Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 108: The enemy arrived at the battlefield again (Part 1)

   Chu Yuanxi originally thought that Baisha would be stuck here, so he couldn't suggest a better business model.

   After seeing Baisha's official account, he has designed a more profitable business model for Baisha. However, he did not expect that Bai Sha's thinking and investment and financing are not on the same channel at all. This is not a routine!

"Brother Chu, just tell me how to make money. I only accept ads on advertising platforms to make money, and click to count the money." Bai Sha completely gave up, and it is difficult to even pretend to understand, because he doesn't know. How can his official account make money, except for spamming ads. And sending spam advertisements is what he is unwilling to do-receiving advertisements is the main monetization mode of official accounts, but the advertisements that official accounts can receive are basically for money. How do you tell investors about this?

   In fact, he also earns a little money by receiving advertisements from time to time, but he has a headache. How to explain to his readers: The advertisement is just a click away, and there will be advertising fees when you click. Don't really spend money inside...

To be honest, Chu Yuanxi is really a noob when it comes to receiving advertisements on the official account. The original world just said it. This world is the same. He has never received an advertisement, even a short video advertisement on Douyin. Not to mention the official account.

Unexpectedly, Chu Yuanxi felt that she had rashly recommended Baisha to Yuan Mu. It was really misguided. Originally, she only wanted to pretend to be a force, but there were signs of a face on the ground... It is already like this, so try to install this force... …

   On the other side, Yuan Mu is already a little impatient, and the advertising platform can easily pass through the earth when receiving garbage ads. Bai Sha seemed to be of no value to her, so she subconsciously tapped three fingers on the table and looked over to the forum. On the stage, Hong Xing was enthusiastically asking and answering Lei Siyun's questions, and Erlang's legs were very proud.

   Chu Yuanxi knew it was not good at a glance, and knocked on the table with three fingers. This was Yuan Mu's habitual action, and he planned to find an excuse to leave.

He immediately looked at Baisha and said, "Then I will do it for you. First of all, Baisha, you don’t know your value right now, and you have been working hard in the direction of explosive articles. Your core competitiveness is not to write patriotic current reviews, but Current commentary events are IPized. You can use metaphors to apply facts to various famous works, and to map characters to historical celebrities, and then you can organize them, like... well, like "The Scholars" "That kind of structure, writing group portraits of human characters."

   Yuan Mu's distracted attention was immediately pulled back. Bai Sha also understood, and immediately nodded violently.

"This job is difficult to replicate. Even if others know your routine, they can't produce high-quality content without your talent. Then how can the value be realized after this job is completed?" Chu Yuanxi was satisfied with Yuan Mu's reaction , But still said to Baisha: "Do you know Li Xiaowu?"

   "Li Xiaowu...familiar? He also wrote the official account?"

"Yes, she didn't come today. Li Xiaowu wrote an article about the big earthquake last year, just one, and I have already made a movie. I just checked it and it has been finished. I will wait for the release on the regular day of May. ."

   "I know about this." Yuan Mu said, "I almost invested in this project."

   Bai Sha continued to nod, and nodding has become his new normal.

"Li Xiaowu's example shows that the public account has the potential to be adapted, because she has users, spreads, and content. If you can change the time review to the time review IP, then it is equivalent to dispersing the articles As a whole, the readership and dissemination of these articles will be twisted into a rope, and the future strength will only be greater than that of Li Xiaowu. Although this theme is unlikely to be adapted for movies and television, it is entirely possible for this theme to be adapted into cartoons."

   "Flowers!" Yuan Mu and Bai Sha said in unison.

Yuan Mu suddenly felt that there is a lot of room to play this matter, because every article of Baisha has tens of thousands of clicks and close to ten to one likes. This is still in the case of insufficient promotion, indicating that his article itself is valuable. , There is potential for promotion. With the spread of influence through the money-staking operation, Bai Sha already has so many ready-made articles. Once this is done, the influence of his self-media account will explode exponentially.

"Yes. "The Flower Planter That Year" has not been realized due to various reasons, and strictly speaking, the scheme I designed for you is not the same type, you are more scattered. But after your IP is made, it is obviously It can be realized because it has transaction value, such as the value of selling the copyright of animated cartoons. This is the prospect of you making money."

Chu Yuanxi sighed and said, "Then your purpose of financing this time is to get enough money, register as a regular company, hire suitable people, help you promote, and help you register intellectual property rights~www you negotiate business and finally get this done. There are a lot of things to do in financing, how much money is needed to calculate clearly, understand?"

   "Understood, I should record and listen to it again and again." Bai Sha actually didn't understand. Anyway, I've already said this, so he simply asked, "Brother Chu, what would you do if you did it?"

"If I were to do it, I would need more funds. I would find an animation contractor to make two episodes of animation to test the waters. After getting market data, I can promote the next round of valuation. Find a platform To recommend animations, we need to find a navy company to hype this matter. To do this, there is still a lack of a key operation team, and these things require the cooperation of the operation team."

"Stop!" Yuan Mu waved his hand and said angrily: "Don't take others into the ditch. You are doing it by yourself. Few people will do it like you." But Yuan Mu also had to admit. Chu Yuanxi's gameplay is more perfect, but supporting this perfect gameplay requires strong self-confidence, and...

   "That's because they are embarrassed to burn investors' money." Chu Yuanxi made up the knife.

   Yuan Mu expresses her contempt with huge white eyes.

Chu Yuanxi said that I have to support Yuan Lu, and I can’t just suppress it, "So for you, even if you have money, it will be difficult for you to complete all this, such as the key operation team, but Zheng De can help you solve all the problems. Everything. High-quality investment institutions have very large tentacles and a lot of resources. They can easily help you complete the configuration. For your business, this is the value of finding investors, not just Rongyi Money."

Yuan Mu immediately nodded: "Yes, this is the point. When financing is not simply calculating your own value and how much money you raise, but doing a good job with investors. Investors don't just pay a sum of money. That's it, that's the lowest level investor."

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