The same thing happened not only in Jingli Supermarket, but also in large and small cooperative grocery stores and retail stores in Jinzhou.

The phone for restocking rang one after another in the small office, and the slender sisters kept recording, with joy on their faces.

Qing Qin put the whole person into the office chair, holding a little raccoon flower in his arms that couldn't escape the claws no matter how hard he struggled, and brushed the comments and feedback on the Internet with a heavy face.

With the hot sales of Qiqi, the news that Qibao is about to close down has also become popular. I don’t know how much it can be conclusively analyzed that this is a premeditated marketing campaign.

It is obviously the marketing of Qibao's abuse of fans and solid fans. It is recommended to add a textbook case of product promotion.

More netizens commented: "The seasoning that does not want to go bankrupt is not a good soda."

He looked at these comments and had only one thought in his mind: No, wanting to go bankrupt is real, not a joke.

No matter how Qingqin resists, the fact is that "Qiqi" is now a hot topic and a high degree of participation, and it already has the prototype of a popular Internet celebrity.

The trend is over.

I must have had a grudge against this "Peach Peach Glutton" in my last life. Just as the heat was about to drop, she **** me up again.

I didn't pay you a salary, why should I do my best.

Mr. Li cheered several times without discernment, and turned to look at Mister Qing: "We will soon be able to clear the backlog of inventory."

"Is it a good thing to empty the inventory?" Qing Qin asked rhetorically.

This sentence is like pouring cold water over the head, making Mr. Li agitated to calm down.

After all, he is also an old man in this industry. He was just overwhelmed by the sudden prosperity before, but now he can see the crisis lurking behind it.

"Mr. Qing is amazing," he said quickly, "Now that the sales volume has increased, the hidden danger of our insufficient production capacity has also been exposed. We should immediately expand production, and then pull out another production line. A few employees! Definitely don't miss this opportunity to increase market share with a sales blowout!"

Meng Wei also heard his eyes sparkling, and quickly wrote down silently in his observation diary: Qing always thinks about danger in times of peace, and will never get carried away by a momentary victory.

Don't, Qing Qin just made a slip of the tongue for a while, and actually gave his subordinates new inspiration, so he sat up straight: "Did Meng Yao estimate the cost of expanding production?"

Meng Yao lowered her head and cracked a calculation: "For example, Jingli Supermarket usually buys goods once a week, 5,000 boxes at a time, and online retail is about this amount. In total, our daily sales are about 20,000. If we want to keep up with sales, we still need to open two more production lines and a factory building of about 15 acres. Even if the target is not the newly developed industrial park or the lease of suburban land, we must obtain a loan from the bank.”

"This is the problem," Qing Qin nodded, "What we have now is only a temporary popularity, and there are so many short-lived Internet celebrities. When the enthusiasm of consumers recedes, the production line will be broken. in?"

Mr. Li was a little embarrassed. In the end, thinking about expanding production and larger orders, he persuaded, "Qiqi's taste is definitely enough to conquer the people of the whole country. I don't think it will be a flash in the pan."

"Don't say more," Qing Qin suppressed Mr. Li's protest with one hand, "Don't you think, let me think, listen to me. I have my own arrangements."

"In addition," Qing Qin is not only undermining the self-confidence of employees, but also convincing himself that his plan is not cool enough, and can be rescued, "We are now facing another A crisis. This time we are seizing the colorful and fruity market, and the other party will inevitably take countermeasures, that is..."

"The issue of trademark rights!" Mr. Li clapped his hands, "We relied on the nostalgic way of old-fashioned manufacturers to make a comeback. If they succeed in taking away the trademark, they will choke us by the throat. "

Good guys, they all learned to answer quickly.

Qing Qin clapped his hands expressionlessly: "Mr. Li is right, I remember you have a son who studied law?"

"The dog just got his lawyer's license, and now he has entered a small law firm." Mr. Li smiled unconsciously when he talked about this son.

Qing Qin threw a thunderbolt: "I plan to let your son take charge of this case."

"How can this be possible?" Mr. Li was in a hurry, "He has not taken over the case before, I am afraid it will live up to your expectations."

The competition can also guarantee that this lawsuit will be a complete defeat, and that it will smoothly return to the road to bankruptcy.

He will never bow to the plot master who tries to make him go down the road of cannon fodder!

However, under the surveillance of two eyeliners, Qing Qin still has to give a reasonable explanation: "Mr. Li is also an old man in our factory after all, and he is more familiar with the entire history of our trademark than others. , your son can also get the first information, and he is the most trustworthy person. After all, if you choose other lawyers, you don’t know what kind of lewd methods you will encounter. Sometimes, it is more suitable than other lawyers. title is more important."

Mr. Li understood the spirit of it all at once, and nodded immediately: "I will definitely go back and talk to the stinky boy, and I will never disappoint you."


Mr. Li trotted and went outside to make a phone call, and he told his son about the cause and effect.

After listening to his father's request, Li Zhi was silent for a moment, then looked down at the pile of waste paper in front of him.

He graduated from Huaguo University of Political Science and Law with excellent grades. But when he first entered this law firm, he was just doing some chores, and it was not the scene of his dream of scolding Fang Qiu in court.

Like every young and frivolous student entering society, there is always a voice roaring in his heart, doing these things is a waste of his youth and talent!

However, does he really have the ability to follow the case proposed by his father?

Faced with the opportunity, Li Zhi of Pizza Hut in Jingzhou can't help but hesitate.

"Dad, let me read the information first, I want to try it out."

"Alright, Mr. Qing said that you would be the best choice. After all, you grew up in a factory."

"Since I was a child?" Li Zhi repeated softly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and quickly sat down to read his trademark law, "Dad, hang up the phone first, I have something to confirm."

Similarly, the colorful headquarters was gloomy.

Zhang Shan smoked one cigarette after another in silence. A hill rose up in the ashtray, and the meeting room was filled with fairy mist, which was completely lethal.

The executives on both sides of the long table were afraid to speak.

"Anyone to explain this month's sales?" He looked around at everyone calmly.

When the others met his gaze, they lowered their heads and dared not speak at all.

Zhang Shan laughed abruptly, stretched out his hand and smashed the ashtray on the ground, and stood up: "We have brought in a large investor and invested tens of millions, and as a result, you guys Just let me hear it!"

The crowd huddled together like quails and shivered.

They didn't expect that Qiqi would be able to fight back, and they would eat away a large portion of their market share at once.

Zhang Shan gasped for breath, finally calmed down, and pointed to someone in the corner: "You, director of the promotion department, get up and talk."

With the eyes of everyone in silence, Song Kai stood up pale, picked up a stack of reports tremblingly, but his tone gradually stabilized: "We carefully studied the rise of Qiqi, It was found that the initial popularity was brought about by the up owner of a video website, 'Peach Taotao'. We can also follow this route to develop online channels. Then find other up owners on the website to place advertisements. This Pen costs are even lower than traditional advertising costs, and it can better penetrate the market of young people.”

Zhang Shan said nothing, nodded, and waved him to sit down.

Song Kai breathed a sigh of relief, and was shocked to realize that his back was soaked with cold sweat, and cursed inwardly: Boss Dog.

The phone rang suddenly.

"Mr. Zhang, the source is like Deng's phone." The secretary hurried over with the phone.

Zhang Shan rubbed his face, put on a smile, answered the phone, and said lightly, "Mr. Deng, why are you free to call me today?"

Deng Baiou is the second-in-command of the Jingzhou branch of Yuanru. Zhang Shan also used a lot of connections to get on the line with this guy, so that Mr. Deng gave the best distribution channel for colorful.

At this time, thinking about Haikou and the dismal performance this month, Zhang Shan only felt that the phone was hot.

Mr. Deng's tone was flat, but with thunderous anger: "I also saw your sales this month, and I will try to help you win what you should fight for."

"This month is just an accident." Zhang Shan felt guilty.

The other party's tone was cold: "Mr. Zhang is not young anymore. You must know that there are no accidents in the shopping mall. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. If you take a wrong step, you will not be able to save it."

Zhang Shan nodded quickly, lowered his head and said, "Yes, yes, please pay more attention and invite you to dinner tomorrow."

"You don't need to eat, I'll come to remind you." Mr. Deng hung up the phone.

"Well, good." Mr. Zhang's smile froze on his face little by little, and the blue veins burst out on his face, like an angry snake, wanting to choose someone to devour.

He hung up the phone and gave this group of trash subordinates a gloomy look: "First break up."

Everyone left the conference room as if you pushed me to flee.

The door of the conference room was closed, and there was the sound of crackling tables and chairs overturning and the man's roar.

The secretary waited outside for a long time, and the boss, who was covered in low pressure, came out: "Call our legal counsel, trademark lawsuit, only win, not lose."

Deng Baiou hung up the phone, snorted coldly, and lit a cigarette.

Because of the capital behind the colorful, he originally pushed the colorful, but the other party couldn't support the wall.

What's more, at the previous meeting, Wang Jue, another vice president who was on an equal footing with him, directly threw out the recent turnover of the colorful that he had pushed: "Look, this is our Deng The recent results are quite beautiful.”

The other vice president, Gou Lin, took a leisurely look at the turnover. It seemed that he was speaking for him, but it actually added fuel to the fire: "Yes, at least Mr. Deng's turnover has been good recently."

This alludes to the fact that he received benefits for others to promote, ignoring the interests of the company.

Old dog, old man.

A box of cigarettes was exhausted, Deng Baiou barely calmed down, rubbed his face, tidied up his collar, and opened the window to let in some air. Now that there are many people staring at him in the company, it can't be seen as a joke.

When he got out of the lounge, Mr. Su, who took this thermos cup and walked around, was in front of him.

"Xiao Deng." President Su spoke first.

"Hello, Mr. Su." Deng Baiou was respectful. Su was his Bole, discovered him in Weimo, and promoted him all the way.

Mr. Su touched the lid of the thermos cup: "I have also seen the colorful things, and you have to learn to cherish feathers."

"It was me who did it wrong." Deng Baiou's jaw tightened, "But before that, FunFun was indeed the most potential player in the market, and the carbonated beverage market had never been developed. , that's a huge vault worth hundreds of millions."

Mr. Su: "You are right, but what you do is still not enough. Is there only one carbonated beverage company in the market? You are also my most optimistic successor, I will tell you a little bit, The headquarters seems to be investigating Qibao."

Qibao is also an old brand, it can even be called the originator of carbonated drinks, and it is the childhood memory of countless people including Deng Baiou.

After the previous wave of publicity, Qiqi’s sales reached a new high this week, and they completed the exchange of offense and defense with the colorful ones in the local market, gradually expanding their own territory, no wonder The headquarters also has cooperation intentions.

Deng Baiou suddenly had an idea.

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