Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 223: Yang Yuan Meining can't follow

Chu Yuanxi didn’t worry at all, because even the dissemination in Duan You took time. He edited Zhu Yan’s three-hour live broadcast, and the part with the goods was combined into a video of less than ten minutes, with the addition of The entrance of the Pakistani official account is then hung on the major video platforms, and finally an advertisement link is added to the official account to form a small closed loop. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

This is equivalent to opening a way for the official account to solicit "ex-dumb friends", which is to attract a wave of fans by the way. Since you are a ghoul, then make a full set.

Then from next week, the two big anchors need to start bringing in cultural shirts with Pakistani attributes, and sales will definitely rise by then. Before that, the brand strategy manager must be determined. Duan You's wave can be regarded as a test of the water, but the formal t-shirts of the Ba people are a long-running business. Before you can play this set of boxing, you need to put in the correct posture.

Yang Yuanmei highly recommends her mother to be an adult. From the perspective of her qualifications, Yang's mother is an insider. She has no ability to execute, and her ability is quite good. She also agrees with Chu Yuanxi's brand strategy.

Chu Yuanxi didn't plan to be a hundred-year-old shop and rely on selling clothes, but this business can help Pakistani people and can continue to release the pressure of cash. It is no problem to support Chu Yuanxi to recruit a hundred more employees.

The key is that as Qiyu said before, the sales of this kind of cultural shirts have an advertising effect, which can slowly expand the influence of Pakistani people. For example, if the elements of troubled times are printed on consumers' clothes, they will naturally touch them. People who don’t know this comic can see the classic scenes in the comics.

Therefore, the existence of cultural shirts and subsequent shirts is meaningful. It is not only cash flow, but it is very good to leave it to Yang Ma.

However, Chu Yuanxi absolutely cannot allow the director of the foundry company to be the manager of the artifact company. Yang Yuanmei can have this naive idea, but Chu Yuanxi is absolutely afraid to build trust on the moral quality of the other party, like the artifact company and Yang This kind of foundry relationship of Mom Factory, ordinary gentlemen may not be able to control it. Isn't it a good thing to do a little bit of tricks on the ledger and spread the e-commerce channel by yourself? At that time, who is the real brand and who is the miscellaneous brand?

So there is no need to test human nature.

Therefore, this matter must be communicated, and at least a temporary plan must be made first. Yang Yuanmei will act as a manager of a section to implement the brand strategy.

There were some candidates in Chu Yuanxi's mind, who had worked in a well-off world in the original world, but after thinking about it for a long time, none of them were completely suitable.

The main reason is that the ceiling of the artifact company is relatively low. At least Chu Yuanxi gave it a low positioning. However, the people in the original world who do not accept humiliation in the well-off world are all able to toss and are good at fast fighting. Whirlwind is not good at petting. If the future goal of the artifact company is to value tens of billions, then it will be convenient for Chu Yuanxi to find someone. If you talk about drawing a cake, you can seduce him, and now he doesn't know how to speak.

As a result, the communication was very unsuccessful. Yang Yuanmei was anxious and directly flew back to the imperial capital and rushed to the office before leaving get off work in the afternoon.

The processes at her house are all finished, but she doesn't have to go to man-to-man defense, Zhu Yan's e-commerce team can hold it. By the way, she also brought back a few of the Pakistani cultural shirts of both high and low to facilitate the new round of sales starting next week.

In fact, she also knew Chu Yuanxi's worries, but because it was her own mother, she was always uncomfortable with Chu Yuanxi's pre-position to guard against her mother.

In this regard, Chu Yuanxi's evaluation is "You can pull it down, you are lazy! I don't want to be this brand manager."

"Cut!" Yang Yuanmei despised Chu Yuanxi infinitely. "My farmer girl Yang Yuanmei's ideal is to be a rice bug, not to be a manager at all. What brand strategy, why don't I fly?"

"You won't be okay, your parents will, at any rate, be the leaders of the top 100 in the country, let the two old drivers take you, won't it? Rice worms can also fly?"

"Farewell, I think of my mom here? Our factory just doesn't know in which year it won the title of'Top 100'. It's not really ranked in the top 100 in the country now. Don't praise it. "Yang Yuanmei despised +1 infinitely, "They will teach me badly at that time, you should suspect that my mother is doing tricks through me, I dare not."

"Ohhhhh, I don't have any doubts at all. This is for prevention, to eliminate all bad possibilities." Chu Yuanxi didn't expect that Yang Yuanmei was so anxious that her family would vomit, knowing that she could not be convinced, so she had to do it again. To find ways to. Fortunately, the brand strategy is not a day or two. It does not mean that the talents are in place today and the brand will be erected tomorrow, and it does not mean that there is no brand manager to postpone the delivery of goods next week.

"By the way, both Zhu Yan and Qi Yu want to play spy. You can help contact your rich second-generation bestie." Chu Yuanxi suddenly remembered this. Qi Yu brought it up. She I haven't played spy yet. Maybe I had this idea when I was in Mango. When I came back, Zhu Yan also clamored to go.

Yang Yuanmei was not angry, "Don't you have Cao Shan's WeChat? You can contact yourself."

"Sister, the two of them are going to play, do you understand? It's not filming." Chu Yuanxi said embarrassedly, "If it's filming and business dealings, then I'm sure to say to myself, it's fun, you know."

"I know something." Yang Yuanmei snorted and ran to the side to send a WeChat message.

She understood that in Chu Yuanxi's heart, to play is equivalent to trouble others, if it is okay to pay, not to pay is equivalent to taking advantage. However, paying for playing is not a simple matter, and it may cause the other party to think that you look down on and it is self-defeating. There is also a kind of people who say no with their mouths and are very honest in their bodies, and they don't know how to deal with this situation.

Chu Yuanxi didn't understand Cao Shan's psychology, so he needed Yang Yuanmei to speak. Yang Yuanmei was not welcome, and quickly told Chu Yuanxi that tomorrow Cao Shan would be organizing an event on the Huantie side, and it was just right to go there.

In the evening, Zhu Yan's live broadcast was not tepid, but there were a lot of people, and it maintained about 30,000 people online for a long time, which was almost the same as when it was broadcast live on Douyin. Fortunately, Zhu Yan was strongly inserted by Chu Yuanxi last night, and he became much more honest tonight.

Turning the sky around is Thursday, Chu Yuanxi rushed towards the imperial capital Huantie with Qi Yu, Zhu Yan, and Yang Yuanmei. This place is also on the East Fifth Ring Road, very close to 798, and the environment is very similar. It is called an art community, but there are many film and television production companies.

When Chu Yuanxi arrived, he found that there was a busy location setting, and he might have to take some photos. Cao Shan came out to pick up people in person, and after introducing a few people in, she said, "Today is not a comic show. It is two groups of big players from the Imperial Capital s circle fighting each other. Later, I will have a few friends here, so I might If you don’t take care of it well, you can play with it yourself. Just don’t take the backstage stuff too far, so that I don’t find it when I need it temporarily."


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