head-on, his whole head was buzzing, and his eyes were dark: "How is it possible!"

He frowned and retorted: "Before the uncle just told me that he has a way to solve the constantly rising Qibao, and by the way suppresses the other department, even if it is abuse of power, it is impossible to reach this point!"

Zhahua shook his head: "It's a crime of espionage, it's been made public."

"What!" Mu Xing was incredulous at first, then remembered something, staggered back a few steps, fumbled to lean against the table, took a deep breath, and finally found a chair and sat down , paralyzed in it.

Looking at him like this, Zhahua could only laugh bitterly. He originally held a glimmer of last hope. Heard of some dirty things.

The room was quiet, and there was a growing despair in this quietness.

The phone rang suddenly, causing both of them to have a heart beating.

Mu Xing went over to pick it up, and when she opened the public office, she heard the old lady's heartbreaking cry: "What can I do! What can I do!"

What should I do, I want to know too.

Mu Xing pursed his lips and remained silent.

"No wonder those families haven't communicated with us for a few days. It turned out to be..." The old lady on the opposite side stopped crying frantically, turning into a difficult and rapid gasp.


"How are you, Mom!"

"Call the doctor, call the doctor, whoever quickly dials 120!"

A series of fuss broke out on the opposite side.

Mu Xing looked solemn, took the suit on the chair and strode out: "I'll go back and have a look, I'll leave it to you here."

"Okay." Zhahua and his partner for so many years, it was especially difficult to say this good word for the first time.

Zhahua leaned back on the chair feebly, put down his mobile phone, and just happened to play a random recommended opera, it was "Peach Blossom Fan": "Seeing him starting the Zhulou, seeing him banqueting guests, Seeing him collapse!"

Old Mrs. Mu, who is close to 100 years old, has worked hard all her life to see that the Mu family can develop and prosper as she wishes.

Who would have known that a person would suffer such a blow in his later years and suffer a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and he would be sent to the hospital that night, relying solely on medical means?

"Unfortunately, sequelae are unavoidable," the doctor said sadly after the first aid. "Families should prepare as soon as possible."

The useless descendants of the shepherd's family make a mess, you push me, I push you, and tell their innocence in front of the shepherd, for fear that the responsibility will be blamed on themselves .

Mu Xing just looked at her mother, this woman who has been shrewd and strong for a lifetime is still in a coma.

When she woke up, she was greeted by a hopeless future of inability to eat on her own and incontinence.

For some people, losing their dignity may make her feel more uncomfortable than dying.

Because she understands, so Mu Xing is very afraid. After so many years of calling for wind and rain, he feels helpless and powerless for the first time.

"Don't be arguing!" He turned his head and roared these words almost irritably, causing everyone else to shut up immediately, huddled together like quails, and bowed their heads to be punished.

Mu Xing only felt a headache, maybe he should have rectified this group of people in the family: "Arrange people to look after the old lady, don't make trouble for me outside these few days."

These people naturally repeated yes, but Mu Xing did not feel relieved, but he did not have much time to immerse himself in extreme grief.

Even if the shepherds control the two pillars of different fields as clearly as possible, there is no evidence to directly convict them of the same crime, but the tree falls and the hozen scattered, after all, we must be prepared.

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