Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 96: What does it have to do with you?

   In the end, the Pakistani destroyed a monitor, and a host was removed for identification. Chu Yuanxi entered the police station late at night, of course, just taking notes. What's more difficult is that Wang Jing also hit an employee who hit the fruit issuance. The person who was beaten no longer cares, but when it came to many people, it became an employee of Pakistani Entertainment who hit the fruit issuance...

   He barely rested this evening. Several times he couldn't help but want to upload the light and shadow version of the sorrow, but he could not help it. The more this is the time, the less chaos. People are not afraid of accidents, but domino mistakes after accidents. Forced mistakes are always one after another.

   It is conceivable that if you are separated from others, you will get angry, and there will be many follow suits. Now it is only the loss of the popularity of a cos version. The loss is heavy, but it is affordable. If the light-and-shadow version is sent out at this time, if the copycat is left overnight before it catches fire late at night, the loss will be at least tripled. Even if they are not taken away by others, at least the people behind Wang Jing will definitely go to the cottage!

   Since he understands this, why can't he help but want to upload it several times? Because he doesn't upload it, the other party will also upload it! Those fluorescent paints and luminous **** were made by Wang Jing. Now, why Wang Jing can complete the materials at super high speed, the answer is self-evident! People are not stupid, of course they know that this is used to make a high-profile video.

   The other party must be rushing to make short videos with light and shadow special effects overnight.

   Then why can you hold it back? Because Chu Yuanxi found out that he had never told Wang Jing how to use these fluorescent materials and luminous balls... Wang Jing couldn’t see the finished product if he couldn’t open the svn permission. At most, he could know that the luminous **** were in his hand. Yes, because Chu Yuanxi said that he didn't even know where to apply the fluorescent material, how could he make something awesome?

  Moreover, the light and shadow version requires an evolved gesture dance, which Zhu Yan specially choreographed for light and shadow and masks. It is useless to watch the low-profile version of the video.

The most important thing is that at the close of work last night, Zhu Yan took the two white-faced and red-patterned masks of the cat face and the fox fairy home to play with them. They did not put them in the company, and when they came back in the afternoon, they followed a bunch of them. The costumes and props were piled together, and Wang Jing didn't know their existence even when he wanted to come.

  Mask, the short video of the light and shadow version of "Sorrow for Li Ren" can be said to be the finishing touch. Without this, it would be a blind dragon!

   Chu Yuanxi's confidence is that the opponent can't make it even after seeing his hand, huh!

The next morning, sure enough, that account posted another work. It was very lively. The coser took a luminous ball in one hand and carried a pile of props coated with fluorescent materials, wine gourds, fans, and even a pair of them. The sword, except for the mask, is ridiculously nondescript.

   At this time, the data of Liren's sorrow has exploded. Many people only noticed it after seeing the release of Pakistani Entertainment, and then followed the trend wildly. Therefore, the data of the cos version of Zhu Yan is not bad. There are tens of thousands of fans increase, and the number of hearts recorded is close to 200,000. After all, it is only one night. This data is considered good in all the follow-up works, even if it is The Ba people's own works are not much different from each other.

   But the thief named "Neptune" really woke up with a smile. The video was sent out at ten o'clock on Thursday evening, and it was less than ten o'clock on Friday morning. He had already received a million hearts.

   This has equaled the 24-hour data of "Paper Short Love", or it was made in the 12 hours with the lowest popularity in the day. I don't know what to exaggerate at night? To be honest, Chu Yuanxi still has certain expectations when she wakes up in the morning, hoping that the Zhu Yan version of the cos video can rely on the huge number of fans of the Pakistani people to come from behind, and achieve a follow-up to the starter, but the sky is not what people want...

   Chu Yuanxi hated it at all, and now the time is right. The light and shadow version of Douyin Volcano Kuaishou has been uploaded to it, **** it!

   At this time, Zhu Wei and them all came, facing the ghosts in the office, one by one was speechless. The one who panicked the most was He Nami. She didn't notice any important information that Wang Jingtao had passed through. Chu Yuanxi had to comfort her: "You don't know what important things are..."

   "You can really comfort people!" He Na gave Chu Yuanxi a white look. Now, she is properly Chu Yuanxi's great hero.

At this moment, the glass door of Pakistani Entertainment was roughly pushed open. As soon as Chu Yuanxi raised her head, Li Qian walked in "chuckling" and said to the security guard behind him: "Move all our company computers, don't let It's a disaster for them."

   The security guard was very embarrassed and didn't want to come in, but the boss had spoken, so he had to go in.

   Chu Yuanxi stretched out his hand and looked at Li Qian amusedly: "What is your company's computer?"

"What's wrong? All the things you use are our company's. What are you pretending to be confused?" Li Qian rarely did not apply any powder today, revealing the triangular eyeliner. At this time, the eyeliner was horizontal and said: "Our company's property you cannot Properly protect, we protect ourselves, we will move away first!"

   "Hey, we signed the agreement. If it is damaged, we will pay the price. How can it be taken away?" Chu Yuanxi said slowly.

Li Qian just wanted to take the opportunity to run Chu Yuanxi away, "The agreement also says that you have to abide by the law and discipline! If you breach the contract, you must breach the contract first. Which company can take care of you? He is still licking his face and embarrassing with our company. Waiting for me to invite you?"

   "Don't take a bite of one from your company. What does this fruit network have to do with you?"

   Li Qian was amused, "This place is my site, I have the final say, what do you think it has to do with me?" After she said that, she turned around and yelled at the security guard: "I told you to move--"

   Zhang Jian stood behind her.

   Zhang Jian's face was ugly, he beckoned to Li Qian, and said to the security guard: "It's all gone, it's all gone."

   "What are you doing?" Li Qian's face was red. Didn't this opportunity miss Chu Yuanxi go down again? "Zhang Jian, you didn't see it. The police came last night! They did it all. If you mess with the mud, I'll be anxious with you—"

   Zhang Jian wanted to settle down quietly. At this time, he was unable to step down, so he pressed his brows together and said, "Li Qian, don't make any noise. You were driven."

"Let me tell you Li—I, what am I?" Li Qian suddenly became quiet. Zhang Jian has been working with her for several years. Knowing that she would cry soon, he immediately said before she cried: The company’s decision. I won N+1 for you. Originally, the head office was furious and wanted to be fired without compensation."

"Why are they—" Li Qian yelled with an unimaginable voice, and the glass door shook violently. Suddenly, she turned to tear Chu Yuanxi, screaming, "Is it you! You didn't do it!"

Chu Yuanxi waved her aside and watched her fall onto a swivel chair. She sneered and said, "Who else can I be? You come and make trouble every day. I can ignore you, but you do. Do you think I will continue to tolerate you? Are you kidding me?"

"What evidence do you have!" Li Qian staggered up from her chair, and saw Chu Yuanxi's eyes on the mentally retarded. He only heard Chu Yuanxi say: "I have no evidence. I will not sue you, no need. Evidence, I'll just let you go."

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