Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 458: Qi Yu lost his temper

Therefore, the figures Chu Yuanxi saw were not too exaggerated. Even so, he was very thankful that Yuan Rong had not hired an experienced manager from the island country to help him.

In terms of IP derivatives, the United States and the island countries can be said to be evenly divided, and even to some extent the island countries are even better, because the island countries also have the characteristic bonus of home culture. This makes the industrial chain over there perfect, with many experienced people, and of course, makes people more cautious.

When doing business in the island country, not only do you have to stare at the foundry to ruin the model, but also to strictly measure the sales volume, and try to be cautious when making estimates. Because there are many types of IP derivatives that have not been fired first, there are often people who are blindly optimistic, and then bring painful lessons. This makes island managers very cautious about prepayments, logistics fees and SKU management, etc., one batch Do as much as you say, and never do more for petty gains.

Over time, the island country has formed a relatively distinctive and unique hand-made culture. For example, after a paragraph is made, it is rarely republished, and even if it is republished, it takes at least one year. This is also the reason why many island countries have limited editions and out-of-print editions, and they have been fired at sky-high prices. Why don’t the merchants replenish the goods when they are so expensive? It is not because of learning Rebs hunger marketing, but the industry is not used to replenishment at all.

But it is precisely this reason that gives some sorrows space to perform sorrow operations. For example, a famous domestic two-dimensional video website has done a super awesome thing.

As a pioneer in introducing island animation IP in the country, the website also cooperates in derivatives. Therefore, when it knows that the island country has already completed production and will not do it again, the country still opens reservations to collect money, but does not cut orders.

Moreover, even if they were stabbed by the user, they still insisted that they could make additional orders to the island country, playing the user as a fool. I don’t know if they plan to make pirated copies by themselves and sell them at the price of genuine ones? I still plan to make up the second big order and place the order. Anyway, even if it can't make it up, it's easy. Just drop the pot and the island country to reduce the domestic shipments. Look, we are also innocent, so you can cancel the order and refund the money.

Chu Yuanxi silently waited for Yuan Rong to jump up and down, but the news from the Mango Channel was the first to wait. Teacher He personally sent it> Since that time on Weibo that Teacher He should stand in line, they added WeChat, but I haven’t said much. This time, Teacher He is straightforward, saying that Qi Yu seems to be depressed recently. He is absent-minded at work and often loses concentration. He is apathetic and has made several low-level mistakes. Asking her what is going on, he doesn’t say anything, and his parents are not there. At home, probably only Chu Yuanxi could solve her.

Therefore, Chu Yuan dignifiedly put Yuan Rong in the imperial capital and flew to Star City alone on Friday afternoon on the 31st.

It was amused to think that Yuan Rong wanted to find others and couldn’t find Chu Yuanxi, but Qi Yu’s sudden depression was not a good thing, especially when Qi Yu knew that he was coming and simply replied "Oh". It's even worse.

In the evening at the end of August, Star City was still very hot and sultry, and it was sultry when it was raining, which was very incomprehensible. When Chu Yuanxi got off the plane, she was covered in white hair and sweat. After two steps on the road, his shirt was almost soaked.

Qi Yu chose to receive Chu Yuanxi at the Fuxing Financial Center on Furong Road. Fortunately, this magnificent Shopping Mall was air-conditioned, which saved Chu Yuanxi's life.

Then Chu Yuanxi waited for two hours, eagerly looking for a charging socket, and then Qi Yu appeared leisurely.

Tonight, Qi Yu is dressed in black, with a black tulle knit top, which shows her figure very well. The black A-line skirt on the bottom is not monotonous, but with a small beret. Appears to be fully aura.

Her makeup today is a bit heavy, maybe she just came off the show, her vermilion lip color was very eye-catching, and she walked in front of Chu Yuanxi with the hipster style, but she showed a trace of imperceptible loneliness.

"Why are you here?" Qi Yu asked lazily, "You are such a busy person, so I am flattered."

"Let me inspect your work."

"Cut, who are you to inspect my work? Hurry up, you don't need your slick tone." Qi Yu's face was stern, as if suddenly entering a irritable period.

"The most common mistake that Chinese people make daily is to be too polite to strangers and too harsh to close people."

"Who is close to you, can you stop playing for yourself? You have nothing to do with me!" Qi Yu did not prepare to invite Chu Yuanxi to dinner, and did not even ask if he had dinner. And it's rare to have stage fright in this crowded shopping mall, speaking very loudly.

Chu Yuanxi finally realized that something was wrong, Qi Yu must have something wrong. "Did He Nami say something bad about me?"

"Cut, it's nothing, don't throw any dirty water on your body, okay?" Qi Yu was annoyed in his heart, "You should go back to the imperial capital, it is best to leave overnight, my ex boyfriend is looking for me!"

Chu Yuanxi's eyebrows frowned: "What? Where is your ex-boyfriend from?"

"What? You are allowed to have an ex-girlfriend, and I am not allowed to have an ex-boyfriend?"

"What? Where's my ex-girlfriend?"

Qi Yu's eyes widened, "Isn't that Fang Shiling?"

"Do you think we look like? You have seen her this month."

"That's not necessarily true. Your acting skills should be developed in the film and television industry." Qi Yu stared at Chu Yuanxi closely, "Dare you say you don't like her and don't want her to be your girlfriend?"

"What have you heard about?" Chu Yuanxi reluctantly skipped the soul Qi Yu sneered, "Don't worry, answer my question."

"Ah..." Chu Yuanxi fell into a brief silence. In fact, this salted fish Chu Yuanxi has worked in Pengfei Technology for many years. It is impossible not to have **** with Qi Yu. Her shadow has appeared in the memory of salted fish inherited by Chu Yuanxi countless times, and even put it together with Fang Shiling. Compare together.

But Chu Yuanxi knew that this was not love, but only driven by desire. It was Xianyu's letting go after knowing that she could not climb Fang Shiling. What is desire and what is love? For men, the so-called long-term joy at first sight is nonsense. Desire is to drive, and love is to drive all the time. People always call themselves advanced animals. In fact, as long as they are animals, they must follow instinct.

As for being attracted by talking and temperament, it is not the result but the reason. Being attracted by something and whether you want to drive is two different things. The result is still how long you want to drive. This is not the brain of the worm. Love is multifaceted. There are contributions and demands, responsibilities and obligations, respect, honesty, and cherishment, but the most important thing is to drive.

If you lose the enthusiasm for driving, love will transform into family affection.

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