Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 600: Results of the first week of serving

"Support me to start a business? How do human resources start a business?" Chen Qi asked while making trouble, because she knew that her value was time-sensitive, and the longer she passed, the less valuable it became, but how to realize it was indeed a big problem. "Forget it? Don't be so careful."

On the contrary, Chen Qi's refusal made Chu Yuanxi feel that there is a way. She declined, the kind with regrets, and he needs to continue to help.

"What be careful? I read their patent applications and think their company is still a bit technical. I really need technical talents, otherwise why does Monk Zhou talk about mergers and acquisitions? And why can't human resources start a business? I will start a second business soon Now I have found an entrepreneurial partner, human resources."

"Are you kidding? Don't all of you bosses treat human resources as animals?"

"What is this lie to you? Human resources are also enterprise architects. Otherwise, what else would Li Zhaokai take the two of you to do in the south? He must plan to start again when there is a suitable opportunity. He used to do sales in charge of finances, and you two I can quickly set up a small entrepreneurial team. What I said is true. There are more people you know in Pakistan. Feel free to verify who Liu Lu is and what she does. She has come to me. There are quite a few people in the company who know her, and we will start next year."

"This is what you said. In fact, I have already heard of this person." Chen Qi was moved. Ba people can be said to be densely covered with her eyeliner. This is nothing that can be done. Human resources are usually compared with businessmen. People who are tall can have a good relationship with ordinary people.

"But first declare that you have to have the corresponding level. I think your ability is about the same as Mu Lian, the head of human resources on the Pakistani side. Now I think it may be a lot worse than starting a business. I can give You have a piece of information for you to refer to what I need Liu Lu to do. My promise to you is long-term effective. You don’t have to worry about improving yourself first. However, the specific level of support depends on who I can find in the end , Let's be the villain first and then the gentleman."

"A word is settled!" Chu Yuanxi said so, but it made people feel relieved that there was no need to say anything about the promise that he didn't intend to fulfill.

Saying that Cao Cao had arrived, Liu Lu had just found Liu Lu as an example. In the past few days that Chu Yuanxi left, she seemed to have a draft of the plan to be adopted in the future, and she needed to report to Chu Yuanxi.

There was a spring breeze on Liu Lu's face. In fact, no one among the Pakistani people has the wind on their faces during this period, but whether they are on the spring breeze or the east breeze depends entirely on whether there are options and the number of options. The company's valuation is still at 10 billion for the time being, and those who have obtained options are at least 2,000 shares, worth more than 1.6 million, and Yu Wenhui's options have long been tens of thousands.

This is definitely an extremely cruel thing for the brothers who have not obtained the option. However, when Chu Yuanxi subsequently issues the option, it is no longer possible to issue 2,000 shares as the basic unit. It is more likely to be directly calculated by the money. , The post-financing option is more cruel.

Those brothers still don't know how cruel the future is. If they do, they might become more enthusiastic about DKP swapping options. In fact, because everyone does not have much DKP, Chu Yuanxi has never opened DKP for options, but hangs as a carrot. This carrot does not know how much DKP will be cleared in the future...

The 1.5B valuation given by the previous card by chatting is actually 10 billion, but it is only an isolated case, with neither profit to support nor actual transactions. But now it is different. There are profits, and it can fully support a tens of billions of valuations. If valuations are really made at this time, the price of Pakistani people will have to rise.

In fact, the turnover in the next four days has plummeted back to the normal level below 20 million, but new servers are still being opened, players are still making progress, DAU is still rising, and it has risen more than the number of pre-registrations. . When the service was launched on the 14th, the pre-registration was more than 7 million. As of yesterday on the 19th, DAU has finally reached 8 million, but the number of daily users is also slowing down.

In a few days, when the new addition slows down completely, it means that the proportion of new fans with fan attributes will greatly decrease, and the number of ordinary players will increase. Then the retention rate will become true.

Compared with these data, turnover is actually not important, because there will be no big surprises or surprises.

Because there is still a significant increase in player entry, the daily turnover of 20 million is not really a normal level. Chu Yuanxi reads the report every day, combined with various data, it is estimated that the daily flow will soon drop to the level of 10 million or so. Of course, when the Christmas channel is launched on a large scale, it will be a different scene.

This is in the absence of large quantities of buying ads, but buying is not in a hurry.

You must pay close attention to the purchase of ordinary games, because if you have the opportunity to not buy, you may not be able to buy it in the future, nor may it be affordable. However, the mobile game "Unwinding" is a "low ARPU IP game". These two tags are features and ceilings. IP games can kill all parties in their fan circles, but they must withstand the reverse resistance of IP after they reach outside the fan circle. The tilt towards IP in content production is a cognitive obstacle for players who are not fans.

Therefore, the purchase operation needs to wait until the effect of H5 comes out. The sharing of H5 has the opportunity to make the IP out of the circle, and now it has only been opened for one week, this power has been initially shown Benefits In the preparations made in advance, although H5’s sharing occupied a lot of WeChat groups, and even aroused strong antipathy from some WeChat users with cleanliness, but fortunately was not blocked, so it made great strides outside the fan circle, even Let Chu Yuanxi have a feeling of attacking the city.

In fact, the spread in the WeChat group is more effective than the circle of friends, because as long as one or two people are infected after sharing, the group will sooner or later fall.

Therefore, although the rate of increase in DAU is getting slower and slower these days, the number of potential players has erupted like a volcano, and 30 million potential players have been recorded in a week. Of course, those who have already entered the game have to be eliminated here. There are also more than 10 million close to 20 million people, and if WeChat is not blocked, it will have to increase.

It can be seen from the background data that some of these potential players have already begun to enter the game, which is undoubtedly a particularly encouraging thing. Especially for Zhao Jie, running eight times a day to give birth to menstruation, so that Wang Le simply opened a hole for him to look at the data directly.

In this case, Liu Lu's emotions could not have been infected, although Pakistani Entertainment had nothing to do with her.

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