Salted Fish Learn to Play Technology

Chapter 416: , The robot is perfect

On the private yacht, Zhang Wei finished dinner, watched Chen Sisi pack up the tableware, and then she took out a set of clothes for changing.

   "The fresh water on the yacht is not enough, we should be able to replenish it on the beach these days."

   "Is there just no fresh water?" Zhang Wei asked immediately.

  Chen Sisi nodded, "There are many other things, but there is really not much fresh water."

   "Does fresh water consume so much?" Zhang Wei couldn't help asking.

   "It's a bit big. In addition to eating and drinking every day, you have to take a bath and do laundry, and the fresh water itself is not very easy to store."

   "It's right to say that, the consumption of fresh water is indeed relatively large, and I don't know how his boat of "four or four zero" stores fresh water." Zhang Wei said curiously for a while.

   In fact, when sailing at sea, ordinary ships rely on the water produced by the water-making mechanism.

   The principle of this type of water generator is very simple. It uses the high temperature emitted by the ship to evaporate the seawater and then collect the water vapor condensate.

   It's just that this water is pure water, which has no nutritional value. If you drink too much, it will cause malnutrition symptoms such as hair loss.

   So the water produced by the general water machine is used for washing clothes, bathing, cleaning and sanitation.

   As for a private yacht like Zhang Wei, it is simply not suitable for the ocean, so at the beginning of the design, this problem was not considered.

  However, this kind of thing will not fail Zhang Wei. He immediately shouted Xiao Ba and immediately ordered, "Is everything you bought before complete?"

   Little Eight immediately replied: "All bought."

   "Is the cockpit remodeling completed?"

   "Yes, the cockpit has been transformed, and now the yacht can be fully automated."

In fact, before Zhang Wei felt that he had always wanted to drive Xiaoba, so he couldn't do other things, so he made a list and asked Xiaoba to purchase some parts in Hainan, and then transformed the yacht into a self-driving yacht. form.

   But to say that it is automatic driving, in fact, it uses wireless signals to connect Xiaoba and the yacht's driving system, so that Xiaoba can drive the yacht remotely.

  For the little eight with the world's most powerful computing power, there is no pressure to do other things while driving the yacht.

   At this time Zhang Wei said to it: "In this case, you will get a fresh water converter out."

   "A freshwater converter?" Xiao Ba immediately asked. During his speech, his CPU started to run wildly, and he quickly calculated what was needed to make a freshwater converter.

   "Now we still have some spare parts on board."

   Zhang Wei heard the words and said immediately: "If you are missing something, call Guo Dachuan to see if he has it. If he doesn't have it, let him send a helicopter to buy it."

Hearing Zhang Wei’s instructions, Xiaoba immediately called Guo Dachuan, and after a communication, Xiaoba immediately replied: "The components for making fresh water converters are all on the Zhenyuan, but we still need to borrow the Zhenyuan. Some machinery, so it is best to make a fresh water converter on the Zhenyuan and then ship it back to the ship."

Hearing Zhang Wei’s instructions, Xiaoba immediately called Guo Dachuan, and after a communication, Xiaoba immediately replied: "The components for making fresh water converters are all on the Zhenyuan, but we still need to borrow the Zhenyuan. Some machinery, so it is best to make a fresh water converter on the Zhenyuan and then ship it back to the ship."

   Zhang Wei thought and nodded and said, "It's okay, then you can call Guo Dachuan and explain the situation to him."

   Little Eight nodded suddenly.

   "Understood the master, Xiaoba called the Zhenyuan number and made the converter overnight."

   For Xiao Ba's sudden diligence, Zhang Wei was a little bit uncomfortable.

   "Hey, Xiao Ba, why are you a bit weird today?"

  For Zhang Wei's doubts, Xiaoba immediately replied: "Master, Xiaoba wants to prove to you that no matter how many robots there are, Xiaoba will always be the owner's most intimate............"

  Zhang Wei······emmm, his playful robot is sick again!

   But he still encouraged Xiao Bayi: "Come on, you are different from them."

   "Does the owner really prefer Xiaoba?"

   Dramatic robots immediately possessed the essence of drama.

  Zhang Wei·····Why did he always forget? Your own robot is a playmate!

   For this dramatic robot, he can't give a little sunshine, otherwise he will be completely splendid.

   Immediately, Zhang Wei directly said: "Let's talk about these useless, hurry up and work."

  Little Eight: "Know the master."

   Sure enough, Zhang Wei's attitude changed, and the Xijing robot suddenly became much better.

   Soon, after contacting Zhenyuan again, Xiaoba boarded the Zhenyuan along the ladder.

  When a group of officers saw that the ship was actually a robot like humans, they could not help but stand on the spot.

   After a while Guo Dachuan asked 1.9 and asked, "Is it just you and I talking on the phone?"

   Xiaoba immediately said seriously: "Yes, I am Xiaoba, please advise."

  Guo Dachuan... Isn't it my posture to get up today, right? Otherwise, why would you have such a strange dream?

  However, he pinched himself hard and found that this was not a dream.

   Seeing all the officers staring at themselves dumbfounded, Xiaoba used to say: "Okay, although I understand your shock, but you look at me like this is really impolite."

  Everyone... Is this robot perfect? .

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