Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 278: Do 2 damages to the tcg group

There are a million possibilities in an instant, and Chu Yuanxi asked: "Then how do you think the tg project team should evolve?"

"First of all, the state of the programmer. *WWW.suimeng.lā" Yu Wenhui felt that he had said too much. As a veteran in the workplace, he had this basic judgment. However, Chu Yuanxi increased overtime pay as soon as he came up. Make him a little touched.

So I decided to put more trust in Chu Yuanxi: "The program of the tg project team may be more oily. They have to love this project themselves, so they can take the initiative to learn something they should know, but they think they don’t need to know. . Then there is the push-type project status. Now everyone throws out what they think they should do, waiting for others to cooperate.

The push type is to push one's own workflow to the next person, and then communicate, and the person who cooperates will give feedback after communicating, when to go to the next step, chase the cycle step by step, and finally return to yourself, running through. In this way, we will not be asked to test without the program itself. "

"Is there still such a situation?" Chu Yuanxi said her mind. She couldn't run the test by herself and still tested her hair? However, Yu Wenhui's heavy nod made him realize the seriousness of the problem.

Chu Yuanxi led Yu Wenhui out of the meeting room and asked as he walked: "How many bugs that can't be reproduced now?"

"Probably 0, anyway, it's far beyond imagination."

Chu Yuanxi knew in her heart that the members of the tg group lacked the next whipping, the sweet jujube was over, and the stick needed to be taken out again. Others always beat the sticks first and then give the sweet dates, but he is not so particular, he can also give the sweet dates first and then round the sticks, or even round the sweet dates.

This time when he asked to see the code again, Zhao Jie was not so nervous. Of course, he was not at all nervous, but he wouldn't sing it out. Chu Yuanxi looked at it the same way as last time, and found that the version situation has indeed improved significantly, and there is no more spicy eye problems found last time.

However, Chu Yuanxi asked to see the jira system after reading the svn library. Zhao Jie's complexion was not good at that time. Jira didn't need to look closely, and he could see the number of dazzling bugs at first glance. There was no escape.

This version is version 02. The goal is to fully implement the established core combat rules and complete a part of the combat performance, so that the next version can be tested online after completing the remaining combat performance and other functions.

Therefore, this version must be able to support all events given by Yang Jiangang, and it must also support multiple events concurrently. The number of bugs blowout also stems from this.

This time Chu Yuanxi did not yell at anyone, but still gathered everyone in the working area of ​​the project team, standing in a row around the workstations.

The programmer present was also very familiar with Chu Yuanxi, and he knew that the situation was not good by looking at his face. Just listen to Chu Yuanxi said: "This time I only have two points. First, you can't hate bugs."

He pointed to the computer screen and said: "When there is a bug that cannot be reproduced, you must not have this attitude-why there are bugs there? If you don't understand what it has to do with yourself, then just ignore it. Absolutely not! Although The displayed bugs are not necessarily caused by seemingly related functions. However, as long as you find that you must pay attention to it, don’t check it now. When you want to check it in the next version, you won’t be able to check it. Nothing can be changed, and then the product goes online.

Second, you are all old programs. A product bug is directly linked to the product quality, understand? If the quality of the product is not good enough, it is impossible to have an option. I will treat it for nothing before. I know that everyone is very fortunate. I am a product manager who urges your code quality to be more difficult. A high-quality future is created by everyone. You can’t lie down and wait for colleagues to take you to fly. Everyone has to take others to fly. If you don’t work hard today, you will have to work hard tomorrow! "

Zhong Qiang whispered: "The problem is that many bugs are really incredible, and they can't be reproduced..."

"Isn't the incredible bug created by you?" Chu Yuanxi impressed his face like Yuan Jing. "Everyone is responsible for the bug. Don't think that the bug is someone else's business. You are a collective No snowflake is innocent in an avalanche.

Communicate more and think more. You must not have the idea of ​​just sweeping the snow in front of your own door. If you want to reduce bugs and solve bugs more, everyone must have a comprehensive understanding of this product. You can't just take your own part and be responsible to others. Concern, such a person is not worthy of the company's options! This is a game with so few features, brothers, this number of bugs makes it difficult for me to give you more difficult projects, such as the mobile game "Unwinding". "

Chu Yuanxi didn't have a backache while talking while standing, and he couldn't let him think about picking up children and his wife after get off work, and urging them to do homework. With two months left before the expected launch time, for the success of the first product, the family harmony of the employees cannot be taken into consideration, except for overtime pay.

This is a chilling remark. When Chu Yuanxi left with a stern face, she nodded to Yu Wenhui who was standing in the corner inconspicuously. Yu Wenhui was amused, Chu Yuanxi didn't mention him, so he didn't put him on the fire. As for what they talked about before, this is a normal work report from outsiders, and he won't think too much.

On the other side of the office area, Xue Ming is still sitting with the test, the AI ​​Siege Lion is much harder to recruit, especially for Pakistani Entertainment even if it is a normal AI job. The salary did not seem attractive, so he had interviewed three to apply for the job, and rejected all of them based on the principle of Ningquewulan.

Seeing that Chu Yuanxi was about to leave, Xue Ming followed again. Chu Yuanxi led him to the tea room directly. Xue Ming was not welcome. After sitting down, he asked directly: "Hey, I think you give them the option. There is only one agreement signed. Copy? What's the situation?"

"What's the situation?" Chu Yuanxi didn't know why.

"Should the employee keep a copy even when signing the option agreement? As a voucher."

"The agreement will be shown to investors and relevant departments in the future. It proves that the company’s exercise price is used to determine the time and price. It is the'benefits' that the company intends to give them. Employees do not hold the agreement, and the company can withdraw this benefit at any time. ,flexible."

Xue Ming was speechless, and asked Chu Yuanxi, is it really good for you to be so naked? But originally this career had nothing to do with him, so I just asked casually.

He took a breath and said, "I talked to the people from Fruit Research and Development, and they talked about the possible application scenarios of ai in orpg games."

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