Although the organizing committee tried their best to block the news, there is no airtight wall in the world, and the gossip quickly spread among the contestants.

Qing Yan had just finished an entertainment, rubbed his sore forehead, and listened to his assistant's report: "Today I saw someone from Qibao sneaking to the location of the organizing committee, probably planning to negotiate."

The assistant kept shaking his head: "Qibao's youth series is a big tree, and I don't know which one is the stumbling block for them. The organizing committee must maintain fairness and will not give them a second chance to test , I don’t want the news to be leaked, so I might just make a mistake and swipe them down. In the end, we can only see how much profit Qibao’s negotiating team can win.”

"It may also be that the quality of the youth series itself is not good enough," Qingyan sat on the sofa, looking down at the documents, venting her anger and jealousy over this period of time into vicious speculations, "It's just that they were found out. When the results come out, let's break out the news that their quality is not good enough."

Even the original Qiqi will be affected." After the assistant analyzed, both of them showed confident smiles.

At this time, someone came to visit.

Assistant: "It's the owner of Passerby Jia Winery."

"What's the matter here at this time?" Qing Yan frowned with disdain on his face, "Let him come in."

The owner of the passerby Jia winery is a very common image of the owner of the winery, with a smile on his face: "Mr. Qing is amazing, when I went to your winery for the exchange meeting, I I knew this day would come."

"What?" Qing Yan raised her eyebrows, puzzled.

Passerby A slapped his thigh: "Oh, don't you know? Now the gossip has spread all over, and the lottery will be drawn tomorrow. It is said that there is a category champion that wine belongs to President Qing. "

He winked and smiled: "The one from Qibao is not still struggling. I don't know how many days this negotiation has been negotiated, how can it come to a result? Then it's only you. "

Qing Yan was noncommittal, nodding lightly, knowing that the other party was just here to say goodbye to the autumn wind, and his mood was calm.

Seeing that the other party couldn't get any benefit, he left without sitting for a while.

After he left, many small wineries came to Hershey one after another, and they said over and over that Roland red wine might be the first in the category.

The so-called three become tigers, although Qing Yan has not received reliable news yet, but she can't help but have a little expectation in her heart.

Qing Yan thought about it like this, and the gesture of appearing at the venue was a little more proud than usual.

The award ceremony was held in the most luxurious hotel in Kyoto, on the highest sky platform.

He brought Roland and a few people to the entrance of the venue, and immediately many employees of the small winery rushed up like flies that smelled the smell, and all kinds of congratulations continued. .

These little bosses are all good people.

The car door opened, and the first thing that caught the eye were two twin assistants with different looks, which caught everyone's attention at once.


The main finale debuts.

Qing Qin wore a burgundy short tuxedo today, which outlines a slender waist. Among the black suits, she stands out from the crowd and is beautiful.

The owners of the winery who originally wanted to come forward and talk about cooperation couldn't help but take a few steps back and subconsciously touched their baldness and beer belly.

Forget it, there are still media taking pictures, what would it look like if the group photo was set off.

In addition to the deep shadow of Qibao before, most people have already believed that this time Qibao will return without success, and they will not rashly join up.

Flowers are not red in a hundred days, and people are not good in a thousand days. There is a problem with the quality of Qibao, but it is just a passing meteor.

Qing Qin was still immersed in the news that the official revealed to him that he was about to win a gold award or something.

His expressionless look, in the eyes of others, was naturally interpreted as another meaning.

"How pitiful, who would have thought that Qibao would encounter such a thing before."

"You pity what they do, there is a problem with the quality, and the rumors released before are just an extra fig leaf."

Qing Yan was still a little uneasy in her heart, but seeing Qing Qin's dejected appearance, she also felt a little secret pleasure in her heart. In the end, on the real battlefield, I was the one who won.

The award ceremony started as scheduled, everyone took their seats as required, and a bottle of Great Wall dry red was placed on the table, which was also a fitting occasion.

The host played tricks on the stage, whetted everyone's appetite, and then began to slowly announce one award after another.

The media frantically pressed the shutter and took pictures of the scenes of entrepreneurs receiving awards one after another. It is conceivable that there will be a large number of manuscripts appearing on major social media tomorrow.

Gradually, they came to the red wine awards, first the bronze award, then the silver award, one by one, Roland red wine also won the next trivial historical heritage award.

This award is given out as a consolation prize, mainly for those wineries with a long history who claim to be nobles in wine but have no enterprising spirit.

This is a disturbing signal, Qing Yan frowned, unconsciously clenched the wine glass in her hand, and tapped the table restlessly.

Assistant saw his emotions: "Don't worry, Mr. Qing, we won the best award after all, and it is normal to give less of the rest of the awards. I have also won the historical heritage award before. Another championship."

This comforting sentence made his heart drop a little bit, but his thoughts were still incomprehensible, and his critical eyes looked around among several employees, and picked out some mistakes: "Manager Zhao Why are you not here again?"

The person from the marketing department quickly replied: "He is not feeling well..."

Halfway through hearing this, Qingyan shook her head impatiently: "So in the future, the company has to strengthen exercise. If you don't have a good body, how can you continue to work?"

"It is to be arranged after 5 o'clock..." The personnel department asked carefully.

Qing Yan frowned: "Of course after you go home."

The personnel department rolled its eyes silently, at least remembering that this is their own dog boss, and they can't punch him: they all get off work at 11 or 2 o'clock. Who gives time to exercise?

It was fine when they were making great progress in the mall before, since they separated from the head office, their dog boss is squeezing employees day by day, and can't wait to take all the money lost in the mall from the wages of employees Deduct back.

I heard that Manager Zhao's illness is not very good. He is also very concerned and has been thinking about changing jobs.

It was finally time to announce the gold medals for each category wine champion in succession. The gold medals were sent out one by one, and everyone in the audience stared at the stage, praying that they would be able to win an honor.

The red wine category draws the prize first: "In the red wine category, the winner of the gold medal is—"

The host deliberately lengthened his voice, leaving the audience to speculate.

The employees sitting around Qingyan and the small bosses have already applauded, Qingyan also politely put on his bow tie, picked up the acceptance speech prepared by the assistant, ready to meet him of a brilliant victory.

His position is next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and there is still a certain distance from the stage, so he needs to prepare early.

"Lucas' Five Star Cabernet Sauvignon!"

Qing Yan stood up and planned to take the stage. Hearing this sentence, his mind went blank, what happened? Didn't he say Roland's?

The real winner who was sitting next to him also stood up, and after hugging the people around him, he also politely hugged the strange flower country man standing in front of him, he saw the other With Roland's badge on his body: "Thank you, I didn't expect that one day the proud Roland would also recognize Lucas."

The Lucas leader of ZTE came to the stage happily and happily received the gold award. After the thank you list was over, he did not forget to mention the stranger who just stood up: "Finally, I still I would like to thank the person in charge of Roland, who just congratulated me. We Lucas used to be just a small winery, and we always aimed at Roland, a noble in wine. Now it seems that Roland is willing to regard us as equal opponents. ."

The representative of Roland sitting on the other side accidentally broke the wine glass and looked in the direction of Roland of the Flower Country with gnashing teeth.

The spotlight hit Roland directly, Qing Yan reluctantly smirked to signal to the media camera, but her heart almost dripped blood.

The little bosses who were still complimenting him and praising him before sat up straight and looked like they didn't know each other. I'm afraid one or two were mocking him for being so selfish.

However, what makes him even more angry is still to come. Next is the champion of the liquor category: "Let's congratulate Qibao, the ordinary youth sauce-flavor liquor won the championship!"

Qing Qin hung up the business smile, took the medal, and simply reported a list of thanks, focusing on the laboratory at the back: "The real father of this wine should be Dr. Shen Guangshen, no He would not have achieved what he is today, and I know that five years ago he regretfully retired from the competition due to the contamination of his wine samples, but today I can finally reveal the truth and make a lot of grievances."

"Yes, in the evaluation session, a judge Qian Rongyou and analyst **** reached an exchange of interests, secretly manipulating the results of the competition, resulting in the disappointment of Qibao's Ordinary Youth Series," the presenter is this competition The chairman of the committee also took over the microphone and issued a statement on this occasion, "With the help of President Qibaoqing, Qian Rongyou maliciously manipulated the game, the evidence is conclusive, he will be fined, revoked the taster and winemaker license, Banned from entering the liquor industry for life, and a letter of apology will be published in the liquor industry newspaper soon."

The chairman looked serious: "We hope this competition can encourage more people to innovate, discover more talents in wine tasting and winemaking, and not let the fairness of this competition be overshadowed , instead of letting this competition become a place where geniuses fall. Here, on behalf of the competition organizing committee, I apologize to Dr. Shen, this time the gold medal champion is also a belated compensation."

Next, Qibao's Ordinary Youth Series was also served on the wine table. All practitioners took a light sip, then took a shallow sip, let the wine swirl in the mouth, and then Roll down the throat.

It is a touch of brilliance on the sharp and famous sword, and it is also like an inch of tenderness of an iron-blooded emperor.

After taking this sip, everyone in the audience smiled, and I sincerely felt that this time Qibao won the gold award, and it deserved it!

Only Qing Yan felt that the mouth was full of sour taste, and the ambitions before attending the dinner party were all pulled out and smashed to the ground. He has always been good at expression management. Can not help but contorted face.

Just then, the assistant beside him let out a scream—

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