Muye was actually a little nervous, he said that the shepherd was going to push the pot to him, but in fact he knew very well and did a lot of push behind his back.

Dayue Technology was a sweet trap from the beginning. Before this trap entered the public eye, he had already seen the clues from the heavily forged financial statements, and he did not hesitate to reject the first time for Dayue. Application for technology investment.

In particular, the investment plan of Dayue Technology was proposed by Mu Hou, this one is another line of the Mu family who is quite unhappy about his current position. Technology companies launched to entrap him.

There is a reason why they dare to do so.

The Mu family is the in-laws of the Qing family, the richest man has no children, but after all, there are relatives in the family, and it is natural to encounter a lot of resistance if you want to hand over your entire wealth to an outsider.

The richest man didn't insist, both sides took a step back, and let the shepherd select a few contestants from the side branch who reported themselves to be the richest man heir competition.

This also gives a lot of people the illusion that if Muye doesn't do anything, they may also get this chance to reach the sky in one step.

Makino scoffed at the idea of ​​these greedy and stupid people. The game had already started and he was thinking about changing players, but he really despised the mall great white shark.

He has no intention of being a cow and a horse for the herdsman, but it doesn't mean that he is willing to be placed with him.

However, as Dayue Technology is gradually being dressed up as a sweet cake, Mu Hou also has quite a bit of resentment in private: "Our head of the family, being held up by the family, knows the sky is high, so I don't want to go into a good project, just because I proposed it, and I'm afraid I'll give credit!"


I know you are stupid, but I don't know how stupid you are.

However, this also gave him a new idea. At this time, he had already taken a fancy to the newly emerging Qibao, intending to assist Qing Qin in obtaining the right of inheritance, and he was also leisurely completing his animation dream. Just one chance to escape.

There are two conditions to be satisfied to escape successfully. On the one hand, you need to start a new career and have the protection of a force that is completely disconnected from the shepherd's family. On the other hand, let the shepherd's family give up the pursuit, It's best to dig up another piece of meat before leaving.

Then this idiot who intends to go to jail for him can take advantage of it. He took the recent financial market turbulence as an excuse for himself to take a vacation and released the news to Mu Hou, implying that he was A good time to build a career.

Sure enough, he was still taking pictures all over the world, rushing to the original painting every day until the hair was falling out, and he saw the report that was sent to him one step later and had been forcibly passed. .

Others thought he was so angry that he would vomit blood and miss the opportunity to kill his close opponents. In fact, after reading this report, his good mood rose to a new level.

Before he asked for leave, he was very optimistic about the shepherd family. Not many people in the whole family were staring at him as the heir to the richest man, completely unaware that this was just a family relationship It's just a chess piece in the game between the richest man. Among these idiots, the one who jumped the highest was this Mu Hou.

Sure enough, when a little gap was revealed, he couldn't wait to take the upper position, and wanted to make some achievements and shake his position.

Muye sighed and was very worried about the IQ of the next generation of the Mu family, which hindered the listing of Dayue Technology, at least not allowing thousands of retail investors to take over the loss.

Makino: Thank you, I won't play with you anymore, bye bye!

There is now this scene, and the plan is complete, but Muye is a little nervous at the moment, especially the young man in front of him is not excited because of the gains in the stock market, but frowns and taps lightly Start the desktop.

Tapping the table with your fingers is a way to put pressure on the opponent, Makino is familiar with this, but can't stop his heart from getting higher and higher.

That's right, Mr. Qing's intelligence, I'm afraid he has already understood everything, I'm afraid that he will blame him for pushing Qibao to the front and become the target of the shepherd's family.

Makino finally couldn't hold back: "Mr. Qing, I am..."

"Sell these stocks for me first," Qing Qin finally recovered from the pain, what can be done, everyone is now from Qibao, "The rest are also Don't talk too much, I won't pursue your past, I just hope you can keep the status quo."

To put it simply, first, reduce the income before the stock rises higher, second, please be sure to forget about your investment genius, and feel at ease as a mediocre painter.

However, this is an excellent trust in Mu Yeli, which means that the previous things are wiped out and he doesn't care about his use of Qibao! Not only that, but also handed over the stock directly to him to operate, asking him to maintain the previous investment level and create profits for Qibao conscientiously!

Mr. Qing is indeed eclectic, with a broad mind and unquestioning bearing!

He was so moved that he wished that he would do his best for Qibao now and receive stock information from Qingqin: "Okay, don't worry!"

Qing Qin smiled with relief: Yes, yes, you can correct your mistakes, don't think about making money every day, we Qibao can still accommodate you.

The matter of stocks has come to an end. Qing Qin has just returned to Jingzhou, and the thieves who have been assigned to other companies will definitely come to the door.

He finally couldn't stand his video app and came to ask Qingqin for advice.

Da Crocodile Film and Television has been done well years ago, and has been successfully launched into the market after several tests.

Then things got a little worse.

"The download volume of our APP was still very high at first. After all, now that smartphones are becoming popular, more and more people don't want to watch videos on the computer," Pirate said, flipping through the information. Forgot to compliment Qing Qin, "Of course, I have to thank Mr. Qing for giving us an excellent suggestion. The rich film and television resources have attracted many customers."

Qing Qin nodded calmly, because of the rich film and television resources, he knew that he would attract customers, as long as he could not make a profit, he would be invincible: "What about revenue? ?"

"It's still making a loss," said the thief with an embarrassed smile, "In fact, there are still a few companies, and I hope we can advertise for them."

He licked his fingers and turned a few pages: "For example, Tongluo Township, for example, good crispy, for example, eat something..."

"These companies," Qing Qin went through in his mind, "are they a little small? How much advertising fees can you give?"

"A few thousand to tens of thousands, and there are still a few hundred at first." Pirate said in a low voice, shy eyebrows, "We can receive a little more advertisements to ensure the app's popularity. revenue."

Guaranteed win? The more you lose, the better.

Qing Qin interrupted him decisively: "What we want to do is a simple and refreshing app that gives users the best viewing experience, so we must die without advertising."

"How can I make money without advertising?" The thief was shocked, and his voice rose several degrees.

Meng Yao happened to be passing by the door, and when he heard the key word, he couldn't help but probe, staring at him alertly.

Damn spy.

Qing Qin’s thoughts were transferred: “The first thing we need to do is to attract enough users, only by occupying the market can there be room for profit. If you look at other video apps, either there are a lot of advertisements, or Pay to watch movies, free and refreshing, this is our advantage.”

That is to trick the leeks in first, and then cut them.

The thief must think that he understands what Qingqin means, and continue to ask questions: "But even so, the total traffic of our video APP is not too large, the main reason is the current hardware. In many cases, users will face a lot of freezes when watching videos. Our technicians have been working overtime, but they cannot fundamentally solve the problem. In addition, the current smart phone plays videos for a long time, and it will also cause the problem of overheating. ."

"Doesn't you say," the thief looked hesitant, "it's not the time for mobile video platforms to emerge."

"Your judgment is right," Qing Qin had anticipated this step earlier, "We are just preemptively occupying the market, we will lose money in this business for a few years, and then we will have the opportunity to make profits. ."

Anyway, after a few years of losing money, I will end this game and avoid the road of cannon fodder early.

Pirates: "Then let's open the PC terminal now, like the current O station is very popular!"

Qing Qin: Little brother, you are not quite right.

"No, the PC side is already declining, we don't need to invest too much in the sunset industry, you might as well strengthen the construction of the current APP," the youth's eyes are full of wisdom, "You can consider increasing the number of people increase the level of participation, and maximize the advantages of portability and simplicity on the mobile phone side.”

"Participation, simple and portable." Thieves must be lost in thought.

Qing Qin saw that he had been successfully led astray, clapped his hands happily, and encouraged the general who is still conscientiously losing money for him: "Think about it, even if you spend money to improve our APP, Don't stop buying major copyrights, even if you spend money, I have no problem!"

"Okay!" The thief nodded and left with blood.

The Big Crocodile Technology Company is located in the city center, occupying the entire lower 18 floors of the building, and the young executives are still anxiously waiting for their boss to get news from the management.

"The thief!"

"How is it now?"

"Are we going to be able to get investment next quarter?"

Several people immediately gathered around.

The thief must have packed up his grateful expression and sat in the first place with no sign of anger: "The employer said that it will support all our research and development unconditionally, and also gave us some ideas."

"What idea?"

"First of all," Pirate took out a marker and wrote three words on the whiteboard, "increase participation."

"Does it mean providing the barrage function?" Someone asked, "But adding the barrage function will cause serious lag."

"Second point, simple and portable." Piobei wrote four more words, "What do you think?"

Since he led the team, he has been learning from Mr. Qing, not only learning to greatly improve the welfare of employees, but also learning that Mr. Qing is willing to employ people, dare to employ people, and be good at employing people, so The people below are very brave to speak up.

"Engagement may also be advertised only through social networks, where the client can share what movie he is watching, and can also post a movie review, rate the movie, and make a movie list."

"But this is what most video sites do, and I don't think it makes sense."

"I have a little idea of ​​simplicity and portability," someone else said, "On the one hand, it can further improve the video compression technology, my tutor is doing this direction, on the other hand, you can play some short films , faster downloads."

"However, there are very few short films on the market, and the most are the videos uploaded by the main uploader of about 10 minutes like O War."

"o station!" The thieves suddenly remembered that they have a very good relationship with the o station. When making comments, they may refer to the operation mode of the o station, "Can we Let clients upload short clips?”

"It's the same as station o, and it's a little more difficult to handle big videos. Customers need to buy equipment, so it's not portable."

"Then make the video smaller," said the thief with a wave of his hand, "We can record the video with our mobile phone, 15 seconds is enough, then let's discuss and start work."

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