Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 262: "House Brother" Micro Movie

Natsume still wanted to talk, and the poppy kicked her under the table. I saw that Chu Yuanxi didn’t intend to keep it anymore, and said straightforwardly: “You have made a live broadcast before and you have taken a photo, which is equivalent to leaving behind black material. The Pakistani people have been very black recently, and many flies have been staring. We. The consequence of your joining the Pakistani people is that they will attack you in groups, and you will not be able to withstand the siege, and it will be difficult to stand up.

Natsume was bitter and nodded.

"Your best solution is the routine I told you on WeChat. The photo shoot is to post on Weibo, not to be a model, understand? Weibo is the main battlefield. If you still want to become a big influencer , You have to be a coser with firm belief."

"What about the live broadcast?"

"General influencers use Weibo to attract fans, and then live broadcast for rewards. But you have a chance to become a big influencer, don't do this."

Chu Yuanxi believed that she could make it more than Natsume herself, because she had made it in the original world, and now there is still too much time to copy it. "You have to go the other way. Why do I persuade you to go to a big live broadcast platform? Because your best solution is to attract fans through live broadcast and short video cos, attract fans on Weibo, and get fans and island country otaku fans who have posted pictures. , The fans from the short video and the fans from the live broadcast have become a force. A big V with 2 million fans can be expected in the future. Maybe you can launch your own IP in the future."

Poppies suddenly asked: "How does Weibo Big V make money?"

"First of all, doing a Weibo big V will not affect your live broadcast and receiving gifts. Secondly, the Weibo big V is so cool just to send advertisements and bring goods. You don't have to share with any company. You can make all the advertising expenses by yourself. Send one every week. Peripheral advertisements related to cos, even keyboard and mouse pad pillows, can be used. Some of this kind of advertisement needs are not hurting fans and earning advertising fees, and receiving money is soft."

Natsume and Poppies looked at each other, feeling happy, but when they thought of the goal of 2 million fans, they felt very unreliable. In fact, there are very few people in the entire flat mold circle with more than 200,000 fans. Chu Yuanxi's mouth has expanded tenfold.

However, what they don't know is that as long as they are the first in any field, the upper limit is infinitely broad.

Although it was only the third time that Poppy had met with Chu Yuanxi, it was probably the two phone calls that resolved the consequences of Sohao. Hearing Chu Yuanxi's voice, I felt that she was inexplicably trustworthy.

So she plucked up the courage to ask: "What about me?"

Chu Yuanxi did not answer immediately, but tilted her head to look at Zhu Yan and asked, "What do you think?"

At this time, a copper pot of bullfrogs was brought up. Chu Yuanxi ate it unceremoniously. Zhu Yan held his face in both hands and put his arms on the table without moving. Seeing that Chu Yuanxi was eating well, he kicked underneath. He kicked him and said, "Save me some!"

Then she looked at the poppies and said, "I don't know your skills too well, Xiaoyu, you want to join the Pakistani people and plan to be an anchor? Can you dance?"

"I haven't practiced, I don't understand the self-media..." Yu Meiren said with a guilty conscience.

She can talk about basic skills such as splitting, but dancing is more amateurish, not to mention singing. Although she won't lose her fan with just one mouth, she is inevitable in the deserted tone, let alone singing skills. In the final analysis, she dropped out of school at the age of 16 and came out to be a flat model. After so many years of shooting, she felt that all six years were all wasted, and it was the best six years in her life. Now when she needs skills, she will Speaking the island national language, I have no idea at all.

She couldn't help but looked at Natsume enviously. Natsume actually didn't have any skills, but she was cute!

"This is difficult, I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't live broadcast, I can only speak the island Mandarin..." Zhu Yan felt bad, and said that you have a chest, even a catwalk model can't do it! You need a flat chest to walk on the runway. You should find a rich man to marry...

At this moment, she suddenly discovered that Poppy's gaze had been secretly looking at Chu Yuanxi, the kind of gaze that was retracted with a secret glance. Zhu Yan found it very interesting, so he asked if Chu Yuanxi was also attractive? So he stabbed Chu Yuanxi: "Xiaoyu wants to join our company, arrange."

"Yes." Chu Yuanxi had already thought about what Poppies could do. "Recently, we are going to open a "Fang Brother" micro-film project. Poppies will come in and play a female second."

Zhu Yan was taken aback for a moment: "Huh? Who will play the female one?"

"Anyway, it's not you." Chu Yuanxi laughed and said to Poppies: "But it only has a basic salary, and it takes time. There will be no increase in popularity at the beginning, and only the resume can be made better. Uh, still Can learn something about acting. Would you like it?"

"Willing." The poppies immediately nodded like the chicken Duomi. This little girl's nodding method appeared on a tall and plump girl who looked very strange.

" can I play a female third?" There were small stars in Natsume's eyes. However, Chu Yuanxi said, "No, only female first and female second."

There was a sentence in Yu Meiren's heart that she didn't know how to say it was wrong. She only heard Zhu Yan asked curiously: "Hey, I haven't heard you talk about this project? Will it burn more money?"

"This is the least money-burning." Chu Yuanxi said happily, "Four actors and actresses, male and female, can perform in groups at any time, and the director will take part-time role in the mirror. Then we will find a drama clerk with a purely handy assistant, and seven people will do it. A micro movie, all together."

"Where did you find these people?"

"You don't know this? Qi Yu has a cousin named Qi Feng, who is a student in the Department of Directing at Communication University. This is his practice. He finds all the actors and actresses. I will coordinate with him. The venues and equipment are borrowed from the Communication University. The most cost-effective project is this."

The poppies were listening, even her mother didn't want to talk about it anymore. Is this a sequelae of kissing? Chu Yuanxi, didn't you enjoy it that day? My future is dim!

Zhu Yan just heard it: "It feels as full of copycat style as Yang Jiangang's great ideal..."

Chu Yuanxi is 100% immune to this kind of vomiting, just like Li Jing's 100% empty-handed hand-in-hand, he immediately launched a counterattack: "Unexpectedly," "A hundred thousand cold jokes", which one started? Not a copycat style? The audience for this product mainly looks at the content. Do you understand the content? Who is better than the copycat? Yang Jiangang’s project is definitely not a copycat! As long as his content is good, I think it can Try it."

"Guoman's light is a magical horse?" Zhu Yan asked, but Natsume suddenly raised his hand: "I know I know, it's an animation that talks about World of Warcraft. The name is "My name is MT"."

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