Shuangbei Company recently focused on tourism.

The pace of life in modern society is fast, and it is difficult for urbanites to have a vacation, so don’t you want to relax?

However, the holiday time is short, so I can only play around. Shuangbei saw this opportunity and decided to build several ecological orchards around the big city to provide tourists with self-sufficiency. The good life of a small farmer.

After all, farming is the racial instinct of Huaguo people.

With such an analysis, Toyosu did not hesitate to invest large sums of money into new projects.

The farmhouses invested by Shuangbei Real Estate have taken root in several first-tier cities, and holidays are even more crowded. Many people drive with their children to experience a rural life, euphemistically called exercise self-care ability .

Fengzhou has seized the core of the market, and its banner is pure natural green food, rural scenery and Yikusitian education.

The construction of the farmhouse is also extremely simple, the manor is divided into several small pieces, and different fruit trees are planted respectively. Pick whatever you want.

Take it to the back kitchen to burn it, and it can be used as a lunch for a day.

The farmhouses that have sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain are spreading in major cities like copy and paste, which is better than a fresh one. After all, the model of farmhouses in the market at this time has not yet been rolled out. It has attracted a lot of traffic.

It doesn't have to be fun to eat, anyway, the ecological orchard is a new thing, and you can show it off in a circle of friends.

Eating is not fun, it is not good, and it alludes to the principle of remembering bittersweetness and being close to the land in the propaganda, and it is more compelling to say it.

It's better than those arrogant and lustful city petty bourgeoisie.

Everything was going well until a terrible news came.

In the booklet released by Qibao, the animation food group also visited the so-called ecological orchard which has recently gained fame.


Director Pan has rich experience in life, so he can pack half a basket: "

Two hours, one person has to pay 150 yuan, it is better to go to the supermarket to buy a basket of cherries. "

The other team members, who had less harvest than him, looked at each other, only to feel that the wallet was still mourning.

However, they came all the way, and they didn't know how many pits they stepped on. They had calmed down long ago. They knew that there were tigers in the mountains, and they went to the tiger mountains: "There is also a fishing activity over there."

This is a strong point in the text. He easily found a feng shui treasure and caught a large grass carp that weighed one or three kilograms. After looking at it, he couldn't help but tut, and whispered with his companions. Said: "This fish is obviously artificially farmed. I bought it from the market and threw it into the pond. Every day I fish for some dead fish to clean up the lake surface. The brochure says that it grows up on grass, alas."

The most disappointing thing to them was the food at the end.

In many publicity and review software, it is claimed that the original farmhouse dishes, the taste of childhood, and the dishes of light pastoral food are placed on the table.

Chicken is a 45-day-old white-feathered chicken. It is chopped up and simmered with a little salt to make a pot of soup. It is the only meat dish on the table together with grass carp whose scales are not known to be shaved.

In the text: "I now believe that the leaves of this vegetable are freshly picked."

Several people sighed and went back to vent the fire that was lit that day in their comments.

The recommendation index is one star, the ingredients are extremely rough, the level is slightly lower than the standard of home cooking, the price is extremely high, and the service is average.

Simple and rude line of words, instantly repelled many families who planned to come to this farmhouse, and other competitors who wanted to follow suit gradually appeared.

The expansion of the farmhouse plan has been hindered. Fengzhou does not plan to sell the farmhouse system so soon. Coupled with the many troubles brought about by the last exposure, it is quite a headache.

He has already planned the overall development route of the manor, such as integrated circular agriculture, which is completely established after hiring experts in various places to plan on the spot.

The construction cost and consulting cost in the middle have reached a terrifying height. What’s more, after Qing Qin recruited Jian Jun and a group of people, he immediately put the extremely expensive first-generation drone of Qibao Technology Each manor is equipped with twenty.

"Mr. Qing, I'm afraid this expenditure is unnecessary." Meng Yao almost blurted out, he was intending to lose his family.

Qing Qin happened to be communicating with Jian Jun via video, and when he heard the words, he showed his signature smile: "Why is it unnecessary? We Qibao Technology want to further improve the drone, of course, we must find ways to improve from practice. , these drones can be released to harvest a lot of data, and it also provides a way for us to improve drones and explore simplified drone operations. You say yes, Jane?"

Jian Jun nodded immediately: "I already had a lot of ideas, and after it was officially put into use, I found out that there are so many places in our drone that can be cleverly changed."

"Besides that, let's open a few more training courses, specially for the use of drones, free of charge, free of charge, which will help the popularization of drones in the future." Qing Qin Smile and spend a lot of money.

Meng Yao silently covered his chest, Qibao's newly warmed capital flow was cut off by the ruthless President Xiaoqing.

"How is the manor doing now?" Qing Qin recalled that the construction had started for half a year, "I remember saying that it will be open to tourists recently?"

"Yes, it just so happens that we have a small manor in Jingzhou. It will officially open tomorrow. Do you have any instructions?" The ground began to dig a hole for their Xiaoqing.

Qing Qin had no idea, remembered that Lou Quan was still in Jingzhou, and arranged the date neatly: "I plan to go shopping." To make money, didn't he lose a gold swallowing beast?

Be sure to keep the gold swallower healthy and healthy.

This is the main road for the city to enter the suburbs, and it is also the road that is most prone to traffic jams.

Next to a convenience store, their advertisers handed out flyers to a team of fathers and sons who got out of the car for repairs.

Father has a big belly, a notch between his eyebrows, and a serious expression.

And his daughter looked brisk, listening to songs with headphones, carrying a bottle of Qiqi in her hand, and the necklace pendant around her neck was impressively around a well-known racing club.

My father really liked this design, looking at the picture of the fruit tree above, and yearning for it: "I look at the farmhouse, and it is good to treat you, a lazy person who does not work hard and does not distinguish between grains. "

"Farewell," her daughter instantly remembered that her classmates were taken to the so-called pastoral education, and when she came back, she was stinky, sweaty and muddy, "I read the booklet of Qibao and said that the recommendation for this house is only a star."

Seeing that someone had already moved, the staff who distributed the flyers immediately followed with a smile: "The ecological orchard is full of original fruits, you can also fish, freshly caught fish, freshly caught chickens, All the vegetables you pick by yourself can be handed over to the kitchen to handle for you, so you can eat and play, and you can get to know nature closely.”

Father immediately turned to this side: "What the booklet says is not necessarily accurate, I think you lack education."

The mother just came out of the convenience store next to her, and was immediately regarded by her daughter as a rescuer: "Mom, Dad said to go to that not fun farmhouse."

This time she was clever, took out her mobile phone and flipped out a page of a brochure posted by her friend on social media: "Look, this farmhouse is not worth visiting at all."

My mother took a closer look and was shocked: "Old Xu, you are rich, right? It's less than 150 yuan for a basket of cherries to pick in two hours! I don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are when I'm not home. Not as sensible as my daughter."

The advertising propagandist who handed out the flyer looked embarrassed, and Fengzhou sighed when he saw it. He knew very well that they were the first to eat crabs. They occupied a monopoly market and expanded rapidly. In order to recover quickly, of course, it is necessary to increase prices and make a lot of money, and now we have to revise the strategy.

He walked forward politely: "Hello, I'm the manager of Shuangbei Ecological Orchard, if you want to go to our orchard, you'd better go today, there is a discount today, 40% off for families, and on the lake. Boating events, especially this evening, we invited the turncoat team to come for an exhibition race."

This is a discount given by real money. Although the price is still higher than my mother's psychological expectation, it is earned after all.

The balance in her heart is also vaguely skewed to this side. The little girl is a racing fan. Although she knows that the local team is of average level, she can see it and earn it.

Seeing this family of three is about to make up their minds, two broad-shouldered and long-legged youths walked out of the car parked next to them, wearing the same sportswear, with a casual look, each with an identical pair , black sunglasses enough to cover most of his face.

Naturally, it was Qing Qin and Lou Quan who came out to experience the natural scenery. Neither of them brought their assistants, so they planned to take a self-driving tour.

"Excuse me, is Daling Village in front of you?" Qing Qin was also driving for the first time. ask.

Fengzhou only thinks this person is familiar, and before he can find out which little star this is in his mind, the employees around him can't wait to show their abilities: "The two are also planning to go Shuangbei Ecological Orchard, just turn right along this road, our orchard just happened to have an event today…”

"It turned out to be from Shuangbei, disrespectful and disrespectful." Qing Qin smiled slightly, took off his sunglasses, showing a face that Fengzhou hated and itch, "I'm sorry, we have a tight schedule, It might be too late to join in."

"Where are the two little brothers planning to go?" The girl said immediately, wanting to add a flying pigeon.

Lou Quan, who was waiting by the side of the car, couldn't sit still, he walked over with a light cough, quietly stood in front of Qing Qin, deliberately lowered his voice and changed his tone slightly: "We I plan to go to the newly opened Qibao Ecological Winery, where there are not only orchards, vegetable gardens, lakes, not only for fishing, picking, and catching animals, but also a sea of ​​flowers specially set according to the climate of Jingzhou, which is the most suitable for taking pictures. Speaking of taking pictures , you can also use drones, there are free training tutorials.”

"Drone?" The little girl was immediately attracted by the other three words, which was really cool.

Lou Quan smiled and took out a brochure from Qingqin's pocket, and turned directly to the page of the drone with black and red color matching, and the extreme sense of technology.

"Wow!" The little girl was tempted.

Mother is more rational: "How much is this?"

"It is a ticket fee to enter the manor, 150 per person, and extra food for lunch."

Qing Qin:…

How can an inattentive boyfriend who is still on probation become a salesman?

He once again felt the fear of being surrounded by two or five boys.

Lou Quan: Solve potential rivals, and make a fortune for my dear, kill two birds with one stone

It will soon pass the trial period.

Wait for Louquan to finish the sales and return to the car with their dear ones. The family of three took the brochure left by Louquan, got into the car happily, and planned to go to the just opened according to the map. Seven Treasures Winery.

Leaving only Toyosu, who was covered in exhaust gas, and the shivering advertising salesman.

Cut the beard, cut the beard again!

Qibao, you don’t talk about martial arts!

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