Salted fish instructor? All my students are world-destroying

Chapter 32: Stand back and watch how the master trains the dog

Not only Han Qun was stunned,

Others present were also stunned.

"What's going on?? Am I right? Teacher Ye slapped that hypocrite?? And he even hit me??"

" did you do this?? The hypocrite has a bad character, but his strength is real platinum??"

"Just now, Teacher Ye suppressed four golds and was speechless. It was scary enough. Now... now he slaps the platinum powerhouse in the face??"

"Am I still awake???"

"Anyway, this time, I feel so relieved!!!"

“Well done, I’ve seen this hypocrite unhappy for a long time!!!”

"I'll admit it, but as far as this is concerned, there aren't many teachers in the entire grade who can do it so easily, right?"

"When did Teacher Ye become so powerful? Wasn't it always silver before?"

"This is called being wise but foolish, hiding one's strength and biding one's time, you don't understand!!!"

“Teacher Ye is awesome!!!”

"Whoever says Teacher Ye is a salty fish in the future, who am I to worry about!!"

The students in Class 2 were all shocked and extremely pleasantly surprised.

Who doesn’t want his teacher to be the best in the world? ?

No, actually, I don’t blame everyone for being so shocked.

The gap in strength between platinum and those below platinum is really too great.

Platinum powerhouse, as a half-step towards the threshold of master,

If people before Platinum were still studying the path of their predecessors,

After that, Bai Jin has begun to understand the rules and try to walk his own path, to the extent that he can teach others.

This is also the reason why the Magic City Gaowu Academy agrees that those with platinum gold and above can accept direct disciples.

In short, those who are strong in platinum are a degrading blow to those below platinum.

Even that S-level monster, Zhang Hedong, who suppressed the family's ability to lift their head.

I once failed to defeat a strong Platinum player when I jumped up a level.

This gap can no longer be bridged by just one S-level talent.

And now,

Teacher Ye obviously has not walked out of his own way, and he is definitely not a platinum expert.

However, he was able to use his golden posture to slap and swollen the face of the strong platinum man when he was on guard.

This situation is unheard of and simply unbelievable...

" is that possible??!!" Han Qun covered his face and worked hard to reduce the swelling while looking at Ye Ran in disbelief,

The sense of unreality left him speechless.

"Ye Ran, do you know what you are doing??!!!" Wang Chenghai on the side pointed at Ye Ran angrily,

Ye Ran didn't even look at Wang Chenghai and said softly:

"Again, I'll beat you too."

"You..." Wang Chenghai pointed at Ye Ran angrily, but he honestly chose to shut up.

Although he is the deputy director of the grade, he is an older person who got along with his seniority. Usually he is good at bossing people around, but when it comes to fighting, he is not ranked at all.

The strong platinum man was defeated, and he didn't want to receive that slap.

Then, Ye Ran walked step by step towards Wang Dachun, who was beaten away by Han Qun.

He helped Wang Dachun up and shook off the gravel on Wang Dachun's body:

"Dachun, I have always taught you to be kind to others. I am very happy that you have listened to me, but I don't like your behavior today."

Wang Dachun looked at Ye Ran and touched the back of his head honestly: "I'm sorry, teacher, for causing you such trouble."

Ye Ran waved his hand: "It is the teacher's duty to protect students, not to mention trouble."

Then Ye Ran pointed at Han Qun: "I was negligent as a teacher. I only teach you how to treat people, but not how to treat dogs."

Listening to Ye Ran calling himself a dog,

After Han Qun recovered from the shock, his eyes began to turn red.

He, Han Qun, has always been the only one to bully others. How could someone bully him? ?

Or was he being bullied by a salty fish instructor in front of so many people? ? ?

At this time, Han Qun's anger level had reached its peak: "Ye Ran, you are looking for death!!!"

After saying that, Han Qun's momentum instantly soared.

The powerful aura directly drove back all the students.

A snow-white lion appeared behind Han Qun, its eyes wide open with anger, and its almost substantial murderous aura left traces on the ground.

A-level superpower, white jade lion,

One of the top existences among A-level ferocious beasts, its racial strength is no less than that of a devouring ferocious pig.

The racial talent is the jade ability, which can turn objects in contact into jade.

Once the talent is activated,

It's very possible that he was hit again and again.

The opponent's arms and legs were all turned into jade.

This weird ability coupled with the powerful body functions of the A-level ferocious beast,

Close combat with the white jade lion is simply a nightmare for the opponent.

Following Han Qun's urging, the white lion directly transformed into Han Qun's body.

Han Qun's whole body grew bigger.

The tight muscles contain explosive power, and the red eyes reveal naked aggression.

"You will regret what you did today." Han Qun's mouth moved slightly, his spine hunched up, approaching Ye Ran like a predator staring at his prey,

Han Qun was coming fiercely, but Ye Ran, who was at the center of the pressure, remained calm and calm.

He pointed at the furious Han Qun and continued to teach Wang Dachun: "Remember what I said as a teacher. When you encounter a barking dog, there is only one thing you need to do..."

Ye Ran looked at Han Qun, his eyes sparkling:

"Beat it until it obeys."


Ye Ran's aura began to surge, and a giant black dragon circled around Ye Ran,

"Roar!!!" Mo Long let out a loud roar and roared at the huge white jade lion,

The moment the vigorous momentum confronted Han Qun,

Not surprisingly! ! !

The war is about to break out! ! !

"Oh no, Teacher Ye is crazy??? He actually chooses to confront the hypocrite???"

"Platinum beats gold... Teacher Ye will die!!"

"It's a big mess, it's a big mess. Find someone to help quickly and save Teacher Ye."

"Go to the Academic Affairs Office to ask for Director Le!!!"

"Yes, yes, go and ask Director Le"

Without saying a word, Li Muran rushed towards the Academic Affairs Office.

Unknowingly, the hearts of the students in Class 2 gathered around Ye Ran.

"Ye Ran, you asked for this!!!"

Han Qun really didn’t understand why a golden Ye Ran,

Where did you get the courage to choose to confront him head-on?

But it doesn't matter, it just happened to agree with him,

This time, he will completely beat Ye Ran into trash in front of Ye Ran's students! ! !

Han Qun's eyes were filled with viciousness. He already wanted to tear Ye Ran alive.

"It just so happens that I'm not used to bullying small ones."

Ye Ran looked at Han Qun who was in full swing, still looking calm and calm.

He walked forward and looked at the alienated lion:

"I was worried about how to deal with those students. After all, the guy who admitted it didn't look like someone who likes to bully others."

"After much thought, only a beast like you can force students to engage in such despicable methods."

He waved his hand towards Wang Dachun:

"Stand back and watch carefully how the teacher trains the dog."

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