This wave of withdrawal from Mu's Venture Capital is aggressive. After a simple notice, they will go directly to the withdrawal procedure that has been signed during the investment.

The shares were directly sold to Roland's other major shareholder, Lou's Real Estate. At this moment, the real estate market has already held 49% of Roland's shares, which directly threatens the Roland family's controlling interest in Roland red wine .

The former chairman of the Roland family had to resign to give up the position to his ambitious nephew. This ancient pride has elected new male lions to fight against ill-wishers from the East.

The change of the head office will undoubtedly affect the situation of the branch. Qingyan had to fly back to the headquarters that day to deal with the newly appointed chairman of the headquarters.

"Uncle valued you very much in the past," the blond young lion wearing a classic suit with a glass of red wine in his hand, his tone was understatement, implying murderous intentions, "But looking at the situation in Huaguo District, it is not enough. in this way."

Qing Yan was also a child of heaven since he was a child. When he got the help of the richest man to go to Huaguo District, he was also a divine soldier who was invited out of the cottage by the original owner. When has he received such contempt?

"It was just an accident, winning or losing is a matter of military affairs."

"You know, my dear friend, the Roland family never believed in review, they only valued commitment."

Qing Yan took a deep breath: "It will soon be the International Wine and Spirits Competition held by Huaguo, as long as the red wine can win the gold medal, you can be ashamed and continue to use the previous one. marketing plan."

"Only the red wine produced in the flower country?" The young owner turned the glass.

Qing Yan: "We plan to use the raw materials in the production area to limit the production of wine, and have recruited some well-known researchers in the flower country to cultivate grapes and flowers, but we still need an investment from the headquarters. ."

Investments are hard to come by.

"You can take a loan from your Huaguo Bank, and things will be much more convenient," he said slowly, "then take your Huaguo branch for liquidation, capital verification and asset evaluation, and transfer it to For the Huaguo subsidiary."

If the Huaguo branch becomes a subsidiary, Qingyan will have more freedom and more room to show his strength, but from another direction, this also means that the debts of the two companies are completely Separation, if the Huaguo side goes bankrupt, there is absolutely no bottom line for the head office above.

Qing Yan hesitated.

"It turns out that the courage of the people of Huaguo is only like this." The owner sighed.

"Mr. Roland, among us Huaguo people, this is called prudence or prudence," Qingyan replied, "but my answer is, I will."

"Very good," the owner applauded, "I look forward to your performance."

The conversation ended unhappily. Qing Yan was lying on the plane returning home, wearing a blindfold, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

His mind was filled with the inattentive attitude of the other party when he met Qingqin that time.

They are also people with little capital behind them, why is he so proud, and why does he not have to be controlled by others?

Thinking like this, he couldn't help turning on his phone and continued to review Qingqin's activities during this period.

Probably this is the use of soldiers like antelope hanging horns without a trace.

He thought as he swiped through group after group of photos, then stopped his fingers at the awards ceremony.

At that premiere, the media did not know how much camera memory was spent on the faces of any star present, but there were also a few close-ups of the winners.

The winner looks familiar.

Qing Yan couldn't help thinking, he looked at the winner, he should be in his early 20s, about 1.8 meters tall, with a thin body and very bright eyes.

At this moment, the plane jolted violently, causing his body to tilt outwards, and he was suddenly embarrassed.

Qing Yan hurriedly frowned and twisted herself back, seeing a financial magazine next to her that she was reading.

On the cover of the financial magazine, it was Makino, a genius trader who played the financial market during this time.

It is also the most likely decision-maker for the decision to withdraw from Mu's Venture Capital!

A thunder sounded in his mind!

So it is, so it is, this Xiaoqing always looks unremarkable, in fact, he has already joined the shepherd's camp, so he has not been taken seriously from the beginning. .

I am afraid that my previous attitude of taking him as an opponent is just an ignorant mad dog barking.

The more he thought about it, the more he held his breath, he didn't fall asleep all night, and he got out of the plane with deep dark circles under his eyes.

This scene just happened to be photographed by the media at the airport, and the headline of the wine-related magazine the next day was "Roland Red Wine Flower Country Market Frustrated, the Head of the Flower Country is on the Brink of Collapse".

The already unstable Roland Red Wine stock fell again.

Between Roland's one-sided anger and hard work, time quietly came to mid-January.

The long-awaited International Wine and Spirit Competition Committee has finally completed its selection. The selection lasted for one and a half months, and 372 wines from 86 countries were evaluated. More than 280 experts jointly evaluated the evaluation process. The evaluation process is divided into two categories, one is professional blind tasting, and the other is chemical and microbiological analysis. , if the latter item cannot pass the test, no matter how high the score of the former item is, it is absolutely impossible to win the gold award.

The medals are divided into three categories: Gold, Silver and Bronze. The jury will score according to a 100-point system, and if the score is above 90, a gold award will be awarded, and it will become a recognized world-class wine.

The award ceremony of this year's International Wine and Spirits Competition was held in the flower country, which happened to be in Kyoto.

Qibao's wine R&D team and its subordinate laboratories naturally packed their bags happily and went to the award ceremony.

And their beloved Mr. Qing could not stand their warm invitation to join the team for the award ceremony.

To be loved by employees too much is also a mistake.

Qing Qin actually just wanted to stay in the office and not go anywhere, this time he could only entrust the little lihua to Meng Yao and set foot on the road to Kyoto.

The next second, he turned on his mobile phone and received the 3,000-word diary sent by everyone in the group of flying pigeons during this period of time, "Traveling around the country for ducks!"

After receiving the huge box office share, Qing Qin was first in the dark, then tenaciously supported himself and divided the box office into two.

Some of them just bought some biotech stocks and agricultural stocks that have been declining year by year. After all, the stock market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market, adding leverage to full positions, and one wave on the roof.

The other part is used as their travel funds, so that they can play anywhere in China, stay in five-star hotels, eat in five-star restaurants, and research any high-end private chefs one by one. If you can't get into the place, you can use all the money to clear the customs.

Of course, Xiaoqing, who has made so much money, will not let them go easily. Looking at the several zeros on the account, he sneered, anger from his heart, and evil Dan Biansheng: "You submit 3,000 words of travel notes to each of me every day, and you also need to attach pictures that you think are the most suitable. You don't need to write in the text, but you hand in an original painting every two days. Speed ​​must be practiced. come out."

This request led to a lot of grief within the tour group, and finally succumbed to the magic of money under the double salary offered simultaneously.

"Carrots and sticks, Mr. Qing's technique is really getting better and better." Meng Yu naturally wrote such a paragraph in the observation diary of Mr. Qing that day.

At this time, the outside world is a flowing sea of ​​clouds, and inside is the ingenious introduction of various scenery and magnificent photos, as well as one after another original paintings that are enough to serve as screensavers, this is a happy life.

Qing Qin rarely sent a kind heart, intending to share his happiness with everyone, so when the animation was produced, by the way, these records were collected into a book and published in the itinerary.

Coincidentally, when Qingqin got off the plane and set foot on the land of this world Kyoto for the first time, his travel team just ended their visit to the neighboring province and went straight to Kyoto , and wait for someone at the airport earlier.

The two sides joined forces smoothly.

"How are you?" Deng Hong took the lead in greeting with a smile, and stepped forward to greet another cash cow under Mr. Qing's hands.

Then he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. These fine-skinned and tender creators sitting in the office on weekdays were three degrees darkened by the skin that was devastated by this period of travel. There are still beads of sweat that have not been wiped clean, a towel is hanging around his neck, a huge mountaineering bag is on his back, and a few others seem to be stunned.

The worst thing is that the original painters found a place to sit and rest, and immediately put out all the tools and seized the time to paint.

Such a diligent appearance has brought an unprecedented impact to the laboratory and R&D team that are completely salted fish.

Even Ding Jiu, who is proud of his daily commute to and from get off work, couldn't help but fall into contemplation: Compared with studios that make animation diligently, are they too much to live up to Mr. Xiaoqing high wages?

Qiao Dang is even more direct: "Which labor camp are you sent to? It's too miserable."

Qing Qin, who created such a cruel scene with one hand, felt an arrow in the knee, he coughed dryly, attracting the attention of the audience: "Everyone has done a good job, you don't have to hand in your daily homework today. ."

The audience burst into cheers of liberation.

Meng Wei shoulders the responsibility of arranging and coordinating: "Then our next itinerary is to report at the awards ceremony, and then go to the townhouse that has been rented a long time ago, and participate in the first round of rehearsals the day after tomorrow. There is still a gap between the official start of the awards ceremony, and you can stroll around Kyoto."

"My grandfather's house happens to be here," Zhu Qi continued, "When I was a child, I would be sent here during winter and summer vacations to memorize pulse songs and the like, so I can be your tour guide."

Ding Jiu smiled and patted his shoulder: "That's not bad, my apprentice is reliable in this respect."

"It is said that there is a private restaurant in Kyoto that is very delicious. We can try it together." Wen Li will not let another team specialize in beauty, and also check the itinerary of their travel team, Quickly finalize their plans.

He has been looking forward to this store for a long time, "This store is not very famous, but the taste is excellent. It can be called a sweeper in the downtown area."

While they were waiting for the scheduled bus, they had already begun to discuss the food that was about to enter, but a group of people came in a big way.

This group of people moved very neatly and had the same serious faces. It happened to be the team that Roland came to participate in the tasting, and the leader was Qing Yan, who was planning to fight against the odds.

The teams of the two sides were close to each other, and unconsciously, a raging fighting spirit burned.

The employees of Qibao did not forget that when the youth series was not well received, Roland red wine bought a lot of water and stepped on them.

The only one who is out of the situation is Qing Qin. This teammate's vision is really not very good, and he actually threw the mutant version of the fish master here, alas.

He shook his head, mourning his misfortune and being angry.

However, there is still some encouragement. The opponent should put more effort in and strive for a higher ranking. Maybe he can take the road of cannon fodder instead of him.

"I hope you can achieve good results in this competition." The president of Qibao showed a business smile.

These words fell into the ears of the other party, but it was more like a mockery. Roland's expressions couldn't help changing, secretly ruthless.

Qing Yan's eyes fell on Wen Li's face, which had been modified by her face, and the familiar feeling of suffocation that night came to her mind again: "Let's wait and see."

Not realizing the anger behind this sentence, Qing Qin blinked innocently, as if threatening, and put a hand on Wen Li's shoulder.

In order to repay Mr. Xiaoqing's help, Makino really did some tricks for private use. Seeing a certain victim at this moment, his face is not red and his heart is not beating, and he shows an innocent smile at the same time.

Qing Yan: This is naked/naked/naked cheating! Referee, I'm going to report him!

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