Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 1092: The Moment of Zhao Jie

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In the next few days, Yu Wenhui was very happy, because the new data of the game was extremely significant. Since the 2 million dau on the mobile game terminal, the **** of growth was at most greater than before, but it was still relatively smooth, and the result suddenly reached an inflection point. The feeling of upturning, then upturned.

Uncle Sheng and Mario attacked quickly, touching the ground every morning, midnight, and evening, making them extremely busy.

Chu Yuanxi needs to pay attention to the progress of Xiaokang. The franchise plan has been launched, and some franchisees have already started to sign up. Although the franchisees need to wait until after March to open franchise stores, franchisees have to spread out their stalls in advance.

Flagship stores have to open as planned, the logistics and warehousing supply chain must be watched, as well as franchise store staff training, distribution of old store managers, etc., which are all plans set in December. Xiaokang suddenly expanded to 30 first- and second-tier cities. Naturally, the staff was a little stretched. Even Feng Qin and Dong Mao who were young but with old qualifications and experience were appointed as city-level supervisors, directors and deputy directors. Many vacancies suddenly appeared.

How to do? Liu Lu hurriedly recruited people, and the offers were flying all over the sky at a time, and Chu Yuanxi had to personally arrange the center. This was the time for tough battles.

Therefore, he has no time to take into account the hype of the movie for the time being. This is also the benefit of handing over the presidential position in advance. Of course, the hype can also be regarded as a part of the product, and Lu Yu is now solely responsible for it.

In contrast, Zhao Jie looked much deserted, and suddenly the door was left in the cold, making people feel the world is cold.

You know that Zhao Jie’s platform started testing in August last year. The rpg game "Wu Dao Faunjun" was launched in November. It is a game with a unique style and a guiding teaching material for ugc. Users learn when they come to the platform to make games.

As a result, Chu Yuanxi looked like a scumbag, and he was so interested in you and me. He did a series of activities for him and gained a lot of users. When the interest went down, I immediately ignored it. There was still a serious relationship here. When the vr of "The Enemy of Rome" in December was on the vr, I suddenly found that the scum man was empathizing and falling in love...

However, Chu Yuanxi was completely immune to this kind of vomiting. The rpg game production platform launched by Gobi Networks is called "Sleeve Universe", which is very martial arts style. After the Pakistani information activities, as well as the traffic from Zhao Jie’s promotion and activities on the mobile game "Wu Dao Hun Jun", The current situation is okay, there is no need for Chu Yuanxi to give any higher instructions.

If everything depends on Pakistani people for milk, then what is called an incubation business? The purpose of incubation and entrepreneurship is not to keep the eggs in the greenhouse, but to get the cubs out of the eggs.

Of course, this "situation is okay" needs to be quoted, because "Wu Dao Hunjun" rpg is all free, stand-alone free, which means that it does not earn a penny from the player, and it is cheaper than the pirated version, making the situation okay.

This is ok. It is not reflected in the total number of users, but thousands of works have been uploaded on the platform so far. More than 30,000 users have established developer accounts and tried to use the ugc tool.

Although there are no high-quality works in these uploaded works, and none of them are worth commercializing and selling on the shelves, it is indeed a very good phenomenon. Zhao Jie is an old program. What is the first step to be a programmer? It is helloworld. Although these submitted works are crude, they are thousands of helloworld.

This is also what makes Chu Yuanxi more satisfied. The most difficult step for this type of platform is the initial climbing stage. How long did it take Yang Jiangang to scream at the beginning before finally crossing it? Still, with Chu Yuanxi doing his best to help, he also provided a large amount of funds to support the creation of ugc, and used subsidies to maintain the climb.

And the universe in the sleeve, thanks to the ip itself of "Wu Dao Faunjun", which has been continuously hyped by Pakistani people from all angles, has already gained a certain degree of popularity. Moreover, with the help of the Douyin platform, it has engaged in activities close to the national level, and the total amount of broadcast is quite sufficient, which is much better than before the "Trumbling Times" was on TV.

This is also due to the fact that this ip already has a 30 million dau on-hook game, even in the on-hook game, this dau is considered top stream. Therefore, from the point of view of preparation conditions, it has quietly exceeded the original level of "Troubled Times". It is very reliable to make a domestic cheating mobile game to harvest players' wallets.

The reason why it is called silent is because there is no revenue, no monthly turnover of one billion, annual turnover of tens of billions and other data to stimulate the market, so it seems silent. Projects in the incubation period are always silent, but the incubation period of "Wu Dao Faun Jun" is a bit long.

Therefore, with a little effort, it helped Zhao Jie easily fly over the steep **** that needed to be climbed, and had more than 30,000 users trying to develop. In particular, Zhao Jie has never engaged in subsidies.

Compared with the "Restart the World", another domestic global game ugc production platform, the platform supports a full 3D physics engine, and has specially opened a studio in the United States to provide technical support. At the same time, tens of millions have been used to subsidize users to avoid excessive players Power generation with love makes the successor weak.

Relatively speaking, Zhao Jie can completely claim to users that he has traffic, at least Pakistan people will definitely give traffic support, so as long as the games made by users really have commercial value, they will definitely be able to get traffic, and then get a good realization. prospect. This and pure use of love power generation seem to be for nothing, but they are two completely different concepts.

This empty check called flow is equivalent to tens of millions of cash subsidies to users in a sense.

Chu Yuanxi said that I support it for this reason, and the silent support is also support. How can Zhao Jie, an angry little wife, call me a scumbag?

But Zhao Jie didn't do it. He said that since "The Enemy of Rome" can be on the show with "I Serve", why can't it be with "Wu Dao Faunjun"?

Chu Yuanxi was happy when he heard it, and said, "The creator of "Wu Dao Faunjun" is also Uncle Sheng, don't you think this is a coincidence?"

Zhao Jie was speechless at the time, did he say that there is a dime relationship between who is on the show and who is the creator?

Chu Yuanxi had to explain to him: "I tell you, Uncle Sheng and Mario are both cultural people, and they are on the show and they know what to say. What are you doing here? It's for others~www.wuxiaspot .com~ ah, this is, don’t be scolded!"

In fact, although he fully understands Zhao Jiecun's urgent demands for popularity, "I Serve" is currently the most important to him personally, and "The Enemy of Rome" is a very sharp dagger, enough to stir up public opinion. In contrast, "Wu Dao Hun Jun" is not unimportant, but it should not be overwhelming at the moment. At the same time, pushing it makes the Ba people's firepower too scattered and unreasonable use of resources.

But everyone has an ass, and if there is an ass, there is a position and their own interests. Zhao Jie has his own interests, just like Yang Jiangang has his own interests. Incubation itself is a double-edged sword to amplify personal interests. Therefore, if Chu Yuanxi has such power from his own standpoint, he can ask others to endure or make some sacrifices, but he can’t say that, and he can’t say directly to Zhao Jie: brother dei, you Be patient for half a year to a year.

No one is obligated to waste half a year of his life for others, let alone take it for granted. I have my interests, but I also show basic respect for your interests, although I cannot satisfy them. If you can say everything, the relationship between people is too easy to get along with.

However, sometimes this kind of concealment is not a panacea, especially when a person sees people with old eyes, and others have evolved in the ordinary, and are no longer willing to be a tool person. This is the complexity of human nature, because it is complicated and glorious.

Zhao Jie felt deeply powerless, thinking that when he was playing games with others, with Chu Yuanxi's permission, he repeatedly made the wheels of the media. Although there is the consideration of selling Pakistani games for recreating wheels, it can increase a lot of valuation and make the internal structure of Pakistani games complete and full, but from the experience of Zhao Jie, it is three words-no ask for help!

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