Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 561: Detonation key (part 1)

By the time the salamander sisters arrived on the battlefield, Weibo had already begun to revelry. Countless bloggers were following suit. Numerous articles have sprung up, and they have obtained super high data. This is the charm of follow-up hot spots. Although the Pakistani Weibo has 300,000 comments, 200,000 reposts and more than 2 million likes, it is very prominent at first glance, but it corresponds to more than 10 million Pakistani fans. Count, looking at the data left by the Weibo that Pakistani Entertainment has posted before, it does not seem to be an exaggeration in this carnival.

Chu Yuanxi felt like a grandson, because the salamander sisters really found the most cruel person to jump at this moment, the big V picked out by Lu Yu, and then began to besiege. Although from the results, this incident may not have pitted him, but Chu Yuanxi herself can’t think like this. If you think like this, it’s equivalent to some pirates who said that I pirated you to help you spread it. Up your popularity.

This kind of person is the most shameless, Chu Yuanxi feels that he is not so shameless yet. Therefore, in marketing step 3, a certain amount of compensation can be made to the late master. But it's not so rare.

Next he has more shameless things to do. This matter requires a carrier, a package, and a shell. This shell is to start a live broadcast again, to be the last large-scale online event before the launch of "Unwinding".

In fact, online activities have not been interrupted since the start of the closed beta. The media support department even extracted a large number of player stories from the game database for interpretation, edited them into videos and pushed them to the media matrix, with text, pictures, dubbing, etc. .

This is also the reason why they are working more and more overtime recently, but no one complains and even feels happy to be able to work overtime. Working in Pakistan, “effective overtime” can get bonuses and DKP, while the employees of the media department generally do not get the opportunity to work overtime effectively. The wasted time is not considered effective overtime, which is extremely disadvantaged. This time it’s rare to invent an upright reason to work overtime, and it must be used!

This form is very well received, and it also brings considerable clicks. Many players are looking forward to being "turned over", and they have rushed to the Pakistani account to recommend themselves, and even a single message on the Tik Tok video appeared over 100 likes. Million grand occasion. These messages are limited by the number of words and must be short and concise, but they must condense the essence of their own story, forcing many writers, making a large number of players exclaim that it is better to read the messages!

Such activities have pushed the warm-up work of "A Windy Time" to the forefront, and the heat is far beyond what Chu Yuanxi had expected at the beginning. At this time, there are more than 10,000 fans in Pakistan, and the number of fans of the manga service account after diverted skyrocketed to 3 million. This service account is also responsible for distributing game packs. After the game is launched, it will surpass the main account, and the main account has accumulated 50 million fans. So many, surpassing the Angola baby in one fell swoop, chasing the golden eagle goddess.

The event brought a huge number of new fans to Pakistan’s self-media matrix, and it also frightened the Douyin official in the live broadcast room of each official live event, and had to continue to improve its ability to withstand pressure. After all, Douyin is not a dedicated live broadcast platform. The live broadcast watched by millions of people makes the server an enemy.

In this live broadcast, the official will select 10,000 accounts from the nearly 5 million pre-registered players to give the game spree, and the selection process will be broadcast live. Recently, the Pakistani people have repeatedly requested users who want to play through various channels to pre-register first, and those who say that they do not pre-register may be trampled on when they enter the game because they are too crowded and cannot successfully establish an account.

The key to marketing is to throw advertisements cleverly. Since Chu Yuanxi ordered Lu Yu to shoot on the 6th, he had naturally coordinated all the schedules of several departments in advance. Once the salamander sisters came to control the evaluation, it was the time when the live broadcast was started.

The only minor problem is that the online event's preview is only 24 hours in advance, which is a bit shorter compared to the previous events' previews at least three days in advance, but it doesn't matter if you look at the number of people coming in the live broadcast room.

When the live broadcast began, Chu Yuanxi and Uncle Sheng appeared together. Through this month’s warm-up activity, the combination of Chu Yuanxi/Uncle Sheng has become familiar in the player circle. Today’s live broadcast has a script and requires the full cooperation of Uncle Sheng.

Uncle Sheng’s expression was a bit unnatural, but Chu Yuanxi was in full state. She came up and talked about LOL with Uncle Sheng, and then made a little joke of Zhu Yan: “After IG wins, Zhu Yan must Colleagues in the media department recorded her a round of qualifying video. She was in charge of gank and wanted to record her characteristics. Colleagues in the media department were very embarrassed and had to reluctantly record a round."

While he was talking, he played the video on the live broadcast. In the picture, a blind monk chased Galen to fight. The ID on the blind monk's head was YYM, and the ID on Galen's head was ZMX.

Uncle Sheng looked confused: "Aren't these Yang Yuanmei and Zhou Minxi? Where is Zhu Yan?"

Chu Yuanxi smiled slightly: "Zhu Yan is gank."

The live broadcast room suddenly flew all the way 666, and they praised Chu Yuanxi for flying hard, but it was very appropriate.

Uncle Sheng was so confused and gradually entered the state, because he made it clear that we are going to be hot, it was natural to bring the topic to Wu Skr on the other side of the ocean fighting alone on the top of the daily slaughter list.

For Wu skr's achievements that the entire Chinese circle is unattainable, two people dressed up with a black face and a white face, interrogating in the way of cross talk, and then experiencing the list-brushing-outside king and inner saint-weibo-flow- Shui Jun, finally brought the topic to comment forwarding, discussion and control comment.

Chu Yuanxi pretended not to understand and asked: "Uncle, why do people in the rice circle have to criticize? To say that Zhu Yan and Zhou Minxi's coffee rank is not low, why do we never organize a rice circle? Accusation?"

Uncle Sheng had already memorized the script well, and when Chu Yuanxi took out the accusation, he immediately said, "You don't understand this, right? Listen to me. This accusation is equivalent to that. Dong Shi thought after he was impressed. The villagers would praise her, and it turned out to be even more ugly, and the villagers hated it. Dong Shi angered:'You don't understand appreciation, you can't understand but you can't refuse, what you don't appreciate is the stench!'

Then Dong Shi organized a meal circle and collectively imitated Xi Shi. Whoever dared to say that he hated them, he surrounded him and said to each other: ‘You are offensive to us, please respect our culture. ’

No one in the village dared to say that they were ugly. This is called Dong Shi's accusation.

When Xi Shi’s heart hurts again one day, he frowned and held his heart again. Dong Shi saw it and said, ‘Please don’t rub our heat, your actions are not standard. We hate someone like you who knows nothing but looks good. Don't confuse our culture. ’"

Uncle Sheng made a gesture when he talked about frowning and holding the heart, and suddenly countless marquees and gifts floated past the live broadcast room.

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